Celebrity Interviews - Prostate Cancer
Mandy Patinkin
Jan/Feb 2009 issue
Rudy Giuliani
Former Mayor of NYC
Jan/Feb 2008 issue
John Kerry
US Senator
Jan/Feb 2007 issue
Andrew von Eschenbach, MD
NCI Director
Jan/Feb 2006 issue
James Brown
Nov/Dec 2005 issue
Arnold Palmer
Professional Golfer
Jul/Aug 2005 issue
General Colin
US Army (Retired)
Secretary of State
May/Jun 2005 issue
Charlie Daniels
Jan/Feb 2003 issue
Herbie Mann
Jazz Flutist
Nov/Dec 2001 issue
U.S. To Break Up Soon?
Fears over 'internal' terror bomb
.........................................................................................................................................................................Obama's Hit List - The Globe
Doomsday is Coming to America
G-D has now unleashed the "HEBREW ANGEL OF DEATH"
8.0 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Samoa... Dozens Dead, Hundreds Missing... Photos, Video... 7.9 Quake Hits Indonesia Along Same Fault Line As '04 Disaster That Left 260,000 Dead
High Noon for Israel – by Matt Gurney
..........................................................................................................................................................................FROM "CNIN"
Public Option WILL PASS, Do NOT Fall for the Blue Dog LIES
An illustrated guide: All the president’s Olympic cronies
Photoshop: Paul Croteau
My syndicated column today — reprinted below with added links, pics, and info — gives you a rundown of the Obama cronies inside and outside the White House who stand to gain the most from the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid.
Chicagoans of all political stripes who oppose massive government funding of Mayor Richard Daley’s pet project have inundated my email-box. Reader Will P. sums it all up by noting that the games would “protect the current corrupt structure” and paper over Chicago/Illinois’s myriad woes, including: “Governor after Governor going to jail. Pay to play schemes. Crumbling and outdated infrastructure. Deteriorating public housing. Failing, dumbing-down schools. Hospital cutbacks. Sanctuary city. Never-ending gang wars (outbursts every Spring requiring massive police presence, police outmanned at the Taste of Chicago, innocents shot in the crossfire weekly, current beating video out now). Cemetery scandal (bodies removed and graves resold)…Acorn, Bill Ayers, Rezko, Blago, Wright. Univ. of Illinois “clout” scandal. Illegal preferential city hiring. City inspectors on the take (Operation Crooked Code). Voter fraud. The unemployment rate. Taxes through the roof. Mayor Daley attempting to extend city taxes to the suburbs. All this, and more…”
Daley’s approval ratings are at a record low as he scrambles to lease everything from parking meters to airports to raise cash. Residents are still reeling over the murder of teenager Derrion Albert. But FLOTUS Michelle Obama, on her merry way to Copenhagen, is singing a happy tune: “I mean, you know, most of these Games are taking place blocks away from my house. There’s good security by my house these days. And while Chicago is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, it is — people don’t live in fear. The downtown area is completely accessible…I know Mayor Daley, and he’s going to make sure that these Games go off without a hitch because that’s the kind of mayor he is. It’s not called the ‘City That Works’ for nothing.”
It “works” for the few at the expense of the many. That is the Chicago way.
All the president’s Olympic cronies
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009
A London court rejects Palestinian bid to arrest Israeli defense minister
DEBKAfile Special Report
September 30, 2009, 6:41 AM (GMT+02:00)
Ehud Barak ignored Palestinian bid for his arrest
Before the court ruling, defense minister Ehud Barak refused advice from the foreign ministry in Jerusalem to leave the UK after a Palestinian group sought an international warrant for his arrest for alleged war crimes in Gaza. He insisted on keeping to his schedule of conferences with British prime minister Gordon Brown and foreign secretary David Miliband Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 29-30.
The news reached Barak in at the British Labor Party conference in Brighton where he represented Israel's Labor party of which he is chairman. The defense minister refused to consider leaving or heeding the Palestinian step in the light of Israel-UK ties as friends, allies and strategic partners. Last week, he hosted the British armed forces chief in Tel Aviv on an unannounced visit.
The Foreign Office asked the court to extend the defense minister immunity from prosecution and the court agreed that Barak enjoyed the protection of international law against suits of this kind. Later, Barak addressed a meeting of Labor friends of Israel attending by prime minister Brown. "We shall not let terror win the day," he said and added: This is just the partial beginning of a campaign to free high-ranking Israelis, especially army officers, traveling to the UK and other countries from this sort of persecution by pro-Palestinian groups.
The Palestinians based their petition for his arrest on alleged war crimes and breaches of the Geneva Convention during the Israeli operation launched nine months ago to stop eight years of Palestinian missile and mortar attacks on its population. They claimed the operation was launched on his watch as defense minister. They also drew on the UN report in which former Judge Richard Goldstone accused Israel of war crimes in that operation. Israel rejected the report as pre-judgmental and biased.
From: Dr Hohn
Subject: Now the CEO of the New World Order Obama, takes your guns step one! - If you don't vote them out - you are out. Its your right - they want to make you defenseless
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Now 'all Guns' must be listed on your next (2010) tax return! - Than they will take them!
Now the CEO of the New World Order takes your guns step one! - If you dont vote them out - you are out. Its your right - they want to make you defenseless
Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax form all guns that you have or own. It will require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.
