Malachi Chapter 1 מַלְאָכִי

Under the rules, troops cannot fire at people unless they commit a hostile act or show intent
(Eros Hoagland/The Times)
US Marines and Afghan troops were bogged down by sniper fire and home-made bombs on the third day of their biggest offensive since the overthrow of the Taleban in 2001.
Nato and allied forces were meeting fierce resistance in their battle to seize the Taleban’s main stronghold in southern Afghanistan, and were able to advance only 500 yards yesterday.
Multiple firefights broke out in various areas in and around Marjah, the Taleban’s most important opium-growing centre in Helmand, the country’s most violent province.
Joe the Plumber: McCain 'screwed up my life'
'I happened to be the face of middle Americans. It was a ploy'
--The Hill
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
No guns allowed, declares city, it's a 'snow emergency'
Hidden state laws ban firearm sales, even possession, during crises
The Real Islam Revealed JTF's 911 Prediction From 1994 The True Islam: Nazism And Bloodshed Fitna: The Jewish Response Muslims Are Endangering America's Very Survival |
Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 קֹהֶלֶת
Obama Declares His Rule By Authoritarian Executive Order Decree
Obama Speaks Fluent Farsi
Posted on 14. Feb, 2010 in Featured Videos, The Columbia Obama Trial Campaign Videos
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Hon. James David Manning state Obama speaks fluent Farsi. Recorded on Wednesday, 10 February 2010. Follow us on twitter http://www.twitter.com/atlahworldwide Connect with us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/ATLAHWorldwide/150345810898
Click here to register for Columbia Obama Treason Trial:
Obama & Co: The worst executive and legislative branches in US history.
It is almost impossible to state honestly that the current Marxist Democrat-run Executive and Legislative branches of the US government are anything but a catastrophe for the United States of America, its people and the world.
Officially appointed military contractors and security firms reap huge profits working for the US War Machine. Much of the $396 billion involved each year is laundered secretly through offshore tax havens to avoid US taxes, Social Security and Medicare.
In addition to the usual suspects such as Halliburton and Blackwater/Xe, the main firms involved include Oracle, Boeing, Dell, BearingPoint, Computer Sciences, Fluor, General Dynamics, Harris, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell International, ITT, L-3 Communications, and Sprint Nextel.
Corrupt science: Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits there has been no global warming since 1995. UEA's Professor Phil Jones refuses Freedom of Information document requests. Data for vital hockey stick graph has gone missing.
Global warming periods have happened before, but not due to man-made changes. Anthropogenic global warming is beginning to look like an elaborate establishment hoax to make a killing on carbon credits. Are the bought-and-paid for scientists patsies? Or are they the shock-jocks of calculated disinformation?
Benjamin Fulford to fly to Rome this week in Black Dragon Society delegation to meet Illuminati leaders and Teutonic Knights. Formula sought for new global financial system controlled exactly 50/50 by East and West. Meetings with senior Vatican representatives in Rome and at Bank for International Settlements in Basel likely to follow.
One of the Black Dragon Society's proposals is to take the 90% of US dollars owned by non-Americans, rename them Hong Kong dollars, and back them with the Chinese Renminbi. All other US dollars created through fraudulent derivatives contracts will be erased from the books. In the European background is the imminent collapse of the Euro and the sovereign defaults of Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Luxembourg. These countries will have to decouple from the Euro, re-establish national currencies and experience a one-off sharp drop in purchasing power. If the new global financial system is successfully launched, there will be generous funds available to help the Eurolosers repair their financial systems. In the US, the Pentagon has already contacted the Black Dragon Society and has agreed to cooperate. The Pentagon's conditions include a write-off of US debt and a gradual swords-to-ploughshares armaments, technology and manpower transition. The Chinese, the Russians and the Europeans are also ready to cooperate with the Black Dragon Society. One result of the geopolitical tectonic changes taking place behind the scenes is that the Nazi continuum running the constitutionally illegal Washington DC private corporation is facing final defeat. The Nazi Blackwater/Xe mercenary army is retreating to its bases in Texas, South Africa, central Australia and elsewhere. Soon its funding will dry up. More about the Black Dragon Society here. More about the Illuminati here. And more about the Teutonic Knights downpage here.
Wisconsin company erects billboard calling for President Obama's impeachment
Monday, February 15th 2010, 11:43 AM
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Ex-Mossad chief: Israel can hit Iran without U.S. OK
Retired admiral-senator sees 'death of U.S.'
Author Jeremiah Denton speaks at Marine Corps Museum
Was Obama's First Political Boss Alice Palmer a Soviet "Agent of Influence"?
Israeli counter terrorism expert 'High risk of a terror attack on the USA within 3 months'
'The real problem is that the US Government and military have been rendered defenseless by 40 years of communist infiltration.' -Steve Cooper
The past few months have witnessed a change in Berlin’s typical post-World War ii approach to defense policy. The political mood in Berlin is rapidly evolving from that of a mostly passive to a more aggressive, even combative mindset. Germany is coming out from hiding under the multiple cloaks that have masked the true imperialist intentions of certain elites within its ranks. The nation is moving toward a more assertive role in geopolitics. The EU cloak, the nato cloak, the UN cloak, the friendly, “peaceful, democratic, best-ally-of-the-West” cloak, all are being increasingly dropped to reveal a nation rising to assert its natural role as leader of Europe.