Monday, July 30, 2007



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By Mary Starrett
29, 2007

Presidential candidates typically wait until they’re elected before they begin selling out American citizens.

Not Rudolph Giuliani.

The man considered the ‘front-runner’ in the GOP presidential race has engineered sinister alliances with multinational construction corporations and profited financially from a drug cover-up that ultimately proved deadly for some Americans.

This past May, the makers of the drug Oxycontin pleaded guilty to claiming to doctors that the drug was less addictive than other pain medications.

Rudolph Giuliani and his consulting company, Giuliani Partners, spent the last five years playing a key role negotiating with federal prosecutors on behalf of Purdue Pharma LP, the pharmaceutical company that made the drug.

The punishment for the corporate pushers who marketed this drug knowing it produced a heroin-like high and a commensurate addiction rate? On July 20, it was announced after a 4 hour hearing there would be no prison sentences; instead, a $634 million fine- chump change in big pharma world. The no-prison settlement was plotted by the man who wants to be your next president.

Since Rudy’s been auditioning for the job of leader of the free world, hardly a campaign speech goes by without him boasting of how he rid New York City of thugs and dangerous drug dealers while he was mayor. The next time you hear that well-worn spiel keep in mind the manufactured political maverick personally brokered a sweet deal for a large drug company’s execs who should clearly have done hard time. Giuliani made sure big pharma higher-ups each got a stay-out-of-jail card even though they knowingly marketed a highly-addictive pain medication which killed hundreds and hopelessly addicted untold thousands. It has since been referred to as a national addiction “epidemic.”

It must have reminded Rudy of his days as the Big Apple’s mayor, with all those sleazy drug dealers pushing substances they knew would keep their ‘customers’ coming back…or die trying. Would Mayor Rudy have advocated for corner druggies who were charged with deaths associated with the drugs they sold? Not likely.

Executives at Purdue Pharma LP knew their painkiller Oxycontin- referred to as “Hillbilly Heroin”- was highly addictive and thus more subject to abuse than other pain medications. Nevertheless they marketed the drug to doctors by denying the serious addictive properties of the medication.

Oxycontin-related deaths increased fivefold from 1996-2001 during which time prescriptions for the drug shot up 20-fold. It was no wonder; patients (including Rush Limbaugh) believed their doctors who believed the drug reps who believed Purdue management who told them Oxycontin was an effective and safe pain medication. Drug Enforcement Administration officials told Giuliani personally met with the head of the DEA when the DEA began a criminal investigation into Purdue Pharma LP. references the book "Painkiller," by New York Times reporter Barry Meier, which states Giuliani (and a partner who’s under investigation for criminal activity) "(was) in direct contact with Asa Hutchinson, the administrator of DEA." Giuliani, according to the report, had raised money for a "traveling museum operated by the DEA."

ABC News was told there were questions raised about whether the donations were a bribe.

Add to that what Meier wrote in his book: "(W)ith Giuliani now in the mix, the pace of DEA's investigation into Purdue's OxyContin plant … slowed as Hutchinson summoned officials to explain … their reasons for continuing the inquiry."

The judge in the Oxycontin case said there was no “political influence” by Giuliani. Some people disagree.

Lee Nuss, of Palm Coast Florida is one of many parents whose children died after taking the drug once, just once. Nuss told the big pharma drug pushers Giuliani defended: “You are…nothing more than a large drug cartel.”

I’m betting Lee Nuss shudders to think Rudolph Giuliani might be the next president.

Residents of the Lone Star state shudder as well.

While thousands of Texans fight to keep the ‘NAFTA Superhighway’ from becoming a horrifying reality, Rudolph Giuliani is counting the millions his law firm made by selling out Texans and the entire country as well. Giuliani’s Houston-based law firm Bracewell & Giuliani has been working for years so a Spanish corporation called Cintra can own and operate miles of U.S. highways. In essence, Giuliani has helped make sure foreign interests can turn U.S. land into mega-profitable toll roads while compromising our national sovereignty with an all-out international free-for-all freeway system. The four football field- wide highway, otherwise known as the Trans-Texas Corridor is a globalist’s dream come true; bisecting the country to allow containers from abroad to pass through Mexico, bypassing ports in California on their way through the United States and into Canada.

Now it all makes sense. Giuliani has opposed securing the southern border with Mexico by building a fence, he’s been ‘rah-rah’ on the amnesty bill that for now lies dormant, and he’s all for a guest worker program. Giuliani’s pro-illegal alien track record goes all the way back to his well-documented policy while mayor of New York City of making sure the Big Apple remained a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.

The overwhelming majority of Americans who oppose amnesty wouldn’t get, under a Giuliani administration, what they hoped for and didn’t get under a Bush administration- a comprehensive, get-tough policy to once and for all batten down the hatches that for too long have allowed lawbreakers to avail themselves of our country’s largesse.

The headlines should read:

Republican ‘Front Runner’ Giuliani Backs Drug Companies and Foreign Corporations Against Best Interests of American Citizens.

But we’ll never read words to that effect in the main stream media. Instead we’ll hear about how Rudy donned his hero hat on September 11th and rescued the city of New York from the ravages of that day’s attack and how he’ll likewise save America.

Counting the ways the Republican Party and the current administration have let them down, surveys continue to show American conservatives want no part of the so-called ‘front-runners’ in ’08 who are sure to bring them more of the same unacceptable policies handed down by the Bush administration. That has many thinking of riding a dark horse in ’08.

Whether it’s the bloody debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan, the assaults on the constitution through warrant -less wiretaps, or the continuing march to the left by the formerly grand old party, Americans have spoken. We have a president who, while masquerading as a ‘conservative,’ has presided over more deception, obfuscation and out right unconstitutional maneuverings than Bill Clinton would ever have attempted. Bush’s pardoning of “Scooter” Libby while ignoring the imprisoned Border Patrol Agents left to rot in solitary confinement, cherry-picking the rule of law and pushing amnesty for millions of illegals- can only lead to more conservative Americans tearing up their Republican Party voter registration cards.

The next presidential election will decide the fate of our republic. The Republican faithful will either come to and pick a candidate who’s decidedly not a so-called ‘front runner’ like constitutionalist Congressman Ron Paul or they’ll simply pour another tall glass of Kool Aid and pin on a button that says:

“Vote Rudy.”



Patrick Briley
July 26, 2007 - - - PART 1 of 2

Before the 9/11 attacks, the Saudi royals, including King Abdullah, were angrily demanding that Bush facilitate establishment of a Palestinian state in Israel, and the Saudis were paying the families of Hamas suicide bombers in Israel up to $25,000.

