
Something happened... H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs. You may want to read about it. It wasn't mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.
Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA . This is the news that didn't make the headlines...
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States, was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.
Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
Let's review...itemized list of some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since his inauguration:
His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S. , but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.
He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.
Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.
Official contends church must register as 'lobbyist' to speak out
9:30 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport in Connecticut has filed a federal lawsuit following assertions by a state official that rallying church members at the Capitol in Hartford constitutes a violation of lobbying law.
Six weeks after 4,000 Catholics in Connecticut rallied in opposition to a proposed state law known as Bill 1098, which dictated local parishes reorganize their governing structures to substitute lay leaders for priests in oversight of finances , the Diocese of Bridgeport received a letter from Connecticut's Office of State Ethics informing it that an investigation was underway to ascertain if the diocese had violated state law by failing to register as a lobbyist organization.
"Following the surprise introduction of Bill 1098," said Diocese Bishop William E. Lori in a statement, "a proposal that singled out Catholic parishes and would have forced them to reorganize contrary to church law and the First Amendment, our diocese responded in the most natural, spontaneous, and frankly, American, of ways: we alerted our membership – in person and through our website; we encouraged them to exercise their free speech by contacting their elected representatives; and we organized a rally at the State Capitol. How can this possibly be called lobbying?"
Nonetheless, the lawsuit states, in a meeting with church representatives one month following the investigation letter, the ethics enforcement officer of the state OSE, Thomas K. Jones, told church representatives that the rally in Hartford and statements on the diocese website constituted a sufficient basis to file a complaint.
Consequently, a complaint from Jones could lead to imposition of a $10,000 fine and even possible criminal charges against the diocese. Furthermore, to become a registered lobbyist, the diocese would have to comply with reporting requirements, submit to audits and wear badges at the Capitol.
Brief seeking to deny Americans access to court remedies for attack
9:07 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.
President Obama bowing to Saudi king at London's G20 summit meetings in 2009 |
The Obama administration has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to protect Saudi Arabia and four of its princes from being held accountable for their alleged role in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States that killed almost 3,000 Americans, according to a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
Through its solicitor general, Elena Kagan, the Obama administration has asked that the Saudis be held immune under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, or FSIA, even though there is ample U.S. evidence of complicity by the Saudi government and the named princes in support of al-Qaida's terrorist attack.
While the FSIA generally protects a sovereign state, there are exceptions under which its provisions can be invoked. Such interpretations are left largely to the courts to determine.
Families of the 9/11 victims, however, have expressed outrage over the Obama administration's filing. They regard the action as undermining the continuing fight on terror.
74% of voters demand Obama release long-form birth certificate
9:14 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
The entire transparency portion of the White House website on "open government dialogue" has been overrun with citizens calling on Barack Obama to release his elusive "long-form" birth certificate to establish his constitutional eligibility to serve as president.
The forums are open to the public for participation. Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, has been urging those concerned about the issue to get involved.
As WND reported, on Sunday night only 30 percent of respondents in one forum demanded the president release the document. But that number exploded to more than 74 percent after the public became aware of the White House resource.
At the time of this report, more than 175 comments were posted to the forum, titled "Verifying eligibility to be president of the USA," including the following:
- We need to keep the pressure on! How did BO even get one foot in the White House door without a birth certificate?
- Even if he shows a forged birth certificate – which he undoubtedly will in time (he and his cronies are in WAAAY too deep) it is common knowledge (records, and his book and many articles) that his father was not a US citizen at his birth – so ... Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen … period.
- After the campaigning on all the "wonderful" socialist programs then obfuscating on all the plans to implement them, I'm sick of NO transparency. I recall we were promised the opposite. Only a traitor can be elected as U.S. President and simultaneously refuse to abide by his oath of office.
- He can't show what doesn't exist! He is a Kenyan usurper and with his minions of baby-killers will ruin our nation!
- If he's innocent, it should be no trouble for him to produce the long form. The more he delays, the more guiltier he becomes. Trying to make out that the people are idiots who ask, is not going to dissuade this American from demanding the truth.
