
.........................................................................................................................................................................Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
If Looks Could Kill
Latest: Brown loses another minister after poll rout
Environment minister Jane Kennedy forced out after refusing to pledge loyalty, increasing pressure on beleaguered PM
Even state requires long-form document for some eligibility, identification issues
4:10 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
From the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands website |
WASHINGTON – The Hawaiian certification of live birth Barack Obama posted on his campaign website and distributed to select news organizations as proof he was a "natural born citizen" would not be accepted as a "birth certificate" even for some Hawaiian state government eligibility issues, WND has learned.
The investigation follows a Honolulu Star Bulletin column Saturday, which quotes a state Department of Health spokeswoman as saying the state's current certification of live birth is recognized "as an official birth certificate meeting all federal and other requirements."
The website of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, however, states clearly the certification of live birth touted by the Obama campaign, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and a host of other Obama defenders is not acceptable as a form of identification to qualify under this program.
The Star Bulletin column goes on to report: "The issue of what constitutes an official Hawaii birth certificate received national attention during last year's presidential campaign. Those who doubted Barack Obama's American citizenship called the copy of the Hawaii birth document posted on his campaign website a fake."
However, Obama's "citizenship" was never the question raised during the campaign or after the election. The issue raised by WND has consistently been that Obama failed to prove he was actually born in Hawaii and thus constitutionally qualified to become president as a "natural born citizen" – which requires that the birth took place in the United States.
The qualifications for the Hawaiian Home Lands program require a certified copy of a standard birth certificate – also known as the "long-form certificate" filled out in the hospital and including details such as the name of the hospital and the attending physician.
"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green," the qualifications state. "This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."
According to Hawaii's Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo, the state only issues "certifications" of live births since 2001 when the health department went paperless. It is only available in electronic form, she said.
"At that time, all information for births from 1908 (on) was put into electronic files for consistent reporting," she is quoted as telling the Star Bulletin. "The electronic record of the birth is what (the Health Department) now keeps on file in order to provide same-day certified copies at our help window for most requests," Okubo said.
She did not explain how those needing a standard long-form birth certificate to qualify for programs such as those offered by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands or to establish proof of eligibility to be president could be fulfilled. She said the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the state's current certification of live birth "as an official birth certificate meeting all federal and other requirements." She did not, however, cite any specific rulings, and the Supreme Court has not taken up the issue of whether the certification of live birth would qualify a presidential candidate as eligible under the "natural born citizen" clause.
Hamas fails to kidnap Israeli soldiers in major assault from Gaza
DEBKAfile Special Report
June 8, 2009, 11:45 AM (GMT+02:00)
Israeli helicopters pound Hamas missile squads in Gaza
DEBKAfile's military sources report at least four Palestinians killed after Israeli air force helicopters went into action against Palestinian gunmen who mounted coordinated assaults at several points on the border early Monday, June 8. At least three Palestinian organizations, Hamas, Jihad Islami and Fatah-al Aksa Brigades plus the al Qaeda cell, opened automatic-machine gun-mortar fire on the Nahal Oz sector in the north, the Karni crossing in the center and Nir Oz opposite Khan Younes in the south.
In the Karni sector, 10 gunmen crossed the border, some on horses, under cover of early morning mist and attacked an Israeli Golani patrol in an apparent attempt to snatch soldiers.
A fierce firefight developed under added Palestinian mortar cross-border fire from Gaza. Israeli helicopter missiles struck the mortar crews. Several Palestinian casualties are reported from Sejayia.
As Golani reinforcements drove across the border in pursuit of the gunmen, Palestinians blasted Israel forces in the Nahal Oz sector with mortars. Israeli tanks and helicopters struck back.
At Nir Oz, Israel helicopters fired missiles at the sources of Palestinian fire, causing casualties.
DEBKAfile's military sources report that the rejectionist Palestinians who rule Gaza have held back from major armed assaults on this scale since Israel's Gaza offensive ended in six months ago.
Our sources say they were stirred into action Monday by one non-event and two events:
1. They planned to show the flag for a victorious Hizballah and mark Hamas-Hizballah solidarity by kidnapping a number of Israeli soldiers (after holding Gilead Shalit for more than three years). As it turned out Hizballah was defeated, contrary to all expectations, and Hamas failed to abduct any Israeli soldiers, none of whom were lost or injured.