Saudi royal government impatience with US action to work to establish a Palestinian state led to Saudi terrorists being involved in the 9/11 attacks. Those publicly named in news reports, 9/11 Commission and 9/11 Congressional reports as having aided the 9/11 Saudi hijackers in the US include:

Wahhabbist terror extremists in Saudi backed and controlled North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) mosques throughout the US

Saudi bankers such as the one connected to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Saleh Abdullah Kamel.

9/11 Saudi hijacker bagmen associates of Saudi royal government officials such as Al Bayoumi, Al Bana and Moshen AlAttas (half brother of Bin Laden).

This August 1, 2003 article from the New Republic quotes senior US officials as saying Saudi Royal government officials were involved in the 9/11 attacks - Missing 28 Pages: 9--11 Congressional Report Says Saudi Government Involved. The article can also be found here:

“Since the joint congressional committee investigating September 11 issued a censored version of its report on July 24, there's been considerable speculation about the 28 pages blanked out from the section entitled ‘Certain Sensitive National Security Matters.’ The section cites ‘specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers,’ which most commentators have interpreted to mean Saudi contributions to Al Qaeda-linked charities. But an official who has read the report tells The New Republic that the support described in the report goes well beyond that: It involves connections between the hijacking plot and the very top levels of the Saudi royal family. …We're talking about a coordinated network that reaches right from the hijackers to multiple places in the Saudi government.’"

The details in the “28 missing pages” were intentionally deleted from the public version of the joint 9/11 attack report of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. The pages were classified at the insistence of GW Bush and as the result of James Lewis, the author of part of the report under former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and former CIA director, Porter Goss.

Saudi Bin Laden family members were protected with the help of Bush, and Bush family associate Dale Watson when they were flown out of the US on flights possibly chartered by Bin Laden a few days after 9/11 when all other US flights were grounded (according to newly released, un redacted FBI documents obtained by Judicial Watch under a FOIA request). Watson was the FBI Counter Terrorism Center chief who blocked search of 9/11 hijacker wannabe Moussaoui’s computer before 9/11. One of the Saudis flown out early was a 19 year old with the last name Al Hazmi, the same name of a slightly older 9/11 hijacker who may have been a close relative.

In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush announced his "road map to peace" hatched with Hamas terror backing Saudi Arabian Wahhabbist Muslims and Saudi King Abdullah and to be carried out by the quartet of EU, the US, the UN and Russia putting troops on the ground for 42 months in Jerusalem. Bush announced his intent then to divide Israel into two parts, establishing a Palestinian state inside Israel at the request of the Saudi royals and Wahhabbists. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has just been named by GW Bush to be the envoy for the “roadmap” quartet to the Organization of the Islamic Conference that has 35 members. Tony Blair, GW Bush and Bill Clinton are Third Way, New Age Communitarianists who really are Communists who believe in establishing a world government and unifying religions under the New Age religious belief system. See Subordinating America Under a Socialistic World Government.

Before the US went into Iraq in March 2003, Bush gave a speech to the American Enterprise Institute saying his intent was to establish a permanent economic and governmental base in Iraq to guarantee a global prosperity and a permanent peace settlement for Israel and the Middle East. Bush has now set up a world government economic block on the plains of Shinar in Iraq with the construction and establishment of the Middle East Free Trade Association (MEFTA) headquarters built in Iraq at a cost of $592 million US taxpayer’s dollars. The MEFTA headquarters is a sprawling complex of 21 interconnected, blast proof buildings (reminiscent of the Pentagon) on 104 acres and posing as the US embassy and “foreign mission.” Even AlQaeda leader Dr. Ayman Zawahiri recently called for the re-establishment of Greater Assyria that includes northern Iraq. Bush is perhaps unwittingly complying with Zawahiri’s request.

The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), that Bush and socialist Democrats follow, is fully behind MEFTA in Iraq being permanently set up as a regional seat of world government and economic empire. The MEFTA base is in the mold of CAFTA, NAFTA and GATT and is one of several regional global governance economic centers such as the European Union (EU) and the North American Union (NAU) that are leading to the destruction of the sovereignty of nations (including the US) and the creation of world government. While Bush, the CFR and the Trilateralists are imposing these regional global governance centers under the guise of making them democracies; they have not and will not guarantee Constitutional Republics and national sovereignty within the regions.

One world government regional trading block, the EU, is increasingly controlled by Muslims. Yet Bush has signed a new pact with the EU (without a treaty or Congressional vote or debate) that integrates US executive branch regulations with those of the EU to establish a single global US-EU market. See Bush OKs 'integration' with European Union [Without Treaty Ratification or Passage of a Law] and US and EU agree 'single market' [NWO Market].

One provision of the US-EU pact signed by Bush is the Open Skies deal, designed to reduce fares and boost traffic on transatlantic flights has already been set into motion by Cheroff and the DHS. It will allow potential Islamic terrorists to fly into the US from EU nations. It compliments and is consistent with Bush’s and Chertoff’s policies of allowing aliens-some of whom are known terrorists-into the US by airline flights, ships and land routes via Mexico and Canada as part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and NAU “Trusted Traveler Program”. The US will have US regulations and airplane passengers from the EU, Mexico and Canada dominated by Muslim extremists over time (as is already happening in the EU).

Bush and the EU are slowly but inextricably introducing "sharia" law and "sharia compliant” trade and banking practices into these trade pacts. The US Dow Jones Islamic Trust (front for Muslim Brotherhood in the US) is already sharia compliant. GW Bush's associates for running US ports deals, Dubai and the UAE, use sharia compliant banking and management practices.

Northern Iraq is the home of ancient Assyria that now rides on the back of an ECONOMIC center in the Middle East and the world that sits on seven hills on seven mosques in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkey is in the process of now setting up an extremist sharia compliant, Islamic Republic similar to that of Iran. FBI translator and 9/11 whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has publicly stated that many prominent US officials connected to the American Turkish Council were involved in drug trafficking and had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. House Speaker Dennis Hastert has been accused in news accounts of accepting bribes from Turkey Islamic leaders. Several NSC and CIA associates of the Bushes (see “AEI” described below) identified as being involved in the American Turkish Council, including Brent Scowcroft, were the business backers of Mujeeb Cheema, the Pakistani Director of the Saudi controlled NAIT mosques that have been associated directly with the 9/11 hijackers.

Two Oklahoma politicians having knowledge of NAIT’s activities and those of a FBI currently protected Muslim criminal business terrorist super cell in Oklahoma (see more below) have taken large contributions from and are close to Turkish members of the American Turkish Council. These politicians are Oklahoma’s governor Brad Henry, and David Boren, the Islamophile chancellor of the University of Oklahoma (OU). Boren is a former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and a world government socialist. advocate. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to have a son or close relative currently enrolled at OU.

