The indescribable wreckage of the Second World War left hundreds of thousands of civilians in Germany wandering around helplessly—hungry and homeless. Every major city in Germany was buried under a heap of ruin. Adding insult to these devastating injuries, the United States and Britain jointly stated, “It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism and to ensure that Germany will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world” (emphasis mine throughout).
Germany had just received one of the worst beatings ever in the history of modern warfare. Its military might had been destroyed—its infrastructure, crushed.
Against this backdrop—even as Roosevelt and Churchill offered assurances that German militarism had been permanently dismantled—Herbert W. Armstrong warned of a prophesied revival of German might to be fulfilled in the “latter days.”
“From the very start of World War ii,” Mr. Armstrong wrote on May 9, 1945, “they have considered the possibility of losing this second round, as they did the first—and they have carefully, methodically planned, in such eventuality, the third round—World War iii!”
Few could have taken this warning seriously in 1945. Yet today, as Stratfor noted earlier this week, Germany has become “one of the richest, most technologically and industrially advanced states in human history” (February 8).
.....................................................................................De Facto Military Occupation of Pennsylvania
.....................................................................................POLICE CHIEFS RESIGNING!!

The Greek government has announced a freeze on public salaries, a reduction in the number of public servants, and an increase in taxes on gas, tobacco, alcohol, and big real-estate properties. This should help to reduce the deficit to 8% in 2010. The markets do not trust this cosmetic solution. It is not clear that the government can stick to these spending cuts. There will be a general strike in February 2010. Back in December 2008, Greece experienced major riots against comparatively minor political reforms. The majority of the population seems to be against spending cuts. The Greek government may not be able to prevent the bankruptcy of the country. A personal view from inside Greece can be found here (11.01.10).
Palin Starts 'Hand Writing' Craze
Pastor Manning alleges that Obama never attended Columbia University - UPDATE
Iran is now a 'nuclear state' says Ahmadinejad as thousands take to the streets
AK47 - 2010 SHOT SHOW
Russia unveils new nuclear doctrine
'Keep sleeping folks, the sound of the nukes will wake you up and they will not be detonated by Muslims. They will be detonated by the Russians' -Steve Cooper
by The Coming Attack.com
Vladimir Putin’s regime signed the new changes into law in a statement that read in part, “Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to.. an aggression against the Russian Federation with the use of conventional weapons.”
Critics slammed the inherent audacity in the new doctrine, charging the Russian Federation was seeking to justify the future use of nuclear weapons and questioning the Communist government’s motives.
Germany’s Merkel Seeks a European Army
Germany wants to create a common European army, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said at the Munich Security conference, February 6. “The long-term goal is to build up a European army under parliamentary control,” said Westerwelle.
He noted that the new rules created by the Lisbon Treaty are “not the end but, rather, the beginning for common security and defense policy.”
“The (Lisbon) treaty lays out a common security and defense policy,” he said. “The federal government wants to make progress on this front.”
Moving forward on this will be a “motor for greater European integration,” he said.
“The European Union must live up to its political role as a global player,” said Westerwelle. “It must be able to manage crises independently. It must be able to respond quickly, flexibly and to take a united stand.”
His remarks followed a call from German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg to end nato’s “absurd” practice of unanimous decision making. This would make nato take a more active role in the world, as it would no longer have to wait for a consensus before taking action.
Westerwelle also said that Europe should expand ties with Russia. An EU army would allow Europe to act without nato or the U.S., giving it much greater freedom to do this. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov supported Westerwelle’s call for an army, saying that he supported a “single European military-political space.”
“We want to overcome the bloc-thinking of the Cold War in Europe and create a new kind of mutual trust,” he said.
This is not the first time a German leader has called for a common EU army. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier have both done so, as have French President Nicolas Sarkozy and even British Defense Secretary John Hutton. But with the Lisbon Treaty in force, a European army could become a reality very soon.
Herbert W. Armstrong, the founder of the Trumpet’s predecessor, the Plain Truth, predicted, based on Bible prophecy, that European nations would combine their militaries into one large force. “Ten powerful European nations will combine their forces. It will be a gigantic, powerful empire! It will field the combined armies of 10 nations,” he wrote in the May 1953 edition of the Good News magazine. This prophecy is nearing fulfillment, as the German foreign minister’s statements indicate. For more details on what God prophesied for Europe through Mr. Armstrong, read our article “Is a World Dictator About to Appear?” •
Senior US Federal Reserve official arrested inside Bank of England in London. Separate but related development: Several Hillary Clinton-linked bankers arrested in London just before and during weekend of 6th - 7th February 2010. Passports confiscated. US security apparatus prevents biggest fraud lawsuit in world history ($3.87 trillion) being reported by Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.
More here (29.01.10).
Development of Vanasaver cutting edge battery technology blocked in Japan. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation tells Ryukyu Electric Power Company: "You are an anti-government company and no matter what bank you go to you will not get a loan.”
In Japanese double-speak, "anti-government company" means a company which is committed to working outside the strictures of the fossil fuel fixated US energy cartel which controls the Japanese government. The Ryukyu Electric Power Company has developed a battery which can store large amounts of solar energy or wind energy-sourced electricity with close to 100% efficiency. The company has been flooded with orders. All they need is working capital to ramp up production. Ryukyu's Vanasaver Redox Flow Battery utilises the special oxidation and reduction properties of the element Vanadium. A pure water based Vanadium ion solution is used to store electricity by taking advantage of changes in the atomic value of the electrolyte. The Vanasaver battery employs homogenous electrolytes in both anode and cathode chambers. The stored energy volume depends on the quantity of the electrolyte. The battery charges and discharges electrical energy by circulating vanadium-based solutions from both anode and cathode tanks to an ion-exchange membrane in the cell. Once the electricity is stored in the aqueous vanadium solution, it can be kept there for many years. The batteries can be manufactured in various sizes, and can take the form of very large underground installations beneath the buildings they serve. The Vanadium electrolyte is safe and stable. There is no risk of combustion or burn injuries. The Vanasaver Redox Flow Battery can be combined with small solar power plants, large scale solar power stations, or wind power farms. More details and diagrams here. More about free energy here. And more about the Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation here.
Columbia Will Plead Not Guilty With Propaganda
Posted on 10. Feb, 2010 in Featured Videos, The Columbia Obama Trial Campaign Videos
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Hon. James David Manning speaks about the Columbia trail. Recorded on Tuesday, 9 February 2010. Follow us on twitter http://www.twitter.com/atlahworldwide Connect with us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/ATLAHWorldwide/150345810898
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