DEBKA Exclusive: Fatah terrorist arm joins al Qaeda threats to Bush visit
January 9, 2008, 7:18 AM (GMT+02:00)
The “Aqsa Martyrs”, an offshoot of the Al Aqsa Brigades, which belong to Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, has just threatened “a big surprise” for President George W. Bush’s 48 hours in Israel and the Palestinian Authority starting Wednesday, Jan. 9. The new threat has further tightened the security measures already paralyzing Jerusalem. Israeli police began demanding early morning pedestrians in sensitive parts of Jerusalem show ID and noting their names and addresses.
The group, targeted by the IDF-Shin Bet’s weekend counter-terror operation in Nablus, threatens to strike “the highest international official levels” which, it is claimed, have come to the region “to conduct intrigues and deceptions aimed at stamping out Palestinian resistance on the West Bank.”
Fatah’s Aqsa Martyrs also threaten the life of Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad and the Fatah leaders "collaborating with him and the Americans."
They demand the immediate resignation of the Palestinian interior minister in Ramallah, General Razek Yihya, and “the Fatah leaders seeking to beautify the ugly face of Fayyad, the instrument of American policy on the West Bank, and destroy the Fatah al Aqsa Brigades for the sake of fraudulent promises.”
ה לֹא-יִהְיֶה כְלִי-גֶבֶר עַל-אִשָּׁה, וְלֹא-יִלְבַּשׁ גֶּבֶר שִׂמְלַת אִשָּׁה: כִּי תוֹעֲבַת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, כָּל-עֹשֵׂה אֵלֶּה. {פ} 5 A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God. {P}
CJ photo by Don Carrington
The 28,200-square-foot Edwards home in Orange County is expected to be valued at more than $6 million.
“The Edwardses’ residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,” Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told Carolina Journal. He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.
(Behrouz Mehri/AFP/Getty Images)
Tehran and Islamabad are increasing cooperation in the energy sector according to reports from Iran and Pakistan. Teaming up on oil and gas could grant Iran increased influence within its already-chaotic eastern neighbor.
Pakistan’s Daily Times reported that Iran’s ambassador visited with government energy heads last Friday:
Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Mr. Ahsanullah Khan, said there exists tremendous scope for promoting Pak-Iran ties in the oil, gas and mineral sectors and invited the Iranian companies to participate in the upcoming petroleum projects ….
Expressing his sentiments, the Iranian envoy said that ipi gas pipeline project would not only open up new avenues of cooperation among the member states but also help to bring the regional countries closer.
According to Iran’s Press TV, Khan said that Pakistan’s energy reserves provide good opportunities for Iranian investment.
Mashallah Shakeri, the Iranian ambassador to Islamabad, said, “The peace pipeline project will not only open new chapter in cooperation among the two countries, but also help strengthen bonds between regional states.”
Press TV reported, “Expressing their sense of achievement concerning the actual construction of the gas pipeline linking Iran to Pakistan, the two sides called for swift completion of the project, which will enhance regional cooperation” (January 6).
The two countries will sign a gas sales and purchase agreement for the pipeline project next week.
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf fully supports cooperation with Iran on the pipeline.
Increasing overtures from the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism and the largest threat to American interests in the Middle East toward the politically unstable, nuclear-armed, Islamist-leaning Pakistan can only mean problems for Washington. For more, read “Pakistan and the Shah of Iran,” “The Bhutto Blunder” and The King of the South.........................................................................................................................................................................
(U.S. Navy via Getty Images)
Tensions between the United States and Iran were heightened Monday when American ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz were harassed by five vessels believed to be from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy. The incident came as President George W. Bush prepared to depart Tuesday on his first major trip to the Middle East.
Video footage released by the U.S. Navy today confirms the Pentagon’s reports that the Iranian vessels behaved in an aggressive manner.
Associated Press reports:
An Iranian fleet of high-speed boats charged at and threatened to blow up a three-ship U.S. Navy convoy passing near Iranian waters, then vanished as the American ship commanders were preparing to open fire, the top U.S. Navy commander in the area said Monday. …
The three U.S. warships—cruiser uss Port Royal, destroyer uss Hopper and frigate uss Ingraham—were headed into the Persian Gulf through the Straits of Hormuz on what the U.S. Navy called a routine passage inside international waters when they were approached by five small high-speed vessels believed to be from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy.
The Iranians “maneuvered aggressively” in the direction of the U.S. ships, said Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgriff, the commander of U.S. 5th Fleet, which patrols the Gulf and is based at nearby Bahrain. …
At one point the U.S. ships received a threatening radio call from the Iranians, “to the effect that they were closing (on) our ships and that the ships would explode—the U.S. ships would explode,” Cosgriff said. …
Cosgriff [said] the U.S. ship commanders were moving through a standard series of actions—including radio calls to the Iranians that went unheeded—but did not reach the point of firing warning shots.
Questions remain about Iran’s precise motives for the aggression, particularly since, uncharacteristically, it is downplaying the incident. Washington, also, has not made a formal protest. Stratfor reports that it is unusual for hostile vessels to come so close to a U.S. ship without being fired upon.
Time asserts that the incident was a reminder from Iran that it still has a hand on the world’s oil spigot—every day, 17 million barrels of crude oil exports pass through the Strait of Hormuz. “There were no shots fired or damage caused, but no doubt this was an Iranian reminder to the United States that the Gulf is called the Persian Gulf for a reason” (January 8).
Regardless of any political spin placed on this latest Iranian provocation—perhaps due to what is at stake in future Iranian-U.S. negotiations over Iraq—it is certainly not an isolated act of Iranian aggression against the United States. Iran is responsible for providing arms, training and funds to terrorists in Iraq that continue to kill U.S. troops.
