Eric Holder Was a Gun Control Nightmare | ||
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Barack Obama’s nomination of Eric Holder for attorney general will not sit well with advocates of Second Amendment rights — Holder has consistently championed stronger gun-control measures. As deputy attorney general in the Bill Clinton administration from 1997 to 2001, Holder “was a strong supporter of restrictive gun control,” according to The Volokh Conspiracy, a Web site that focuses on the legal system and the courts. |
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Bug-eyed warriors: Troops will see out of the corner of their eyes with revolutionary new night sight
By Peter Almond
Last updated at 1:47 AM on 23rd November 2008
British frontline troops will soon be able to see better in the dark using a revolutionary night sight modelled on the eyes of a tiny parasite.
The digital device, worn over one eye and attached to a helmet, will allow soldiers to spot an enemy out of the corner of their eyes without even moving their head.
The device has been developed from studies into the 50 raspberry-like eyes of the Xenos peckii insect – a tiny bug that lives inside the bodies of paper wasps.
British troops will soon be using digital night goggles which will allow them to spot an enemy out of the corner of their eyes (file picture)
************************************************************************************************Friday, November 21, 2008
PASS THIS AROUND...........Whereas, by requirement of the United States Constitution, Section 2, Article 1, no one can be sworn into office as president of the United States without being a natural born citizen;
Whereas, there is sufficient controversy within the citizenry of the United States as to whether presidential election winner Barack Obama was actually born in Hawaii as he claims;
Whereas, Barack Obama has refused repeated calls to release publicly his entire Hawaiian birth certificate, which would include the actual hospital that performed the delivery;
Whereas, lawsuits filed in several states seeking only proof of the basic minimal standard of eligibility have been rebuffed;
Whereas, Hawaii at the time of Obama's birth allowed births that took place in foreign countries to be registered in Hawaii;
Whereas, concerns that our government is not taking this constitutional question seriously will result in diminished confidence in our system of free and fair elections;
CLICK HERE TO SIGN UPhttp://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=81550
On December 5, 2008, only ten days before the electoral college votes, the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will meet in private to review Obama’s citizenship status.
Leo Donofrio’s case, “Leo C. Donofrio, v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, United States Supreme Court Docket No. 08A407,” regarding Obama’s citizenship has reached a new level. The case has been “distributed for conference.”
This docketing today by the court should send ripples of fear through the Obama camp. Obama has been proceeding at lightening speed to put together a cabinet and take possession of the White House with the hope that he won’t have to answer the question of whether or not he was “at birth” a “natural born citizen.”
Every major news network, print and cable news like FOX, CNN and MSNBC, have ignored all the court cases challenging Obama’s eligibility as sore losers or conspiracy theories. It might be in their best interest at this point to report this critically important meeting to take place on December 5, 2008, or lose what little credibility they have left.
If four of the nine Justices vote to hear the case in full review, oral argument may be ordered. The conference is scheduled for December 5, 2008, ten days before the meeting of the Electoral College…
The case originally sought, pre-election, to have the names of Barack Obama, John McCain, and Roger Calero removed from New Jersey ballots, and for a stay of the “national election” pending Supreme Court review of whether those candidates were eligible under the Constitution as natural born Citizens, as is required by Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States.
Leo Donofrio brought his case from a lower New Jersey court to the NJ Supreme Court — was denied — and then he filed an emergency stay application in the United States Supreme Court on Nov. 3, 2008, before the Honorable Associate Justice David Souter. Justice Souter denied the emergency stay application on Nov. 6.
Leo Donofrio renewed the application, as per Supreme Court Rule 22.4, to the Honorable Associate Justice Clarence Thomas by way of Express mail on Nov. 14. The application arrived at the Supreme Court on Nov. 17 and was submitted directly to Justice Thomas.
On Nov. 19, the case was docketed for full conference of all nine Justices and scheduled for December 5, 2008. It is not known at this time the exact details of how the case came to be “DISTRIBUTED for Conference”.
Background on “The Justices Conference” is discussed as follows by the Supreme Court Historical Society:
“No outsider enters the room during conference. The junior Associate Justice acts as “doorkeeper,” sending for reference material, for instance, and receiving it at the door…
Five minutes before conference time, 9:30 or 10 a.m., the Justices are summoned. They exchange ritual handshakes and settle down at the long table. The Chief sits at the east end; the other Justices sit at places they have chosen in order of their seniority…
The Chief Justice opens the discussion, summarizing each case. The senior Associate Justice speaks next, and comment passes down the line. To be accepted for review, a case needs only four votes, fewer than the majority required for a decision on the case itself. Counsel for the litigants are directed to submit their printed briefs so that each Justice has a set several weeks before argument.
Crossing the Rubicon
Posted: November 21, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
© 2008
Ancient Rome had in place a law similar to America's posse comitatus law that prohibits U.S. military forces from being used inside U.S. borders. To prevent the Roman republic from the threat posed by its own military, Roman legions were prohibited from crossing into Roman territory past the boundary line marked by the Rubicon River.