- It is a foregone conclusion that Obama is not a natural born citizen. No one would work so hard to hide the truth.
- Gibbs "laughing" at the reporter who inquired about the long-form birth certificate had body language of deception all over it. And the fact that the other media laughed as well just goes to show how blind and imbecilic they are. Do they really think that the American people don't know the difference between what's on the internet and what they SHOULD be seeing? And yes, I agree that Gibbs isn't just laughing at the reporter. He's laughing at all of us who stand for truth, transparency, and the integrity of our nation.
- Instead of asking for a birth certificate, at this stage an impeachment should be in the works.
Only eight people objected to calls for Obama to produce his long-form birth certificate on the single forum while more than 180 postings urged him to do so.
Obama committed to close ties with Israel - but demands settlement freeze
DEBKAfile Special Report
June 2, 2009
Ahead of his high-profile speech of reconciliation to the Muslims world June 4, US president Barack Obama vowed to sustain close US tie with Israel but said the status quo in the region was "unsustainable" for Israel's security.
In a National Public Radio interview late Monday, June 1, he emphasized his differences with Israel when he said: "We do have to retain a constant belief in… negotiations that will lead to peace" and "I've said that a freeze on settlements, including expansion to accommodate successive generations of settlers, is part of that." Earlier Monday, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that halting construction in West Bank settlements would be equal to “freezing life,” and, therefore, “unreasonable.”
"The United States special relationship with Israel requires some tough love," Obama went on to say.
"Part of being a good friend is being honest," he said. "I think there have been times when we are not as honest as we should be about the fact that the current direction… in the region is profoundly negative, not only for Israeli interests but also for US interests."
Obama also called on the Palestinians to improve security – a new White House demand meaning an end to terror and anti-Israel incitement.
DEBKAfile's Washington sources report that Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak's hopes of modifying the administration's stance on West Bank settlements and a Palestinians state during his current talks with US officials are unfounded: "New dialogue" is the current byword, as the US president reiterated, and it will not be abandoned until, or unless, it is completely unstuck. Obama's address to Muslims is integral to this policy as is his insistence on engaging Iran in diplomacy on its nuclear program.
Therefore the Netanyahu government's strategy of skirting the real issues to avoid a clash will not work.
Israeli leaders must practice the same honesty as the United States – and be less defensive, say DEBKAfile's political sources, and state loudly that the Arab and Muslim world thrusts the "Middle East" issue, a euphemism for Israel, to the fore to present a solid front to the West, while avoiding addressing the real problems afflicting their societies and relations with the United States.
Even if every single settlement was removed from the West Bank, would Iran stop developing nuclear weapons? Would the Taliban, backed by al Qaeda, stop fighting to regain power in Afghanistan and Islamize Pakistan? Would the radical Middle East front led by Hizballah be stopped from winning Lebanon's general election on June 6 and dropping Beirut in the laps of Syria and Iran? Is Israel involved in the fate of Iraq?
And Israel must say just as frankly that, even for the Palestinians, locked as they are in bitter armed infighting, Israel is now a peripheral presence. The extremist Hamas, which seized the Gaza Strip after Israel's 2005 evacuation of every last settlement, is now bent on capturing the West Bank from the Palestinian Authority. While Mahmoud Abbas and President Obama talked quietly in the White House last week, Hamas laid plans to replicate embattled Beirut in Nablus, Tulkarm, Jenin, and Qalqilya, certain of its victory regardless of the training PA security forces receive from US, British and Canadian instructors.
Netanyahu would do far better to lay these issues out publicly and the clear the air over differences with Washington with "tough honesty" instead of pussyfooting around them.
As for clearing the air in US-Muslim relations, DEBKAfile's Middle East sources report rising resentment over the forthcoming Obama speech in the very Muslim circles which the US president wants to placate.
One point made in their media is that the Muslim world cannot be addressed as a single collective unit - a kind of one size fits all; another is that they would prefer deeds and will not buy the magical Obama rhetoric or his promises. The top priority shared by almost every Muslim is the removal of US troops from their neighborhood. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are seen as American wars against Muslims rather than campaigns against terror.
