SHARON - Senior Fine Art Consultant
Wyland/Godard Art Galleries In The Miracle Mile @ Planet Hollywood in Fabulous Las Vegas
Operation Flood It 2 - Call ALL talk shows and demand a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR to investigate Obama's eligibility issue
Operation "Flood it" 2 will be on Jan. 20th 2010 (Obama's 1st year in office).

"Operation"Flood it" 2 will be on Jan. 20th 2010 (Obama's 1st year in office). Do not listen to the lies coming from the media; Obama does NOT want his eligibility issue mentioned and that is why we ARE GOING TO SHOUT IT LOUD." - Steve Cooper
Click here for MOREJoin the Operation: "Special Prosecutor" Facebook Group Page
Cairo turns screw on Hamas: Execute snipers who killed Egyptian soldier
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
January 20, 2010, 3:09 PM (GMT+02:00)
Egyptian soldier killed on Gaza guard tower
Cairo has warned Hamas' Damascus-based leader Khaled Meshaal in its toughest language ever that Egypt will have no more truck with his Palestinian extremist organization until the snipers who shot dead an Egyptian soldier on the Gaza-Sinai border on Jan. 6 are tried and executed, DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report.
Their names are known to Cairo.
The Egyptian ultimatum was relayed through Saudi Arabia and Kuwait which are trying to patch up the quarrel between Cairo and Hamas.
Meshal offered to come to Cairo and apologize formally for the Egyptian soldier's death. He was brusquely snubbed: The Hamas leader had better not land in Cairo because he would not be let off the plane, he was told: "We have given Hamas-Gaza the names of the men who shot the Egyptian soldier and now Hamas must hang them." Until then, the Hamas leader has no business in Egypt.
Our sources add: Saudi security officers who interceded with Egyptian intelligence minister Gen. Omar Suleiman were told that the Palestinian group's leaders had become too uppity and begun addressing Egypt as their equal. President Hosni Mubarak decided they needed cutting down to size and taught to respect the region's real boss.
DEBKAfile's military sources report that Egypt has tightened its siege of the Gaza Strip, regardless of the torrential rains and flashfloods which swept Egypt and Israel this week. Some 12 Egyptians and tourists died and more are missing, while two Israelis were swept to their death by the raging waters which devastated roads and infrastructure in Sinai and the Negev.
Nonetheless, dozens more military roadblocks went up on all the Sinai road links to Gaza's smuggling tunnels at a distance of 60-80 km and Egyptian surveillance helicopters began passes, day and night, over the Bedouin smuggling routes.
All Public photos courtesy of GOOGLE and YAHOO.
Taliban fighters hide up in Kabul after coordinated attacks on a dozen locations
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 18, 2010, 7:45 PM (GMT+02:00)
Kabul under coordinated Taliban assaults
Gunfire and explosions continued in Kabul throughout the day Monday, Jan. 18, although official Afghan sources claimed the Taliban assault on the city was over after three hours. Taliban fighters are still thought to be hiding in buildings and international workers have begun the Afghan capital.
In the morning, at least ten suicide bombers backed by gunmen attacked the defense, justice, education and foreign ministries and the national bank. Rockets also landed near the presidential palace as Hamid Karzai was swearing in his new cabinet ministers. The attack, say DEBKAfile's military sources, was a severe setback to Barack Obama's new Afghan strategy, US commanders' belief that the military situation was beginning to stabilize and Karzai's third effort to form a government.
Taliban gunmen also ran through a Kabul shopping center tossing grenades and a blast was reported at a cinema. The Serena Hotel, frequented by foreigners, blazed as the Afghan National Army and police struggled for control. According to first reports, military and intelligence officers died in the assault, although only five people were reported dead and 40 injured. Afghan forces killed five insurgents at the shopping center.
Taliban of Afghanistan claims 20 of their number mounted the assault on the capital.
DEBKAfile's military sources report that many more would have been involved in order to keep up coordinated assaults on at least six locations for several hours, while also incurring fatalities.
From: Stephen A. Camp
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 11:20 PM
Subject: Contacting Elected Officials Concerning the Austin PD/BATFe - Austin Gun Show Prohibition Against Private Sales
I suggest that we contact our elected state officials concerning what has happened at the gun show in Austin. This could very well be the precursor to similar actions wherever we find an anti-gun mayor, police chief and certainly BATFe.
Nuisance abatement statutes are being used for what they were never intended: as a harassment tool against lawful actions by intimidation. Gun sales between individuals are not unlawful if we don’t believe that the buyer is intoxicated or going to use the gun unlawfully. We do not have crystal balls and cannot predict what a person might or might not do. That some may attend a gun show with the intention of breaking the law should not be held against the gun show, its lawful promoters or the property owner, assuming that they had no specific knowledge of these intended criminal activities.
It strikes me that a more appropriate law enforcement task might be to arrest the ones actually making straw purchases or other unlawful acts. In other words, arrest those who actually violate a law, be it state or federal and quit flexing muscles to intimidate the honest. Law enforcement in this country has traditionally strived to protect the honest citizens it serves. This smacks more of law enforcement used as an arm of government to increase government’s power over them.
In this state, laws are made by the legislature. I do not think that misapplying a law to make one where it was never intended by elected officials is a sly attempt to circumvent the very legislative process designed to insure freedom.
You can find both state and federal elected representatives here. Just follow the directions provided via the link: http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/
Here is what I sent if it might be of use in your formulating your message:
“Senator Nelson,
Austin PD and BATFe are misusing this state's "nuisance abatement" provisions to prohibit private individuals from (lawfully) buying or selling firearms at a legal gun show in Austin.
It appears that these law enforcement agencies made the gun show promoter believe that he could be prosecuted under these statutes if an unlawful firearm transaction took place within the gun show or even on the parking lot!
This is a blatant misuse of what was intended to battle people knowingly pandering to gangs and drug dealers by renting them property, etc, when it is known that the majority of their actions are unlawful. Obviously, it was never intended to harass anyone engaged in lawful activity at a gun show. With this interpretation, a car dealer could be liable if anyone he ever sold a car injured another person with it!
The last time I checked, drug dealing was unlawful. Gun sales within existing laws were legal and law enforcement went after actual criminals, not the honest citizens it supposedly protects.
I submit that this misuse of nuisance abatement statutes constitutes an attempt to circumvent the authority of this great state's duly elected legislative branch.
I respectfully request that you do your best to see that not only this heavy-handed action and future ones are stopped. Laws should be made by our lawmakers and not law enforcement.
Thank you for your time and serious consideration of this matter.”
Stephen A. Camp
Tennessee Follows Texas In Banning Private Gun Shows
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tennessee has followed Texas in demanding that dealers obtain licenses and turn over a plethora of information to authorities before being able to host a gun show in another devastating attack on the second amendment.
Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, creates various gun show offenses, including prohibiting any person who is not a licensed firearms dealer from transferring a firearm to another person if any part of the transfer takes place at a gun show or within 1,000 feet of a gun show. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17.
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