posted thursday - Nov. 29, 2007 - 8:30 am central time - this is a must read

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Why would Saudi Arabia and other Arab states even be invited to Annapolis? Or why would they even want to come? The answer to those questions might be easier than many realize. “The Arabs have come here not because they love the Jews or even the Palestinians,” said one Palestinian official who attended yesterday’s summit. “They came because they need a strategic alliance with the United States against Iran.” After quoting the anonymous official, the New York Times continued,
Hovering over Annapolis are deep anxieties over the challenge from a resurgent Shiite and non-Arab Iran, with its nuclear program and its successful allies and proxies in southern Lebanon, Iraq and the Palestinian territories. Those Arab nations fear that the tide of history is moving away from them, and that they are losing their own youth to religious militancy.
The Times quoted President Bush as saying that the “battle is under way for the future of the Middle East, and we must not cede victory to the extremists.”
Of course, the nation feeding this extremist movement is the only one that was left off the lengthy list of invitees to Annapolis—Iran. This morning’s Jerusalem Post draws attention to the friction between Iran and its neighbors generated by their participation in the gathering:
At a briefing prior to the Annapolis gathering, [Israeli Prime Minister Ehud] Olmert noted to the Jerusalem Post that the Iranians had made clear that they wanted their presumed allies to stay away and were “furious” about the high Arab turnout. Some 20 Arab and Muslim countries sent foreign ministers or other senior ministers to the gathering ….
Iran used both private diplomacy and public rhetoric to try to dissuade Arab participation in Annapolis—both because of its opposition to any reconciliation with Israel, and out of concern that changing alliances might leave it more isolated and more vulnerable to pressure over its nuclear drive.
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Rudy Giuliani dresses in drag as JFK/RFK mistress Marilyn Monroe
(Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images)
Two police stations in the northern Paris suburb of Villiers-le-Bel were torched by rioting teenagers on November 24, and there have been further reports of looting and minor attacks on shops, passersby and cars. The attacks began after two youths were killed when their moped collided with a police car.
There is more to this story than mere teenage rebellion, though it’s hard to tell by reading much of the mainstream news. Stratfor reports (November 26, emphasis ours):
This incident and response looks eerily like the start of the November 2005 riots which started when two youths were electrocuted while fleeing from police. Those were the largest urban riots seen in France in 40 years.
Though French media are reporting the riots, news reports have omitted that the suburb where they are taking place, Villiers-le-Bel, is a Muslim slum. The 2005 riots began in a similar neighborhood, Clichy-sous-Bois, but spread for weeks to nearly all the suburbs of every major metropolitan region in France.
Out of all the mainland European countries, France is the most primed for a clash of this nature.
With more than 5 million Muslims living in France—70 percent of them from France’s former colonies of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia—Islam has become the country’s second-largest religion. Though Muslims make up 10 percent of the French population, not a single Muslim sits in the French Parliament. French suburbs, which are in effect Arab Muslim slums, have the country’s highest crime and unemployment rates. French Muslim leaders also assert that racism and discrimination are the root causes of the marginalization that results in high unemployment and thus crime among the Muslim minority.
It will be interesting to see how President Nicolas Sarkozy responds to this growing crisis. Right now he is engaged in a gritty struggle with many of the nations’ unions, and large-scale violent riots by thousands of disgruntled Muslims would be salt in what is already a very painful wound.
It’s also worth considering how other European nations, particularly those with large Islamic populations, might interpret these riots. The sight of hordes of angry Muslims rioting in the streets, clashing with police and throwing Molotov cocktails into homes and stores, will surely cause concern that a broader confrontation between Islam and Europe is imminent.......................................................................................................................................
Boston Police Go Door to Door to Search for Guns
Warrentless police coercion to try to find guns in kid's bedrooms. You know exactly what will happen, If you got nothing to hide you will let us search your kids bedroom. Intimidation at it's worst.
