'U.S. attacks inside Syria'
Damascus: 4 American choppers involved in major raid, widen scope of Iraq campaign
Posted: October 26, 2008
4:39 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
TEL AVIV – The U.S. Army today carried out a raid inside a Syrian village near the Iraqi border, killing at least nine, announced a Syrian official.
Today's operation, neither confirmed nor denied by the U.S., is the first in which American forces so openly attacked militants on Syrian soil, clearly broadening the scope of the U.S. military campaign in Iraq.
The U.S. has long accused Damascus of failing to stop insurgents from crossing from Syria into Iraq, where they purportedly attack coalition troops and return to safety zones inside Syria.
An official Syrian spokesman confirmed earlier reports by the country's SANA state-run television, which reported U.S. helicopters were involved in an attack in Al-Sukkariya, some five miles from the Iraqi border.
*********************************************************************************************US helicopter air-ground raid kills nine inside Syria
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 26, 2008, 9:46 PM (GMT+02:00)
A US helicopter drop in another incident
Eye witnesses are quoted as describing four US helicopters from Iraq striking a house in Al-Sukkariya 17 km from the Iraqi border town of Deir Azzun Sunday night, Oct. 26, and killing 9 people. Eight US soldiers are said to have disembarked for the attack before being flown out. There has been no US comment on the incident.
Asked if the incident was compatible with Israel’s talks with Syria, Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni commented: Damascus must stop aiding al Qaeda as well two other terrorist groups, Hizballah and Hamas.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report previous US strikes on Syrian soil in 2004 and 2005 targeting al Qaeda exit points to Iraq. These attacks were discontinued for three years. Sunday’s operation was an extension of the US-Iraqi offensive to purge the northern Iraqi town of Mosul and their northern Syria havens of al Qaeda elements, the last two strong bastions the jihadists still retain in the region.
Al Qaeda fighters captured by the US military in and around Mosul in recent days revealed that the flow of arms, fighters, cash and explosives from Syria to Iraq continues unabated. This, notwithstanding Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem’s assurance to US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice that Damascus had halted this traffic when they met in New York in September. The US military struck after catching Syria back at the game in breach of its pledge.
DEBKAfile’s political sources link the operation in northern Syria with the US presidential campaign 10 days before voting. Both candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, will no doubt comment and if the attacks continue they could become a focal campaign theme.
Barack Obama with his public school classmates in Indonesia.
Report: Iranian president has fallen ill |
Oct 26 06:33 AM US/Eastern By NASSER KARIMI Associated Press Writer **************************************************************************** |
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Judge dismisses Obama birth certificate lawsuit
Rules voters don't have standing to 'police' constitutional requirements for president
Posted: October 25, 2008
3:14 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Philip J. Berg |
A lawsuit filed by Democratic attorney Philip Berg alleging that Sen. Barack Obama is ineligible to be president was dismissed by a federal judge yesterday on grounds that Berg lacks standing to bring the lawsuit.
In a 34-page memorandum that accompanied the court order, the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick concludes that ordinary citizens can't sue to ensure that a presidential candidate actually meets the constitutional requirements of the office.
Surrick defers to Congress, saying that the legislature could determine "that citizens, voters, or party members should police the Constitution's eligibility requirements for the Presidency," but that it would take new laws to grant individual citizens that ability.
"Until that time," Surrick says, "voters do not have standing to bring the sort of challenge that Plaintiff attempts to bring."
Berg has maintained that uncertainty about how the U.S. does enforce the requirements of presidency may result in a constitutional crisis should an ineligible candidate win the office.
"This is a question of who has standing to stand up for our Constitution," Berg told Jeff Schreiber of America's Right blog. "If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to ask whether or not the likely next president of the United States – the most powerful man in the entire world – is eligible to be in that office in the first place, then who does?"
To Supreme Court
Obama is "NOT" qualified to be President of the United States.
Lawsuit Against Obama Dismissed from Philadelphia Federal Court.