Months after 9/11 Bush and Colin Powell were still openly backing and protecting Hamas terrorists in Israel and in the US, calling them “freedom fighters”, and a group Powell said the US helped create as a negotiator for a peace plan with Israel. A public letter from Newt Gingrich finally pressured Bush to put Hamas on the US terror list. The staff director of the House Intelligence Committee and the former Chairman of the same committee, Janice Roberts and Dave McCurdy, respectively, told me personally that Hamas had a closely FBI monitored, but protected and large presence in Oklahoma and OKC prior to and after the OKC bombing well into 2001..

Today Bush and Condi Rice are openly backing and protecting AlFatah terrorists in Israel and in the US with millions of dollars of weapons, ammunition and US intelligence. Condi Rice is still publicly calling Hamas “resistance fighters’ rather than the terrorists they really are even though Hamas attacked AlFatah in Gaza and captured over $400 million is US weapons and munitions and intelligence given to AlFatah. Bush recently prevailed in having Israel release AlFatah terrorists including Barghouti to now fight the same Hamas terrorists in the West Bank that Bush and Powell had previously backed.

US residents Melvin Lattimore, a.k.a. Mujahid Menepta, and Mujeeb Cheema, are the very embodiments of the Bush and Clinton duplicitous and murderous policies of supporting and protecting AlFatah and Hamas terrorists in the US and Israel.

Menepta is the North American recruiter for AlFatah who was a roommate of 911 hijackers and Saudi royal bagmen in Norman, OK including Al Hazmi, Hussein Moshen AlAttas, and hijacker wannabe Zacahrias Moussaoui. Menepta is also an AlFuqra terror member closely associated with a Muslim Brotherhood super cell criminal enterprise and network in Oklahoma that currently helps and acts as couriers and conduits for Hamas and AlQaeda terrorists in the US and overseas (see more on Bush protection of AlFuqra terrorists in the US and Pakistan in Part II of this article).

Menepta was named in court proceedings by the BATF at a federal trial in OKC in November 2001 as a participant in the 1993 WTC bombing and the 1995 OKC bombing. Menepta was protected at his trial by Chertoff’s replacement at the DOJ criminal division, John C. Richter, and Menpta is walking the streets of America in St. Louis for AlFuqra, and AlFatah.. One of Menepta’s roommates and Saudi bagman for the 9/11 hijackers, Moshen AlAttas, a half brother of Bin Laden, drove Moussaoui to the Minnesota flight school from the Norman OK flight school in August 1995. But AlAttas, like Menepta, was protected by the Bush DOJ and is according to some accounts, attending school in Alabama rather than being or deported or imprisoned. See AlAttas: Was OU’s Saudi 9/11 Provocateur Protected By DOJ?

The FBI taped the imam of the OU mosque, Ndiaye, talking to AlAttas about the planned “jihad” of Moussaoui and AlAttas in the summer of 1995. Despite Ndiaye and AlAttas setting up an Islamic Scientific Institute in Oklahoma before 9/11 (that was on the FBI terror watch list), Ndiaye was allowed to return to Senegal and AlAttas was protected and allowed to stay in the US.

Mujeeb Cheema, a Pakistani living in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is Director of the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a Saudi financially backed institution that controls Wahhabbist terror mosques in the US strongly suspected of involvement in 9/11 attacks, the OKC bombing, the 2005 OU bombing and the recent Trolley Mall shootings in Salt Lake City. Cheema is also associated with the Dow Jones Islamic Trust.

Cheema’s NAIT, along with the Council on Arab Islamic Relations (CAIR), is named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas terror funding case involving the Holy Land Foundation going to trial in Dallas on July 16, 2007. NAIT is on the US terror list but nothing has been done to prosecute NAIT under Bush. Despite the indictment against CAIR, Bush, FBI head Robert Mueller and Homeland Security (DHS) chief Michael Chertoff require their agents to be trained by CAIR and CAIR is being given access to sensitive FBI and DHS security procedures.

American Equity Investors (AEI) set up Mujeeb Cheema as a principal in Hawkins Energy in Tulsa in the early 1990s. AEI is controlled and run by personal assistants to HW Bush (David C. Martin), Terry Lenzner, former NSC Director Robert McFarland and former top CIA officials. Several NSC and CIA associates of the Bushes involved with AEI are identified as being involved in the 9/11 linked American Turkish Council, including Brent Scowcroft. Cheema is also associated directly with the US backed Muslim Brotherhood business investors in the US, the Dow Jones Islamic Trust.

Business records show that Cheema’s NAIT, backed by the Saudi Wahhabbists, is directly tied to an FBI and DOJ protected Muslim Brotherhood super cell criminal enterprise and network in Oklahoma that was involved in the OKC bombing with Menepta and AlFuqra terrorists. This super cell is still allowed to commit crimes (drug running, money laundering, property and insurance scams, etc) and operate to support Hamas, AlFatah, AlFuqra, and AlQaeda terror groups in the US and overseas. For more on Cheema, Menepta, NAIT, the Muslim Brotherhood and the super cell criminal enterprise and network in Oklahoma see chapters in the book The Oklahoma City Bombing Case Revelations (PDF version or HTML Version) and articles at the book website, For part two click below.

Click here for part -----> 2,

Friday, July 27, 2007


Lightweight 1911 Pattern Pistols

By Stephen Camp

I am not going to get too bogged down in what does or does not constitute a 1911 pattern automatic in this article. For this work, it will mean a single-action semi-automatic pistol whose lineage from the full-size all steel 1911 is apparent. The lightweight can be a full 5" gun, a Commander-size, or one of the more compact versions sporting a 3 or 3 1/2" barrel.

This piece will explore why these pistols have a following, shooting observations, as well as special "problems" that may crop up with the aluminum-frame pistols. (Polymer-frame guns are not discussed.) I will also give my own subjective views on both their strong and weak points.

It is a fair statement that Mr. Browning's 1911 remains a popular gun after many handguns designed after its birthday have faded from the shooting scene. I strongly suspect that more 1911 pattern pistols are produced domestically than any other American-made handgun. This might not be true worldwide, but I'll bet a sizeable percentage of non-US handgun owners have them…or would if they could.

Not surprisingly there are several variations on the 1911 theme and lightweight versions with aluminum frames are but one.

This Springfield Armory 5" Lightweight has an aluminum alloy frame. This one was fitted with a Ed Brown grip safety several years ago. Since that time dimensional changes call for a 0.220" radius rather than the 0.25" required for most. It has a Brown sear and hammer and an STI trigger. Anti-skid tape covers the front strap. Being an older version it also has the more squared off front grip strap. Of my lightweight 1911's, this one sees the most use. The 1911 pattern pistol in lightweight form can be a pretty useful item. Are they essential? Probably not, but they are nice for some purposes or circumstances.