You Tube
Friday November 23, 2007
Warrentless police coercion to try to find guns in kid's bedrooms. You know exactly what will happen, If you got nothing to hide you will let us search your kids bedroom. Intimidation at it's worst.
"Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society."
- Former US President Thomas Jefferson
“And of Asher he [Moses] said, blessed above sons; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil.” (Deuteronomy 33:24.) Of the Land of Israel, Moses sung (Deuteronomy 32:13): “He made him ride on the high places of the earth, and he ate of the produce of the fields; and he made him suck honey out of rock, and oil out of the flinty rock.”
A recent visit to Australia left me noting one glaring similarity between Aussies and Americans. The leftists have brainwashed both societies into living in a fool’s paradise.
They have accomplished this in each of these countries since World War ii by a combination of deft use of the education system, a takeover of the mass media, and promulgation of liberal-socialist legislation by the left.
It is no mere coincidence that the last great crop of leaders of real character, of true statesmen and heroes in battle, emerged from the pre-World War ii, pre-liberalized education system.
By contrast, the free democracies of the world (largely comprised of the English-speaking peoples) are today being led by prime ministers and presidents who developed as individuals within post-World War ii society. These have been the years of the feminizing of society, the blurring of gender roles, the emasculation of language, and the neutering of anything that might smack of the old values upon which our respective nations were built.
We now live out the legacy of the Marxist-Leninist theoreticians’ takeover of education in the ’60s, its flower-power results of the ’70s, the corporate greed backlash of the ’80s, and the self-fulfillment rush of the ’90s. Today we see the high penalty we must pay for satiating our senses at any price: the accelerating meltdown of the whole post-war system!
Read the signs: The consumer society is simply doomed!
Whether it be our national debt, the state of our increasingly incompatible multicultural societies, the transfer of major industries offshore, the conversion of our once-great agricultural export economies into net importers, the volatility of our stock markets, the increasing gender confusion within society, or the rising hatred for people of Anglo-Saxon and Judaic stock—threats to the freedoms hard won in World War ii currently abound.
What is it about us essentially peace-loving, generally good-natured Anglo-Saxons that causes us to ignore any powerfully aggressive threat to our freedoms until our enemies try to smash us?
Should it not have been obvious, given their history, that the Teutonic peoples of Europe would use the Treaty of Versailles as a cloak under which to heap retribution on those nations that humiliated them in World War i? Ought it not to have been self-evident that a signature on a piece of paper of a rabble-rousing, Jew-hating tyrant gave absolutely no protection whatsoever against his imperialistic drives in 1939? Should it not have been clear to all that a corpulent, gun-toting, scraggy-bearded Palestinian addressing the United Nations was simply enhancing his platform calling for the annihilation of the tiny nation of Israel? And should it not have been apparent to any level-headed political leader, looking into the eyes of a former Russian kgb agent who suddenly rises to the presidency of his own country, that he is certainly not “a man I can trust”?
Reflecting on better times, British politician Lord Hailsham, in an address to the Churchill Society in Canada, raised the question, “Has anyone paused to wonder whether the ideas and the ideals which this great man [Churchill] fostered and defended in his long public life have worthy defenders left upon this Earth today?” Lord Hailsham added, “History is now, and no one knew better than Winston that history is, always, ours to make” - The Heroic Memory
Any realist would have to agree that the history that Western—in particular Anglo-Saxon—civilization is writing today is a history we are bound to regret.
Western society’s decline may have been accelerated by the events of 9/11. The signs are, its fall is but a matter of time. But, inevitably, history shows, we will have to learn this the hard way.
As we either ignore or remain willingly ignorant of the hard facts of the impending doom of our hedonistic way of life, will it yet again take an enemy intent on smashing us over the head to wake us up to the reality of our great moral decline into Romanesque decadence?
While Western mass media remain stupidly hypnotized by a petty Persian windbag and lesser extremist Islamists loud on rhetoric and great on blowing themselves and others to bits, we ignore one great fact of history. The major threats to the freedoms of the Anglo-Saxon peoples have always been initiated from the continent of Europe.
