From cradle to grave: world's largest retailer Walmart selling caskets online
So-Called 'Death Panel' Measure Survives in House Health Bill

Zechariah Chapter 14 זְכַרְיָה
Pastor James David Manning Banned From YouTube For "Hate Speech"
Orly Taitz - "They see me as a threat"
FOX is afraid to be responsible for the first black president being removed from office?
Detroit imam killed in shootout with FBI
Old photos, new questions about Obama nativity
University friends of Barack Obama Sr. make no mention of Ann Dunham
10:55 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
After WND's stunning disclosure yesterday that Michelle Obama publicly admitted her husband's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was "very young and very single" when giving birth to the future U.S. president, three photos of Barack Obama Sr. have now surfaced, raising further questions as to whether the two were actually married.
The photos of Barack Obama Sr. attending a University of Hawaii party in the early 1960s, which surfaced on the Internet, show him enjoying the company of fellow students without the presence of Ann Dunham. His demeanor evident in the three photographs suggests a familiarity with women that would give no indication he was engaged to be married or already wed to Ann Dunham.
Barack Obama Sr. at party with University of Hawaii students in the early 1960s |
While the possibility remains the photographs were taken before Obama Sr. met Ann Dunham, the testimonies from Obama's fellow students at the University of Hawaii that accompany the photographs make no mention that Barack Obama Sr. was ever associated with Ann Dunham, at the time the photographs were taken, or later.
The photographs are identified as having been taken at the home of Arnie and Suzie Nachmanoff in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, "in the early 1960s."
.................................................................................................................MAX KEISER - PUBLIC VIDEO
Dismantling America – by Thomas Sowell
It is always best to own 2 handguns that are identical so in an emergency you are covered. Stay with factory parts.
Obadiah Chapter 1 עֹבַדְיָה
Celebs on the Brink!
AMERICA'S biggest celebrities - including David Hasselhoff, Kirstie Alley, Lindsay Lohan and Bill Clinton - are at risk and this week's GLOBE reveals the shocking conclusions of an exclusive analysis that indicates who will die first! Don't miss a single word.
CNN's Lou Dobbs: Shot fired into my home
'We'd had threatening phone calls ... it's now become a way of life'
Posted: October 29, 2009
6:47 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
CNN and talk radio host Lou Dobbs, a strong proponent of U.S. border enforcement, told his radio audience a gunshot was fired into his home after a series of threatening phone calls.
"Three weeks ago this morning a shot was fired into my house, my wife was standing there," he said on his nationally syndicated radio show Monday. "This follows weeks and weeks of threatening phone calls."
"This shot was fired with my wife not 15 feet away."
Dobbs' comments can be heard below or here.
Dobbs said advocacy groups that support illegal aliens and have pressed for him to be fired "have created an atmosphere and have been unrelenting in their propaganda."
Opponents of Dobbs include the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti Defamation League, the National Council of La Raza, Internet media watchdog Media Matters and Fox News host Geraldo Rivera.
More from Dobbs Monday broadcast:
- "If anybody thinks that we're not engaged in a battle for the soul of this country right now, you're sorely mistaken. And the more you stay on the sidelines and the more you don't make your voice heard, the more likely it is that we're going to lose this battle for the soul of the nation."
- "My wife and I have been shot at, our driver, my house has been shot and hit. The investigation continues. I've had bodyguards now, you know, I'm not in the mood to put up with little fools like Geraldo Rivera."
- "It's time we really awaken to what is happening in this country, it is ugly, it has to stop, and we have to find the courage to elect congressmen and senators, and yes, presidents who will speak truth. Not pander and not play politically correct games."
- "We need to get real about what is happening in this country, and understand that if this battle for the soul of the country is lost, so much is lost that follows. Respect for our laws, respect for our borders, our ports, our national sovereignty.
- "That respect demands, demands at least an honest debate on Capitol Hill about illegal immigration, it demands at least an honest debate on the airwaves."
- "Why are we not enforcing laws, why do we not demand respect for our sovereignty, why do we not demand honest, open, straightforward debate."
- "Why do we not acknowledge who were are, the most most racially, ethnically diverse society on the face of the earth?"
- "Why don't we talk about how great this nation is, about the great things we accomplished, the great way in which we live, you know, the American way?"
The huge car bomb blast on Wednesday in a crowded market in Peshawar, capital of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province, emphasized the extent of the terrorist threat facing Pakistanis as well as the success of Islamist media manipulation.
US Congress initiates sanctions legislation as Iran's reply is awaited
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 28, 2009, 9:51 PM (GMT+02:00)
First sanctions in the Washington pipeline
By a voice vote, the House foreign affairs committee approved legislation Wednesday, Oct. 28 imposing sanctions on Iran's main gasoline suppliers, including British, French, Swiss and Indian firms.
The measure would empower US president Barack Obama to effectively block firms that supply Iran with refined petroleum products or help the Islamic Republic import or produce them at home from doing business with the United States.
DEBKAfile adds: Tehran is thereby put on notice of unilateral US sanctions hanging over its head should it reject or quibble over the IAEA compromise proposal to send three-quarters of its low-enriched uranium to Russia and France for further processing as fuel for its research reactor.
Iran has promised a final reply to the proposal - albeit with changes Thursday, Oct. 29.
In Moscow, the Kremlin's top foreign policy aide, Sergei Prikhodko was quoted by Interfax as saying: "Sanctions in relation to Iran are hardly possible in the near future." Asked if Russia would support further sanctions against Iran, Prikhodko quoted an answer given by Kremlin chief Dmitry Medvedev last month after talks with U.S. President Barack Obama."Sanctions seldom lead to the required result but in some cases the use of sanctions is inevitable," Prikhodko said. "This formulation remains in force."
Moscow's cageyness on international sanctions against Iran gave US lawmakers an extra incentive to create an option for going it alone.
In Washington, the US president's national security adviser James Jones said early Wednesday, Oct. 28: The United States will be ready to respond if Iran fails to take tangible steps soon to meet its commitments over its nuclear program.
"Nothing is off the table," he warned."We will see in a short amount of time if engagement is able to produce the concrete results that we need and will be prepared if it does not," Jones said.
- President Barack Obama salutes at Dover Air Force base in Dover, Del., as a carry team carries the transfer case containing the remains of Army Sgt. Dale R. Griffin of Terre Haute, Ind. Photo: AP
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Orly Taitz Challenges FOX News - "I can make Obama resign in 48 hours"
Rep. LaTourette Mocks Democrats for "Big Lie"
Orly Taitz - Responds to Bill O' Reilly's smears "It is time to protest FOX NEWS"
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