Actions By 'T' Custom Breech Face Polishing Tool Kit
This kit is compatible with ANY semi-auto pistol and ANY dremel type tool
For a limited time only purchase our Clean Your Handgun Video (Regular Price $30.00)+ Breech Face Polishing Tool Kit (Regular Price $75.00) for the low price of $100.00 and we will pay shipping.
Model: BK4X2/4 - BB/CF
The Big Berkey Water Filter
The versatile Big Berkey water filter is the ideal system for use at home with small or medium sized families, travel, outdoor activities or during unexpected emergencies.
The black berkey elements that come standard in this system purifiy both treated water and untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries, where regulations may be substandard at best. This Berkey Water Filter is a perfect system for everyday home kitchen use, outdoor activities, and a must in hostile environments where electricity, water pressure, or treated water may not be available.
Big Berkey Water Filter
This system removes pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites entirely and extracts harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, VOCs, organic solvents, radon 222 and trihalomethanes. It also reduces nitrates, nitrites and unhealthy minerals such as lead and mercury. This system is so powerful it can remove food coloring from water without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs. Virtually no other system can duplicate this performance.
Watch an Overview of the Big Berkey
Big Berkey Specifications
Constructed of highly polished 304 stainless steel, the Big Berkey comes complete with two purification elements(expandable to four), a spigot, rubber gasket base, and utilizes the latest technological advances.
- Storage Capacity = 2.25 Gallons (8.5 Liters)
- Height = 19.25"
- Diameter = 8.5"
- Portability = The upper chamber nests within the lower chamber for transport and stands only 13" in height.
- Flow Rate
- Configured with 2 Black Berkey purification elements the system can purify 3.5 Gallons per hour
- Configured with 4 Black Berkey purification elements the system can purify 7 Gallons per hour
- Comes with Spigot, Lid, Washers, Nuts, and Rubber Gasket
- Big Berkey w/ 2 Black Berkey Elements
- Big Berkey w/ 4 Black Berkey Elements
- Big Berkey w/ 2 Ceramic Filters
- Big Berkey w/ 4 Ceramic Filters
Each durable black berkey filter will last up to 3000 gallons (6000 gallons per set of 2). At 10 gallons per week, this is equivalent to 600 weeks. That's more than 11.5 years of clean water!
Berkey water filters assemble in minutes without tools, electricity, water pressure, or plumbing. What's more, they are simple to operate, understand, clean, and maintain.
** Comes with 1 free Item of your choice: 2 Sport Berkey Bottles, Berkey KDF Shower Filter, Berkey PF-2 Fluoride Filters, Replacement Parts Kit or Berkey Base
** We do not carry the Waterview Spigot as the manufacturer is still testing bacteria buildup in this aftermarket item.
*** Free UPS Ground Shipping to the lower 48 states. Ships Today! Does not ship to California or Iowa.
Customer Reviews
Got this system a month ago
Reviewed By: jason seligman on 6/18/09
"I was skeptical at first considering i always drink from either bottled water or from my filtered refridgerator. This system is great. as far as improvements..i would recommend a handle on the upper cannister for easier lifting since it is a little slippery sometimes. I would recommend this product and this site. fast shipping and pleasant emails."
We Love Our Big Berkey!
Reviewed By: Annie Patterson on 3/28/09
"I cant believe we waited so long to purchase one! We've been buying distilled water refills in those plastic jugs for years now. Could have saved tons of money and had better water if we'd purchased a Berkey sooner. I like how pretty it is, too. Also, great customer service and fast shipping, even to the top of Alaska. Thanks!!"
Reviewed By: Rich on 12/30/08
"I had heard about the big berkey a while ago but never made the jump. Well, I decided to get one for my wife and I for Christmas and we're both very pleased. Thank you so much!"
Israel's New Enemy: America?
Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 קֹהֶלֶת
The entire 974 generations (Hagiga 14.) which are `Erev Rav which are the souls from the world of chaos, G-d transplants them every generation, and they are the bold-faced of the generation. Our Sages said that in the period of "messiah's footsteps" impudence will become great... and the `erev rav will return to be the shepherds of Israel" - Safra ditz'ni`utha, chapter 1, beginning with the words "They were not watching" (3).