Though Imperial Japan did raise a dire threat to our existence in World War ii, it did not initiate that war on the West. The two greatest wars in man’s history were launched against the free West from Europe.
That such a catastrophe could again be perpetrated against our shores from Europe is incomprehensible to our educationalists, our politicians, press and mass media. But inerrant Bible prophecy clearly indicates that it will happen yet once again!
You need to study our booklet revealing the prophecy of Nahum for real insight into the history and the future of a great nation even now on the verge of grasping the power to instigate such an act.
Our prayer is that you will break out of the fool’s paradise that currently enraptures Western society, and really WAKE UP to the reality of what is truly happening on the world scene … before it is too late!************************************************************************************
Most journalists agree that Israeli f-151 jets made a surgical strike on a military installation inside Syria. The date was September 6.
The Syrians are not talking because they have been humiliated. Other top government officials who know about the attack are not talking either. In fact, they have never been so abnormally secretive about anything! Israel has had almost total censorship, which is nearly unheard of. Why are they all so secretive?
The Spectator quoted “a very senior British ministerial source” as saying this: “If people had known how close we came to World War iii that day there’d have been mass panic. … [Prime Minister Gordon] Brown really would have been dealing with the bloody book of Revelation and Armageddon” (October 3).
This is a reputable newsmagazine quoting “a very senior British ministerial source” who said that to reveal news of this attack would have caused “mass panic”!
Why? Because people would then have known how close we came to World War iii! According to this source, the prime minister of Britain (not of Israel) “would have been dealing with the bloody book of Revelation and Armageddon.” This seems to be about the worst description he could give us.
So if leaders are thinking that way in Britain, what does this mean? It means that nations other than Israel believe the whole world will be pulled into any military whirlwind in the Middle East, especially if it’s nuclear.
Here is another statement from the Spectator: “According to American sources, Israeli intelligence tracked a North Korean vessel carrying a cargo of nuclear material labeled ‘cement’ as it traveled halfway across the world. On September 3 the ship docked at the Syrian port of Tartus, and the Israelis continued following the cargo as it was transported to the small town of Dayr az Zawr … in northeastern Syria.
“The destination was not a complete surprise. It had already been the subject of intense surveillance by an Israeli Ofek spy satellite, and within hours a band of elite Israeli commandos had secretly crossed into Syria and headed for the town. Soil samples and other material they collected there were returned to Israel. Sure enough, they indicated that the cargo was nuclear.
“Three days after the North Korean consignment arrived, the final phase of Operation Orchard was launched. With prior approval from Washington, Israeli f-151 jets were scrambled and, minutes later, the installation and its newly arrived contents were destroyed.
“So secret were the operational details of the mission that even the pilots who were assigned to provide air cover for the strike jets had not been briefed on it until they were airborne” (ibid., emphasis mine throughout).
The world knows that Israel has nuclear bombs and submarines with nuclear cruise missiles.
Syria already has one of the world’s deadliest stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. It wanted the nuclear material to complete its weapons of mass destruction program. This is one of the supreme goals of any terrorist-sponsoring nation. Such a program is the most efficient way to kill large numbers of human beings, including women and children.
Apparently Syria was about to construct a nuclear facility. The Jews believe they cannot allow this to happen since Syria is one of their nearest neighbors. Also, Syria is second only to Iran in state-sponsored terrorism! It isn’t hard to imagine Damascus giving nuclear devices to terrorists.
Do we really know how insanely dangerous this world is?
One of the Trumpet’s contacts in Israel said he wondered why Israel was calling up its national guard before the September 6 attack. After he learned some sketchy details of what happened, he knew why. Israel was preparing for war—possibly a war involving wmds. And we can’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons, even from the Arab side.
There seems to be clear evidence that the Russians had some nuclear weapons stolen. Who got them? Syria? Iran? Many journalists think it was Iran.