2. US Middle East envoy George Mitchell arrives in Israel and the Palestinian Authority Monday, June 9. Hamas broadcast a reminder to Washington, Jerusalem and Ramallah that no decisions on the Palestinian issue could be carried through without its assent.
3. This was Hamas' reply to US president Barack Obama's Cairo appeal for negotiation and recognition. Orders from Tehran and Damascus, the Palestinian terrorists responded with a fresh round of armed violence.
Defiant settlers build new outpost near Migron containing 'Obama Hut'
Settlers dedicate a Torah scroll in the West Bank outpost of Maoz Esther, which has been dismantled and rebuilt several times in recent weeks.
Photo: AP
CODED AMMUNITION - lower the volume and just read it.
6.0 MAG quake hits mid-Atlantic Ocean...
As if they weren't dealing with enough -- the family of David Carradine is now "profoundly disturbed" by the publication of a photo that appears to be Carradine hanging in his hotel room.
The photo -- which Thai police believe was taken by the forensics team -- appeared on the cover of a Thai tabloid called "Thai Rath." The photo shows a naked body suspended from a bar in the closet, with his hands apparently bound together above his head.
Large quantities of gold, silver and palladium unaccounted for at Royal Canadian Mint in Ottawa
Kenyan governor for California?
Candidate inspired by Obama's success to seek Democrat Party's nomination
Posted: June 07, 2009
3:00 am Eastern
By Jay Baggett
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Joe Mwangi Symmon |
Maybe Barack Obama makes it look too easy.
A Kenyan-American preacher is citing the successful election of the president as his inspiration to run for governor of California next year to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Joe Mwangi Symmon, 59, calls himself "a moral voice of hope and change," echoing two of the most dominant themes in the 2008 Obama campaign. His platform, however, diverges considerably from that of Obama and his already-declared Democrat challengers for governor on moral issues.
"Leaders of our state don't speak of moral issues," Symmon, who holds degrees from three Christian theological schools in California, told Nairobi's Daily Nation.
He describes himself as pro-life and says he opposes "gay" marriage. He also cites his own marriage "to one wife for 33 years" as evidence that he has run his own house well and earned the opportunity to lead California.
His more conservative leanings notwithstanding, Symmon lays out a platform on his campaign website that is more likely to appeal to California Democrats:
Economy: Implement a simple majority to pass the state budget, no new taxes and a "giving back plan" to be revealed in the first 100 days;
Education: Employ "technocrats and professionals" to change the current system, pay teachers well to motivate and retain them and provide college students with grants so they don't have to work two or three jobs. "Many have snoozed and died on the wheel working multiple shifts," Symmon notes;
Environment: Harness sun and wind power to run California transportation and industry. Capture all water running into the Pacific Ocean and recycle it to irrigate trees and change Southern California's dry landscape to "run arsonists out of business";
Health care: Guaranteed affordable, accessible health care. "I wholeheartedly support and would adopt Obama's health-care plan," Symmon says;
.......................................................................................................................................................................Immigration: Ensure immigrants are accorded the same respect and legal status like every one who has come here to seek an opportunity to better their lives. "Legal residency for all immigrants shall be my priority," Symmon says.
Latest:Brown in crisis - Falconer demands resignation
Lord Falconer, the former Lord Chancellor, makes call hours before European election results expected to deal PM huge blow
Obama kowtows to Damascus while Syria rigs Lebanese poll
DEBKAfile Special Report
June 6, 2009, 6:20 PM (GMT+02:00)
In less than a month after US president Barack Obama renewed sanctions against Syria over the Assad regime's involvement in terrorism and dabbling in weapons of mass destruction, another of his envoys, George Mitchell, is on his way to Damascus to explore the chances of renewed Syrian-Israeli peace talks.
A US military delegation has also been consigned to discuss the expanded flow of terrorists from Syria into Iraq.
None of these actions, any more than the UN nuclear agency's discovery of "man-made uranium particles" near Damascus, has slowed the American dash to thaw relations with Syria as part of Obama's new Middle East direction. The new relationship was clinched by US secretary of state Hillary Clinton's and Syrian foreign minister Walid Moualem on May 31. Its underlying imprint was strong in the US president's June 4 speech of reconciliation to the Muslim world in Cairo. DEBKAfile analysts note that he never mentioned Syria or Hizballah once - even in the context of the "extremists" whom he condemned. And his reference to Iran's nuclear program was noncommittal, implying that he had no trouble accepting its right to enrich uranium.
