G-D is in the process of destroying all, repeat "ALL" the UNRIGHTEOUS PEOPLE IN AMERICA and of this entire earth. THEY ARE GOING TO DROP LIKE FLIES, goodbye CALIFORNIA... Please read your Bible now before it is too late. The "EREV RAV" and the "EVIL" people will have undisclosed illnesses you do not know about...
Sensenbrenner Has Prostate Cancer
By Kate PhillipsRepresentative James Sensenbrenner, the longtime Republican lawmaker from Wisconsin, will undergo radiation treatment for prostate cancer.
*************************************************************************************************1:00 am Eastern
© 2009
I didn't think it was possible for me to be more disgusted by the sick and twisted life of Ted Kennedy than I was based on what I knew at the time of his death.
I was wrong.
I heard something Friday that gave me even more appreciation into the indecency, immorality and inhumanity of the late senator. Of course, none of the fawning news media bothered to pick it up. I guess it would have been considered bad taste during our national mourning period for the pervert.
*************************************************************************************************Mega-earthquake Risk For West Coast, US And Canada? Seismic Slip Linked To Tremor, With Implications For Subduction Zone
Angel of Death in Bible and Talmud
New Law suit filed in the Western District of Texas. Flight Surgeon Cpt Connie Rhodes, MD refuses to be deployed to Iraq until Obama’s legitimacy for the position of the Commander in Chief is verified...
LEFT CLICK HEREFEMA gunmen deputized to help administer vaccines
Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
Ex-prime minister Olmert charged with corruption
September 1, 2009FORMER Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert will face trial on corruption charges.
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Tops, Scalpel, Black Blade, Plain, Kydex Sheath
| 10:42 AM Sun, Aug 30, 2009 |
Rick Perry's talk of secession appears to have buoyed efforts by Texas secessionists who want the governor to follow through. At a rally Saturday on the Capitol steps, members of the of the Texas Nationalist Movement called on the governor and the Legislature to put a referendum on the state ballot on whether Texas should leave the union. At an anti-tax "tea party" protest in April, Perry touted states rights and raised the possibility of secession.
Huge signs by interstate will be seen by 300,000 per day in Denver alone
6:55 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Peter Boyles of Denver's KHOW Radio |
A top-rated talk radio host in Denver, Colo., has received some good news about his hopes to erect "Where's the Birth Certificate?" billboards in front of hundreds of thousands of drivers a day when a local businessman heard his radio show and agreed to donate the sign space.
Now, WND has learned, that businessman is planning on donating signage in multiple states to get the message out that Barack Obama has yet to prove his constitutional eligibility to serve as president.
As WND reported, Peter Boyles, who hosts the top-rated morning program on Denver's KHOW-AM, has been fascinated with the president's refusal to release his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate to verify his qualification to serve as commander in chief and has dedicated many hours of his program in recent weeks to discussion of all sides of the eligibility issue, much of which has been based on WorldNetDaily's extensive coverage.
Earlier this week, Boyles announced he would seek approval to post billboards in the Denver area questioning Obama's proof of eligibility.
Friday morning, Boyles celebrated that one of the hurdles in his plan has been cleared: used car lot owner Phil Wolf has agreed to donate the space on his business' two, massive signs fronting Interstate Highway 70, a location estimated to be seen by over 300,000 drivers per day.
"It's a very cool moment," Boyles said on the air. "It'll rock 'n' roll when this happens. ... Maybe other radio talk-show hosts will do the same and see what their audiences do."
And in an exclusive interview, Wolf – who owns dealerships in two other Rocky Mountain states – told WND that he doesn't plan on stopping with Denver.
"I have car dealerships in Montana and Wyoming also," Wolf said, "and I plan on putting up the signs everywhere."
*************************************************************************************************Using White House position to push communist policies?
7:09 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Van Jones |
Just days before his White House appointment, Van Jones, President Obama's environmental adviser, used a forum at a major youth convention to push for what can easily be interpreted as a communist or socialist agenda.
As WND previously reported, Van Jones, special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, is an admitted black nationalist and radical communist.
Jones' appointment was announced on March 10.
