"Where's The Birth Certificate?" billboard in Pennsylvania
Broad Unemployment Across the U.S.
Under a broader definition of joblessness, some states have rates higher than 20 percent. This rate includes part-time workers who want to work full time, as well some people who want to work but have not looked for a job in the last four weeks.
9/11 Families: Obama Favors Saudi Terror Financiers Over Victims
Watch more ClipSyndicate videos on AOL Video
Lack of helicopters 'costing lives in Afghanistan'
************************************************************************************************Name new housing project in biblical territory after president
11:30 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
President Obama meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the Oval Office May 28 |
JERUSALEM – Activists here have launched a campaign using Barack Obama's name to construct Jewish housing projects on West Bank hilltops in defiance of the U.S. president's demands for a halt to all Jewish building in the strategic territory.
"Mr. President, your policy that aims to destroy the Jewish communities of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem will no longer go unchallenged," states a press release from the Obama Hilltop Project. "We aim to rally the worldwide pro-Israel community to support the rebirth of these communities and counter your unjust, illegal policies."
The goal is to increase the Jewish presence in the West Bank, beginning with the re-establishment of the town of Homesh, which was one of four Jewish communities evacuated by Israel during the country's 2005 retreat from the Gaza Strip.
Critics pointed out the West Bank evacuations served no practical purpose other than to send a signal to West Bank Jews they might be next on the chopping block. Homesh was not taken over by the Palestinians, and the Israeli army continued to operate there. Indeed, the Israeli court system recently has ruled Jews can still be present in Homesh, leading to the establishment there of a Torah center.
Now activists are looking for donations of any amount to help them expand Homesh, including a new hilltop community to be named after Obama.
************************************************************************************************Army warrior terminated from job after questioning Obama eligibility
3:08 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Dr. Orly Taitz |
The Department of Defense has compelled a private employer to fire a U.S. Army Reserve major from his civilian job after he had his military deployment orders revoked for arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.
According to the CEO of Simtech Inc., a private company contracted by the Defense Security Services, an agency of the Department of Defense, the federal government has compelled the termination of Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook.
Cook's attorney, Orly Taitz, wrote in her blog that Simtech CEO Larry Grice said he would try to find another position within the company for Cook, but nothing is currently available.
The Department of Defense does contracting in the general field of information technology/systems integration, at which Cook, a senior systems engineer and architect, was employed until taking a military leave of absence on July 10 in preparation for his deployment to Afghanistan.
"Grice told plaintiff, in essence, that the situation had become 'nutty and crazy,' and that plaintiff would no longer be able to work at his old position," Taitz wrote.
Grice made clear that it was Defense Security Services that had compelled Simtech to fire Cook, Taitz wrote.
According to the report, Grice told Cook "there was some gossip that 'people were disappointed in' the plaintiff because they thought he was manipulating his deployment orders to create a platform for political purposes."
The Simtech CEO then discussed Cook's expectation of final paychecks, without any severance pay, and wished the soldier well.
Messages left with Grice's office had not been returned at the time of this report.
"A federal agency (such as the Department of Defense, acting through the Defense Security Services Agency) clearly violates the Whistleblower Protection Act if it takes or fails to take (or threatens to take or fail to take) a personnel action with respect to any employee or applicant because of any disclosure of information by the employee or applicant that he or she reasonably believes evidences a violation of a law, rule or regulation; gross mismanagement; gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety," Taitz wrote.
"What has happened in the present case of Stefan Frederick Cook is that a federal agency appears to have taken action against Stefan Frederick Cook's private employer, Simtech, Inc., which is a closely held corporation owned and operated by members of a single family, who are as much victims of the Department of Defense's heavy-handed interference with plaintiff Cook's private-sector employment as is plaintiff Cook himself."
As WND reported, Taitz confirmed to WND the military rescinded Maj. Cook's impending deployment orders.
"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"
She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons – just revoked."
A hearing on the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer who told WND he wants to serve his country in Afghanistan, is still scheduled for July 16 at 9:30 a.m.
"As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if President Obama is found not to be a 'natural-born citizen,' he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief," he told WND only hours after his case was originally filed.
Washington's Dilemma: This Isn't a Recession, It's a Collapse
Jobless benefits run out in record numbers
........................................................................................................................................................................Despair flows as fields go dry and unemployment rises
"We are seeing our country disappear before our eyes," he told the Chattanooga Pachyderm Club.
Mr. Hilleary, who has moved from Spring City to Murfreesboro, said the most disturbing development has been the Cap and Trade Bill. "It will raise the price of everything in this country," he said.
He said it will put the U.S. at a further competitive disadvantage with countries like China and India "who would never pass something like this."
Mr. Hilleary also said he is concerned that the Obama administration will push through a very expensive healthcare bill.

Pacific test will determine Arrow's ability to intercept Iranian missiles close to launch
DEBKAfile Special Report
July 15, 2009, 6:21 PM (GMT+02:00)
Arrow test launch
In a few days, the Israeli anti-missile Arrow system will face the first real test, weather permitting, of its ability to knock out an Iranian Shehab-3 or Sejil II ballistic missile at the outset of its flight toward Israel, DEBKAfile's military sources report. The test will take place off central California's Pacific coast.
Lieut. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly, director of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency, said Tuesday, July 14: “The test will allow Israel to measure its advanced Arrow 3 system against a target with a range of more than 620 miles (1,000 km), too long for previous Arrow test sites in the eastern Mediterranean.”
