The following is all public information. YOU CAN "NOT" TAKE YOUR MONEY AND GOLD AND WEALTH TO THE OTHER SIDE WHEN YOU DIE. There is a time to be born and a time to die... READ YOUR BIBLE...
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 קֹהֶלֶת
Tuesday November 03, 2009 by Joseph Farah -- Three cheers for Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C. In a blistering critique of the socialized health-care bill expected to be passed by the House this Friday, she said: "I believe we have more to fear from the potential of that bill than we do from any terrorist right now in any country." ...
Having more than 3 cats now requires a license
Demand is up despite drop in crime rate
In a year of job losses, foreclosures and bag lunches, Americans have spent record-breaking amounts of money on guns and ammunition. The most obvious sign of their demand: empty ammunition shelves.
Terrified Voter says NJ Dems Using Gangbangers
Pastor James Manning is coming to the protest against Bill O' Reilly
Hizballah arms ship nabbed in joint Israeli Navy-US Task Force 151 operation
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 4, 2009, 1:03 PM (GMT+02:00)
Seized Hizballah arms ship Francop
The arms ship seized by the Israeli Navy early Wednesday, Nov. 4, near Cyprus, carried five containers of Iranian firearms and surface, anti-tank and anti-air missiles. DEBKAfile's military sources report the ship set out from Kish Island or Bandar Abbas in the middle of last week. It was detected by US satellites over the weekend while heading out of the Straits of Hormuz and into the Gulf of Oman. The USS Anzio guided missile cruiser of the US Navy's Task Force 151 shadowed the weapons ship as it sailed into the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. This task force leads the operations against piracy and Iranian arms smuggling under the command of Rear Adm. Scott Sanders.
Israeli military intelligence, navy and air force were kept informed of the ship's movements, including the projected times of its passage through the Suez Canal and arrival in the Mediterranean.
Tehran and Hizballah knew the ship had been spotted and expected it to be seized, although they did not know by whom. It acquired an escort of Israel warships upon emerging from the Suez Canal and entering the Mediterranean.
No action was taken then because the American and Israeli commanders of their joint Juniper Cobra ballistic exercise agreed to hold off seizing the ship until a few hours after the two-week war game ended Tuesday, Nov. 3. Washington was reluctant to embark on direct military action against an Iranian target so long as nuclear negotiations are still in progress for fear of provoking a fresh crisis with Tehran. It was therefore left to Israeli commandoes to board the arms ship early Wednesday 100 miles out to sea and direct it to the Israeli naval base at Ashdod for further examination.
Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu described the weapons cargo as destined for attacks on Israeli cities, while defense minister Ehud Barak named Hizballah as the consignment's end-user.
DEBKAfile's military sources add: Iran now sends Hizballah smaller arms shipments hoping to draw less attention to its deliveries and incur smaller losses if they are impounded.
1:07 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy," warned Obi-Wan Kenobi, while approaching the fictional Mos Eisley spaceport in "Star Wars."
For many Americans, the closest thing on planet Earth to the famous "Star Wars" bar scene, teeming with all its bizarre and malevolent denizens, is the Obama White House with its ever-growing menagerie of radical, unaccountable and utterly weird "czars" advising the president of the United States.
People like regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, who defends the removal of organs from terminally ill patients without their permission. Or Obama's choice of school-safety czar, gay activist Kevin Jennings who actually pioneered the practice of introducing homosexual advocacy into public schools by disguising it as "school safety"! Or science czar John Holdren, who has advocated sterilizing welfare recipients and seizing babies born to unwed mothers, and predicted one billion people would die in "carbon-dioxide induced famines" caused by – are you ready? – a coming new ice age.
And those are just the ones you've already heard about. There are dozens more, and you'll meet them all – up close and personal – in the November issue of WND's monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled "SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Inside the mad, mad, mad, mad world of Obama's czars."
Khamenei rejects talks if outcome fixed by US, marks embassy hostage anniversary
DEBKAfile Special Report
November 3, 2009, 4:23 PM (GMT+02:00)
Iran's all-powerful ayatollah says no
"We do not want any negotiation the result of which is predetermined by the United States," said Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the clearest rejection yet of the world powers' UN-brokered proposal for Iran to ship three-quarters of its enriched uranium overseas for reprocessing.
"Giving the US a veto over the nuclear talks would be like a sheep and wolf relation, which the late imam (Khomeini) has said 'we do not want,"" he said.
To drive his anti-US message home, the ayatollah spoke Tuesday, Nov. 3, the eve of the 30th anniversary of the US embassy seizure by radical students on Nov. 4, 1979 shortly after Khomeini's Islamic revolution - pouring salt on a sensitive landmark in Iranian-US relations. The 53 Americans were held hostage 444 days before being freed on Jan. 1981, but relations were never restored.
President Barack Obama and his engagement policy were singled out by Khameini for a smack in the face when he said: "Whenever the U.S offers a smile, it hides a dagger in his back." The level of unrelenting anti-US rhetoric heard from the all-powerful spiritual ruler was exceptional even in Iranian terms.
DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report that the all-powerful Ayatollah may have left a wafer-thin crack more divisive than constructive open for the negotiations begun in Geneva last month to continue. The United States must have no say in their outcome, he insisted in the hope of isolating the US from its fellow negotiators, Russia, China, the UK, France and Germany.
US secretary of state Hillary Clinton said Tuesday: "This is a pivotal moment for Iran. Acceptance fully of this proposal (overseas uranium enrichment) would be a good indication that Iran does not wish to be isolated and does wish to cooperate."