Why a Lightweight? This is a good question and I'll give my observations and best guesses. It seems that the more popular handgun models eventually do come out in a lighter version. If a handgun is popular, it seems that many manufacturers will offer it in several variations to get as much of that market share as possible. Advertising always stresses a particular gun's strong points but never the weak. (We'll look into some of the problem areas a bit later.) Advertising can be geared to helping a potential buyer "believe" that they really do "need" this version of the gun in question. Many of the newer handgun models stress lightweight. Look at the ultra-light S&W revolvers, the scads of lightweight polymer-frame pistols, as well as the continuation of aluminum frame standards like the Colt Commander, SIG-Sauer service handguns, as well as Glocks. All of these use frame materials lighter than traditional steel.

So am I saying that gun makers are creating a false need to increase sales? Not necessarily, although the main focus of any company rests at the bottom line. They want to stay in business and need sales to do this. If essentially the same gun as an all-steel one can be made by simply substituting aluminum alloy for steel, they can offer at least one other variation on a successful theme with relatively little R&D or start up costs.

The more compact lightweights include the Colt Defender (left) and the mainstay Commander on the right. Many do not consider 1911 pattern pistols smaller than the Commander to be true 1911's and reliability issues are frequently cited. While it's no secret that I personally own no 1911 pistols smaller than the Commander, more than a few folks tote such diminutive forty-fives as the Defender. For this article the important factors concerning its special "needs" compared to all-steel guns are the same.

I will offer my opinions as a shooter and former police officer on the role of the lightweight handgun in general and the 1911 pattern pistol in particular.

We frequently hear that the only thing the lightweight 1911 does is to carry easier. While it is true that they are lighter, for myself they seem to be quicker from the holster to the first shot! It seems that they just get "on target" quicker for me…for the first shot which very well might be the most important in self-defense scenarios.

There's not much way around there being more felt recoil in a lighter pistol of the same type. (The LW 5" SA weighs about a half-pound less than its steel frame counterparts.) The interesting thing is that it makes no difference in speed if firing one shot on one target and moving to another. The gun doesn't have to be down in from recoil before moving to another target. I verified this with a timer using myself and a friend as guinea pigs. There is a slight increase in the time between individual shots on a single target. This proved true for both myself and my friend, who is extremely quick. So, if in a shoot-out situation and you engaging multiple targets, we probably won't see a difference in time between a single hit on each. If one requires a second or third shot, the split goes up (slightly) and translates to a tiny bit slower response time for secondary targets. I do not remember the exact times but it seems that there were but a few hundredths of a second difference. How much of a factor this might or might not be in real life I leave for each of us to decide based on our own experiences and perceptions.

Problems with Lightweight 1911's: The aluminum frame 1911's are nice to carry despite a bit more actual felt recoil when firing, but to have this we also inherit a few problems. Some are easily overcome and one might be impossible to totally eliminate. Let's talk about it first.

Longevity: This is usually the reason cited for not owning a LW rather than all steel 1911…and there is some truth to it. The aluminum frame guns probably do not hold up to as many rounds as the steel frame ones. The question is how many is "many"? If you shoot perhaps 100 full-power rounds per month through your LW, that would be about 1200 per year. I've heard estimates suggesting that the LW is good for 15 to twenty thousand rounds before the frame will crack. I have no idea if this is true or not, but assuming that both are "good numbers" and pick one in the middle at 17,500 rounds. Doing the math indicates that our pistol should be good to go for over 14 years at 100 full-power shots per month. This assumes that the recoil spring is changed when needed. I honestly believe that using a bit stronger recoil spring and a shock buffer can significantly extend the useful life of the LW aluminum frame. This would cushion the impact transferred from the steel slide to the aluminum frame via the flange on the recoil spring guide. The factory standard recoil spring for the full size 45-caliber 1911 is 16 pounds. I use an 18.5-lb spring with no problems and I also use a shock buff. If you are concerned with either or both causing malfunctions, why not just use them at the range and then revert to the factory standard recoil spring and no buffer when carrying for serious purposes? Mine stays set up with the slightly heavier spring as well as the buffer as this combination has caused me absolutely zero problems in my guns. The same might or might not be true in others.

I believe that using the polymer buffer along with the slightly stronger 18.5-lb recoil spring extends the life of the aluminum alloy frame. Others disagree. I suggest that if you have reliability concerns, use the slightly heavier spring…or at least the buffer for practice and remove when you clean the pistol before carrying.

I do not subscribe to the theory that the 18.5-lb spring damages the gun when it "slams" the slide forward. The 5" Delta Elite fires the 10mm and uses even heavier springs. If you do, just use the 16-lb. spring and a buffer when practicing.

The relatively few lightweight frames I've seen cracked have been on Colt Commanders and most eminate from the hole through which the slide stop passes…or are in that immediate area. Frequently drilling a small hole at the end of the crack can stop its continued growth. Of course this looks like hell.

I don't think the LW 1911 pattern pistol is best served with +P ammunition in .45 ACP. Assuming equal bullet weight, the +P round should translate into that bullet being pushed faster than the standard velocity one. That translates into the slide being driven rearward harder when the gun is fired. It also means more felt recoil. For the lightweight pistols I suggest standard velocity ammunition. If a person is bound and determined to use +P, I suggest using it only for ocassional practice (with a buffer) and then as a carry load if that is intended. My own lightweight 1911's use standard pressure ammunition for carry and the handloaded equivalents for practice.

The LW 1911 might not have the longevity of its all-steel brethren, but neither is it waiting to just crumble, either. A little prevention and common sense should allow a shooter to do quite a bit of shooting with one with no problems.

Feed Ramps: On many of the lightweight 1911 pattern pistols the feed ramp will be the traditional setup in which the frame provides the lower portion of the system. Aluminum is softer than steel. It will dent and gouge easier and is usually covered with a hard finish called anodizing. This protects the aluminum alloy and should not be removed. Bare aluminum can be damaged fairly easily if bullets with sharp edges are used and particularly so if the magazines used don't angle the bullet upward. If the cartridge "dips" or hits the ramp straight on as it is stripped from the magazine, even an anodized ramp area can eventually get pretty dinged up.

In my experience, ammunition having rounded edges around the bullet's meplat or hollow point is not harmful to the aluminum lightweight 1911 frame portion of the feed ramp. (L-R: Handloaded 200-gr. CSWC, handloaded 230-gr. FMJ FP, Winchester 230-gr. Ranger JHP, Winchester 230-gr. FMJ.)