This problem goes much deeper than Syria and Israel. Syria is a surrogate of Iran. The king of the Muslim world is Iran.
Charles Krauthammer wrote this in his September 21 Washington Post column: “Iran’s assets in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq are poised and ready. Ahmadinejad’s message is this: If anyone dares attack our nuclear facilities, we will fully activate our proxies, unleashing unrestrained destruction on Israel, moderate Arabs, Iraq and U.S. interests—in addition to the usual, such as mining the Strait of Hormuz and causing an acute oil crisis and worldwide recession.
“This is an extremely high-stakes game. The time window is narrow. In probably less than two years, Ahmadinejad will have the bomb.
“The world is not quite ready to acquiesce. The new president of France has declared a nuclear Iran ‘unacceptable.’ The French foreign minister warned that ‘it is necessary to prepare for the worst’—and ‘the worst, it’s war, sir.’”
France is a member of the European Union. You can see that the EU is being drawn into the Middle East vortex.
Europe is going to clash with Iran and radical Islam soon. The EU is going to win, according to Bible prophecy. (Request our free booklet Daniel—Unsealed at Last! for more details.)
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Israel must be “wiped from the map.” That statement certainly indicates that he plans on using nuclear weapons to achieve that goal.
President George W. Bush said on October 18: “I’ve told people that, if you’re interested in avoiding World War iii, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing [the Iranians] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”
The president clearly understands that a nuclear Iran will trigger World War iii! Nuclear weapons will cause it to “push” even harder in its foreign policy (Daniel 11:40).
Bible prophecy agrees with President Bush!
This problem is all about whether human beings can survive. It is time to wake up to what is happening in this sick world! Europeans are just waiting on a strongman to lead their superpower. They won’t have long to wait.
Government officials may continue to keep the Israeli strike shrouded in mystery, but the problem won’t go away. The Middle East is rapidly becoming more volatile, and everybody knows it. We are frighteningly close to World War iii.
Today we have nuclear megabombs—thousands of times more powerful than the atom bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan. Those tiny bombs (by comparison to our nukes today) caused Japan to surrender quickly in World War ii.
So what is the solution? Is there any hope that mankind can survive?
If we only look to men and women, there is no hope!
Here is the giant paradox. Journalists and politicians keep referring to the book of Revelation and to Armageddon to make us see how serious the danger is, but they never seem to discuss the conclusion of Armageddon. The hope and the solution are imbedded in the Armageddon statement. Read Revelation 16. Armageddon is in the context of God’s wrath because of our sins. We will only escape that wrath if we conquer our sins.
It is God who gathers those armies to Armageddon! (Revelation 16:15-16). The Bible command is: “Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame” (verse 15). It is our shameful spiritual nakedness that fills God with wrath! If we remove that shame, we don’t have to fear nuclear war!
If people are going to continually invoke the word Armageddon, they ought to understand the conclusion of that bloody scene! Armageddon is concluded by the coming of the Messiah! Even if we don’t remove our shame, He is still coming. That is what Armageddon is all about. Those armies in Armageddon are going to be brought to Jerusalem to fight the Messiah.
This is a biblical prophecy that should cause us to stop and ponder. Before it’s over, the Valley of Jehoshaphat—which runs between the Old City of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives—will flow with blood up to the horses’ bridles! That valley is where most of the soldiers of Armageddon will die.
This is how people must learn lessons if they won’t heed the Bible’s message today. But human nature is rebellious and extremely self-willed. People usually have to learn the hard way.
Thankfully, all of this devastation will end with the greatest news this world and even the universe has ever experienced! And it all follows on the heels of Armageddon.READ ISAIAH CHAPTER 17, VERSE 1 - Teddy
Isaiah Chapter 17
א מַשָּׂא, דַּמָּשֶׂק: הִנֵּה דַמֶּשֶׂק מוּסָר מֵעִיר, וְהָיְתָה מְעִי מַפָּלָה. | 1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. |