Muslims in U.S. praise Powell's remarks
For many Muslim- and Arab-Americans, comments former Secretary of State Colin Powell made over the weekend about what in their view is the Islamophobia surrounding Sen. Barack Obama's candidacy were a much-needed salve on a festering sore.On Meet the Press Sunday, Powell said what many Muslims and Arabs said they have waited to hear from a prominent figure like Powell throughout the 2008 presidential campaign.
Obama bomb dropped
When Tony Rezko held a reception at his home for Iraqi-born billionaire Nadhmi Auchi on April 3, 2004, White House hopeful Barack Obama and his wife were also there, Stuart Levine testified just now at Rezko's trial.
Auchi is the man who provided Rezko a $3.5 million loan that Rezko did not disclose to the court -- resulting in his January arrest.
"Mr. and Mrs. Obama were there, were they not?" Rezko lawyer Joseph Duffy asked.
"Yes, sir," Levine said.
Obama and his aides have said Obama has no recollection of ever meeting Auchi.
Rezko invited Levine to the reception after the two met up with each other during a family vacation in Puerto Vallarta. Rezko had to leave early to arrange for the reception, Levine testified. So Levine offered to rent a larger jet and fly Rezko's wife and children back to Chicago. That night, they all attended the reception.
Hay high, cattle die -- Next goes the food supply (Associated Press) The dead were stacked in two piles, 70 cows in one, 30 in another, hidden away in the crevices of this scenic, hilly ranch country where cattle outnumber people ... |
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Citizenship Boils
From Joel Skousen
Editor - World Affairs Brief
Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World
Ayers, Dohrn: 'White supremacy' responsible for America's troubles
Posted: October 25, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Unrepentant terrorist William Ayers and his wife, onetime federal fugitive Bernardine Dohrn, are releasing a new book that blames whites for the problems in the U.S. since its independence from Great Britain more than two centuries ago.
According to Amazon.com, the soon-to-be released book, "Race Course Against White Supremacy," includes personal essays "by two veteran political activists" on "white supremacy and its troubling endurance in American life."
"Arguing that white supremacy has been the dominant political system in the United States since its earliest days – and that it is still very much with us – the discussion points to unexamined bigotry in the criminal justice system, election processes, war policy, and education," the Amazon posting states.
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Obama Would Fail Security Clearance
by Daniel Pipes
Philadelphia Bulletin
October 21, 2008
Obama's Indonesian school registration listing him as Muslim. Click to enlarge |
Instead, then, let us review a related subject – Obama's connections and even indebtedness, throughout his career, to extremist Islam. Specifically, he has longstanding, if indirect ties to two institutions, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), listed by the U.S. government in 2007 as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding trial; and the Nation of Islam (NoI), condemned by the Anti-Defamation League for its "consistent record of racism and anti-Semitism."
First, Obama's ties to Islamists:
The cover of one of Khalid al-Mansour's books, "The Mind and the Mindless - Will the West Rule Forever."
The Kenny Gamble (also known as Luqman Abdul-Haqq) connection: Gamble, a once-prominent pop music producer, cut the ribbon to the Obama campaign headquarters housed in a south Philadelphia building he owns. Gamble is an Islamist who buys large swaths of real estate in Philadelphia to create a Muslim-only residential area. Also, as the self-styled "amir" of the United Muslim Movement, he has many links to Islamist organizations, including CAIR and the Muslim Alliance in North America. (MANA's "amir" is Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.)
Kenny Gamble
The Minha Husaini connection: The campaign's second Muslim outreach coordinator has an Islamist background, having served as an intern in the Muslim Public Service Network. Immediately upon her appointment by Obama, she met with a group of about thirty Muslims including such notorious figures as CAIR's Nihad Awad; the Muslim American Society's Mahdi Bray, who has publicly supported the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups; and Johari Abdul Malik of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Va., who has advised American Muslims: "You can blow up bridges, but you cannot kill people who are innocent on their way to work."
