Chaos in America has just started as per your G-D...Read your BIBLE
Nahum Chapter 1
Israel has Iran in its sights
Unless Tehran responds by late September to international proposals on its nuclear program, history strongly suggests the Israelis will act alone.
*************************************************************************************************ג וַאֲבָרְכָה, מְבָרְכֶיךָ, וּמְקַלֶּלְךָ, אָאֹר; וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ, כֹּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה. 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.'

Six Million Home Foreclosures: Are FDIC Insured Banks the Next Time Bomb?
Demand the TERMINATION of Communist Green Jobs Czar Van Jones
Public demands firing, school officials decline to confirm he's 'on staff and on duty'
9:31 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
The image banned by Officer Cheeks |
A school security officer in Virginia who told a protester opposing President Obama's health-care plan that America is "no more" remains employed, but is now under investigation because of his statements, according to his school district.
"I have to say, I've seen the video. We do not condone what the officer did say," Paul Regnier, the coordinator of communications and community relations for Fairfax County Public Schools told WND today.
WND reported earlier when the YouTube video showing school Security Officer Wesley Cheeks Jr. objecting to a protest sign carried at a town-hall meeting held by Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va. The sign read "Organizing for National Socialist Health Care – The Final Solution" and it also depicted Obama in the Joker's makeup.
"This used to be America," argued a protester outside a health-care town hall meeting in Reston, Va., after Cheeks threatened him with arrest for holding up a sign with a picture critical of Barack Obama. The officer's response?
"It ain't no more, OK?"
At the time, a WND poll showed overwhelming outrage over the officer's actions.
Asked "What should be done about security officer who threatened arrest over anti-Obama sign?," 45 percent of the 5,455 voters said he should be reprimanded, fired and used as an example.
Another 28 percent said he should be fired for bullying with a badge. Eleven percent said he should be reprimanded.
Get the prescription for reclaiming America's heritage of liberty – before the what the officer said is true – Joseph Farah's "Taking America Back," autographed only at the WND SuperStore.
WND messages trying to reach the protester were not returned, but on the YouTube channel where the video appeared, there was a claim of credit for the production from a participant identified as "Dissentfromday1."
A Russian Warns Americans Against a Communist Takeover
Doomsday author says Obama is doing nothing to forestall disintegration
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Russian Professor Igor Panarin says that events are continuing to confirm his doomsday prediction first made over 10 years ago, that the United States will completely collapse like the Soviet Union before the end of 2010, and warns that the chaos could begin to unfold in as little as two months.
Magnesium–The Miracle Mineral
..........................................................................................................................................................................THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM IN "HELL"
The "Fistgate" incident: What homosexual activists in schools do with children
.......................................................................................................................................POLICE STATE, USA
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard 'round the world
Pandemic bill allows health authorities to enter homes, detain without warrant
Hizballah deploys chemical and biological weapons near Israeli border - Arab, European sources
DEBKAfile Special Report
September 3, 2009, 10:13 AM (GMT+02:00)
Hizballah operative training with anti-chemical mask
The Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa reported Thursday, Sept. 3, that chemical weapons were stored in the hidden Hizballah arms warehouse which blew up at Hirbet Salim near the Israeli border in mid-July. Of the 11 Hizballah operatives killed in the blast, 3 died of chemical poisoning. Hizballah denied any members had been killed or even that it maintains a weapons store in breach of UN resolutions.
DEBKAfile disclosed at the time that the Lebanese terrorists had lost five men and more were missing.
On July 21, we reported that the explosion heard on both sides of the border refuted Israeli military claims that the Lebanese border was secure and revealed that the destroyed arms dump was one of 35 Hizballah had lined up within 20 kilometers from the border. For this article, click HERE
European intelligence sources reported on Sept. 1, that Hizballah had recently boosted its military capabilities with a supply of chemical shells and short-range missiles with chemical warheads and was about to receive biological weapons as well. One source said that the Lebanese terrorist group is now one of the most sophisticated and best trained military forces in the Middle East, describing them as "bad guys with good strategic vision."
The source quoted an Arab official as predicting that Hizballah is gearing up "for something big" and there is little doubt that Iran and Syria will be helping them to obtain biological and chemical weapons.
"You're going to be reporting a lot on Hizballah in the future," he said. "They already have people on the ground in Europe and elsewhere. They are just waiting for orders to act - they are not in a hurry."
Those WMD have already been delivered, according to al Siyassa. DEBKAfile's military sources add that deliveries began some time ago. In the 2006 war in which Israel fought Hizballah, chemical defense systems were discovered in the Lebanese group's bunkers and observation posts.
White House spammer-in-chief wants contractor to track critics
What’s the next step in the Obama administration’s fight against Muslim extremists—its “overseas contingency operation,” as it calls it? Going after cia operatives.
It’s a radical step into murky territory that gives a number of advantages to avowed enemies of the United States. A strong case can be made that it could lead to former high-ranking Bush administration officials—even President Bush—being indicted by foreign governments.
