Israeli jets using Iraq's airspace
The activities and traffic of warplanes- especially at nights- has lately increased in the US airbases in Nasiriya southeast of Baghdad and Haditha a city in the western Iraq province of Al Anbar, the Iraqi residents and sources said.
Latest Update: 07.11.08, 16:25 / Israel News
Israeli police accused Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of fraud on Friday and said an investigation into alleged bribe-taking had been widened to look at whether he made duplicate claims for travel expenses.
"The prime minister was asked to give his account about suspicions of serious fraud and other offences," police and the Justice Ministry said in a joint statement issued after investigators questioned Olmert for the third time.
Scientist to Congress: U.S. risks 'catastrophe' in nuke EMP attack
Expert says growing threat posed by Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, terrorists
Posted: July 10, 2008
6:22 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON – A top scientist today warned the House Armed Services Committee America remains vulnerable to a "catastrophe" from a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack that could be launched with plausible deniability by hostile rogue nations or terrorists.
William R. Graham, chairman of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack and the former national science adviser to President Reagan, testified before the committee while presenting a sobering new report on "one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences."
It is the first report from the commission since 2004 and identifies vulnerabilities in the nation's critical infrastructures, "which are essential to both our civilian and military capabilities."
Not taking the steps necessary to reduce the threat in the next three to five years "can both invite and reward attack," Graham told the committee.
The scariest and most threatening kind of EMP attack is initiated by the detonation of a nuclear weapon at high altitude in the range of 25 to 250 miles above the Earth's surface. The immediate effects of EMP are disruption of, and damage to, electronic systems and electrical infrastructure. Such a detonation over the middle of the continental U.S. "has the capability to produce significant damage to critical infrastructures that support the fabric of U.S. society and the ability of the United States and Western nations to project influence and military power," said Graham.
Star Flash Signal Mirror
Ultimate Survival Technologies
The signal mirror has repeatedly been rated as the most effective daylight-signaling device available and has been seen from up to 100 miles away. Because of this, the Star Flash Signal Mirror has been an included item in Air Force Survival Kits.
The Star Flash Signal Mirror is made of Lexan, floats and is virtually indestructible. Aiming of the Star Flash is accomplished by use of its trademarked center star. Instructions for use are written right on the mirror. However, we highly recommend that you practice with the Star Flash Signal Mirror prior to actually needing it.
This signal mirror is perfect for anyone who may need assistance in sparsely populated areas. This includes snow skiers, backpackers, boaters, hunters, rescue personnel and of course, aviators. This is a must have item for any survival kit and has saved countless lives over the years.
Best Glide ASE is happy to be one of the first to once again carry this high quality signal mirror that was out of production for some time. Now that it is back, we again expect the Star Flash Signal Mirror to become one of our most popular items.
Star Flash Signal Mirror
Ultimate Survival
The retro-reflective aimer has physical limitations and will not work effectively at high angles away from the sun. In such cases, the two-handed aiming method is required.
Hold the mirror at your eye and look through the aimer or over the top of the mirror; outstretch you other arm and form a V with two fingers. Sight through the aiming hole or over the top of the mirror with the mirror reflection visible on the V. Carefully turn and tilt the mirror to move the V and the reflection to the target. Lower the V so that the reflection touches only the tip of the fingers for maximum signaling performance.
This signaling method will work with any reflective surface (make-up mirror, CD-ROM, shinney piece of metal, hologram on credit card, etc) to create an improvised signal mirror. If there are multiple members of you party, have them use improvised mirrors if they do not have their own signal mirror.
Tutorials: Cord Wrap Handles
Click on any of the thumbnails below for a more detailed photo
In 2002, Z-Medica Corporation's launch of QuikClot® brand hemostatic agent changed the world of hemostasis forever and brought the promise of saving the lives of untold accident and battlefield victims around the world who would otherwise bleed to death before reaching a surgical setting. QuikClot® is the invention of former NASA engineer, scientist and Z-Medica co-founder Francis X. Hursey who thought outside the box while working with the mineral material at the core of QuikClot® while experimenting with it for a totally different purpose. His amazing product rapidly stops moderate to severe arterial and venous bleeding and is easily applied by even non-medical personnel. It is also in the forefront of hemostatic nano-technology. QuikClot® brand hemostatic agent can come in many varieties: QuikClot ACS+™ is offered in a delivery system similar to the original QuikClot ACS™ and allows the | ||||||||||||||
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QuikClot ACS™ – a new formulation and delivery system for the original QuikClot® hemostat. QuikClot ACS™ (Advanced Clotting Sponge) consists of beads contained in a porous surgical fabric that allows the activated beads to come into direct contact with blood in a wound and quickly stop the bleeding.
