DAVID STAHR - www.davidstahr.com
Every second Friday of the month, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8905 in Cypress becomes an arena for the World of Wrestling - an independent pro-wrestling federation in Houston affiliated with NWA - before a packed house of all ages.
Already packaged for consumption, the wrestlers come complete with aliases, character history, costumes and trademark moves.
The men train three days a week at Tugboat Taylor's Pro Wrestling School, where up-and-coming hopefuls go to hone their skills and learn the ins and outs of the wrestling profession. www.wowtexas.com
Taylor has been involved in professional wrestling for more than two decades, wrestling and training for federations in the United States, Mexico and Japan. After being trained by Johnny Valentine, Tugboat decided to use his knowledge to train other wrestlers.
Stahr, who said Taylor is like a second father to him, has been wrestling for five years.
"When I graduated from high school, I was 5-feet 6-inches and 135 pounds," Stahr said. "Now I'm 5-feet 9-inches and weigh 205."
From a very young age, Sidarth, who has been wrestling in America for two years, has wanted to be a wrestler.
"I grew up watching the Iron Sheik," he said, still in character. "I learned in Baghdad, and through this company, I got processed to work in America on a work visa."
A few slaps, kicks and body slams later, Sidarth appears down for the count making Stahr an obvious victor. Enter two henchmen in black holocaust cloaks who are intent on throwing the match in the prince's favor.
But Stahr isn't having any of their nonsense. While the referee holds one of the Narcis Prince's cronies at bay, Stahr knocks the other one out, and gets his title.
Unhappy with the results of the match, the Narcis Prince states plans of revenge.
"I'm the most devastating thing to happen to pro wrestling since the pile driver," Sidarth said. "I feel like Stahr was lucky, but next time he won't be so lucky. I will dominate the wrestling world."
Stahr said talking like a wrestler is one thing, but being
able to back it up is another.
"He got what he deserves," he said of his victory. "Last month he cheap shotted me, so that's what he gets."
Money--An Abstraction That Ensnares
July 14, 2007
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Midsummer seems a good time to poll my readers on how they deal with the temptation to devote most of their energy to making money.
Beyond a certain modicum necessary for survival and security, money becomes an abstraction. In the words of Samuel Butler, "enough is always a little more than one has."
The material world literally is organized to steal our souls from God. Like spiders, the central bankers, who serve Lucifer, spin this money out of nothing in order to ensnare us in a web of debt. And like spiders, the ultimate plan seems to be to devour us, body and soul.
How much of your thought and energy is devoted to money?
Stock market trading on the Internet literally has placed a slot machine in every home or hand. Millions of people trade during their workday. As a result, millions obsess constantly about money.
There is a tendency to think stock trading is cool if you're making money but morally corrupt if you're losing it. It can’t be both. Is "good" defined by success?
The trader is ensnared as long as he is successful, and can only find peace when he is bankrupted. Eventually there will be a crash and we all will be liberated.
Making money by stock trading is very enticing. It's often easy. Latch on to an Apple, for example. Money is very empowering. It lets you do things. It gives you freedom. It's a rush.
Of course, losing money is very debilitating. It's a bummer. It's easy to get hooked on the highs and lows. But some experienced traders manage to take them in stride.
I made a lot of money from "Scruples" and lost much of it gambling on options. I really didn’t know what I was doing and was arrogant and slow to learn. People who are successful in one realm mistakenly think they can do anything.
When I came into money, I lost my identity. My money owned me. I became a money manager. Instead of using it to advance personal goals, my sense of self waxed and waned with my balance. When my broker asked, "How are you?" I'd say to myself, "You tell me."
I didn’t have clear goals, so it was easy to be sidetracked. I was a product of the male arrested development endemic in this culture.
In retrospect, I'd be laughing if I had just bought blue chips and forgot about them. I wish I could say I had that wisdom and character.
The stock market is the only real democracy left. By cutting the vast middle class in on their wealth, the bankers ensure their loyalty. People don't care about truth and freedom, war and peace, as long as they have comfortable houses, BMW's and jacuzzis.
Many people put their faith in Gold. They say money is paper but isn't gold just a stone after all? The market is manipulated. The bankers could demolish the price of gold simply by raising interest rates. Friday July 13, gold hovered around $666 all day. Coincidence?
