Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.

Protester seen with gun outside Obama town hall
*************************************************************************************************Israel tells nationals: Leave Sinai immediately
Frustration, Anger Intensify in U.S.
Political frustration spawned by the issue of national health care is sweeping America. Town hall meetings have dissolved into chaos. Politicians are devising creative alternatives to public appearances. Commotion drowns out dialogue.
VIDEO: Sen. Specter Shouted Down Over Health Care...
Hillary Clinton And Suha Arafat
Hillary Clinton Is A Traitor To America
Hillary Clinton Is A Vicious Jew-Hater
Hillary Clinton Is A Pathological Liar
Ted Kennedy inconsolable as beloved sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver dies at 88.
A year after being ravaged by a stroke, James Garner, the likeable 81-year-old star of The Rockford Files rarely leaves home and is frequently confined to a wheelchair, pals say.
"Jim has been incredibly brave, but it's been an uphill battle and one that he's losing," a longtime pal told The ENQUIRER.
"He just rebounded from a bad case of pneumonia and suffered a mini-stroke on top of that. He still tries to be cheerful, but his health woes have finally gotten to him."
The beloved actor underwent quintuple-bypass surgery in 1988. Three months later he suffered an aortic aneurysm. In May 2008 he underwent surgery after suffering a stroke and remained in intensive care for two weeks.
Once a strapping 6-foot-3, TV's -Maverick tries hard not to be overcome by his physical problems, according to the source.
First Expose of Iran's Seven Hellhole Prisons
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 10, 2009
Doors which conceal horrors in Iran's political prisons
Until the defeated Iranian presidential contender Mehdi Karroubi broke the wall of silence surrounding the Islamic Republic's prisons to demand an investigation into allegations of rape, little attention was paid to the abuses meted out to protestors who dared to claim that the June 12 election was rigged.
These abuses are inflicted routinely and systematically in seven secret prisons where political detainees are held at the behest of the revolutionary Islamic regime. Those prisons are described DEBKAfile's Iranian sources as inhuman hellholes:
This is the jail which supreme leader Ayatallah Ali Khamenei wanted razed to the ground to conceal the outrages committed there against scores of reform-seeking protesters who had the cruel fortune to be dumped there. Kahrizak on the southern outskirts of Tehran was notorious as the penal facility for Iran's most violent thugs and gangsters. Those inmates were let loose on the political prisoners who were incarcerated in cells ten meters square. An unknown number suffered rape and bloody beatings, which not all survived.
The commander of Iran's internal security forces Esmail Ahmadi-Moghaddam said Sunday, Aug. 9, that he would not deny his share in the blame for the "terrible things that took place in Kahrizak" where two protesters were admittedly found dead. He claimed that two of the security officials responsible for "widespread prisoner abuse" had been fired and awaited trial.
The prison remains open and our sources doubt those responsible for the outrages will be brought to trial.
Six more jails and detentions centers operate in the Tehran area.
Ghamar prison
A low, inconspicuous door behind the Ghamar Bani Hashem Hospital on Resaalat Street near the security ministry leads into a top-secret holding facility for interrogating political prisoners. It is closely guarded by Iran's intelligence ministry.
It has two floors and a yard, containing four interrogation rooms, eight isolation cells and eight holding cells in which dozens of detainees are crammed, allowed access to showers once a week and toilets three times a day . Here, the detainees undergo their first inquisition and beatings before they are transferred to other prisons. Their eyes and mouths are bound with leather straps to prevent them from identifying their tormentors. Their agony ends when they sign written confessions.
Most of the victims' families do not know their whereabouts.
Esharat-Abad prison
Several hundred political prisoners are crowded into this facility for drug offenders which is designed for 250 to 350 inmates. It is situated in the Narcotic Unit's headquarters in central Tehran.
The building consists of three large units broken up into cells of 1.5 x 2 meters, into each of which up to five detainees are squeezed for an agonizing three to seven days. Under interrogation, their arms and legs are broken to make them confess and give up information. Accustomed to beating and humiliating dope traffickers, the wardens carry on abusing the political detainees.
Sanitary conditions are appalling and the inmates are fed scraps from the prison staff canteens. The stench of vomit and sweat in the unventilated cells is unbearable. Whenever a detainee dies of torture or disease, prison authorities file a fictitious report. After the questioning finishes, those who survive are transferred to the central prison at Evin. No one has been brought to book for their deaths.
The Revolutionary Guards Prison 59
This penal complex in the cellar of the Revolutionary Guards Corps base Esharat-Abad suburb of Tehran is the most terrible of all seven secret jails. It is so secret that even the head of the justice department for the Tehran district has never been granted permission for a visit.
Run by the field security unit of the IRGC, this is where suspected spies and people accused of grave security offenses are questioned by officials who are not bound by any laws or regulations. They have sole discretion to determine the degree of abuse their victims deserve.
Most of the cells are made for solitary confinement, although around ten large chambers hold a number of detainees. None have light or ventilation; sanitary conditions are appalling and food scanty. Detainees are allowed one telephone call during the period of their detention subject to permission from the security guards, which means depending on how well they cooperate.
Inmates are completely cut off from the outside world so that when it is important for the regime to extract confessions to crimes they never committed, they are susceptible to psychological manipulation, such as fake newspaper front pages or fabricated news bulletins.
These detainees may disappear into this top-secret prison for long stretches of time of up to a year or two without their families knowing where they are.