Magazine followers can wreak havoc on an aluminum frame gun's feed system. If the follower is free to move forward past the front of the magazine tube as the last round is stripped and chambered, it can cause dings in the ramp. Fortunately these are usually below where the bullet initially contacts it but the problem can be avoided altogether. I suggest using only magazines in which the follower design does not allow it to possibly move out of the magazine body and contact the ramp. Examples would include some of the old Randall magazines as well as Wilson and Tripp magazines.

Here is the wear apparent on my moderately used SA Lightweight 5". Note the dings toward the bottom of the ramp. Traditional magazines caused these. Their followers could contact this portion of the feed ramp. The wear at the top is just from use. Using a magazine with a "captive" follower as shown by the Tripp follower in the Randall magazine at the right eliminates damage to the ramp from the follower. It should be noted that not all traditional magazines having the "non-captive" followers cause problems, but I've seen enough that I don't use them in the lightweight aluminum frame 1911's.

The magazine followers on the left and middle should work fine with the LW 1911. The one having the traditional follower (right) could damage the feed ramp. It is my understanding that current versions of the SA 5" lightweight have a one-piece steel ramp to completely eliminate potential damage.

Plunger Tube: Aluminum is simply softer than steel and a vital part of the 1911 is staked to the frame. Of course this is the plunger tube. It simply holds the spring-loaded plungers that tension both the slide stop and the thumb safety. If too much up/down pressure is applied to the plunger tube it can become loose. Its legs are steel and extend through the aluminum frame where they're flared on the inside. Too much force can let these legs wallow out the holes they're in and the tube no longer is stationary. Depending upon how loose it becomes, it can allow differing amounts of pressure to be applied to the slide stop and/or the thumb safety. The main cause I've seen for this malady is apply too much force to the slide stop plunger when reinserting the slide stop when reassembling the pistol.

The spring-loaded plungers tensioning both the slide stop and the thumb safety can be seen protruding from the plunger tube, which is staked to the aluminum frame. If the front plunger extends outward too much to somewhat easily allow the slide stop to seat that you retract it a bit. Don't just force the slide stop into place. That is guaranteed to eventually loosen the plunger tube and has the potential for severely degrading reliability.

Conclusion & Observations: I like lightweight 1911 type handguns. I lean toward the 5" gun but have no arguments against the 4 to 4 1/4" Commander size versions. They allow for very comfortable concealed carry of a relatively potent full size defensive arm. They can stand considerable shooting but will not handle the extreme amounts that the steel frame guns can in all likelihood.

Were I only going to own one 1911, it would not be a lightweight. I am a shooter and folks reading this probably are too. Were I going to own a couple of 1911 forty-five's, one very well might be a lightweight.

I see these as filling a specific niche for the handgunner as either an exceptionally easy gun to carry concealed or even as a backup that is the same as his primary except for its weight.

This SA Lightweight 5" is a favorite .45 ACP 1911, but it would not be my choice were I going to own but one 1911.

They do bring special concerns for maintenance but it is not difficult to meet these specific needs. I believe that they are great guns for specific purposes.




Teddy Jacobson

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Teddy Jacobson is a professional pistolsmith from Sugarland, Texas. His self made business has been in business for 25 years.

Actions By "T" has earned a reputation of superior workmanship and reliability throughout the World.

Actions By "T" has been showcased in Gun World, Combat Handguns, American Handgunner, Guns Magazine, Handguns 93, Gunweek, Law Enforcement Weapons and Tactics, Deputy Police Magazine, American Handgunner CLUB 100, Handguns 95, Lock & Load, Guns & Ammo, Houston Post, Guns & Gear, American Survival Guide, Custom Combat Handguns 1997, Shotgun News, Women & Guns, American Gunsmith Magazine, The Police Journal of Law Enforcement, Gun Test Magazine, NRA Woman's Outlook Magazine, and more.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Springfield Armory Mil-Spec "Progress Report"

By Stephen Camp

Since I wrote "A Critical Look at the Springfield Armory Mil-Spec" in January 2005, many more rounds have flown downrange and I thought that it might be of interest on how the pistol has held up and any problems. (That article is in this section of the site for those interested.)

The pistol worked fine as it came from the factory, but had a less-than-stellar trigger pull and the hammer spur nipped me regularly. I bobbed the hammer and eliminated that and also used a Pachmayr drop-in grip safety to eliminate the wear and tear caused by the sharp edges of the factory grip safety. Not happy with that set up, I eventually rounded the edges of the factory GI-type grip safety and this pretty well solved the problem.

I find that with the rounded GI grip safety and a slightly shortened spur hammer, I can comfortably shoot the pistol about 200 full-power loads without problems. I much prefer the wide grip safety, but wanted at least one 1911-pattern pistol that somewhat resembled the unmodified 1911 stalwart. (Some seem to think that because they have no problems with the GI type grip safety, no one else should either. Frequently, comments like, "If beavertails were needed, John Browning would have put them on the gun," and other such information-filled eloquent pearls of …crap. Different folks find that different things work for them and if you are one better served with the wide grip safety, go for it. If the standard type works fine for you, great, but I submit that it is up to the individual user to make the decision.)

Not readily visible from the outside, this Mil-Spec's internal parts have been replaced with upgraded ones done by trigger specialist, Teddy Jacobson. This "hidden" work has resulted in a very good 1911 pattern pistol and one that I would absolutely trust in a serious situation.

Even though the pistol was working fine and in stock condition, I did upgrade the internal parts with those supplied by trigger specialist, Teddy Jacobson of Actions by T. The trigger was initially just shy of about 5-lbs, with the break being both crisp and clean. It settled in at about 4 1/2-lbs and has stayed there. The gun was equipped with a steel firing pin as well, but the slide stop and single-side thumb safety have been left alone. The wide EMC spur hammer he provided is finely checkered and has been bobbed and recontoured to eliminate hammer bite.

I kept the factory short trigger, but smoothed it up. I also replaced the mainspring housing for another arched one that I already had. It has no lock and standard size parts work in it. Though not at all necessary, I replaced the checkered plastic stocks that came with the pistol for a set I simply think looks better while still offering a secure grip.

This Mil-Spec .45 auto has proven itself utterly reliable with a wide selection of bullet types and is one I trust for "serious matters."

I have not kept an exact round count, but it is in excess of 4K as this is written. Most of these have been either 200-gr. CSWC handloads at about 870 ft/sec or 230-gr. CFP and CRN at roughly 840 ft/sec. It has also gobbled up several hundred 230-gr. Federal HydraShoks, Golden Sabers, Gold Dots, Ranger JHP's, and ball rounds.