We will do anything to avoid serving God, anything to avoid taking the ego out of gold (symbolized by the l.) God really means serving "ourselves" since I believe obeying God is the principle of our personal development. Worship is serving our ideal selves, the person God created us to be.
When I was rich I found I didn’t appreciate having things as much as I did as a grad student. I used to live on about $10K and wanted for nothing. I actually saved. It's not what you have; it's how much you appreciate what you have. And if it comes too easily, you tend to appreciate it less.
My first car, a nearly new Mazda GLC, took all my savings ($7K.) It meant the world to me. I became nauseous when some kids sat on the hood and made a dent. My last car, purchased when I was rich, was an Infiniti J30. I wrote a cheque for $37K and thought, "what the hell, it's OK."
Money is an abstraction that ensnares. Beyond our necessities, it just steals our lives. How did Ted Turner manage when his $10 billion fortune was reduced to $3 billion (after AOL bought Time Warner?) Did it sting to go from the 12th richest man to the 48th? I bet it did. Did it affect his lifestyle? I doubt it!
We can't buy happiness but we keep on trying. Money makes us feel good and feeling good is what motivates us. Only, the feeling doesn’t last. I have a hunch that Love (God) is what provides the permanent feel-good experience. We have substituted money for love. As a result, we can't love.
Henry David Thoreau said, "A man is rich in proportion to the time he can devote to other things than money." In those terms, many people–especially the rich-- are poor. Those "other things" are what make us human.
I'd like to hear your concise comments on how much thought and energy you devote to money, and how you feel about it..
Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at henry@savethemales.ca.
Work rules could blow up ammunition supplies
OSHA considering new requirements for handling 'explosives'
Posted: July 7, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com
The federal government is considering a series of new rules that would apply to workplaces where "explosives" are handled, giving rise to a concern that the restrictions could be used to limit – or eliminate – reasonable access to firearms ammunition.
Among those raising the issue is the National Rifle Association, which is publicizing a request that firearms owners express their opinion on the issue before a deadline of July 12.
"The proposed rule indiscriminately treats ammunition, powder and primers as 'explosives,'" the NRA said in a published statement, which noted the plan would:
- Prohibit possession of firearms in commercial "facilities containing explosives"—an obvious problem for your local gun store.
- Require evacuation of all "facilities containing explosives"—even your local Wal-Mart—during any electrical storm.
- Prohibit smoking within 50 feet of "facilities containing explosives."
The proposal by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration "would have a dramatic effect on the storage and transportation of ammunition and handloading components such as primers or black and smokeless powder," the group said.
OSHA's proposal would "revise" its standards for "explosives and blasting agents" to include ammunition.
"This revision … is intended to enhance the protections provided to employees engaged in the manufacture, storage, sale, transportation, handling, and use of explosives," the federal agency said.
The NRA noted that it is important to note the rule – at this point – still is "proposed."
"So there's still time for concerned citizens to speak out before OSHA issues its final rule. The National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, and Sport Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute will all be commenting on these proposed regulations, based on the severe effect these regulations (if finalized) would have on the availability of ammunition and reloading supplies to safe and responsible shooters," the NRA said.
One WND reader described the situation as the "backdoor elimination of firearms," noting that Sens. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and Barack Obama, D-Ill., all are on the OSHA oversight committee.
"If you want to keep your guns we had better raise more hell than the amnesty bill caught," the writer said. "Make sure your congressman hears about this or you won't have any ammo."
The NRA said those who are interested in commenting should go to the regulations.gov website and do a search for Docket Number OSHA-2007-0032.
Another reader suggested contacting firearms industry connections and ask them to contact the Department of Defense.
"My reasoning being if the arms industry loses its civilian market that will have a very large negative financial impact on them. This could negatively impact their ability to adequately meet the needs of DOD. So, DOD would have a very vested interest in telling OSHA to put a lid on it," he wrote.
The NRA even provided a sample letter for concerned citizens to complete and forward.