QuikClot® hemostat is a sterile, traumatic wound treatment that rapidly arrests high-volume blood loss and achieves hemostasis in large wounds, arresting the hemorrhage before the casualty goes into shock. QuikClot® hemostat affects coagulation in moderate-to-severe wounds, including high-volume venous and arterial bleeding. Click here to learn more...
*********************************************************************************************** March 27, 2006 U.S. Willing to Deploy Combat Troops to Colombia While the U.S. mainstream media widely-reported the U.S. Department of Justice’s recent indictment of 50 rebel leaders belonging to the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), an announcement by the State Department the next day received surprisingly little coverage. On March 24, Assistant Secretary of State Anne Patterson told Colombia’s Radio Caracol that, while the United States would not initiate any unilateral military action to capture FARC leaders, it would intervene if invited by the Colombian government. Given that the U.S. government’s intervention in Colombia already involves everything but the deployment of U.S. combat troops, it is clear that Patterson’s comments were intended to illustrate the Bush administration’s willingness to deploy U.S. troops to Colombia to combat FARC guerrillas.
Meanwhile, most Colombia experts agree that the country’s right-wing paramilitaries are far more deeply involved in drug trafficking than the rebels, a fact supported by the numerous drug busts in which the seized cocaine was traced back to paramilitary groups. In fact, former associates of Pablo Escobar, the notorious leader of the now-defunct MedellĂn cartel, established some of Colombia’s most prominent paramilitary groups. At the same time that the Bush administration is making the FARC the focus of its drug war propaganda, it is becoming increasingly evident that the U.S.-backed paramilitary demobilization is nothing more than a charade. Last week, demobilized paramilitary leader Ivan Roberto Duque confirmed publicly on Caracol Radio what Amnesty International, the United Nations and many analysts had been alleging for more than a year: that demobilized paramilitaries are taking up arms again. According to Duque, ex-militia fighters are offering their services to drug traffickers or “private justice” groups, also known as paramilitaries. As a result, the number of killings by paramilitaries in 2005 more than doubled that of the previous year. After more than five years and $4 billion in funding, Plan Colombia has failed to significantly reduce the price, purity and availability of cocaine in U.S. cities. Meanwhile, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe’s three-year U.S.-backed military offensive has failed to seriously diminish the FARC’s military capacity. Given that Washington has already made Colombia the third-largest recipient of U.S. military aid in the world—providing intelligence, weapons and training—the only remaining escalation available to the Bush administration is to deploy U.S. combat troops to the South American nation under the guise of the war on drugs. Such a U.S. military intervention is not likely to involve a massive deployment of troops to Colombia, a strategy that is not possible at the moment given the Pentagon’s commitment in Iraq. Instead, it would most likely involve the deployment of U.S. Army Special Forces units to track down FARC leaders in Colombia’s remote jungle regions. In other words, the U.S. military would replicate the strategy it is currently utilizing to find al-Qaeda leaders in the remote and mountainous Afghanistan-Pakistan border region.
A direct U.S. military intervention in Colombia clearly would have little to do with combating drugs. After all, if that were the true objective then the Bush administration would be targeting the country’s paramilitary leaders who, under the demobilization agreement, have been allowed to maintain their drug trafficking organizations while avoiding extradition to the United States—instead serving as little as 22 months of jail time on luxurious ranches in Colombia. The real objectives of a U.S. military escalation are rooted in ideology and economics. The Bush administration is intent on eliminating a leftist insurgency that is proving to be a persistent threat to U.S. economic interests and to Washington’s closest ally in the region. Colombia has become an increasingly important source of oil and coal, most of which is situated in rural regions where the operations of multinational companies remain vulnerable to rebel attacks. Furthermore, it is no coincidence that the Bush administration has announced its desire to escalate U.S. military intervention in Colombia less than a month after the two countries signed a bi-lateral free trade agreement. The economic policies have been established, but many of them need to be militarily implemented in Colombia due to the FARC’s persistence. There is unlikely to be any deployment of U.S. combat troops to Colombia prior to May’s presidential election. Anti-U.S. sentiment is already running high among Colombians following the signing of the unpopular free trade agreement in February. Consequently, any deployment of U.S. troops to wage war in Colombia prior to May would likely hurt Uribe’s chances of re-election. If it does indeed occur, the deployment of U.S. combat troops to Colombia will likely begin shortly after Uribe is sworn in for his second-term. Such a U.S. military escalation would help the Colombian president intensify the so-called democratic security strategy he initiated almost four years ago. *********************************************************************************************** .......................................................................................................................................................................