Second, Obama's ties to the Nation of Islam:
Louis Farrakhan, who calls Obama "the Messiah." |
Jeremiah Wright, Obama's esteemed pastor for twenty years, came out of a Nation background, recently he accepted protection from an NoI security detail, and has praised Louis Farrakhan, the NoI's leader, as one of the "giants of the African American religious experience." Wright's church celebrated Farrakhan for his having "truly epitomized greatness."
Farrakhan himself endorsed Obama, calling him "the hope of the entire world," "one who can lift America from her fall," and even "the Messiah."
That Obama's biography touches so frequently on such unsavory organizations as CAIR and the Nation of Islam should give pause. How many of politicians have a single tie to either group, much less seven of them? John McCain charitably calls Obama "a person you do not have to be scared [of] as president of the United States," but Obama's multiple links to anti-Americans and subversives mean he would fail the standard security clearance process for Federal employees.
Islamic aggression represents America's strategic enemy; Obama's many insalubrious connections raise grave doubts about his fitness to serve as America's commander-in-chief.
Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'
Posted: October 23, 2008
11:33 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Philip J. Berg |
The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.
The issue of Obama's birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has been raised enough times that his campaign website has posted an image purporting to be of his "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii.
But Philip J. Berg, a former deputy attorney general for Pennsylvania, told the Michael Savage talk radio program tonight that the document is forged and that he has a tape recording he will soon release.
"This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months," Berg told Savage. "I'll release it [the tape] in a day or two, affidavits from her talking to a certain person. I heard the tape. She was speaking [to someone] here in the United States."
Newspaper shows Obama belonged to socialist party
Democrat's campaign denied allegations, but new evidence indicates membership
Posted: October 24, 2008
12:50 am Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Excerpt from New Party publication (Courtesy New Zeal blog) |
Several blogs, including Powerline, previously documented that while running for the Illinois state Senate in 1996 as a Democrat, Obama actively sought and received the endorsement of the socialist-oriented New Party, with some blogs claiming Obama was a member of the controversial party.
The New Party, formed by members of the Democratic Socialists for America and leaders of an offshoot of the Community Party USA, was an electoral alliance that worked alongside the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. The New Party's aim was to help elect politicians to office who espouse its policies.
Among New Party members was linguist and radical activist Noam Chomsky.
Obama's campaign has responded to the allegations, denying the presidential candidate was ever a member of the New Party.
But the New Zeal blog dug up print copies of the New Party News, the party's official newspaper, which show Obama posing with New Party leaders, list him as a New Party member and include quotes from him.
WND's Corsi probing Obama's Hawaiian birth
Unraveling evidence in questions over citizenship
Posted: October 23, 2008
11:35 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
WND senior investigative reporter Jerome Corsi, who recently returned from a trip to Kenya with revelations about Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's participation in a foreign nation's internal politics,Hawaii to uncover the truth of the senator's Hawaiian birth. now has been dispatched to
The issue has been raised multiple times during the 2008 presidential campaign, with a number of court cases already being launched that demand documentation about Obama's birth place. One prominent Pennsylvania Democrat, Philip Berg, has alleged that Obama was born not in Hawaii at all but in Kenya.
Corsi plans to be in Hawaii for several days to review the evidence and records in the dispute.
Berg v. Obama: The Highlights of Berg's Response
Late today, Pennsylvania attorney Philip Berg filed his response to Obama’s Motion to Dismiss. Here are the highlights: Berg states that he has standing because he, and other … more →
Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog
Link to mp3: Phil Berg says Sarah Obama reveals Barack Obama born in Kenya — 12 comments
Mountain Sage wrote 14 hours ago: Phil Berg, in an interview on the Michael Savage radio show (tonight at 6:30 p.m.), stated he has an … more →
WorldNetDaily: Obama 'admits' Kenyan birth? Campaign doesn't respond to claims in lawsuit over birth certificate
October 21, 2008 | By Drew Zahn | © 2008 WorldNetDaily
Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit demanding Sen. Barack Obama present proof of his American citizenship, now says that by failing to respond Obama has legally "admitted" to the lawsuit's accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
As WND reported, Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August, alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States. Though Obama has posted an image of a Hawaii birth certificate online, Berg demands that the court verify the original document, which the Obama campaign has not provided.