I am writing in strong opposition to OSHA's proposed rules on "explosives," which go far beyond regulating true explosives. These proposed rules would impose severe restrictions on the transportation and storage of small arms ammunition—both complete cartridges and handloading components such as black and smokeless powder, primers, and percussion caps. These restrictions go far beyond existing transportation and fire protection regulations.As a person who uses ammunition and components, I am very concerned that these regulations will have a serious effect on my ability to obtain these products. OSHA's proposed rules would impose restrictions that very few gun stores, sporting goods stores, or ammunition dealers could comply with. (Prohibiting firearms in stores that sell ammunition, for example, is absurd—but would be required under the proposed rule.)
The issue was sparked by a petition several years ago from the Institute of Makers of Explosives and the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute to revise OSHA standards.
That requested a number of changes, including the exclusion of the manufacturers of explosives from various requirements that were duplicative.
"In response …, OSHA carefully reviewed the requirements," and concluded that "workplace hazards associated with explosives activities pose significant risks to employees."
Thus, the new list of rules. As substantiation, OSHA cited the April 16, 1947, explosion of the SS Grandcamp, which was docked in Texas City, Texas, when its cargo full of ammonium nitrate blew up. The explosion killed 581 and injured 5,000 others.
One of the more esoteric requirements would be for employers "to ensure that adequate precautions are taken to prevent sources of induced current, such as … snow storms, … from causing the accidental detonation of electric blasting caps."
A vast range of other requirements would address building requirements, distances between storage areas, vehicles used to haul any such material, and even the distance (two feet) required between shelves for small arms ammunition.
Gun advocates say it's just another in a long list of attacks on the American right to bear arms, provided under the 2nd Amendment.
As WND reported just a week earlier, the government has begun using paperwork errors as small as the abbreviation of a city name to shut down some of the nation's longest-serving gun shops.
Officials said while as recently as 15 or 20 years ago, there were 250,000 licensed gun dealers in the United States, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives today lists only 108,381.
Special offers:
When it's time to shoot back – Get 'Armed Response,' the guide to firearms, self-defense
Perfect gift for pistol-packin' mama – 'Stayin' Alive' shows guns are indeed for girls
"Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense"
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Related commentaries:
The history of gun control, part 2
The history of gun control, part 1
Our God-given right of self-defense
People power, not police power
Why citizens must own and carry firearms
Self-defense risky? Try the alternative
How often do Americans use guns for defensive purposes?
go to www.commentsbyt.blogspot.com
go to www.actionsbyt.typepad.com
go to www.actionsbyt.wordpress.com
Holsters - www.lightningarms.com
Gun Supplies - www.midwayusa.com
Lubricant - www.militec-1.com
Refinishing - www.trippresearch.com
Magazines - www.cdnninvestments.com
Older Firearms - www.collectorsfirearms.com
Ammunition - www.ammoman.com
Knives - www.coldsteel.com
Springs - www.ismi-gunsprings.com
Bush did it again. Posted: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 - written by jerry golden | | |
It would seem to me that someone would have said the following but so far I haven’t heard anything concerning the words of President Bush. As so many call me a Bush basher anyway I guess it is now up to me to bring this out. I heard Bush say on CNN that the Israelis must reduce their footsteps in the West Bank (Judea and But now we are hearing Bush say that we Jews should reduce our footsteps on this land, for he has seen fit to give it to the Arabs who choose to call themselves “Palestinians”. Who does this man think he is, and how can he possibly believe that there is any possibility of This so-called moderate terrorist “Abu Mazen” that Bush keeps speaking of Graduated from the Moscow University by writing his dissertation for his PH.D on Holocaust Denial. Since 1993 he was been the brains behind the PLO and Hamas terrorism. He has said on numerous occasions that the goals of Fatah and Hamas are the same they simply have different ways of destroying Abu Mazen was Arafat’s right hand man, and was directly responsible for handling the finances for the 1972 This man who is a graduate of the Moslem Brotherhood that was formed and directed by the Nazis is not a partner to peace but our enemy who wants more than anything in this wicked world to destroy In summary I will say again Bush’s Two State Solution and his adopted Saudi peace plan that he calls his Road Map is part of his sell out of Once again we will see Gen. 12:3 in its total reality and if I lived in the Pray for the peace of Shalom, jerry golden |