"You should know that there are five kinds of `erev rav. The first kind are argumentative and libelous people; the second kind are those who pursue passion and fornication; the third kind are those who are deceitful, who pretend to be righteous but whose hearts are not whole. The fourth kind are those who pursue honor in order to make a name for themselves; the fifth kind are those who pursue money... and the argumentative kind are the equivalent of all of them: they are called `Amalekim, and the son of Dovid will not come until they have passed out of this world, for it is of them that we recite timche et zekher `Amalek - "You shall erase the memory of Amalek" - Adderet Eliyahu, commentary on Deut. 1:1 (325), his words being based on Zohar 1:25, 27; 3:125: and see the Gaon's commentary on Tikkunei Zohar 97, pp. 86,91.
by Christopher Bollyn
Independent Journalist
(Without Borders)
17 November 2006
The Terrorists In The U.S. Congress
Rahm Emanuel

Zechariah Chapter 6 זְכַרְיָה
Obama Arrogance 500 x 483 - 185k - jpg | 3 A's OBAMA: 325 x 325 - 22k - jpg |
Bloody Sunday, 2010:
House OKs health bill
GOP: 'This is not about uninsured;
it is about socialized medicine'
Impeachment Time: Obama Grants Eminent Domain Rights to China to Secure Debt
March 19, 2010, - 7:15 pm
The Freedom Alliance’s Weak, Empty “Response”; More to Come on This Fraud
As you know, yesterday I posted an extensive expose on the fraud that is the Freedom Alliance and the associated Freedom Concerts pimped by Sean Hannity on hard-working Americans who pay their money, thinking they are helping severely wounded troops and funding college scholarships for the children of wounded soldiers. As I predicted, Freedom Alliance finally “responded” with a non-response that was more lies and obfuscation. You only need to look at their tax forms, which I posted in my expose, to know what’s going on without the filter of their lens.
The Sham Continues & the Shallow Wagons Circle
The first image Represents the horned god of witchcraft, Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand. The next image is a sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.
Goat of Mendes -Origin of the Satanic Hand Sign
Allegiance to Satan or mere coincidence?
Barack and Michelle Obama
__________________________________________________________DEBKAfile Special Report March 20, 2010, 6:54 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: bunker-busters Israel
Shortly after Vice President Joe Biden's Israel visit ended on March 11 in high dudgeon over the approval 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem, US president Barack Obama ordered a consignment of Joint Direct Attack Munition- JDAM already on its way to Israel to be diverted to the US Air Force base on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. This step, the pointer to a US arms embargo for preventing Israel attacking Iran's nuclear sites, is first revealed here by debkafile's military sources. US military sources describe the consignment as consisting of 387 JDAM kits for attachment to the warheads of 2,000-pound BLU-109/MK-84 or the 1,000-pound BLU-110/MK-83 bunker-busters for their conversion into smart bombs.
On March 13, debkafile disclosed that the Obama administration was pondering withholding from
The 387 DJAP kits were due for delivery at one of the Israeli Air Force's
debka file reports that the pair of Israeli Gulfstream Vs converted to spy planes sighted over
The long-haul flights, demonstrating the Israel Air Force's ability to cover the distance to
Because they fly in pairs, Western aviation experts say the electronic measures aboard are able to detect the functioning of electronic devices, radar stations, communications centers and cell phones on the ground, locate them and relay the data for warplanes to destroy them.
Two years ago, in June 2008,
Evidence of the increasing divergence of the United States and Israel continues to emerge. The Trumpet has long pointed to this eventuality, based upon two specific prophecies found in Hosea 5:13 and Zechariah 11:14.
On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden by phone following the fallout from the Israeli announcement of plans to build 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem, which was made during Biden’s visit to Israel last week.
U.S. officials called the timing of the announcement an “insult,” saying the construction plans jeopardized the peace process—which the Obama administration feels it needs to show progress on. The Los Angeles Times reports that “the administration’s decision to strongly challenge the Netanyahu government this time has been driven in part by concerns that it cannot afford the perception that it has been pushed around in the Middle East and elsewhere, say U.S. officials and analysts” (March 17).
