
$45K in 5 days for 'truth and transparency' billboard campaign
12:00 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON – The electoral system has failed to satisfy lingering questions about Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president.
The press has failed to satisfy those questions.
The courts have failed to satisfy those questions.
The Congress has failed to satisfy those questions.
But the people are still asking.
That's how Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, explains the petition he initiated several months ago that has collected nearly 400,000 names of Americans demanding answers as to Obama's elidibility as well as the outpouring of financial support for his new campaign to erect billboards around the country asking the simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"
In just five days, the billboard campaign has been backed by about $45,000 in donations.
Likewise, Farah points out, the nearly 400,000 petitioners represents more people than live in any of the following U.S. cities:
St. Louis, Missouri
Anaheim, California
Cincinnati, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
New Orleans, Louisiana
Newark, New Jersey
Birmingham, Alabama
Madison, Wisconsin
Orlando, Florida
Reno, Nevada
Richmond, Virginia
Des Moines, Iowa
Little Rock, Arkansas
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Salt Lake City, Utah
Providence, Rhode Island
Kansas City, Kansas
Hartford, Connecticut
Springfield, Illinois
Berkeley, California
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Both efforts are part of what Farah calls an independent "truth and transparency campaign."
Israeli ministers use Der Spiegel's Hariri story to knock Hizballah
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
May 24, 2009, 2:25 PM (GMT+02:00)
German paper clears Damascus of Rafiq Hariri's assassination.
A senior Israel intelligence official criticized Israel ministers for jumping on the German "Der Spiegel" report which claimed that the UN tribunal on the case of the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese PM Hariri had new evidence implicating Hizballah leader Nasrallah rather than Syria.
The official was speaking to DEBKAfile.
At the weekly cabinet meeting Sunday, May 24, defense minister Ehud Barak commented that Hizballah was an Iranian arm and negative influence. He hoped the Lebanese people would draw the right conclusions – a hint at the general election in two weeks.
Foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman called for an international arrest warrant to be issued against Hizballah's leader Hassan Nasrallah for complicity in the Hariri murder.
The two comments hinged on an unconfirmed press report which referred to the "new evidence" as being eight cell phones. DEBKAfile notes a) that the cell phones were revealed in 2006 and b) they proved the opposition of Der Spiegel's contention.
The cell phones in the possession of the assassins were used for calls to the secret forward command set up by Syrian military intelligence a few streets away from the scene of the mighty explosion in which the former Lebanese prime minister and at least 20 others were killed. They were registered under fictitious names. Since the German paper does not identify the users, its "new evidence" contributes nothing new to the investigation.
Furthermore, absolving Syrian president Bashar Assad and Syrian military intelligence chief, his brother-in-law Gen. Asif Shawqat of complicity in the crime suggests that the sources of the leak to the German newspaper had their own political agenda.
In jumping opportunistically on a dubious report the two Israeli ministers therefore served an unknown foreign interest's disinformation campaign. The Israeli government would be better served by stating frankly that it will assess its policies towards its northern neighbor should Lebanon fall into the hands of the radical bloc led by Hizballah, an acclaimed foe and hostile proxy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Israel cannot afford Lebanon's transformation into an Iranian outpost.
Bibi Rejects Obama's 'UN Flag at Kotel'; Star of David to Remain
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu vowed at the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva in Jerusalem Thursday night that the Israeli flag will continue to fly over the Western Wall (Kotel). The first prime minister in years to appear at the venerable yeshiva on Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), he ignored U.S. President Barack Obama’s apparent trial balloon that he wants to see the United Nations flag fly over the Old City holy sites.
.........................................................................................................................................................................Israeli jets practice as tension with Iran grows
JERUSALEM: Israel's air force held a large-scale exercise simulating war on several fronts with enemies that include Iran, Israeli defense officials said yesterday. The practice this week involved Israel's entire air arm and was meant to prepare for an all-out war, including missile attacks aimed at Israeli cities, the officials said. It lasted four days, ending Thursday. Israel periodically conducts such exercises. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the details of the exercise were notmade public.