In 49 B.C., when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon on his way to Rome, his action made armed conflict inevitable. Crossing the Rubicon became a idiom for passing a point of no return. Once one has crossed the Rubicon, there is no turning back.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran has now amassed 630 kg of low-enriched uranium, enough, says the New York Times, to produce a single atom bomb. The debate in the media began almost immediately: "Oh yeah? How much is enough?" or "That's not enough for a big bomb," or the inevitable "They're still one (two, five, you choose) years away," etc. Lost in the media din is the fact all the headlines contain estimates of how far Iran is away from having an atomic bomb.
They are not about how far Iran is from having cheap, abundant nuclear power for all Iran's citizens.
The dance is all around the subject, but stopping the music for a second, the subject is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in possession of sufficient nuclear material for a nuclear weapon. Iran has crossed the Rubicon with Israel.
**********************************************************************************************LATEST UPDATE - THEY WANT YOUR AMMUNITION
Petitioners tell president-elect to prove his eligibility for office
Thousands sign online demand, reveal frustration over secrecy
Posted: November 21, 2008
11:00 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Barack Obama |
Thousands of people are jumping aboard a petition that demands documentation of President-elect Barack Obama's eligibility to hold the highest office in the U.S., not just assurances from party officials.
Within only a few hours of its launch, more than 10,000 petitioners today had joined the effort coordinated by WND founder and editor Joseph Farah.
A report accompany Farah's petition explains the many questions raised about Obama's eligibility, from an apparently fabricated "Certification of Live Birth" posted online to questions about what nation's passport he used during to travel to Pakistan.
Is he or isn't he? The debate over Obama's eligibility
New feature focuses on birth certificate, the U.S. Constitution and doubts
Posted: November 20, 2008
2:44 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The "eligible" President-elect Obama |
Is he or isn’t he? That's the focus of a new WND forum that offers readers an opportunity to express their opinion on whether Barack Obama is eligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution.
There have been dozens of questions – and about that many legal cases – so far over the campaign's failure to document his status as a "natural-born" U.S. citizen, a status that is required by the constitution to hold the highest office.
Obama certificate lawsuit dismissed
Judge says Net author Martin had no standing to get birth document
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November 21, 2008
We recently called the Kenyan Embassy and learned some pretty interesting things about our President elect, Barack Obama…
Someone is lying. According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room. -This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg (see video below) who is, surprisingly, a life long democrat himself. Berg is the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and he has an impressive background in his activities as a democrat, but his support for the party seemingly stops when it comes to his trust in Barack Hussein Obama.
Kenya Ambassador Confirms
11-21-8- Kenyan Ambassador plainly admits Obama was born in Kenya and that the location of his birth is "already an attraction" and that a monument may be built there by the government.
- Listen beginning at 12:15 into the MP3 File on this page...
- http://my.wrif.com/mim/?p=916
YOU MUST SEE PREVIOUS BLOG http://actionsbyt.blogspot.com/2008/11/another-day-in-paradise.html
Obama's state secret: His birth certificate!
Posted: November 21, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
© 2008
So much for those pledges of "open government."
So much for those promises of "change."
So much for his upcoming oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
Barack Hussein Obama is still refusing to disclose to the American public something as innocent and as basic as his full, undoctored birth certificate to establish beyond any shadow of a doubt – and that doubt is growing daily – that he is a natural-born American citizen.
Ironically, now that the election is over, the pressure is building. A few bold members of Congress are getting interested in demanding hearings on the issue. The lawsuits are increasing. More pundits and activists are beginning to mobilize.
I, too, am raising the stakes.
Beginning today, I am personally sponsoring a petition campaign right here at this Internet news source, to all controlling legal authorities to determine Barack Obama's eligibility for the presidency under Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution and to use all of their persuasive powers to make this information freely available to the rulers of this country – we the people.
I also pledge that this news organization will continue to pursue its own independent investigation as aggressively as it possible can.
To date, here is what we have done:
- Dispatched senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi twice to Hawaii to investigate the matter, including an appeal to the governor.
- Hired a battery of private investigators in Hawaii to check every hospital for birth records – to no avail.
- Sent Corsi to Kenya where he talked with some of Obama's relatives who clearly recall the birth taking place in Mombassa. (While there, Corsi was detained by Kenyan officials and a press conference he had scheduled was canceled at the last minute at the order of Prime Minister Raila Odinga, who has since made clear he has expectations of payback from soon-to-be President Obama.)
I tell you all this because despite the shroud of secrecy over the birth certificate issue, there are some organizations out there insisting it is all a tempest in a teapot – that the issue is settled, that the birth certificate has been released, that Obama has been determined to be eligible by some mystery authority.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Did Obama Falsify Selective Service Registration?

Debbie Schlussel is a very respected journalist............
Did President-elect Barack Hussein Obama commit a federal crime in September of this year? Or did he never actually register and, instead, did friends of his in the Chicago federal records center, which maintains the official copy of his alleged Selective Service registration commit the crime for him?
