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Personal Notation: The following is my opinion only based on Biblical prophecy that was written by G-D thousands of years ago. G-D created the heaven and the earth. We have now reached the point of no return, whether you believe me or not is not important, but what is very important is that you try and get as many survival items as you can, whether they be water or food or medical or whatever. WE ARE LIVING IN THE END TIMES... America is not the only country that will be effected by this end time scenario, to buy gold makes no sense to me because the average person can not analyze its true value, if you gave a bar of gold to everyone in Haiti, what would they do with it ? There lives would not improve one bit. There are many things that people will trade for food and gas and water. A food store chain that has been ravaged with empty shelves will never want your gold.
I have obeyed the laws of my G-D all my life and I was once on a very large plane in the 50's and suddenly both wings were engulfed in flames, I was young and alone among all strangers and I always asked myself why didn't the pilot just find an airport somewhere and try to land, he barely made it to NYC where he got me there in one piece, we had apparently reached the point of no return.
In this current dilemma the course of many countries especially ours has been written thousands of years ago by our creator and it is now being fulfilled to the letter, its all in your Bible if you would just bother to read it. It is too late to change as G-D now controls both sides of the chess board. Stock up on survival items now if you can and pray to your G-D. Read your Bible.
URGENT, URGENT, URGENT Posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 - written by JERRY GOLDEN | | |
URGENT, URGENT, URGENT There is a very large naval force that has come together in the Persian Gulf and surrounding Iran. The USS Carrier Harry Truman has pulled into the area loaded for bear. Israel and the US have grouped bombers and fighter jets in many countries in the Middle East, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan and others. Over the past week USS warship have went through the Suez Cannel, as have Israel subs all capable of launching a Nuclear Attack. And if Iran has already obtained or developed a nuclear warhead this thing will certainly go nuclear bringing the world into a global war. In fact, if Iran goes to the nuclear option Israel will have no choice but to take out Syria, Hezbollah (now all of Lebanon) and the Hamas in Gaza, and also Egypt if it tries a sneak attack, in short order or face terrible civilian causalities. |
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On Monday 28th June 2010, talks between a representative of the White Dragon Society and two senior Vatican representatives took place. The Papal Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Pietro Sambi (pictured on the left here), was present. He insisted that the Vatican has a right to steal trillions of dollars which does not belong to it because the survival of the church is at stake. The Vatican Banker, Daniele Del Bosco, has sequestered close to $1 trillion in gold-backed bonds. In conspiracy with the fraudulent money-laundering operation which calls itself the "Office for International Treasury Control" (OITC), Del Bosco is trying to cash-in the bonds. An Interpol investigation has established that the OITC has no mandate and no right to these funds. The funds Del Bosco has diverted are earmarked to help Portugal, Spain and Italy end their financial Eurozone crises. The $134.5 billion tranche of Kennedy bonds seized from two Japanese-connected diplomats on Wednesday 3rd June 2009, in Chiasso, Italy, are linked to these Eurozone crisis funds. AB comment: The Asian White Dragon Society has grown out of the Asian Black Dragon Society. More about the White Dragon Society here. More about the Black Dragon Society here. And more about the Vatican's assassination teams can be found here.
A sculptural tribute to Osama bin Laden by Eugenio Merino
Osama bin Laden endorses US state terrorism
A CIA studio project with Tim Osman. Official propaganda here (November 2008).
Deuteronomy Chapter 28 דְּבָרִים
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Criteria for Decision to Move if Possible from affected Gulf Coast Areas: 1) Presence of Military increasing Daily. 2) Massive Reports of Respiratory and other Illnesses--Hospitals filling up rapidly. 3) Hurricanes with sustained winds moving into gulf. 4) Credit Cards being Cancelled regionally. 5) Regional and or National Internet Outages. 6) Highway Barriers going up on Freeway Entry and Exit Ramps overnight. 7) Military Transport Planes Landing in Numbers at Regional and smaller Gulf Coast Airports. 8) Watching the Body Language and actions of the Local Law Enforcement Officers. 9) Bubbling ocean waters increasing as the Methane Hydrate goes from solid state to gaseous state. 10) Massive increase in Lightning Storms and unusual Animal Behavior. 11) Suspension of all Leaves and Vacations of Emergency Personnel. 12) Expanding no Boating and Fishing Zone. 13) Shortages of Fuel and Food and availability of critical supplies increasingly being reported.
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US confirms that Osama bin Laden has been dead for ten years. CIA Director, Leon Panetta, tells Pakistan intelligence that there has been no information on Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts since the early 2000s. As stated by US-assassinated Pakistan Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, Osama bin Laden was killed on the 15th December 2001. The broadcast messages from "Osama bin Laden" since 2001 have been US government CIA-Hollywood film productions, like the Apollo Moon landings. They have been expedient fictions manufactured for the benefit of élite corporate America. The invented stories provided a supporting narrative for the expropriation of trillions of US taxpayers' money to pay for covert space weaponry, the planned demolitions of 911, and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan for the purposes of securing oil and illegal drugs supplies.
The piece linked above comes from Veterans Today. It is written by an ex-Marine, Gordon Duff, who now acts as a political and economic advisor to governments in the Middle East and Africa. More about the US-faked Apollo Moon landings here. And a closely-related Q&A between Alcuin Bramerton and Patrick Bellringer can be found here.
Czechs to help establish chemical warfare unit in Texas
*******************************************************************************************DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 28, 2010, 10:45 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Iran Persian Gulf
USS Nassau
debkafile's military sources report that Washington has posted a third carrier opposite Iran's shores. It is supported by amphibious assault ships and up to 4,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel, bringing the total US strength in these waters to three carriers and 10,000 combat personnel.
The USS Nassau (LHA-4) Amphibious Ready Group 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, tasked with supporting the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet area of operations, is cruising around the Bab al-Mandeb Straits where the Gulf of Aden flows into the Red Sea. Its presence there accounts for Tehran announcing Sunday, June 27 that its "aid ship for Gaza" had been called off, for fear an American military boarding party would intercept the vessel and search it. This would be permissible under the latest UN sanctions punishing the Islamic Republic for its nuclear program.
The third US carrier group to reach waters around Iran consists of three vessels:
1. The USS Nassau Amphibious Assault ship is not just an enormous landing craft for the 3,000 Marines aboard; its decks carry 6 vertical take-off AV-HB Harrier attack plans; four AH-1W Super Cobra, twelve CH-46 Sea Knight and CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters, as well choppers convertible to fast V-22 Osprey airplanes capable of landing in any conditions.
This vast warship has 1,400 cabinets for sleeping the entire Marine-24th Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard.
2. The amphibious transport dock ship USS Mesa Verde which carries 800 Marines equipped for instantaneous landing.
3. The amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland which carries 400 Marines and 102 commandos trained for special operations behind enemy lines.
debkafile adds: The USS Ashland was the target of an al Qaeda Katyusha rocket attack in 2005 when it was docked in Jordan's Aqaba port next door to the Israeli port of Eilat. One of the rockets exploded in Eilat airport. The ship exited harbor in time to escape harm.
These new arrivals are a massive injection of naval, air and marine muscle to the strength Washington has deployed in the Persian Gulf-Red Sea-Indian Ocean arena in recent months. The USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group consisting of twelve warships is cruising in the Arabian Sea opposite Chah Bahar, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards biggest naval base not far from the Iranian-Pakistan border. It is there that most of Iran's special commando units are housed.
Also posted in the Arabian Sea, further to the west, is the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Strike Group.