President Obama is also criticized for picking Cairo as the venue for his speech. Some Muslim columnists say the choice brings no comfort to President Hosni Mubarak and his regime because the Muslim Brotherhood, its Palestinian offshoot Hamas and other radical Islamic groups will be able seize on it as a gesture of understanding for their cause.
Egyptians are also deeply offended by his decision to use Cairo as a platform and then leave without spending a single night there as a guest.
Often, it takes an economic crisis to reveal where a country’s national priorities really lie. Notably, all of the world’s major power blocs are using this time of financial hardship to increase their military spending—except the United States.
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
Barack Obama is taking what he and his administration refer to as "a more balanced approach to Middle East policy."
Let me explain what that literally means in real terms.
It means the U.S. government is now using its clout with Israel to insist Jews, not Israelis, mind you, but Jews, be disallowed from living in East Jerusalem and the historically Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria, often referred to as the West Bank.
I want you to try to imagine the outrage, the horror, the outcry, the clamoring, the gnashing of teeth that would ensue if Arabs or Muslims were told they could no longer live in certain parts of Israel – let alone their own country.
Of course, that would never happen with "a more balanced approach to the Middle East."
It's the 1930s all over again. This time, it's the enlightened liberal voices of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who are telling Jews where they can live, how they can live and how far they must bend if they want to live at all.
I know you haven't heard it put like this before. I don't really understand why. There is simply no other accurate way to explain the machinations behind the latest demands on Israel from the West and the rest of the world.
Israel is being reduced to "Auschwitz borders." Jews have already been told they can no longer live in the Gaza Strip. Now they are being told they can no longer choose to live in any of the areas being set aside by international elites for a future Palestinian state.
Again, I ask, "Why would internationalists seek to create, by definition, a racist, anti-Jewish state that doesn't even tolerate the mere presence of Jews?"
Can anyone answer that question for me?
Obama and Clinton – and, thus, by definition, you and me, the taxpayers of the United States – have determined they will yield to the racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic demands of the Palestinian Authority that no Jews be allowed to live in their new state.
I like to think that in any other part of the world, this kind of effort at ethnically cleansing a region would be roundly condemned by all civilized people. Yet, because most people simply don't understand the clear, official plan by the Arab leaders to force out all Jews from the new Palestinian state, the policies of capitulation retain a degree of sympathy, even political support, from much of the world.
Think about what I am saying: It is the official policy of the Palestinian Authority that all Jews must get off the land! Why is the United States supporting the creation of a new, racist, anti-Semitic hate state? Why is the civilized world viewing this as a prescription for peace in the region? Why is this considered an acceptable idea?
Is there any other place in the world where that kind of official policy of racism and ethnic cleansing is tolerated – even condoned?
Why are the rules different in the Middle East? Why are the rules different for Arabs? Why are the rules different for Muslims?
Why are U.S. tax dollars supporting the racist, anti-Semitic entity known as the Palestinian Authority?
That's what we do when we forbid "settlement construction," repairs, natural growth, additions to existing communities.
On White House site, 30% answer establishing his eligibility to serve
8:17 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
The forum is open to the public for participation, and Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, is urging those concerned about this issue to get involved.
"So far, only 30 percent of those who have posted believe establishing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the president's constitutional eligibility to serve is an important task in conducting open government," Farah said. "I think that's appalling. Obama is very willing to release the secrets of previous administrations and very unwilling to release the most basic information about his own life and his own credentials to hold the highest office in the land. Let's take advantage of this public forum to 'speak truth to power,' as they say."
Meanwhile, as WND reported Friday, Obama's elusive long-form birth certificate that would establish his eligibility to serve as president as a "natural born citizen" is the hottest discussion topic at the Fox News Channel's website.
Under the heading, "Should Obama release his birth certificate? Or is this old news?," nearly 1,000 comments were posted – all of them since White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was questioned about the document earlier this week by WND White House correspondent Les Kinsolving.
