There is no hope in man and his decisions because now G-D is in total control, just look at how many people are coming down with cancer. There is no more communication between leaders of this physical world, its all one big scam and the Tower of BABEL scenario has and is now been put in place by G-D. All this is in the Bible and this is all been predicted if you bothered to read your old Testament you would learn a great deal. Your elected leaders are caught in a revolving door with no exit. There is no way out of this situation except through your G-D. DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 28...
Please do not believe me, do your own research and read your own Bible, I am not trying to convert anyone because I do not care what religion you are and if you have no religion that is going to be a major problem when you die alone. For no one takes their money or their gold or their assets with them, they will have six feet of earth and some will wind up as ashes in an urn. Just look what Mr. Know it All Kennedy took with him to the grave = NOTHING... his money and gold and assets are still here. The rest of these self crazed with power people will soon meet their maker as we all will. I have no doubt that G-D has a special "HELL" for the HITLERS and STALINS of this world...
For you Christians I want you to read II TIMOTHY CHAPTER three = read the first 15 lines, that will say it all. For you "EREV RAV" Jewish Traitors your fait first awaits you when you meet the Hebrew Angel of Death, for he will have no mercy upon you and you will never be in G-D's kingdom with me, you shall rot in hell like the MADOFFS of this world, just give it a little while and you will see. My destiny was pre arranged for me when I came into this world and I have I have done what G-D has asked me to do. Just look at all the past PRIME MINISTERS that Israel has had that have betrayed there own people. Look and do some research and see what happened to them. The only one G-D has given a second chance to was NETANYAHU, but he better pay attention to his G-D and not to some joker politician anywhere in this physical world.
America changed in 1945 and it was destined for total decline in 1948. There is no answer if you look to man for your help and your salvation only your "DEITY" can give you that. I can only give you my honest opinion and tell you what I believe is true. I do understand why many things are happening but we as a nation are in total decline, look for GERMANY to become the next superpower before the final battle in the valley of Meggido. The stage has now been set by G-D. So many Americans have always just worshiped the "DOLLAR" = now look at your dollar, it is payback time from G-D.
American troops in Afghanistan losing heart, say army chaplains
A soldier finds solace during a Sunday service at the Airborne chapel - but morale is falling fast, say the chaplains
American soldiers serving in Afghanistan are depressed and deeply disillusioned, according to the chaplains of two US battalions that have spent nine months on the front line in the war against the Taleban.
Many feel that they are risking their lives — and that colleagues have died — for a futile mission and an Afghan population that does nothing to help them, the chaplains told The Times in their makeshift chapel on this fortress-like base in a dusty, brown valley southwest of Kabul.
“The many soldiers who come to see us have a sense of futility and anger about being here. They are really in a state of depression and despair and just want to get back to their families,” said Captain Jeff Masengale, of the 10th Mountain Division’s 2-87 Infantry Battalion.
“They feel they are risking their lives for progress that’s hard to discern,” said Captain Sam Rico, of the Division’s 4-25 Field Artillery Battalion. “They are tired, strained, confused and just want to get through.” The chaplains said that they were speaking out because the men could not.
“the whole country is going to s***”.

"We had and have no plan of harming countries of the world, including those in Europe .... our goal is the independence of the country and the building of an Islamic state," say the Taliban. "Still, if you (NATO and US troops) want to colonise the country of proud and pious Afghans under the baseless pretext of a war on terror, then you should know that our patience will only increase and that we are ready for a long war."
U.S. Afghanistan Base: Death Trap From The Beginning
'We're Sitting Ducks' Soldiers Told Reporter on 2006 Visit
Weeks before election, NYC mayor unveils $1.5 million gunshow sting
.........................................................................................................................................................................Tehran accuses US in case of missing Iranian nuclear scientist
DEBKAfile Special Report
October 8, 2009, 9:28 AM (GMT+02:00)
Iran's foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki charged Wednesday, Oct. 7 that Tehran had "documents that prove US interference" in the disappearance of the nuclear scientist Shahram Amid during a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia earlier this year. He spoke after attending an Iranian cabinet meeting. Six days after meeting the six powers on its nuclear program in Geneva, Tehran appears to be preparing a new crisis.
State Department spokesman Ian Kelly denied having any information "on this individual." Some Saudi sources claimed the scientist asked the kingdom for political asylum but this was denied by Riyadh.
DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report that Shahram Amid was a senior member of Tehran University's nuclear physics department which is directly involved in work on Iran's second enrichment facility near Qom. Iranian nuclear scientists are forbidden foreign travel except for pilgrimages to Mecca. Then too they travel with groups and watched over by Iranian security personnel. Their passports are held by the group's head, usually a Revolutionary Guards officer, as a safety guard against defections.