It's either one or the other, as indicated by the release of Barack Obama's official Selective Service registration for the draft. A friend of mine, who is a retired federal agent, spent almost a year trying to obtain this document through a Freedom of Information Act request, and, after much stonewalling, finally received it and released it to me.
But the release of Obama's draft registration and an accompanying document, posted below, raises more questions than it answers. And it shows many signs of fraud, not to mention putting the lie to Obama's claim that he registered for the draft in June 1979, before it was required by law.
Lawsuits Proliferate Demanding Proof of Obama's Natural-Born Citizenship before Electoral Vote Count
Keyes warns against "an unprecedented and looming constitutional crisis"
By Kathleen Gilbert
November 19, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A Sacramento Supreme Court petition filed on behalf of Alan Keyes and others has asked the Secretary of State to withhold the state's 55 electoral votes from the December Electoral College tally until President-Elect Barack Obama proves he is eligible to take office.
The court document joins a host of litigation questioning Obama's eligibility in as many as 15 states, with confirmed cases in Ohio, Connecticut, Washington, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Hawaii, and unconfirmed reports from Utah, Wyoming, Florida, New York, North Carolina, Texas, California and Virginia, according to WorldNetDaily.
All the cases reported to have failed were dismissed due to the plaintiff's lack of standing, without the court actually investigating the complaint.
However, as Keyes was on the November ballot as the American Independent Party presidential candidate, his is the first case in which the plaintiff is a candidate who lost the presidency, perhaps illegitimately, to Obama. This may mean that Keyes' case will be the first in which the plaintiff is deemed to have sufficient standing, leading the court to investigate the complaint instead of dismissing it.
"Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States of America and, thereby, his election declared void, Petitioners, as well as other Americans, will suffer irreparable harm in that an usurper will be sitting as the President of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal," Keyes wrote to the Sacramento Supreme Court.
"An unprecedented and looming constitutional crisis awaits if a President elected by the popular vote and the electoral vote does not constitutionally qualify to serve in that capacity," the court document continued.
In response to questions about why the suit was being filed, Keyes commented, "I and others are concerned that this issue be properly investigated and decided before Senator Obama takes office. Otherwise there will be a serious doubt as to the legitimacy of his tenure.
"I hope the issue can be quickly clarified so that the new President can take office under no shadow of doubt," concluded Keyes. "This will be good for him and for the nation."
According to the United States Constitution, only a natural-born American citizen is eligible for the office of the presidency. Questions and rumors about President-elect Obama's birthplace and legal citizenship gained steam in the weeks leading up to the election, and continue to fly as Obama refuses to release his original birth certificate and medical records to the media (http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/oct/08102712.html).
The Obama camp dismisses the charges as "garbage." But without the demanded proof, purported evidence that Obama was born in Kenya or else lost his natural-born citizenship in Indonesia continue to gain notoriety on the internet, including a Youtube video of Obama's Kenyan grandmother saying the Illinois senator is native to her Mombosa village. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4FqVRWgrNw&eurl=http://b...)
Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii, and has released an image of a Hawaiian certification of live birth. This did not satisfy some skeptics, however, who insist the image was forged.
One case, filed by lifelong Democrat Philip J. Berg of Philadelphia, is currently before the Supreme Court. The defendants, including Obama and the Democratic National Committee, have until December 1st to respond to Berg's appeal to the Supreme Court. The district court judge that first heard Berg's case had told Berg he did not have standing to bring charges.
Berg told LifeSiteNews.com that more court activity across America calling for the withholding of electoral votes until the matter is settled, like Keyes' petition, is likely.
Berg says he is very optimistic about his pending case, and says he is certain the Supreme Court will not be able to ignore the issue. "Our government is based on the U.S. Constitution, we're asking for the enforcement of certain terms here that are very basic," he said.
"I think this is the biggest hoax perpetrated upon the American public in the history of our country, and I really think certain people should end up going to jail," Berg added.
Berg warned that, if Obama truly is ineligible, and nonetheless inaugurated, there would be "a real constitutional crisis.
"We'd have a nightmare on our hands," he said.
See related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:
Case Claiming Obama Ineligible for Presidency Appealed to Supreme Court
November 20, 2008
With All Eyes on Obama, Port of Los Angeles Security Under Control of Chinese President’s Son
Judi McLeod
With all eyes on the Big O’s Office of the President-elect, very few know that the Port of Los Angeles – the nation’s largest – is now effectively under the control of the Peoples Republic of China.
The Port has purchased with $1.7 million American tax dollars via a “port security grant” awarded by the U.S. Department of Homeland security, a mobile X-ray scanning system, mounted on a Mack Truck chassis. The scanning system is owned by Nuctech Company Limited, owned outright by Hu Haifeng, the son of Chinese President Hu Jintao.
Sated with their Obama victory, the mainstream media is asleep at the switch, but eagle eye Lou Dobbs is flagging the America public’s attention. See Dobbs on YouTube.
(Getty Images)