Israeli prime minister convenes urgent security forum Friday
DEBKAfile Special report
August 7, 2009, 2:36 PM (GMT+02:00)
According to the official statement, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet of six were briefed on Middle East developments at a special session Friday, Aug. 7. DEBKAfile's military sources report that an unusually large number of officials were brought together, indicating that an out-of-the-ordinary security development was afoot. They included the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi, military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin, Mossad director Meir Dagan, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, OC Southern Command Brig. Yoav Galant and several more senior officers.

State senator: 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'
12:30 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero |
Hawaii state Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat, has confirmed plans to introduce legislation through which the state's lawmakers would force the public disclosure of all President Obama's birth documents held by the Hawaii Department of Health, including President Obama’s long-form original birth certificate.
Espero told WND his bill is aimed at "giving citizens access to birth records" under a standard of government transparency which would permit journalists to request in writing the public disclosure of vital birth records including long-form birth certificates of all persons born in Hawaii. He said it would include the release of birth records on those previously born in Hawaii.
"My decision to file the legislation was primarily a result of the fuss over President Obama's birth records and the lingering questions," Espero said.
Espero told WND that he believes President Obama was born in Hawaii.
*************************************************************************************************Mileage Tax Considered By Obama Transportation Secretary LaHood
........................................................................................................................................................................Refrigerator Recycling Programs Take Off
(Getty Images)
A primary bulwark against foreclosures and destitution is about to give way. Almost 500,000 Americans will exhaust their unemployment insurance benefits by September. That includes 354,000 for that month alone. The economic consequences will be severe. Social unrest is inevitable.
U.S. summons Israeli ambassador again
Washington protests enforcement of property rights in Jewish state's capital
Posted: August 05, 2009
11:17 am Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Israel's ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren |
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman summoned Ambassador Michael Oren with a message that the Obama administration views the eviction Sunday of two Palestinian families from homes in eastern Jerusalem as "provocative" and "unacceptable."
Genesis Chapter 12
Rabbi Hollander, Abrahamson and Rahimi
with Adnan Oktar
Bullying IsraelBy: Jamie Glazov Why the Jewish state is the only country with which the U.S. has worse relations since Obama took office.....more
'They try to mingle with us to get more information on what we're doing'
9:05 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
President Obama |
Obama has called for a complete halt to what he refers to as settlement activity, meaning Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem or the West Bank. Obama's edict extends to natural growth, or accommodating for the housing needs of existing local settler population centers. The demand is an apparent abrogation of a deal Israel struck with the Bush administration to allow natural growth.
For the past few months, Obama's Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, has protested to the highest levels of the Israeli government about evidence found of any Jewish housing expansion in those areas, informed Israeli officials said.
The officials, who spoke on condition that their names be withheld, said that last March Mitchell oversaw the establishment of an enhanced apparatus based in the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem that closely monitors the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods, incorporating regular tours of the areas, at times on a daily basis.
Previously, under the Bush administration, the consulate kept a general eye on Jewish Jerusalem and West Bank construction, receiving much of its information from nongovernmental organizations.
"Mitchell's apparatus takes things to a whole new level. They are watching very closely," said an Israeli official.
Jewish leaders in the West Bank said the consulate takes no pains to hide their activities.
*************************************************************************************************Jewish Sanhedrin rabbis unite with Turk on common cause
9:08 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
With the Middle East still in chaos and rumors of war in the air, the idea of rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple on a foundation occupied and administered by Islamic militants might seem fanciful – even preposterous.
But the author of a new book, "The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast," returned from Turkey recently with news that a prominent Islamic teacher and best-selling author and Jewish Sanhedrin rabbis are conspiring to do just that.
In a column penned in WND today, author Joel Richardson reveals the historically unprecedented development.
************************************************************************************************BROWARD COUNTY
Tempers flare in South Florida over healthcare overhaul
A raucous group of about 100 protesters confronted staffers of U.S. Rep. Ron Klein, expressing their displeasure with the healthcare overhaul bills being considered in Congress.
*************************************************************************************************Russian secret service helped Hizballah bust Israel's Lebanese spy rings
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 5, 2009, 6:41 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russian FSB agent in action
Western intelligence sources in the Middle East have disclosed to DEBKAfile that a special unit of the Russian Federal Security Service - FSB, commissioned by Hizballah's special security apparatus earlier this year, was responsible for the massive discovery of alleged Israel spy rings in Lebanon in recent months with the help of super-efficient detection systems.
Those sources report that the FSB and Hizballah have amassed quantities of undisclosed data on Israel's clandestine operations in Lebanon and are holding it in reserve in order to leak spectaculars discoveries as and when it suits their purpose.
This disclosure, if borne out, would indicate that the Russian agency, which specializes in counterespionage, is engaged for the first time in anti-Israel activity in the service of an Arab terrorist organization. An Israeli security sources describes this turn of events extremely grave. It also cast an ominous slant on Moscow's deepening strategic involvement in Syria.
It was generally assumed until now that new electronic devices supplied by France to the Lebanese army were instrumental in uncovering the suspected Israeli spy rings. It now transpires that the Lebanese army was not directly involved; it only detained the suspects handed over by the Shiite Hizballah.
Those same sources disclosed that FSB agents, by blanketing every corner of Lebanon with their sophisticated surveillance systems, were able to detect the spy rings one by one and additionally hack into Israeli intelligence data bases.
The Russians dated Israel's massive clandestine infiltration of Lebanon to shortly after its 2006 Lebanese conflict. The Lebanese Shiites sustained heavy casualties and, fearing an Israeli surprise attack at that point, began conscripting thousands of young Shiites as fighters pell mell, without checking their backgrounds. In their haste, they also rounded up Syrian and Egyptian migrant laborers in Lebanon.
Israel used the opportunity to recruit large numbers of agents in both these groups, especially among the conscripts sent to Revolutionary Guards camps in Iran and Syrian military facilities for training.
Man Offers 40 Goats And 20 Cows For Chelsea Clinton's Hand In Marriage