Shahram Amid went missing without his passport last May, three days after his party arrived in Mecca. His belongings were left in his hotel room. The Saudi authorities deny knowledge of the case.
Our sources add: The fuss the Iranians are making about the scientist's disappearance indicates he was an important cog in the hidden compartments of Iran's nuclear program and had plenty to give away to the wrong parties. They fear his disappearance is a repetition of the case of the missing general Alireza Asgari who dropped out of sight in Istanbul in March 2007. Asgari, who was a deputy minister in charge of Iran's nuclear relations with Syria, also checked in at a hotel, unpacked in his room and vanished. Tehran has always suspected he headed straight for a flight to the United States and is in Washington to this day.
That Mottaki raised the case six months after Amid's disappearance is a sign that Iran is building up to a crisis with the big powers, especially the United States. It will no doubt climax on or before Oct. 25 when international inspectors are due to visit the suspect nuclear site near Qom.
DHS strips Arizona sheriff of authority to patrol for illegal immigrants
USA: The Ego has landed – New doubts about Obama’s presidency – As I warned…
Date Posted: Saturday 03-Oct-2009[I have said all along that Obama is a clown and I will enjoy his presidency. He is such fun. Remember, from day I have been saying that Obama has a loud mouth and I doubt there is any substance behind it. He’s just an overconfident moron – and nothing much more. The Drudge Report said it best when Matt Drudge had one headline: “The Ego has landed – the World rejects Obama” – re: Olympics. Then, even more brilliant, Drudge had another news item: Obama + Michelle x Oprah = ZERO.
If Americans are sane, they must get rid of Obama ASAP because this man is going to do your country a lot of damage… and AGAIN, I repeat my warning about RACE RELATIONS. Do not bet that Obama’s election will improve race relations… and wait until he is removed… Race relations is a nightmare… especially if you’re dealing with people who can’t think straight. Jan]
There has been a growing narrative taking hold about Barack Obama’s presidency in recent weeks: that he is loved by many, but feared by none; that he is full of lofty vision, but is actually achieving nothing with his grandiloquence.
Chicago’s dismal showing yesterday, after Mr Obama’s personal, impassioned last-minute pitch, is a stunning humiliation for this President. It cannot be emphasised enough how this will feed the perception that on the world stage he looks good — but carries no heft.
It was only the Olympic Games, the White House will argue — not a high-stakes diplomatic gamble with North Korea. It is always worthwhile when Mr Obama sells America to the rest of the world, David Axelrod, his chief political adviser, said today. But that argument will fall on deaf ears in the US. Americans want their presidents to be winners.
Mr Obama was greeted — as usual — like a rock star by the IOC delegates in Copenhagen — then humiliated by them. Perception is reality. A narrow defeat for Chicago would have been acceptable — but the sheer scale of the defeat was a bombshell, and is a major blow for Mr Obama at a time when questions are being asked about his style of governance.
At home, it is difficult to turn on a television and not see Mr Obama giving a press conference, or an interview, or at a town hall rally, in his all-out effort to sell his troubled reform the US health insurance system. After three months of enormous exposure, Mr Obama has achieved this: the growing likelihood of ramming a Bill through Congress with — at most — just one Republican vote.
Abroad, Mr Obama promised in his Inauguration address to engage America’s enemies, and he has done just that. He has very little to show for it. Yes, Iran took part in bilateral talks with the US this week over its nuclear weapons programme — but that is something Tehran has wanted for years. There is still a very good chance that the meetings will prove to be an exercise in futility and a time-wasting ploy by Tehran.
Mr Obama also scrapped a plan for a missile defence shield in the Czech Republic and Poland, hoping to get in return Russian co-operation behind new sanctions against Tehran. There was optimism when President Medvedev said “sanctions are seldom productive, but they are sometimes inevitable”. Yet Vladimir Putin, and the Chinese, remain fiercely opposed to sanctions.
Meanwhile, America and its allies are being forced to witness a very public agonising by Mr Obama and his advisers over his Afghan strategy — six months after he announced that strategy.
This has all added to the perception that Mr Obama’s soaring rhetoric — which captured the imagination during last year’s election — is simply not enough when it comes to confronting the myriad challenges of the presidency. His spectacular Olympic failure will only add to that.
By: Tim Reid
3 October 2009
From Steve Quayle:
The demise of the dollar
Contact Charles Jacobson via email = actionsbytvideos@yahoo.com
US President George Bush Snr on run from justice
The criminal Washington DC private corporation is routed and bankrupt. With the Bush godfather gone, Obama attempts to sustain high-end corruption using US Homeland Security as his tame puppet. The White House is down the pan and waiting for the final flush. More here (06.10.09).