This detention center on Schrevardi street in central Tehran is shared by the intelligence ministry and Revolutionary Guards. It is located on the top floors of a shopping center and hidden behind a secret door. It is used for political detainees whose incarceration is too secret for them to be held in other prisons. For many it is also the end of the line for few survive the questioning practices at this place
Abu Ghoraib prison
This jail administered by the internal security services, named for the notorious American prison in Iraq, is located on Seoul Street in the Fatemieh suburb of Tehran, a residential district where few are aware that Abu Ghoraib is used to torture security personnel accused of grave offences or crimes against the regime. Prison No. 66
This jail is also run by the Revolutionary Guards behind the Allameh Tabatabai military base on the Asfarieh highway north of Tehran. Here former Guards members accused of serious offenses or subversion against the state are subjected to extreme torture. At least two inmates have died in recent weeks.
Taliban Now Winning
U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Warns of Rising Casualties
Fall back, men, Afghanistan is a nasty war we can never win
Britain’s commanders ignored every warning that the Taliban were the toughest fighters on earth
.......................................................................................................................................................................... Russia sent a rather unpleasant present to President Obama on the occasion of his 48th birthday. Last Tuesday, two Russian attack submarines were sighted off America’s East Coast, apparently the first such sighting for 15 years. This is the latest in a series of provocations that Russia has launched at the U.S. since America’s current president took office.
Tension on Israel-Lebanese border rises as Iran sends Hizballah upgraded missiles
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 9, 2009, 11:07 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iranian Fateh-110 brings Tel Aviv in Hizballah's range
Israel, Lebanon and Iran have been trading charges of responsibility for the rising military tensions on the Lebanese-Israeli border in the past week. DEBKAfile's military sources disclose that the Lebanese Shiite Hizballah is preparing for the intake of self-propelled anti-air SAM-8 missiles and an upgraded version of the Iranian ground-ground Fateh-110 missile, whose warhead carries half a ton of explosives with a 200-kilometer range.
Iran appears concerned that President Barack Obama, whom Tehran sources see as frustrated by his failure to cut the Assad regime in Damascus away from its bonds with Tehran, may give Israel a green light to punish Hizballah. The Iranians have responded by pumping up allegations of Israeli threats and building up Hizballah's arsenal with deliveries of advanced air-to-air, ground-to-ground, and shore-to-sea missiles for crippling Israel's military and battering its civilian population in the event of a flare-up.
In Jerusalem, Israel's deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon said Sunday, Aug. 9, that Lebanon would suffer serious consequences from any Hizballah attempt to assassinate Israelis abroad.
Defense minister Ehud Barak also threatened to use "all necessary force" in the event of a fresh conflict on Israel's northern border.
A Hizballah spokesman countered: "If Barak's threats are serious - and I don't think they are - he should be aware that if he commits an error or stupid act against Lebanon… he will find that July and August 2006 were a bit of fun."
Meanwhile, the Iranians are rushing to their Lebanese proxy the anti-air SA-18 (which performs similarly to the US Stinger) and the self-propelled Sam-8, a few batteries of which Israeli believes have already been delivered.
Seven months ago, Israel warned Syria that if these missiles are allowed to cross its border into Lebanon, they would be judged to be a violation of the regional balance of strength and legitimate targets for attack before both before they leave Syria and at their Lebanese sites.
The Fateh-110, an upgraded Zelzal 2 - which in the 2006 war Hizballah used to strike the northern Israeli towns of Hadera, Afula and the Jezreel Valley - can reach northern Tel Aviv. The weapon also has greater accuracy due to a Chinese guidance system sold to Iran.
Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address
Father in bachelor pad while mom left islands
7:40 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Documents uncovered by WND strongly suggest Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham, President Obama's parents, did not live at 6085 Kalanianaole Highway in Hawaii – even though birth announcements in local newspapers listed that address.
Both newspapers, the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin, carried the announcement about the Aug. 4, 1961, birth. Both included the 6085 Kalanianaole Highway address.
But WND has confirmed that the house at that street number was owned and occupied in 1961 by another longtime resident Hawaiian couple. Moreover, throughout the time he was in Hawaii, Barack Obama Sr. maintained his own separate apartment at 625 11th Ave. in Kaimuki, within walking distance of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where he was enrolled for studies in the fall term 1959.
'Birth home' at 6085 Kalanianaole Highway on Oahu
The records from a Honolulu title search, obtained by WND, document 6085 Kalanianaole Highway was purchased in 1958 by Orland Scott Lefforge, a University of Hawaii professor, and his wife/companion Thelma Young, who lived at the property and remained owners into the 1970s.
With Lefforge and Young occupying the main residence at 6085 Kalanianaole Highway in 1961, the only possibility would have been for Barack Obama Sr. to occupy with his wife Ann Dunham Obama and their infant son the small cottage behind the house, a suggestion discussed earlier by the Honolulu Advertiser.
Cover story in tabloid suggests Canadian connection
7:20 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
The Globe tabloid declares President Obama's Hawaiian certification of live birth to be fraudulent |
The supermarket tabloid the Globe features a cover story this week proclaiming Barack Obama's "official birth document" a fake and suggesting the president may actually have been born in Canada.
The Globe, known for sensationalism and entertainment scandals, cites reports by unnamed document analysts as claiming the Hawaiian certification of live birth the Obama campaign distributed to select news agencies and websites is fraudulent. The blogosphere has been rife with such allegations for 10 months.
It also cites WND's reporting about the changing stories about the hospital in which Obama was born. Despite assertions Obama was born in Honolulu, officially no hospital claims him. A letter from Obama saying he was born in Kapi'olani Medical Center in Honolulu was used in fundraising brochure earlier this year and posted on the hospital's official website, but when WND asked for confirmation, the institution pulled down the letter without explanation.
The Globe also quotes Canadian broadcaster Brian Barron as saying Obama's mother gave birth to the child in Vancouver, Canada, before transferring as a student to the University of Washington in Seattle.