Two weeks before he started his White House job, however, Jones delivered the keynote address at Power Shift '09, which was billed as the largest youth summit on climate change in history. A reported 12,000 young people were at the D.C. Convention Center for the event.
During his speech, available on YouTube, Jones threw around terms like "eco-apartheid" and "green for some," and preached about spreading the wealth while positing a call to "change the whole system."
In one section of his twenty-minute speech, Jones referenced "our Native American brothers and sisters" who, he claimed, were "pushed," "bullied," "mistreated" and "shoved into all the land that we didn't want."
"Guess what?" Jones continued. "Give them the wealth! Give them then wealth! No justice on stolen land ... we owe them a debt."
"We have to create a green economy, that's true, that's true. But we have to create a green economy that Dr. King would be proud of," he exclaimed.
*************************************************************************************************Richard Nixon's Greatest Cover-Up:
His Ties to the Assassination of President Kennedy
Six nations may reveal data concealed by ELBaradei on Iran's nuclear progress
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 31, 2009, 9:11 AM (GMT+02:00)
Iran is up to "weapon design" stage
US, Israel and four other governments are urgently discussing the release of intelligence that Iran is running covert military nuclear projects parallel to its civilian program after Mohammed ElBaradei, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, withheld this data from his last report, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose.
The four governments are Britain, France, Netherlands and Japan. All six had provided ElBaradei with new and detailed information on the advances made by Iran in its race to develop a nuclear bomb for inclusion in his last report on Aug. 28 before he retires next month. But ElBaradei, true to his usual custom of blurring Iran's breaches, omitted the new evidence.
In Paragraphs 18 to 20 of his report, he admits to possessing substantial intelligence but regrets he is unable to use it to confront Iran without betraying his sources and so Iran was not able to fully answer IAEA queries.
US and Israeli sources denounce this evasion as a diplomatic scandal verging on fraud.
The material passed to him left no doubt that Iran was engaged in developing a nuclear weapon and revealed for the first time that it reached the final stages, weapon design, of the process. But ElBaradei decided to keep it hidden on the pretext of not exposing sources.
One official told DEBKAfile that passing the new information to the IAEA director had compromised its sources anyway so there was no point in holding it back any longer.
The seven governments concerned will decide very soon which parts of this unpublished information to air. According to our sources, it will not be attributed directly to any government but to "Iranian exiles" who will present it as coming from inside Iran.
This tactic was employed in 2004, when the opposition Mojaheddin al-Khalq leaders first broke the news of Iran's uranium enrichment plant in Natanz at press conferences in Washington and Paris.
The Israeli foreign ministry denounced the ElBaradei report, released ahead of the nuclear watchdog's regular annual meeting in Vienna on Sept. 7, for omitting "to detail Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear arms or its continued attempts to deceive and conceal those efforts. Neither did it mention Tehran's refusal to cooperate with the IAEA and the international community."
Next month, when the UN General Assembly opens, a special high-level meeting of the UN Security Council will discuss nuclear proliferation.
Meltdown 101: Why banks' struggles have worsened
*************************************************************************************************Meltdown 101: As economy shows signs of life, why do banks' struggles continue to worsen?
Obama caving in on missile shield
The Obama administration may be on the verge of abandoning America’s planned missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. If so, writes Nile Gardiner in the Telegraph,
this would represent a huge turnaround in American strategic thinking on a global missile defense system, and a massive betrayal of two key U.S. allies in Eastern and Central Europe. Such a move would significantly weaken America’s ability to combat the growing threat posed by Iran’s ballistic missile program, and would hand a major propaganda victory to the Russians.
Video of the week: “It ain’t [America] no more, okay?”
I already gave out one Cone of Shame award today. Officer Wesley Cheeks just needs a Bozo the Clown mask. Watch as he tells a town hall protester in Reston, Virginia, that he can “charge [him] with whatever I want to” because the protester is holding up a sign he doesn’t like.
When the protester asks why other sign-holders aren’t being threatened with trespassing charges, the officer says it’s because the protester’s sign has a picture.
“This used to be America!” the protester exclaims.
The officer retorts: “It ain’t no more, okay?”
No. Not okay.
And yes, this guy would make a perfect candidate for Obama’s civilian defense corps.