The test will try and engage a target not only upwards of 1,000 km distant but close to its launch.
Until now, our military sources report, Arrow tests have been restricted by the small area of the Mediterranean Sea, the heavy air and maritime traffic in and above it, and the location of the Israeli missile launch site at Palmahim, from which missile flight westward is limited to a few hundred kilometers and disallowed in any other direction.
None of its 16 test flights has exercised the full potential of the Arrow's operational range for intercepting the flight path of possible Iranian missile attack on Israel.
For this reason, the Israeli missile command described past tests as 100 percent successful, while the Americans rated their success "90 percent."
The Pacific test will be launched from a point between Point Mugu and Santa Barbara north-west of Los Angeles. It will test the Arrow in uninterrupted flight against a target in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The closest land to the site is Japan.
According to our military sources, this third Arrow exercise from a US site will also examine US-Israeli cooperation in missile interception in the event of an Iranian response to a possible Israeli strike at Iran's nuclear facilities or an Iranian pre-emptive missile attack on Israel.
General O'Reilly announced that this would be the first full test of the ability of the American and Israeli intercept systems to work together and "provides us the opportunity to have the Patriot system, the THAAD system and the Aegis system all interacting with the Arrow system so that we're demonstrating full interoperability as we execute this test."
The significance of this disclosure is that for the first time, the joint operational capabilities of the Israel-based missile intercept systems and the American missile-intercept systems stationed in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf will be tested.
The exercise will also examine cooperation between the Israeli anti-aircraft defenses and the American satellites' early warning devices for missile launches. The Israeli and US arrays are connected through the sophisticated FBX-T radar station positioned at Israel's Nevatim airbase in the Negev, which is operated by soldiers and technicians belonging to EUCOM, the US European theater command.
DEBKAfile's military sources report that the exercise will not feature full operation of the American intercept systems, nor will American intercept missiles be launched, except for their sensor assets. In other words, the diverse radar systems will be activated to simulate an American-Israeli response to a missile attack.
Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace
9:53 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Dr. Orly Taitz |
A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.
His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to WND the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.
"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"
She continued, "They just said, 'Order revoked.' No explanation. No reasons – just revoked."
A hearing on the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer who told WND he wants to serve his country in Afghanistan, was scheduled for July 16 at 9:30 a.m.
"As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if President Obama is found not to be a 'natural-born citizen,' he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief," he told WND only hours after the case was filed.
The soldiers Lawyer, Orly Taitz was excited beyond belief-
"We won! We won before we even arrived," she said with excitement. "It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!"
Stefan Frederick Cook: Soldier Won't Deploy Over Obama Birth Certificate
Raised voices at Mubarak-Abbas meeting over Cairo's acceptance of two Palestinian states
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
July 14, 2009, 11:21 PM (GMT+02:00)
Putting a good public face on a bad quarrel
The conversation Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas held at Sharm e-Sheikh Tuesday July 14 was more like a shouting match, DEBKAfile's Middle East sources disclose. They got together at the non-aligned summit to review the latest Egyptian proposals for laying to rest the feud between Abbas' Fatah and its rival Hamas, and so remove the biggest obstacle to peace talks with Israel and the Obama administration's Middle East plans.
The conversation ended with Abbas throwing back in Mubarak's face the proposals Cairo drafted after an Egyptian intelligence delegation made the rounds of Tel Aviv, Damascus and Ramallah last week.
According to our sources, Cairo informed all the concerned parties that it had given up on Palestinian reconciliation and a power-sharing deal for reuniting the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Egyptian plan - as presented to Israel, Syria and the Palestinian Authority – was to form two security commissions to supervise Palestinian security and intelligence forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip respectively and represent the Palestinians in diplomacy with the Americans and the Israelis.
The West Bank commission would have three Fatah members and one Hamas member, while the Gazan commission would have 3 Hamas and one Fatah member, so representing their respective strength in the two entities.
Cairo also proposed creating a new 3,000-strong Palestinian security service with a half-and-half Fatah-Hamas membership to assume responsibility for and reopen the Gaza Strip crossings, thus lifting the Israeli blockade on the territory.
But the Palestinian leader Abbas sharply rejected the plan, accusing Egyptian leaders of "perpetuating the Ismail Haniyeh regime" in Gaza. "Don't even think of presenting this plan to President Obama," he said.
Abbas' extreme antagonism to the last of many Egyptian proposals also touched on the infighting within his own Fatah. The PA chairman is trying desperately to convene the first Palestinian Congress in a decade in Bethlehem on Aug. 2, under his leadership. He cannot afford to stand before his movement with a plan endorsing the fragmentation of Palestine into two rival entities.
Farouk Kadoumi, a Fatah veteran who still holds the title of PLO foreign minister, threw a spanner in the works this week by objecting to the congress being convened in "Israeli-occupied territory." He also claimed to have documents alleging that Yasser Arafat had discovered Mahmoud Abbas had conspired with the Israeli prime minister at the time, Ariel Sharon, to assassinate him. Arafat was said to have discovered the plot in 2004, 11 months before his death.
Although the Fatah Central Committee denied the claim as "full of lies" and a smear campaign to destroy party unity, it spread through the West Bank this week like wildfire, further undermining Abbas' already feeble control of the territory.