Al Qaeda recovers fast from "loss of operational capacity" described by Obama
DEBKA-Net-Weekly 415 Updated by DEBKAfile
October 7, 2009, 1:26 PM (GMT+02:00)
Al Qaeda is far from done
US president Barack Obama praised the efforts of the organizations represented by the National Counterterrorism Center which he visited Tuesday, Oct. 6, crediting them with al Qaeda's "lost operational capacity " and disappearing "legitimacy and credibility." He vowed to continue pressing the battle to cripple the network around the world and noted "real progress in our core mission - to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and other extremist networks around the world."
Administration officials added that 11 of the 20 most wanted figures were killed or captured in the Afghan-Pakistani border area over the last year and some foreign fighters, like Uzbeks, Chechens and Yemenis, had begun going home.
In its issue of Sept 25, DEBKA-Net-Weekly 415 offered a fuller and more accurate picture of al Qaeda's situation. The top command did indeed suffer serious damage but has reduced it by speedily filling key gaps with fresh faces imported from other arenas like Chechnya, Iraq and the Caucasus.
To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly click HERE .
DEBKA-Net-Weekly's counter terror sources named two key commanders:
"A Chechen known only as "Abu Zaar" - Father of the Pearl. He serves under the new Commander-in-Chief of all al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Abu Hafez, whose real name is Mustafa Abu Yazid. Abu Hafez is a member of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, who served as al Qaeda's "finance minister" for the last 10 years. The very fact that a senior bureaucrat was given a key combat command attests to a shortage of experienced, professional field commanders.
Nonetheless, DEBKA-Net-Weekly military sources report, his al Qaeda superiors were surprised to find in Abu Hafez an efficient combat tactician as well as administrator; so too were US commanders in Afghanistan."
The US president's claim that al Qaeda had lost "legitimacy and credibility" is confuted by the spreading deployment of al Qaeda networks across three continents: They are operational mode in North Africa, West Europe, Somalia and other parts of the Horn of Africa, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the Gaza Strip.
The fact that some foreign fighters, like Uzbeks, Chechens and Yemenis "had begun going home," as reported by President Obama, is less the result of allied attacks than a deep controversy dividing radical Islamist ideologues over the level of brutality permissible in terrorist attacks.
Above all, some of the fighters who returned home, including groups of Yemenis and North Africans, challenge exceptionally brutal large-scale attacks, especially in cases when heavy Muslim casualties are caused.
This does not mean they have retired. Just the reverse: They have opted to put their shoulders behind the expanding terrorist fronts in their own countries - closer to home.
American Family Association to join effort to warn Congress
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Obama's policies helped spark Temple Mount riots?
Aaron Klein analyzes motivations behind days of unrest in Jerusalem
Posted: October 06, 2009
12:24 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Temple Mount in Jerusalem |
JERUSALEM – With Israeli police here mobilizing to secure Jerusalem following days of Palestinian rioting, it is instructive to offer some context for clashes that have been taking place on the Temple Mount and at scattered sites throughout the eastern sections of Jerusalem.
On Sunday, during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, about 150 Palestinian protesters hurled rocks and bottles at police after Israel barred men between the ages of 18 and 45 from ascending the Mount. The restrictive order was imposed in response to Palestinian Authority calls for Arabs to flood the holy site to protect the Al Aqsa mosque from so-called Jewish extremists.
Yesterday, unable to reach the Temple Mount, Palestinian and Israeli Arab unrest continued with rock-throwing incidents throughout Jerusalem's old city and with the stabbing of an Israeli border guard in a northeastern Jerusalem neighborhood.
The unrest, however, is not spontaneous and is not occurring in a vacuum.
The riots are being directly incited by the PA, whose official media outlets and institutions are stoking Arab flames by claiming right-wing extremist Jews are attempting to threaten the Al Aqsa mosque – a decades-old blood libel that should be easily dismissible in light of heavy Israeli restrictions on Jews and Christians from ascending the Mount during most hours of the days; whereas Muslims are usually free to access the site at any time.
Indeed, Israeli rules prohibit Jews and Christians from praying on the site. If any so-called extremist Jew attempted to enter the Al Aqsa mosque, he or she would likely be immediately removed from the Temple Mount by Israeli police, who follow Jewish tour groups very closely and coordinate with the Waqf, the Islamic custodians of the site.
Ted Kennedy slept with more than a thousand women - and spent at least $10 million in hush money over the years to keep his skirt-chasing a secret!