With any full-power load, it has had zero malfunctions, not one. There have been no failures to extract or eject and the slide stop consistently locks back when the last shot's fired and not before.

The sights on this gun are as they came from the factory. They were properly regulated and I've seen no reason to change them.

Slide-to-frame fit both vertical and horizontal has very, very little "slop." The barrel-to-slide fit has remained solid as a rock, with wear marks evenly distributed on the rear edge of the barrel hood. I have no intentions of changing either the factory barrel or bushing as the gun groups very nicely as is.

The pistol's parkerized finish is holding up nicely, though a ding or two is now present.

Wear marks are not excessive and evenly distributed on both sets of slide rails.

It is my understanding that the Mil-Spec is not so easy to find as in the recent past. I do not know if that is because gun dealers sell them as fast as they get them or if SA is focusing on other models, or what, but if you want a relatively inexpensive no frills 1911-pattern .45, I would give these a long and hard look.

I own several 1911 pistols, most being more costly than the Mil-Spec, but I trust none of them more than I do this one.

This Mil-Spec has proven itself to me. It groups adequately and has demonstrated extreme reliability while being essentially a "basic" type 1911 pattern pistol. The 9mm/38 Super firing pin used has presented no problems with either breakage or firing. The gun runs on everything I've tried with the exception of a very light target SWC that was loaded too lightly for the gun's standard power ISMI 16-lb recoil spring. All standard pressure and +P loads have worked flawlessly.

Four thousand full power loads are certainly not that many compared to what more than a few serious shooters crank off in a year's time. I think that they've been enough to prove to me (at least) that the old saw that a 1911 has to cost thousands to be reliable is pretty much false…but many already know that.

Do I believe that all Mil-Specs will run flawlessly out of the box? Nope, but the last 5 or 6 I have seen sure have. With the immense continuing popularity of John Browning's enduring design, factories crank them out as fast as they can and some that shouldn't have got past quality control simply do. It is not right, but such seems to be the case. That said, I believe that the Mil-Spec is a very, very fine choice for folks wanting a quality 1911 without breaking the bank.

A gun does not have to be ultra-expensive to be special. I would not hesitate to use this one in a fight if required. When I carry a 1911 for self-protection, it is almost always this one.


A Critical Look at the Springfield Mil-Spec

By Stephen Camp

It is a safe bet to say that 1911 pattern pistols are extremely popular with American shooters. There are many reasons for this and 1911 type pistols are sold in various price ranges. Enter customized pistols or truly custom 1911's built from the frame and slide up and costs can soar. One can spend from a few hundred dollars to about as much as he can afford for this classic pattern pistol.

The focus of this article is the somewhat spartan Springfield Armory Mil-Spec in .45 ACP. The Mil-Spec is a "no frills" 1911 A1 type forty-five. It does not have an internal firing pin safety ala Colt Series 80 pistols or the Kimber II guns. Its titanium firing pin has passed the drop tests mandated by some states. No longer news, the front grip strap on more recent SA 1911 pistols is rounded.

The Mil-Spec .45 ACP can be had in the following variations.

Parkerized (Product Number: PB9108L)

Stainless (Product Number: PB9151L)

Bi Tone (Product Number: PB9104L)

OD Green (Product Number: PB9609L)

For this report, a parkerized version was used.

This Mil-Spec is as it came from the box with the exception of a drop-in Pachmayer grip safety. There will be more discussion of this in the text. The Mil-Spec has a lowered ejection port with the "scallop" at the rear and fixed sights that are easy to see at speed.

As can be seen on the box, another version of the Mil-Spec is available. Now called the "GI .45 1911-A1" by Springfield Armory, it has small fixed sights and the traditional non-lowered ejection port. These can be had for about a hundred dollars less than the Mil-Spec and the main differences between the guns have been mentioned. I prefer the larger sights. The GI .45 as shown here is designated by product number PW9108L. The Mil-Spec and the GI .45 come with spur hammers and the more narrow GI type grip safeties. The Mil-Spec has slide serrations angling slightly forward while the GI gun's are vertical. If the sights on the Mil-Spec are not satisfactory and a change is planned, the WWII Mil-Spec aka "GI .45 1911-A1" might be the way to go as these run about a hundred bucks less. The one shown ejects reliably without dented cases with its smaller, non-lowered ejection port.


Barrel Length: 5"

Pitch: 1:16 with left hand twist

Weight: 35.6 ounces

LOA: 8.625"

Trigger: short, serrated

Trigger Pull: 5-6 lbs.

Hammer: Spur

Grip Safety: Standard GI

Stocks: Black checkered plastic

Thumb Safety: Single side, not extended typical GI

Mainspring Housing: Arched, grooved and with "safety" lock

Recoil Spring & Guide Rod: Standard GI

Barrel Bushing: Solid

Magazine Well Beveled: Yes

Loaded Chamber Indicator: Yes. It is a small slot in the top of the barrel hood.

Forward Slide Serrations: (Mercifully) none

Throated for JHP: Yes

Sights: Fixed 3-dot style (Rear sight dovetailed with front sight staked)

Firing Pin: Small diameter as for 9mm/.38 Super and made of titanium

The barrel on my pistol is stainless steel with an average barrel OD of 0.570" until you get to 0.60" from the muzzle. At that point, the OD is slightly greater, measuring 0.578". This allows for tighter lock up in battery and generally provides greater mechanical accuracy assuming that the bushing is tight.

Here you can see the stainless steel barrel in the Mil-Spec from SA. Note the "loaded indicator" slot in the barrel hood. Chambered cartridges are easy to see. I can live with or without it but it has caused no problems. Initially I had thought that this was a one-piece barrel, but barely visible about midway between the "O" in "Auto" and the end of the chamber area of this barrel you can see the hairline where the two pieces are joined. I have heard of one or two of these barrels coming apart, but have never seen it. I suspect those instances were flukes. Browning Hi Power barrels have been two-piece for decades as are current aftermarket match barrels for them from BarSto. I believe it to be plenty durable and have no intentions of changing it.

The SA Mil-Spec front sight is not serrated and is staked to the slide. This is a slight change from earlier versions of the gun that had a post front sight. While I prefer the post for sight pictures, they can be a problem if the pistol is carried in the waistband without a holster. In a proper holster that clears the sight, I've found posts to be no problem. For a carry gun this gently sloping front sight is probably a better choice.

The rear sight is plain but in conjunction with the front sight provides an extremely nice sight picture. The front sight measures 0.12" while the notch in the rear sight is 0.11". This combination allows for plenty of light with the pistol's sight radius of 6.25".