As the U.S. argues over which interrogation techniques are torture, we are forced to confront the limits of American power: Possessing history’s most fearsome military does nothing to protect a nation whose leaders believe that battering and shackling its own intelligence agents will produce happier, mellower enemies and greater safety for its people.
Back in 2004, the Justice Department investigated several cia interrogations of terror detainees for possible abuses. It charged only one individual, and he was later acquitted. Last week, however, Attorney General Eric Holder named a special prosecutor to reopen those cases. “A review is never going to be final anymore now,” lamented Dick Cheney.
Much has been written about the obvious chilling effect this action will have on American interrogators. It means that even if they scrupulously follow the rules, someone could change the rules down the road. It means they face the axe or even jail time pending review of their actions by patently liberal officials.
To ensure that future interrogations are conducted according to the Obama administrations exacting standards, a newly created organ called the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group will supervise them. The Wall Street Journal explains, “Interrogation techniques will be limited to those in the Army Field Manual or that are ‘noncoercive,’ which suggests more constrained than a big-city police department. … This means that the class of person who blows up skyscrapers, American embassies or the uss Cole would spend less time under a bare light bulb than a domestic robbery suspect.”
Of course, a detainee now knows exactly what to expect and how far his interrogator is allowed to go. He knows the president is looking over the interrogator’s shoulder, and that one false move would end this guy’s career. And this is supposed to make America safer.
“[I]t’s a death sentence for an effective war on terror,” wrote Daniel Henninger. “It makes what’s left of the war—telephone wiretaps or monitoring money transfers—vulnerable to a steady stream of congressional and legal objection.”
The people the president is satisfying by implementing these steps do not want to make America stronger. They believe America deserves to be knocked down a peg or three. The policy of handcuffing interrogations and handing the agents’ slimmed-down playbook to future terrorist detainees should further their goals quite nicely. To the extent that these people have a constructive goal for America’s future, it is that the country would, having atoned for its arrogance, be able to take its seat among equals in what is supposedly a happy family of nations. This would, in their view, represent an improvement in America’s standing in the world.
Eric Holder and his boss are working diligently toward this end. With deadly effectiveness, they are succeeding.
The glaring problem, though, with the idea that a prostrate America is an improved America—that submission to other nations will earn their admiration—is that those other nations are basically hungry to see the U.S. go down. It is absurd to interpret their eagerness to help President Obama dismantle American power as a sign of friendship.
Last spring, visiting Berlin, Attorney General Holder was asked if he would cooperate with foreign or international tribunals to prosecute Bush-era officials for how they fought the “war on terror.” His answer, as Andrew McCarthy showed in the National Review, was essentially that Washington wouldn’t arrest anyone or hand former officials over for foreign trials, but it would fulfill any “evidentiary requests” to help build legal cases.
That’s right: If a foreign or international court wants to try U.S. officials, the White House is there to supply the evidence they need. Whatever is necessary to “clean up” America’s international reputation.
You can be sure, those requests are going to pour in. A number of foreigners are already getting busy. The United Nations “special rapporteur on torture” has said that George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld should be tried for torture. A Spanish court is investigating Bush administration officials for torture of Guantánamo Bay prisoners. Human rights groups in France and Germany have said they want to bring legal action against Mr. Rumsfeld. Surely there are some enterprising lawyers in the Organization of the Islamic Conference that would love to file a case or two as well.
And they’re all being egged on by the Center for Constitutional Rights (ccr). This radical New York-based legal advocacy group, which sells “Torture Team” playing cards of Bush-era officials, “has been attempting to convince Germany, France, Spain, and other countries to file war-crime indictments against former Bush administration officials, including President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Secretary Rumsfeld,” McCarthy wrote. “In representing America’s enemies, ccr has collaborated with many private lawyers, who also volunteered their services—several of whom are now working in the Obama Justice Department” (emphasis mine).
Yes, the new Justice Department is stacked with people who have legally represented al Qaeda and other Guantánamo detainees. Is it any wonder, then, that they want to share evidence with foreigners eager to imprison former U.S. officials? That they want to put cia anti-terrorism operatives on the chopping block? That they want to prioritize the international legal order over America’s national law—and its clear national interests? No—it’s no wonder. Still, the speed at which they’re moving takes one’s breath away.
Look at the Bible’s key prophecies about the major geopolitical events we’re about to witness: half of Jerusalem being forcibly seized by Muslims (Zechariah 14:2); Iran pushing at Europe and getting wiped out (Daniel 11:40); a destitute Israel asking Germany for military protection (Hosea 5:13).
There’s an unseen but clear denominator in all of these scenarios: the startling absence of the nation that, until recently, has been among the most active participants in these arenas: the United States.
Match those conspicuous omissions with dozens of other prophecies that foretell America’s downfall, and the truth becomes unequivocally clear: The world’s mightiest superpower is about to be conquered.
As inconceivable as that may seem given America’s military supremacy, watching the present administration turn on its own intelligence agents so as to legally equip its enemies makes it easier to fathom. •