Stratfor says that Iran has been the primary cause of the rift growing between Israel and the U.S. “Washington has had to deal with Iran because of U.S. commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran’s rising influence in Iraq after the U.S. invasion has greatly facilitated Iran’s rise to regional prominence, as have the country’s nuclear efforts” (March 17). America’s unwillingness—or inability—to deal effectively with that Iranian nuclear threat has led to friction between the U.S. and Israel, which sees a nuclear-armed Iran as an existential national security threat.
In a column last year, Stephen Flurry wrote about how the U.S. was “renouncing its special relationship with Israel in order to boost its standing in the Muslim world.” Not only are those efforts failing to win kudos from the Muslims, but Washington is finding itself backed into a corner, where it is being forced to kowtow to Iran in particular.
Back in 2008, Stephen Flurry pointed to how the “changes of leadership in both the U.S. and Israel will likely drive these nations further apart.” That is precisely what has happened since then.
Keep watching as this relationship continues to deteriorate—and take note of who Israel will then turn to. •
SOMETHING IN THE AIR WorldNetDaily America denounces 'Obamacare' threat 'His bullying and his arrogance can't stop' --WND |
President Obama Declares All-Out War on the US Insurance Industry |
Don't Believe the Pre-Game Hype: Nobody Knows If They Have Votes | ||||
| ||||
Keep Trying to Call If It's Busy (That's the Point!) • Dial: 877-762-8762 or 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121 • Barack Hates This: A List of the Undecideds to Call • Code Red: NRCC's List of Targeted Congressmen |
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World Court President, Hisashi Owada, and high level international delegation meet US President Barack Obama in White House, Washington DC, on Saturday 20th March 2010 at 11.00am. Obama states that previous agreements with the World Court which he had personally signed as US President would not be honoured on his side. At 6.00pm the same day, orders signed by the World Court and the US Supreme Court instructed all members of the US Senate, the US Congress and the US Judiciary to vacate their offices within twenty four hours.
Hisashi Owada and his team were told by the US President that he (Obama) would continue his illegal blocking of the international prosperity fund deliveries and that he (Obama) would never allow the NESARA announcements to be made. Forty Freedom Trigger Packs have already been delivered. These deliveries satisfy the technical legal requirements for the NESARA announcements to be made. More about the prosperity fund deliveries here (19.05.09), here (27.05.09) and here (29.05.09).
The necessary military and legal elements are being positioned and readied for action. Our allies' European and Asian contingents are putting together a variety of procedures designed to accelerate the globalisation of your new economic and monetary systems. Your world is to embrace total debt forgiveness once the last few obstinate banks of the dark cabal are in full compliance.
"The key factor here is swift compliance, coupled with the nullification of the vast swamp of illegal derivatives and other dubious financial packages. Once this is done, it is quite a simple matter to mandate global debt forgiveness. Bear in mind that most of this debt is the result of unfair practices and strong arm tactics imposed by major world banks and their governmental and quasi-governmental agencies. To create a level monetary playing field around the globe, a debt-free tabula rasa must prevail; only then can the new multinational currency system be successful. This system is the prelude to full-scale global prosperity which then propels you beyond money and bartering. It is time to bring your world to a point where farming, industry, and competitive market-forces no longer hold sway. Once you move beyond your current limitations, you outgrow your dependence on Mother Earth as provider, because you no longer need her resources to sustain you. You can then step into your role as her guardian and the facilitator of the energy exchanges which Mother Earth requires in order to maintain and expand her multiple ecosystems. This calling is your true reason for coming to this beautiful realm in the first place. The reformed reality will be a very different place. It will operate from an expanded consciousness that actively seeks its lost heritage. This new mindset will also accept us as family and will wish to use our ideas and wisdom to restore your society to what it once was in Lemuria's heyday, some 900,000 years ago. Accomplishing this feat means that you will have dismantled to a large extent what has passed for normal for nearly thirteen millennia. This process needs, in effect, to turn your upside-down world the right way up again. This miracle is underway, and is sponsored by Heaven and endorsed by us. Many elements in your governments and in wealthy spheres of your societies have done decades of due diligence to carry off this monumental achievement on time ...." More about the Bank for International Settlements Basel 2 & 3 International Banking Reforms Committee here (11.01.10), here (18.03.10), and here (16.03.10).