Now Berg cites Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.
Since Obama has only filed motions to dismiss and has not actually answered the charges in the lawsuit, Berg claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen.
Now Berg is asking the court for a formal declaration of Obama's admission and asking the Democratic National Committee for another presidential candidate.
In a statement released today, Berg argues that he filed Requests for Admissions on Sept. 15, meaning Obama had until Oct. 15 to answer or face the consequences of Rule 36.
"Obama and the DNC 'admitted,' by way of failure to timely respond to Requests for Admissions, all of the numerous specific requests in the Federal lawsuit," Berg's statement reads. "Obama is 'not qualified' to be president and therefore Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate."
Complete article at WorldNetDaily.com
Obama Goes to Hawaii...Coincidence?
- 3 days ago - texasdarlin.wordpress.com
Obama natural born citizen?, Obama’s birth certificate, Obama born in Kenya, Is Obama eligible to be president?
June 10, 2008 · 50 Comments
Obama has been asked repeatedly to present a copy of his birth
certificate. Obama has refused to supply a copy of his birth
certificate. Is Obama eligible to be president?
Was Obama born in Kenya? I have two powerful sources that indicate
that Obama was born on Kenya. One is a reporter working behind the
scenes. The other is from the following site. The headline is shown
below and states:
“Kenyan-born OBAMA makes history…wins presidential nomination.”
A poster on Larry Sinclair’s blog has provided the following
interpretation of whether Obama meets the citizenship status
to be president:
“MARK Says:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at 2:56 pm
Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. Natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between “December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986? . Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. Citizen parents, which of course is what exempts John McCain though he was born in the Panama Canal. US Law very clearly stipulates: “…If only one parent was a U.S. Citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have resided in the United States for at least ten years, at least five of which had to be after the age of 16.” Barack Obama’s father was not a U.S. Citizen and Obama’s mother was only 18 when Obama was born, which means though she had been a U.S. Citizen for 10 years, (or citizen perhaps because of Hawai’i being a territory) the mother fails the test for being so for at least 5 years **prior to** Barack Obama’s birth, but *after* age 16. It doesn’t matter *after* . In essence, she was not old enough to qualify her son for automatic U.S. Citizenship. At most, there were only 2 years elapsed since his mother turned 16 at the time of Barack Obama’s birth when she was 18 in Hawai’i. His mother would have needed to have been 16+5= 21 years old, at the time of Barack Obama’s birth for him to have been a natural-born citizen. As aformentioned, she was a young college student at the time and was not. Barack Obama was already 3 years old at that time his mother would have needed to have waited to have him as the only U.S. Cizen parent. Obama instead should have been naturalized, but even then, that would still disqualify him from holding the office.
*** Naturalized citizens are ineligible to hold the office of President. *** Though Barack Obama was sent back to Hawaii at age 10, all the other info does not matter because his mother is the one who needed to have been a U.S. Citzen for 10 years prior to his birth on August 4, 1961, with 5 of those years being after age 16. Further, Obama may have had to have remained in the country for some time to protect any citizenship he would have had, rather than living in Indonesia. Now you can see why Obama’s aides stopped his speech about how we technically have more than 50 states, because it would have led to this discovery. This is very clear cut and a blaring violation of U.S. Election law. I think the Gov. Of California would be very insterested in knowing this if Obama were elected President without being a natural-born U.S. Citizen, and it would set precedence. Stay tuned to your TV sets because I suspect some of this information will be leaking through over the next several days…”
Click here for more on this story:
Below are US Constitution, Amendments and court cases that relate to the citizenship requirements for president from Wikipedia:
US constitutional definition
The United States Constitution does not define the term “natural born citizen”; however, it does confer on Congress the power: “To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.”