Obama To California: We Can't Bail You Out
.....................................................................................From Steve Quayle
May 22, 2009
Be advised a fellow LEO who is long-term military, and very level-headed, confided to me that he has been ordered to bring all of his 'door kicking' gear to his summer camp next weekend. He was concerned that the training this year is in preparation for a move on gun owners later this year. He says this is very unusual, and not anything that he has been required to do in the last 10 years, other than for deployment to Iraq.......................................................................................................................
May 22, 2009
I had returned from Canada, where, while in prayer/fasting in fellowship with friends there in late Aug.1999. A friend turned me on to your shortwave broadcast. I heard a man standing in for you, talking about a recent season of prayer and fasting, judgment coming upon America. Outlined an area of protection, a remnant preserved North Central Arkansas. My wife in Pittsburgh,Pa, wakes up early in the morning walking thru the living room my eldest son Jordan, 7 years old at the time says in his sleep, while sleeping on the couch, says "Flee the city, destruction is coming." The next night the same thing as she wakes up in the middle of the am, this time he says "Why are they still here?, have not I told thee flee the city destruction is coming?" Now this was in context to Y2K, we are thinking the stuff (excrement) is going to hit the fan. Upon my arrival home, early Sept. 1999 I fell asleep on the floor next to my son's bed, and woke up early in the am to hear him say in his sleep,.."Dad, destruction is coming on the fourth." That fall we moved to Arkansas. Escaping the People's Republic of Allegheny County one cool Autumn night. Initially staying with friends in Mt. Pleasant. And ended up eventually in Salem, Arkansas. May you live in interesting times. Thanks!....................................................................................................................
May 22, 2009
Just got off the phone with my Dad! He lives near Mt. Weather! Yesterday and today alone they have had 20 fly overs of different helos!! Something is up! We can always tell by the helo activity near that base!! On top of that I had dinner with a friend who is in the know!! He says that the U.N. have been told to lock and load!!! I WISH I COULD TELL YOU MORE THAN THIS! BUT I FEAR FOR MY LIFE NOW!! THIS MAN HAS SPILLED THE BEANS!! STEVE IT IS COMING VERY VERY SOON!! HE SAID IT WILL COME FROM EVERY CORNER!! AND THEY WILL HIT THE OUTSKIRTS FIRST!!
French police under Kalashnikov fire: early riot warning?
Netanyahu says all Jerusalem to remain Israeli
Makes comments after his forces destroy West Bank settlement outpost
*************************************************************************************************Israeli attack could scuttle U.S. effort to defeat Taliban
5:13 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
A San Diego pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a county official and warned they will face escalating fines if they continue to hold Bible studies in their home.
The couple, whose names are being withheld until a demand letter can be filed on their behalf, told their attorney a county government employee knocked on their door on Good Friday, asking a litany of questions about their Tuesday night Bible studies, which are attended by approximately 15 people.
"Do you have a regular weekly meeting in your home? Do you sing? Do you say 'amen'?" the official reportedly asked. "Do you say, 'Praise the Lord'?"
The pastor's wife answered yes.
She says she was then told, however, that she must stop holding "religious assemblies" until she and her husband obtain a Major Use Permit from the county, a permit that often involves traffic and environmental studies, compliance with parking and sidewalk regulations and costs that top tens of thousands of dollars.
And if they fail to pay for the MUP, the county official reportedly warned, the couple will be charged escalating fines beginning at $100, then $200, $500, $1000, "and then it will get ugly."
Dean Broyles of the Western Center for Law & Policy, which has been retained to represent the couple, told WND the county's action not only violates religious land-use laws but also assaults both the First Amendment's freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.
"The First Amendment, in part, reads, 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,'" Broyles said. "And that's the key part: 'prohibiting the free exercise.' We believe this is a substantial government burden on the free exercise of religion."
He continued, "If one's home is one's castle, certainly you would the think the free exercise of religion, of all places, could occur in the home."
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