UPDATED THURSDAY - MAY 3, 2012 (5772)
Secret Service got hookers for Obama
President Barack Obama has become shamefully tangled in the explosive Secret Service-hooker scandal with the bombshell disclosure that agents hired two hookers - for HIM! In a world exclusive, the new GLOBE reveals how the prostitutes were picked, brought to Obama's hotel in Colombia and what agents told them.
Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In America
Rand Paul Launches Campaign to End the TSA
Is Rand Paul Secretly Running For President?
Shoot to Kill: Chicago’s No Fly Zone
Ex-Blackwater mercs in Syria ‘backed by US’
New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union
The countdown has begun, and we are just weeks away from panic buying. E-mail me at stevequayle777@yahoo.com or call Ryan at 406-581-0182. Remember the Illuminists plan to starve you to death and poison our food and water supplies.
DHS To Release Bacteria In Boston Subway System: Despite the fact that the U.S. government has a history of dangerous biological testing against the American people, the Department of Homeland Security claims that a bacteria it plans to release in the Boston subway later this year to test biological sensors is harmless to healthy people. “Federal officials say they test the subway sensors by releasing dead bacteria called B-subtilis. They say it is used in food supplements, has been rigorously tested and has no adverse health effects for low exposure in healthy people,” reports CBS News. more
US Army Buys $266 Million in Ammo from ATK, Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Buy, Too: The US Army has just purchased $266 million dollars' worth of ammo from Alliant Techsystems (ATK), from 5.56 NATO on up, as part of the Infinite Delivery, Infinite Quantity order for small caliber ammunition contract they have ongoing. m855 ammunitionThe order calls for a quarter of a billion dollar's in 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO and .50 BMG ammunition for our troops. "ATK is honored to be the Army's industrial partner at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, collaborating in the operation and maintenance of the nation's largest ammunition production facility," said ATK Small Caliber Systems Vice President and General Manager Kent Holiday. more
Abridged: The First Amendment Is Now a Felony Criminal Act: As Congressional representatives overwhelming approved the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act in February of this year, few Americans were paying attention. When President Obama signed the Act into law, he did so in secret, without any of the fanfare that came with his signing of universal health care two years prior – and for good reason. This is one of those laws the government doesn’t want you to know exists until it’s too late to do anything about it. morego to archives
Martial Red Zone In America: Heavily Armed Security Teams To Patrol Chicago, Feds Prepare for Mass Detentions, Evacuation Planning Underway: If Transportation Security pat downs at public venues, thousands of drones over the skies of America, and the National Security Agency’s new Echelon-like listening center in Utah weren’t enough to convince you that we’re living in a police state, then perhaps the latest news out of Chicago will change your mind. As world leaders prepare to meet in the windy city for their annual NATO summit, U.S. federal officials are working feverishly to implement a security net so broad that it encompasses the entirety of Cook County, Illinois. more
Class Warfare Is Being Used To Divide America - And It Is Working
What If A Collapse Happened And Nobody Noticed?