Section 1 of Article II of the Constitution contains the clause:
“ No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
US case law
Although the U.S. Supreme Court has never specifically addressed the meaning of “natural born citizen,” there are several Supreme Court decisions that help define citizenship:
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857): In regard to the “natural born citizen” clause, the dissent states that it is acquired by place of birth (jus soli), not through blood or lineage (jus sanguinis): “The first section of the second article of the Constitution uses the language, ‘a natural-born citizen.’ It thus assumes that citizenship may be acquired by birth. Undoubtedly, this language of the Constitution was used in reference to that principle of public law, well understood in this country at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, which referred citizenship to the place of birth.” (Much of the majority opinion in this case was overturned by the 14th Amendment in 1868.)
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898): A person born within the jurisdiction of the U.S. to non-citizens who “are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity” is automatically a citizen.
Weedin v. Chin Bow, 274 U.S. 657 (1927): A child born outside the U.S. cannot claim U.S. citizenship by birth through a U.S. citizen parent who had never lived in the U.S. prior to the child’s birth. (This is still true today, although the specific statutes upon which the Supreme Court’s ruling was based have changed since 1927.)
Montana v. Kennedy, 366 U.S. 308 (1961): A person born in 1906, whose mother was a native-born citizen of the United States and whose father was a foreign citizen, who was born overseas and then moved to the United States, was not a citizen of the United States by birth. (Note that the relevant laws have changed considerably since 1906, so this decision does not necessarily apply to later cases.)
Schneider v. Rusk, 377 U.S. 163 (1964): The Court voided a statute that provided that a naturalized citizen should lose his United States citizenship if, following naturalization, he resided continuously for three years in his former homeland. “We start from the premise that the rights of citizenship of the native-born and of the naturalized person are of the same dignity and are coextensive. The only difference drawn by the Constitution is that only the ‘natural born’ citizen is eligible to be President.”
Miller v. Albright, 523 U.S. 420 (1998): A child born overseas to an American father and a foreign mother (not married) is not a U.S. citizen unless paternity is established before an established age (in this case 21). This case challenged the law on the grounds that U.S. law requires no explicit acknowledgment of parenthood in the case of a foreign-born child to an American mother and a foreign father (not married).
Nguyen v. INS, 533 U.S. 53 (2001): As in the Miller v. Albright case, the Court holds that a child born overseas to an American father and a foreign mother (not married) is not a U.S. citizen unless paternity is established before an established age (in this case 18). The child was brought to the U.S. before his sixth birthday and raised by his father; however, after a criminal conviction, deportation was ordered but the child claimed U.S. citizenship. His citizenship was denied because paternity had not been established prior to his 18th birthday. The Court upheld the law, once again affirming that Congress has the power to define citizenship outside the citizenship dictated by the 14th Amendment (citizenship by birth).**********************************************************************************************
California Foreclosures Soar By 228%
LOS ANGELES (AP) ― Home foreclosures in California soared 228 percent in the past three months from a year ago, a real estate tracking firm said Thursday.A total of 79,511 homes were lost in the quarter ending Sept. 30, compared to 24,209 in the same period last year, MDA DataQuick said.
The third quarter saw the largest number of foreclosures since the company started tracking the figures in 1988.
The flood of foreclosed homes is feeding steep plunges in home prices around the state.
A total of 63,316 homes were repossessed in the second quarter of this year ending June 30.
However, in the most recent quarter, California saw its first drop in three years in the number of mortgage default notices -- the first steps toward foreclosure -- filed against state homeowners, as a change in the state's formal foreclosure process took effect.
Default notices were down 22.5 percent from the previous quarter but up 29.9 percent from the same period last year.
If the procedural change hadn't kicked in during early September, the third-quarter default filings would have been about the same as the record 121,673 filed in the previous quarter, DataQuick said.
"A lot of the market's distress is working its way through the system and the spectacular jumps in activity may be behind us," said John Walsh, DataQuick president. "Or it may be that those processing the default paperwork are just maxed out."