Slide-to-frame fit on this gun is very good, better than expected, in fact. There is very little lateral play and none vertically. Likewise, the barrel fits the slide tightly. In battery there is no detectable movement. The bushing is snug, but can be removed without a bushing wrench. The bushing-to-slide fit is quite satisfactory, but it is not flush fitting or as nicely done as would be the case with one hand-fitted to this individual slide. It is plenty good for my purposes and never noticed by many.

Springfield Armory rates the trigger at 5 to 6 pounds. While I didn't measure it, mine is heavier than that and I'd estimate it at about 8 pounds initially. It has lightened up to a bit less after shooting. It does not break as cleanly as a 1911 having a proper trigger job, but is usable. (More on this later.)

Some tool marks are evident inside the gun, but nothing excessive and nothing that cannot be cleaned up if desired by the owner. Slide-to-frame fit at the rear of the gun is not perfectly blended as in the case of a custom gun, but neither is it "bad" or excessive. The degree to which the slide is not flush with the rear of the slide is minute and while not "acceptable" on a custom 1911, it really doesn't affect reliability for a "street gun". Most folks never notice it unless extreme; in this instance it is not.

Shooting: This pistol has had approximately 600 rounds fired through it without cleaning. Ammunition included Sellier & Bellot 230-gr. FMJ, Remington 185-gr. MC Flat Nose, Winchester USA 230-gr. FMJ, and various factory JHP's and handloads. Distances were 10, 15, and 25 yards.

During one session in which 300 rounds were fired, the web between my thumb and trigger finger got pretty chewed up, as has been my plight with GI grip safeties for decades. My problem with the SA was that the edges of the GI grip safety were sharp, real sharp, and cut two parallel lines along my hand. Combine that with the tip of the hammer nipping like a piranha in a feeding frenzy and it became more than evident that a change was in order. It is for that reason that I removed the grip safety before any further shooting and replaced it with a "drop in" from Pachmayr. It worked properly and being the shorter version of the two sold by this company, it worked fine with the spur hammer. Another approach might be to gently bevel and round the offended edges of the GI grip safety and bob the hammer spur approximately 3/16th to 1/4". (For many this is never an issue, but for me the traditional grip safety and spur hammer have always been a significant problem.)

10 Yards: This was done standing w/two-hand hold from a Weaver stance and simply consisted of controlled pairs along with a few failure to stop drills involving head shots.

Starting at a low ready each set of controlled pairs was fired in a bit under a second. There are some shots farther out than I like and part of that is due to the somewhat heavier trigger pull and the fact that while no longer being "bitten" by the gun, the scabs were wearing off and discomfort growing with each shot. None the less, results were encouraging.

15 Yards: These groups were fired standing and in slow-fire using a two-hand hold.

The Mil-Spec is plenty accurate for my purposes and I have no intentions of changing the barrel, bushing, or sights.

25 Yards: At this distance, I fired sitting and with my wrists braced. Two hands were used and shots were fired with no effort at speed. I simply wanted to see how the gun grouped at this distance.

This group was fired using a Precision 200-gr. CSWC loaded over 5.0-gr. of Bullseye powder. It averages around 860 ft/sec from most 5" 1911 pistols. Due to rain, I did no chronograph work, but will in the future. Other Springfield Armory 1911's have normally provided no surprises in velocity in my experiences with them.

Federal 230-gr. HydraShok remains popular with a great number of 1911 shooters so I fired a few groups with it at 25 yards from a rest. The ammunition used was the early truncated cone version of the load that was changed to have a more rounded ogive for better feeding. This load usually clocks about 870 ft/sec from a 5" gun.

Groups shown are the best fired, but those that were not so nice were due to me, not the gun, as I knew before looking when a shot was going to be bad. The "piranha" had taken its toll.

Observations: The gun is a keeper and one that will have different "guts" in the near future. I've not yet decided whether to retain the arched mainspring housing or go with a flat one, but I noticed no real difference in shooting. I will probably go with a long trigger. I will use a spur hammer (bobbed) as I would kind of like to have a 1911 with one since all of my others have ring hammers. The SA hammer could be used but I simply don't care for the half-cock "shelf" vs. the more traditional notch. With the SA hammer in the half-cock position, a press of the trigger will drop it. With the lightweight titanium firing pin, primers were not dented and barely marked, but not each and every time. I simply prefer the hammer not to fall from the half-cock position should the trigger be pressed.

Trigger pull will wind up being about 5 pounds and will break cleanly. The standard thumb safety that came on the gun is satisfactory as I do not shoot high thumb.

I was most pleasantly surprised that the POA vs. POI was dead bang "on" for me. Sometimes this relationship in fixed sight pistols is rather casual, but I'm more than happy with the sights on this pistol as they are and do not intend to change them.

Here are some of the rounds that were fired in the SA Mil-Spec that differ from 230-gr. ball. From left to right: 200-gr. Precision CSWC/5.0-gr. Bullseye, Speer 230-gr. Gold Dot/6.3-gr. Unique, Hornady 230-gr. FMJFP/6.3-gr. Unique, Remington 230-gr. Golden Saber/6.3-gr. Unique, Federal 230-gr.HydraShok (old style), Federal 230-gr. Classic JHP, and Remington 185-gr. MC-Flat Nose.

The Mil-Spec was used with several different magazines. Some are shown here with the ammunition fired using each. From top to bottom: Springfield OEM 7-round magazine, Randall 7-shot with Tripp Cobra Mag follower and spring, and an 8-shot McCormick PowerMag. The gun was also fired using Mec-Gar 7 and 8-shot magazines, Wilson 7-shot mags, and some 7-shot Colt magazines.

With just over 600 rounds fired, this Mil-Spec has had exactly zero malfunctions. Feeding and extraction have been smooth and positive. (I'd checked the extractor and it seemed to be tensioned properly. I left it alone.) The slide stop never failed to lock back after the last shot was fired and it never locked the slide back with rounds still remaining in the magazine. It did this with all magazines tried.

None of the magazines fit too tightly in the magazine well and all dropped freely when released.

Ejected cases do strike the slide, but recovered cases showed no dents.

The ejector is pinned in place and measures 0.99" from the top of the rear to the front upper tip. A solid steel pin is used. All ammunition used was easily cycled and ejected by hand without hang ups and none of the primers were marked by the tip of the ejector.

With the full-power mainspring, the titanium firing pin had no problems with primers not being set off. I have not yet decided whether or not to change this. So far it has not been an issue.

Depending on where one looks, this version of the Mil-Spec can be found at around $500 or a bit less and I believe it is money well spent if a person's looking for either a base gun for further enhancement or to use as is. I'm satisfied with the parkerized finish as I prefer dark guns, but the pistol can be had in stainless steel construction and other finishes are certainly available.