Hat tip: Allahpundit, who mulls over the constitutional questions.
*************************************************************************************************Hamas leaders' priority is ending Gaza embargo rather than settling Shalit affair
DEBKAfile Special Report
August 30, 2009, 1:33 PM (GMT+02:00)
Hamas' military chief Mohammed al-Jabari
Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a timely statement Sunday, Aug. 30, dismissing the torrent of press reports from various foreign sources claiming that a prisoner swap for the release of the kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit was imminent. He stressed to the cabinet at its weekly meeting that no breakthrough on the question was expected in the coming days and termed the reports "unfounded, much exaggerated and inaccurate."
DEBKAfile's Middle East sources disclose the real object of Hamas leaders' shuttle between Gaza, Cairo and Damascus as being a desperate attempt to lift the embargo clamped down on the Gaza Strip. Hamas leader Mahmoud a-Zahar and its military chief Muhammad al-Jabari were ready to reciprocate by guaranteeing the stoppage of arms smuggling through Egyptian Sinai.
This quid pro quo was discussed at length, together with a proposal in some Egyptian intelligence circles to set up joint Egyptian-Hamas patrols to monitor border traffic across their common border and close down the arms smuggling tunnels running under the12-kilometer Philadelphi border strip. If this arrangement worked, Cairo would pledge a flow of essential foodstuffs, medicine, fuel and building materials into Gaza.
In Israel, this prospective deal was greeted with mixed feelings, according to DEBKAfile's military sources. While quite happy to be hand over to Egypt the burden of supplying Gaza Palestinians with essential supplies,
Israel does not trust Hamas to keep to its side of a bargain and expects its military leaders to find alternative means for running war material into the Gaza Strip.
A-Zahar and Jabry traveled to Damascus to lay the plan before Hamas' political bureau chiefs and explain its critical importance for the future of Hamas' rule in the Gaza Strip.
Since the onset of the Ramadan month of fasting last month, Gazans are grumbling more bitterly than ever before about their hardships, which are exacerbated by frequent electricity outrages induced by fuel shortages.
The Hamas government's dilemma is acute: Maintain the posture of "resistance" and pay the price of an embargo, or look after the needs of the population at large and not just its fighting forces. The Palestinian extremists now have their back to the wall because Egypt is finally taking effective action to block the tunnels which are Gaza's lifeline not only for arms but also for vital goods to stock the shops.
Our sources disclose also that last Wednesday, Aug. 26, a large US military delegation took a close look for the first time at Egypt's anti-smuggling measures at the Philadelphi Strip tunnels along its full length. The delegation, consisting of engineering, communications and intelligence officers, gave the Egyptian operation high marks.
The presence of American officers on the other side of the Gaza border most certainly added to Hamas leaders' sense of being caged. An Israeli source disclosed later that Gilead Shalit comes up in every conversation between Hamas and Egypt, but not so far at the top of the agenda.
Wildfires raged out of control in Southern California for the third day Tuesday. With over a dozen fires burning, an estimated 1 million residents have been forced to flee their homes and two people have been killed. From mountains to coastline, more than 1,300 houses have gone up in flames, and Associated Press reports that “the destruction may only be the start for the region” (October 23).
“Faced with unrelenting winds whipping wildfires into a frenzy across Southern California, firefighters all but conceded defeat Tuesday,” reported AP (ibid.). In three days, the fires have burned more than 373,000 acres and prompted one of the biggest evacuations in California’s history. More than a third of a million households were ordered to evacuate in one county alone. President Bush has declared a federal emergency for seven counties.
These wildfires follow a devastating summer last year for California as well. A searing heat wave destroyed or badly damaged many California crops. The heat caused some of the crops to ripen early. Then the early crops caused a labor shortage, which intensified the disaster. California dairy farmers witnessed thousands of their cows die. They had to bury cows by the hundreds in mass graves. The industry was decimated.
Much of the United States has been suffering from abnormally dry or drought conditions, and other weather disasters. However, at this point, California appears to be suffering most of all.
California is the only state that ever attacked Mr. Armstrong and his work. Actually, it attacked a lot more than that. California really attacked the living God! It also attacked its only hope—a hope beyond what mankind can even imagine!