Monday, Nov. 2, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner warned that the six world powers negotiating with Iran would not tolerate delaying tactics. "If the Iranian response is to stall, as it seems to be, we will not accept this," he told journalists in Paris.
Israel's Heron drones integrated in NATO's Afghanistan war
DEBKA Exclusive Report
November 3, 2009, 4:17 PM (GMT+02:00)
Israel's Heron TP sold in 40 countries
Germany is the fifth foreign nation to acquire the Heron TP drone or other Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle technology for support missions against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, DEBKAfile's military sources report. Today, these drones complement the US Air Force's dominant role in Afghanistan air space, thanks to two useful features and the CIA's shortage of Predators for its own and NATO use:
1. The Israeli drones are cheaper.
3. The Herons' operational features include a long-distance range, the ability to stay aloft for 52 hours non-stop and tracking and targeting capabilities. They can carry out complex functions such as in-flight refueling and slotting into strategic missile defense systems.
Equipped with 1,200-horsepower engines, they carry 250 kilos of ordnance, mainly air-ground missiles. With this load, the Israel UAVs can reach an altitude of 11,000 meters. Flying empty, it can reach a height of13,700 meters. This means that the Heron can fly above regular commercial air traffic without becoming icebound thanks to another special feature, which is important in the freezing Afghan winters.
Our military sources report that the Canadian armed forces began using Israel UAVs a year ago, hiring them on charter from Israel's Aviation Industries.
Two months ago, Australia's Special Air Service Regiment SASR fighting in Afghanistan put the Heron into service.
French forces in Afghanistan are using the SIDM which is based on the Israeli Heron's technology and structure.
The Israel Hermes 450 pilotless vehicle made by Elbit is deployed by British units against Taliban and al Qaeda in the embattled Helmand province, as it was in Iraq.
World armies have purchased a total of 40 Israeli drones of different types. The most recent client was Russia.
Monday, Nov. 2, South Korea's aviation industry Kai selected Elbit as one of four electronic companies out of 80 contenders to outfit its KUH Surion helicopter:
The Israeli firm will supply Advanced Helmet-Mounted Display Systems (HMDS), Vehicle Information Systems and Data Transfer Systems.
Jihadi Training Compounds, U.S.A. – by Ryan Mauro
.................................................................................................FROM STEVE QUAYLE
Retreat Security: I Am Your Worst Nightmare
Rogue MI6 faction within British intelligence uses Nazi continuum Thule Society agent controlled by George Bush Snr for dirty work in Japan. Prima facie evidence of deep German DVD (Dachau) Black Ops penetration of British establishment. German connections of British royal family under scrutiny.
Capitol to be filled with livid Americans
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CAIR files suit against 'Muslim Mafia' author
Hamas successfully tests new Iran-made Silkworm that can reach Tel Aviv
DEBKAfile Special report
November 3, 2009, 12:41 PM (GMT+02:00)
Silkworm C-802 shore-to-ship missile fired from Lebanon
Israel's military intelligence chief Brig. Amos Yadlin revealed Tuesday, Nov. 3, that the Palestinian Hamas had successfully tested a new 60-km range Iranian shore-to-sea missile firing it west from the Gaza coast. When fired north overland the missile could reach Tel Aviv.
Brig. Yadlin's report to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee confirmed DEBKAfile's Oct. 25 disclosure of intensive Iranian efforts to arm Hizballan and Hamas with extended-range missiles and rockets capable of reaching Israel's strategic heartland. He revealed that Iranian arms were reaching Hizballah and Hamas through Syria and, for the first, time via Turkey.
The intelligence chief did not specify the source of the missiles delivered to Hamas or disclose who their instructors were. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the Hizballah on orders from Tehran apparently took charge of smuggling the new missiles to their Palestinian allies and its officers instructed them in their use.
Our military sources identify the new missile in Hamas' arsenal as a C-802 of the Silkworm series (of Chinese origin), of the type Hizballah fired to cripple the Israeli missile ship Hanit on July 15 2006 during the second Lebanon war.
Tehran has since showered thousands of these missiles on Hizballah. They are positioned along the Lebanese Mediterranean in closer formation than almost any coastal defense array in the world.
Hamas' successful test indicates that Iran is intent on building up its Palestinian proxy's capability for breaking the Israeli Mediterranean naval blockade on the Gaza Strip and restricting the freedom of Israeli warships cruising opposite its southern shores.
Silkworms deployed in the Gaza Strip are a menace to Israel's southern naval bases, especially in Ashdod port. They are also precise enough to target land-based strategic facilities like power stations and fuel depots. In 1987, Tehran used an earlier version of the Silkworm to strike Kuwait's oil installations.
On Oct. 25, DEBKAfile also reported that the al Qods external terror branch of Iran's Revolutionary Guards was in the throes of a major effort to smuggle Fajr-5 surface rockets into the Gaza Strip. These rockets whose range is 75 km can also reach Tel Aviv and its southern satellite cities from Gaza. Our military sources report that the huge missiles are transported by sea to Hamas training camps in Sudan in 8-10 segments, smuggled from there north to the Egyptian shores of the Suez Canal, then offloaded in Sinai for covert transportation to the Gaza Strip.
On Oct. 31, our military sources revealed that North Korea had sold Iran and Syria EM52 midget submarines designed to drop small commando raider units on targeted shores and sow mines in enemy harbors.
Tehran is thus immersed in an operation for turning the Mediterranean into another hostile front against Israel in the event of a regional war.
While aware of the Iranian marine noose closing in on Israel, the government led by prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak do not seem to be doing much in the way of preventive action.