Martial Red Zone In America: Heavily Armed Security Teams To Patrol Chicago, Feds Prepare for Mass Detentions, Evacuation Planning Underway
Fully Armed U.S. Troops Patrol Minnesota Neighborhood
‘War’ Promised If IRS Attacks Church Speech
'Preppers': Ready For Anything
May 20th Megaquake Syzygy – Prepare & Pray
Fukushima on Steroids: “Japan is in the Process of Contaminating the Entire Pacific Ocean”
New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union
95 Percent Of The Jobs Lost During The Recession Were Middle Class Jobs
The First Amendment Is Now a Felonious Criminal Act
Fully Armed U.S. Troops Patrol Minnesota Neighborhood
Rumors of War III, Target U.S. Anyone who has ever opened their Bible for some study time has read Matthew 24:6 about rumors of war. After World War I books were printed declaring it was the end of the world but following that we had a worldwide depression, World War II and the atom bomb, the Korean war, the very unpopular Vietnam war, miscellaneous skirmishes and now it’s a war on terrorism. The April 23, 2012 New American says the invasion of Iraq was begun with a lie by Rafid Ahmed Alwan Al-Janabi’s who claimed Iraqi had mobile biological weapons laboratories. more
The TSA's Mission Creep Is Making The US A Police State: Ever since 2010, when the Transportation Security Administration started requiring that travelers in American airports submit to sexually intrusive gropings based on the apparent anti-terrorism principle that "If we can't feel your nipples, they must be a bomb", the agency's craven apologists have shouted down all constitutional or human rights objections with the mantra "If you don't like it, don't fly!" This callous disregard for travelers' rights merely paraphrases the words of Homeland Security director Janet Napolitano, who shares, with the president, ultimate responsibility for all TSA travesties since 2009. more
Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities, Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk: Radiation from Japan has been detected in drinking water in 13 more American cities, and cesium-137 has been found in American milk—in Montpelier, Vermont—for the first time since the Japan nuclear disaster began, according to data released by the Environmental Protection Agency late Friday. Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted by EPA in drinking water, the data shows. The Phoenix sample contained 3.2 picoCuries per liter of iodine-131. The Los Angeles sample contained 2.9. more
Obadiah Chapter 1 עֹבַדְיָה
Breitbart's coroner poisoned to death?
Mel Gibson a 'Jew-hater', screenwriter says
GOP lawmaker: Eligibility too scary to take on
Authorities Refuse to Disclose Details of Chicago Evacuation Plan
Could Fast and Furious Scandal Bring Down Obama?
110k US troops on prescribed meds
Missiles stationed on residential roof for Olympics
Fatal problems plague the U.S.' costliest fighter jet
What If Using Cash Becomes a Crime?
Alex Takes Calls from Military & Police on The Growing Police State
John Edwards Judge Allows Sex Tape Testimony
US Allows ‘Safe Passage’ to Afghan Taliban Leaders
State concealed carry limit challenged
Occupy prepares nationwide May Day mayhem
DoD Confirms Russian Troops To Train On U.S. Soil
CISPA, “National Security,” and the NSA’s Ability to Read Your Emails
City Wants Executive Order to Ban Concealed Carry in Tampa During RNC
'War' promised if IRS attacks church speech
25 Horrible Statistics About The U.S. Economy That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To Know
US deploys fighter jets to base near Iran
Iran Preparing for ‘The Last Six Months’ Prior to the Reappearance of the ‘Islamic Messiah’ “Despite the recent declaration by Iran that it does not want a nuclear bomb and statements by regime officials that they are willing to negotiate over the nuclear issue, indications from within Iran signal massive preparation for an all-out war as part of its destiny. Nine years ago a Revolutionary Guards arm, the Holy Defense, published a book, ‘The Last Six Months,’ in which it describes the conditions needed in the last six months prior to the reappearance of the last Islamic messiah. The book was distributed in the hundreds of thousands to all Guards, Basij and army bases throughout the country. more
House Passes CISPA: Red Alert! So this is how freedom dies. Ben Franklin warned that those who trade (cyber) liberties for (cyber) security will have neither. And yet, despite outspoken criticism and the founder’s wisdom, gross civil liberties have been again wagered for new government powers under the promise of ‘keeping us safe.’ That translates to more mass spying and the selective shutting down of online dissidents, all part of the overall clamp down of the free Internet. And apparently, Obama will again pose as an opponent by threatening to veto, like he did with NDAA, before signing it under cover of night. more
The Journalist: Homeland Security's Top Terrorist? If you want to know what the US Department of Homeland Security has been working hard at lately, leave it to a multimedia journalist from Miami, Florida to lay it out for you: they’ve been busy on Facebook. Freelance journalist Carlos Miller was documenting a law enforcement raid on the southern Florida’s Occupy Wall Street offshoot, Occupy Miami, when he was arrested earlier in 2012 while filming police — for the third time in just a few years. After investigating why authorities in Miami may have singled him out during the ordeal (in which, he claims, he was only filming the event), Miller stumbled upon some evidence that exposes just why he was targeted by the local branch of the Department of Homeland Security. morego to archives