The rush of posts at the Fox News site made it the "most talked about" issue, according to a ranking on the right side of the page.
Enough fissile material for Iranian nuke by year's end - AMAN officer
DEBKAfile Report
June 1, 2009, 1:25 PM (GMT+02:00)
Brig. Gen. Yossi Baidatz, director of Israeli military intelligence (AMAN) research division estimates that Iran will have accumulated enough fissile material to build its first nuclear bomb by the end of this year.
He offered this estimate to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee Monday, June 1, at the first session to be attended by prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
Iran's nuclear clock, said Baidatz, is ticking away faster than international diplomacy. Iran has rockets that can hit Israel, he said. As he spoke, the country's biggest civil defense exercise configured for possible rocket attacks from four directions, including Iran, was in progress.
"We shall not evacuate settlements, but we will remove illegal outposts," the prime minister stressed. The American demand not to provide for natural growth is not reasonable, he said.
This issue will not doubt figure in defense minister Ehud Barak talks in Washington. After taking off for the US capital Sunday night, he left his aides orders for the removal of 22 outposts. Three provisional structures were torn down Monday morning at Elon Moreh. Barak will be meeting vice president Joseph Biden, defense secretary Robert Gates and National Security Adviser Gen. James Jones.
Hamas West Bank cells ordered to launch terror war on Abbas forces, Israel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
May 31, 2009, 10:55 PM (GMT+02:00)
Hamas gears up to shoot missiles from West Bank
DEBKAfile's military sources disclose that Sunday night, May 31, Hamas commanders in Damascus and Gaza ordered all West Bank cells to unleash a terrorist assault on the West Bank with bomb cars, roadside bombs, snipers and missiles. They were told to set their sights on all Palestinian Authority officials including Mahmoud Abbas as well as taking aim at Israeli cities north of Tel Aviv.
Our sources quote the Hamas directive as saying: "From tonight, you must go into action without delay against every Palestinian/Israel target within reach, using all the resources prepared in recent months."
The directive continues: "There are no limits on targets, the more senior, central and important, the better."
Israel's homeland defense authority was notified of Hamas' declaration of war Sunday as it embarked on "Turning Point 3", Israel's largest civil defense exercise ever, designed to simulate simultaneous missile attacks from Iran, Syria, Hizballah from Lebanon and Hamas from the Gaza Strip.
The new Hamas directive placed Sharon towns north of Tel Aviv squarely within its sights. A number of Qassam missiles are believed to be hidden in Palestinian towns in Samaria, northern West Bank.
Hamas leaders' decision to unleash violence was triggered by three events:
1. In 48 hours, the fundamentalist Palestinian terrorists lost two top West Bank leaders in battle. Friday morning, May 29, an Israeli Border Guard counter-terror unit shot dead its Hebron commander, Abdullah Majid Dudin, when he resisted arrest.
Before dawn Sunday, May 31, a special Palestinian Authority unit killed Hamas' northern Samaria commander Muhammad Saman after a seven-hour shootout in Qalqilya.
PA troops also detained 22 members.
Hamas leaders, convinced that Israeli and Palestinian security forces acted in conjunction to liquidate their top commanders, determined not to let this go unanswered.
2. They believe that the Palestinian Authority US-trained security force directed by Gen. Keith Dayton, is not up to much and a determined Hamas offensive would blow the Fatah-led force away on the West Bank as easily as its comrades were defeated in the Gaza Strip.
3. Hamas is worried by the way the US President Barack Obama and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas are cooperating, as their White House talks Thursday, May 28 indicated. Its leaders are also fiercely opposed to Obama's forthcoming address Thursday, June offering America's hand of peace to the Muslim world.
From their command centers in Damascus and the Gaza Strip, Hamas chiefs have concluded that the most effective way to scuttle the US president's Middle East projects and his diplomatic and financial backing for Abbas' Fatah-led administration in Ramallah is to set the West Bank on fire by a wholesale terror offensive against the Palestinian Authority and Israeli urban targets.