"We want to be engaged with Syria," said an unidentified official in Washington. "We want to see what is possible."
Clinton diplomatically avoided referring to Syria's intensive interference in Lebanon's parliamentary election Sunday, June 7, or the tens of millions of dollars laid out for bribes and the hundreds of covert agents deployed to rig the vote in favor of the radical Hizballah-led March 8 bloc.
The radical bloc's almost certain victory is tantamount to a pro-Iranian, pro-Syrian coup in Beirut, a debacle for American long-held strategic positions of influence in the Middle East. Nevertheless, the US-Syrian détente has moved ahead fast enough to spread despair among Lebanese who had once hoisted the pro-Western flag. The anti-Syrian Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and even the majority leader Saad Hariri are said by our Beirut sources to be in secret talks with Hizballah to be sure of a one-third presence in the pro-Tehran, pro-Syrian majority house expected to rise from the Sunday election.
DEBKAfile's Middle East sources disclose that when he met Clinton, the Syrian foreign minister promised for the umpteenth time in the six-year Iraq war, to deal "in earnest" this time with the flow of al Qaeda terrorists through its border into Iraq. All that is needed, said Mualem, was direct engagement between Washington and Damascus.
Syrian president Bashar Assad made the gesture of replace his defense minister Gen. Hassan Turkemani with chief of staff Gen. Ali Habib, reputedly to be one of the most pro-American officers in the Syrian army.
But, according to our counter-terror sources, this did not prevent Assad refreshing his directives for terrorists, including suicide fighters, arms, explosives and cash, to continue to be allowed to cross into Iraq.
They are reinforcing a group called "The Mustafa Brigades," whose brutalities in the northern Iraq town of Mosul have contributed to the sharp rise of US troops killed in Iraq to 24 in May, making it the worst month since September 2008.
IAEA: Accelerated Iranian, Syrian enrichment out of control
DEBKAfile Special Analysis
June 5, 2009, 6:09 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iran's enrichment plant at Natanz
According to the calculations of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency in its new report, Iran will be able to produce one nuclear bomb by the end of this year, doubling that figure in 2010. DEBKAfile's military sources note that these estimates only apply to uranium enrichment at Natanz. They do not factor in the product of Iran's clandestine enrichment plants.
Friday night, June 5, officials in Vienna disclosed that Iran was found to have accumulated quantities of low-enriched uranium (1,339 kilos produced since November 2008 plus 839 kilos in stock) - enough to convert into the amount of high-enriched uranium needed for making a single nuclear bomb.
More than 7,000 uranium-enriching centrifuges were installed at Natanz, adding an extra 2,000 from February, the agency has found.
At this rate, 10,000 centrifuges will be spinning at Natanz with a capacity to enrich enough uranium for 2 bombs by the end of the year, double the IAEA's modest estimate by its own figures.
From January, when US president Barack Obama took office, Tehran has won a year's grace for developing its nuclear program. Direct dialogue on which he insists will not begin before July. Progress will be evaluated at year's end, a six-month deadline accepted by Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Iran has therefore been granted plenty of time to make hay i.e. make nukes - free of diplomatic or military constraints.
The IAEA admits its investigations are stalled both in Iran and Syria, where its inspectors also reported Friday the discovery of new traces of man-made uranium near Damascus.
Iranian officials insist their nuclear program is peaceful and refuse to answer questions or cooperate in any way with UN inspectors. At one point in its new report, the IAEA asked for cameras with different wide-range angles for Natanz, indicating that even there, the Iranians are playing cat and mouse to conceal the real scale of their activities from view.
Damascus is similarly stonewalling on the international inspectors' inquiries about the new traces of man-made uranium particles. DEBKAfile's military sources note that these particles could come from only two sources:
One is a new enrichment site. This site has reported repeatedly in the past year that Syria had secretly restarted its banned nuclear activities at three concealed locations which were constructed after Israel destroyed its unfinished plutonium reactor on Sept. 6, 2007.
Alternatively, Syria may be importing enriched uranium smuggled out of Iran, North Korea or Kazakhstan.