This bill was introduced on Feb.. 24, 2009, by the Omama staff. BUT . . this bill will only become public knowledge 30 days after the new law becomes effective! This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act o f 1986. This means that the Finance Committee has passed this without the Senate voting on it at all.
Change you can believe in and Trust we can place on Obama ? ...... you must be kidding!
The full text of the IRS amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage, U.S Senate
You can find the bill by doing a search by the bill number, SB-2099.
You know who to call; I strongly suggest you do. Please send a copy of this e-mail to every gun owner you know.
Obama's Congress is now starting on the firearms confiscation bill. If it passes, gun owners will become criminals if you don't fully comply.
Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Ac t of 2009.
Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because the government is trying to fly it under the radar as a 'minor' IRS revision, and, as usuual, the 'political' lawmakers did not read this bill before signing and approving it !
To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45 or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.
Basically this would make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:
It is registered -
You are fingerprinted -
You supply a current Driver's License -
You supply your Social Security # -
You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing
Each update -
change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail. -
There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. -
They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many opt ions to read this. It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. Pass the word along. Any hunters in your family pass this along.|
This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it.
This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not..
Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
H.R.45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 - U.S. Congress -OpenCongress
H.R. 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us) bill="h111-45"
It has begun . . . Whatever Obama's secret Master Plan is....this is just the 'tip of the iceburg!'
Please.. copy and send this out to EVERYONE in the USA , whether you support the Right to Bear Arms or are for gun control. We all should have the right to choose.
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Houston, Texas 77063
Tel(713)781-1960 FAX (713)781-6407
Artist Unknown - ...............................................................................................................................
DEYO NOTE: Terrorists are a very real and growing threat in America and to American interests around the world. It should be assumed these are not the only cell locations within the US and that they are subject to change. - ......................................................................................................................................
- Iranian Bioweapon Researcher Dies Suspiciously

General McInerny - "Russia and China Enabling Iran"
Moscow again cool on sanctions, foists restraint on US-led line for Iran
DEBKAfile Special Analysis
September 29, 2009, 11:17 AM (GMT+02:00)
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov warns West
Two days before the Six-Power bloc-Iranian meeting in Geneva, DEBKAfile's Russian sources report Moscow appears to have taken a step back from the small opening allowed by Russian president Dmitry Medvedev for a fresh round of sanctions against Tehran. Monday night, Sept. 28, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov told Russian news agencies that although Iranian's missile exercise was worrying, restraint was needed. An official communiqué urged "Western powers to restrain themselves."
This is a setback to the tactic US president Barack Obama employed for bringing Russia aboard for stringent international sanctions when he announced Sept. 19 that he was scrapping the US missile shield planned in East Europe.
It is also one in the eye for the Netanyahu government and its latest policy of cooperation with international steps for bringing Iran to heel on its nuclear activities. Monday night, foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a television interview: "Israel must not attack Iran's nuclear installations. It must be left to world powers. DEBKAfile's political sources report that Lieberman is increasingly criticized for aligning his policies with those of Moscow.
The Obama administration is working on broadened sanctions in the event that Iran fails to "come clean" on its nuclear activities and deliver on international requirements by the end of the year.
However, two days before Iran's negotiator meets the world powers in Geneva, Iran's atomic energy chief Ali Akbar Salehi made it clear in an interview Tuesday that Iran would never give up its uranium enrichment program. He described the second enrichment plant in a mountain near Qom as very small and explained it had been built underground to protect personnel and instruments in a possible attack. "But this does not mean we believe the worst case will ever come," he said, "because any wrong steps would… start a fire they cannot extinguish."
The sanctions under review in Washington might focus on maritime traffic to and from Iran - including pressure on shipping firms in Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai, to stop doing direct or third-party business with Tehran, and raising insurance premiums. Foreign investments in Iran, its financial and telecommunications sectors and foreign travel might also be targeted for bans.
Earlier plans to ban refined petrol products and gasoline exports to Iran, which could indeed cripple parts of Iran's economic and military capabilities, appear to have been dropped from the Obama administration's review of possible sanctions. The DEBKAfile's Gulf sources report that some of these options were tried unsuccessfully in the past with little impact on Iran's economy - and certainly not on the regime's determined adherence to its nuclear plans, most of all the rapid momentum of uranium enrichment. As in the past, the new steps under review would have to run the gauntlet of international consensus to fully succeed. Some would no doubt fall by the wayside while the bargaining would meanwhile consume time.
Moscow has moved back in position to delay the process.
Organizers of grass-roots 'pink slips' campaign expect to exceed goal of 5 million
8:19 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON – In just four days, an innovative campaign to alert Congress of widespread grass-roots opposition to massive new spending plans has delivered a message to Congress – "Are you listening to us?" 900,000 times.
The campaign targets not only Congress' uncontrolled spending, but other objectionable and intrusive legislation and in just four days, some 900,000 "pink slip" notices have been dispatched to members of the House and Senate.
WND announced the "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign Friday and it has already reached more than one-sixth of its stated goal of 5 million notices, individually addressed, personalized with senders name and address and delivered to all members of Congress by Fed Ex. Already, 900,000 of the "pink slips" are on their way to Washington.
"This looks like a historic effort – comparable to the massive march in Washington, the tea party rallies and the town hall actions," said Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. "I'm quite sure nothing like this has ever before been undertaken."