Washington’s response—as in the latest incident—has continually been one of appeasement and compromise. Watch for this to only boost Iran’s confidence further........................................................................................................................................................................
Was Barack Obama a Muslim?
by Daniel Pipes
December 24, 2007
"If I were a Muslim I would let you know," Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim.
But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim? More precisely, might Muslims consider him a murtadd (apostate), that is, a Muslim who converted to another religion and, therefore, someone whose blood may be shed?
Barack Obama at the Smoky Row Coffee Shop in Oskaloosa, Iowa. |
My father was from Kenya, and a lot of people in his village were Muslim. He didn't practice Islam. Truth is he wasn't very religious. He met my mother. My mother was a Christian from Kansas, and they married and then divorced. I was raised by my mother. So, I've always been a Christian. The only connection I've had to Islam is that my grandfather on my father's side came from that country. But I've never practiced Islam. … For a while, I lived in Indonesia because my mother was teaching there. And that's a Muslim country. And I went to school. But I didn't practice. But what I do think it does is it gives me insight into how these folks think, and part of how I think we can create a better relationship with the Middle East and that would help make us safer is if we can understand how they think about issues.
These statements raise two questions: What is Obama's true connection to Islam and what implications might this have for an Obama presidency?
Was Obama Ever a Muslim?
"I've always been a Christian," said Obama, focusing on his own personal lack of practice of Islam as a child to deny any connection to Islam. But Muslims do not see practice as key. For them, that he was born to a line of Muslim males makes him born a Muslim. Further, all children born with an Arabic name based on the H-S-N trilateral root (Hussein, Hassan, and others) can be assumed to be Muslim, so they will understand Obama's full name, Barack Hussein Obama, to proclaim him a born Muslim.
More: family and friends considered him as a child to be Muslim. In "Obama Debunks Claim About Islamic School," Nedra Pickler of the Associated Press wrote on January 24, 2007, that
Obama's mother, divorced from Obama's father, married a man from Indonesia named Lolo Soetoro, and the family relocated to the country from 1967-71. At first, Obama attended the Catholic school, Fransiskus Assisis, where documents showed he enrolled as a Muslim, the religion of his stepfather. The document required that each student choose one of five state-sanctioned religions when registering – Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic or Protestant.
Asked about this, Obama communications director Robert Gibbs responded by indicating to Pickler that
he wasn't sure why the document had Obama listed as a Muslim. "Senator Obama has never been a Muslim."
Two months later, Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times (available online in a Baltimore Sun reprint) reported that the Obama campaign had retreated from that absolute statement and instead issued a more nuanced one: "Obama has never been a practicing Muslim." The Times looked into the matter further and learned more about his Indonesian interlude:
His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended. That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class.
The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. "We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played," said Zulfin Adi. … Obama's younger sister, Maya Soetoro, said in a statement released by the campaign that the family attended the mosque only "for big communal events," not every Friday.
Recalling Obama's time in Indonesia, the Times account contains quotes that Obama "went to the mosque," and that he "was Muslim."
Summarized, available evidence suggests Obama was born a Muslim to a non-practicing Muslim father and for some years had a reasonably Muslim upbringing under the auspices of his Indonesian step-father. At some point, he converted to Christianity. It appears false to state, as Obama does, "I've always been a Christian" and "I've never practiced Islam." The campaign appears to be either ignorant or fabricating when it states that "Obama never prayed in a mosque."
Implications of Obama's Conversion
Obama's conversion to another faith, in short, makes him a murtadd.
That said, the punishment for childhood apostasy is less severe than for the adult version. As Robert Spencer points out, "according to Islamic law an apostate male is not to be put to death if he has not reached puberty (cf. ‘Umdat al-Salik o8.2; Hidayah vol. II p. 246). Some, however, hold that he should be imprisoned until he is of age and then ‘invited' to accept Islam, but officially the death penalty for youthful apostates is ruled out."
On the positive side, were Obama prominently charged with apostasy, that would uniquely raise the issue of a Muslim's right to change religion, taking a topic on the perpetual back-burner and placing it front and center, perhaps to the great future benefit of those Muslims who seek to declare themselves atheists or to convert to another religion.
But would Muslims seeing Obama as a murtadd significantly affect an Obama presidency? The only precedent to judge by is that of Carlos Saúl Menem, the president of Argentina from 1989 to 1999. The son of two Muslim Syrian immigrants and husband of another Syrian-Argentine, Zulema Fátima Yoma, Menem converted to Roman Catholicism. His wife said publicly that Menem left Islam for political reasons—because Argentinean law until 1994 required the president of the country to be a member of the Church. From a Muslim point of view, Menem's conversion is worse than Obama's, having been done as an adult. Nonetheless, Menem was not threatened or otherwise made to pay a price for his change of religion, even during his trips to majority-Muslim countries, Syria in particular.
It is one thing to be president of Argentina in the 1990s, however, and another to be president of the United States in 2009. One must assume that some Islamists would renounce him as a murtadd and would try to execute him. Given the protective bubble surrounding an American president, though, this threat presumably would not make much difference to his carrying out his duties.
More significantly, how would more mainstream Muslims respond to him, would they be angry at what they would consider his apostasy? That reaction is a real possibility, one that could undermine his initiatives toward the Muslim world.
SIGNS OF SATAN - ???????????????????????????????
The first image Represents the horned god of witchcraft, Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand. The next image is a sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.
Satanic "goat's head" sign