My plans for this particular Mil-Spec are for it to become a trusted carry gun. I have a Norinco that meets such duties now and while in the same general price range with its minor upgrades, they are getting hard to come by. The Mil-Spec is not and neither does it cost so much that it is out of too many folks' financial reach. While I cannot say that each and every Mil-Spec will function as flawlessly as this one, I do believe that they can with very little effort. This one worked perfectly with or without shock buffs in place.

The SA Mil-Spec can be a very good carry gun and one that doesn't break the bank if dinged up a bit as is normally the case when a pistol is carried daily. Should a person have to use it against another human being, the time that it is in evidence might be a bit less traumatic than were it a 1911 costing several times as much. Do not misconstrue my last sentence. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carrying an expensive sidearm for the very important business of protecting one's hide, but for many of us, this pistol is capable of being a most satisfactory defense gun.

This Springfield Armory "low end" 1911 is neither my favorite nor best looking 1911, but it is proving to be one that I enjoy, will use, and more importantly, trust. Many of us have some really nice custom and customized 1911's...and I fall into that group. At the same time I really like "using guns" that perform well and this gun is proving itself to be perfect for such perceived needs. When I eventually get through with the changes necessary to suit me, it will still look very much like an out of the box Mil-Spec but I suspect that it will perform at a level that belies its "basic" look.


'Blog' puts fear into gun shop inspectors
Review of sales records ends over 'safety' worries

Posted: July 25, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Red's manager Ryan Horsley

A team of inspectors from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives fled an Idaho gun shop where they were inspecting sales records when they learned their actions were being recorded on a blog.

The federal agency and Red's Trading Post of Twin Falls, Idaho, have been disputing for six years already over the store's license to sell firearms, with regulators using rules infractions such as a missing poster to attack Red's business operations.

WND documented earlier how the store appears to be caught up in a new campaign for gun control, focusing on the elimination of retail outlets through technical rules infractions.

Now the federal agency has gone to court with a report that its inspectors "suspended" their work at the store recently because of the "threat to the inspectors' safety created by Ryan Horsley, the Manager of Red's."

Sometime during the agency's visit to his store on July 17, he updated his blog, which he's been using to chronicle for readers his encounters with the federal bureaucracy.

"AFT Area Supervisor Linda Young came in today from Spokane, Washington (567.72 miles; 9 hour drive) along with Industry Operations Inspectors Calvin Pavey and Mike Gorewicz from Portland, Oregon (570.96 miles; 9 hour drive) at around 9:45am. They showed up in a rented newer model Chrsyler … [it] appears they are staying at Best America Suites, which I have to compliment them on their taste, that is a very nice hotel for this area," he wrote.

He went on to describe how the inspectors were looking through the store's books and one of the store's supporters arrived with a camera and started taking some photos.

"We had been recording the audit because of some of the statements that Linda Young had made in the past," he wrote.

The inspectors, however, suddenly left, and within days, the federal agency's version arrived in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho.

"[The federal agency] notifies the court than an inspection of Red's Trading Post … was initiated on July 17, 2007. The inspection was suspended due to the threat to the inspectors' safety created by Ryan Horsley, the Manager of Red's," the court filing said.

The filing documented how some unidentified person had taken pictures of the inspectors at work.

"At about this time, Supervisor Young's assistant from the Spokane office contacted her and advised that Mr. Horsley had updated his internet blog ( to include the information that ATF, and Supervisor Young personally, was at the store conducting an inspection," the filing said. So Young contacted others.

"The Director of Industry Operations, Richard Van Loan, agreed with Supervisor Young's assessment that the photographing of the rental car used by ATF personnel, coupled with the instantaneous posting on the internet of ATF's presence … posed a credible threat to their safety and was designed to harass and intimidate," the court filing said.

The court filing noted two other times when the inspectors had been photographed, including once by a news team.

"The ATF has resorted to a smear campaign on my character to present before the judge, they are now spinning the fact that I wrote a recap of the events on our blog…" Horsley said in an update.

"My point was to show the excess spending of the ATF, many of you know that in our 2005 audit the ATF brought in one inspector to cover five years. I was merely pointing out that they were flying in two inspectors and a supervisor from out of state to cover three weeks worth of paperwork," Horsley said.

"The person in question who photographed them was a 70-year-old man in a Hawaiian shirt who is balding (Sorry, Al) and has a broken foot. Yet three inspectors felt that they were in danger," he saida.

"Continue to pray for myself and my family during these attacks, also pray for these people at the ATF. I mean that honestly, Luke 6:27-28," Horsley said.

A writer, David Codrea, of The War on Guns documented the court filing.

He reported that Horsley had asked him to hold the information for a time.

"BATFU had threatened him that he needed to cease all blogging and keep their agents and inspectors free from being photographed or observed, or they would go to the judge and file a complaint of harassment," Codrea wrote.

"The new complaint is calculated to be a death blow to Red's – both financially with additional legal expenses they cannot afford, and by giving the judge an excuse to side with thugs portraying themselves as victims," he said. .

"I repeat my call for a rapid response team of 'minuteman' volunteers to make themselves available via a phone tree to go to gun stores being audited, and audit/document/photograph the auditors," he wrote. "Don't let creatures of the shadows hide there – expose them to the light and make them live there – or cravenly slink back under the baseboards where they belong."

Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America told WND that as recently as 15 or 20 years ago, there were 250,000 licensed gun dealers in the United States. The federal government confirms there are only about 108,000 now.

The saga with Red's began when the ATF inspection in 2000 discovered various paperwork violations, Horsley said, just shortly after he arrived to take over the store, mistakes such as a customer failing to write down the county in which he lived.

In 2001, "they couldn't find any violations," he told WND. A few other minor problems were found later, including a failure to put up a poster.

"I wasn't alarmed because this agent … had told us we were one of the best small gun shops he'd ever seen," Horsley told WND.

Then early in 2006, "We get a letter that 'We're [ATF] revoking your license,'" Horsley said. "I just came unglued. I couldn't believe it."

After an expensive appeal process within ATF, he ended up with the same result, and sought out a lawyer for the federal court challenge, a challenge which now is pending.



32naa breakage

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Message Board Member
Username: Bobkiger

Post Number: 12
Registered: 04-2007
Posted on Monday, July 23, 2007 - 10:40 am:

I'm wondering what i'm doing wrong first i broke the drawbar spring, then the drawbar, then my fingerrest clip falls out while shooting, now my firing pin breaks. whats next? this is my carry gun. Help from Carl has been great i ground off my fingerrest and that solved that problem. NAA has sent me new parts in just a week each time. but that leaves me without a carry gun each time. should i just not shoot this gun each range visit? shooting is what i enjoy. help