Most decorated US Marine General: Purpose of all US wars is billions for insiders’ profits
...................................................................................DR. JAMES D. MANNING - PUBLIC VIDEO
Isaiah Chapter 63 יְשַׁעְיָהוּ
Feds weigh expansion of Internet monitoring
...................................................................................Psychic Sean David Morton scammed $6M convincing people he could predict stocks' fortune, SEC claims
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DEBKAfile Special Report March 6, 2010, 2:16 PM (GMT+02:00)
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debkafile reports: By the time it is tabled, the resolution will be toothless as an instrument for holding back
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("SEC Charges Sean David Morton 'America's Prophet' With Fraud Published" at 12:43 p.m. EST mistakenly implied that Morton was the host of a radio show in the eighth paragraph. He appears on the show. A corrected version follows:)
By David Benoit
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a civil suit against "America's Prophet" Sean David Morton, alleging he lied about using his psychic expertise in investing more than $6 million from investors.
Morton, of Hermosa Beach Calif., solicited individuals over nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, public appearances and newsletters to put money into Delphi Associates Investment Group. He claimed his psychic ability would be used to invest in foreign currencies, the SEC said in a suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.
In one newsletter, the SEC quoted Morton as writing "I called ALL the highs and lows of the market, giving EXACT DATES for rises and crashes over the last 14 years."
Attempts to contact Morton weren't successful.
The $6 million in investments Morton received allegedly were placed in bank accounts for various entities including Vajra Productions LLC, 27 Investments LLC and Magic Eight Ball Inc., the SEC said. The SEC further says those companies, and others that received money, were simply shell companies controlled by Morton and his wife, Melissa.
Melissa Morton was named as a relief defendant in the suit.
The SEC charges Sean David Morton invested "only about half of the funds" with the foreign-currency trades he had promised the money would be put into. Further, the SEC said, the Mortons used at least $240,000 of the funds for their own nonprofit religious organization, PRI.
Morton, 51 years old and known as "America's Prophet," appears on a nationally syndicated radio show, "Coast to Coast AM," with an audience of nearly 3 million listeners, the SEC said. He also publishes the monthly newsletter The Delphi Associates Newsletter, a paid, subscription-only newsletter that the SEC said has about 20,000 subscribers.
On his Web site, Morton says he "uses his talents and abilities to predict future occurrences and trends such as earth changes, political events and stock market fluctuations." He also claims there to have given exact dates for such events as the San Francisco earthquake in 1989 and to have foreseen former President Bill Clinton's impeachment scandal.
The SEC said another newsletter claimed the Delphi Investment Group, which the SEC says isn't an actual company, was getting average returns of 3% to 5% a day.
One investor, the SEC said, already had invested $80,000 into Morton's companies and contacted him about putting in another $90,000, plus $125,000 she would invest for her 91-year-old mother. Morton told the investor that the funds were liquid enough that she would be able to live off the investments, the SEC said.
The SEC is looking for the court to order the Mortons and the companies to return all gains, pay civil penalties, and be barred from investing.
-By David Benoit, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-227-2017; david.benoit@dowjones.com ...................................................................................................................................................................
US disinformation hoax: Saddam Hussein's execution was a fake. A brainwashed Saddam lookalike was hung in Baghdad.
The man hung in Baghdad on the 30th December 2006 for crimes against humanity was not Saddam Hussein. The Former Iraqi President died in March 2003. He was badly injured in intelligence-led precision bombing by the Americans on Thursday 20th March 2003, and died later that day or very shortly afterwards. The individual who was held by the Americans for three years under the name of Saddam Hussein was a politically expedient lookalike. He was a cousin of Saddam and his body language was recognisably different from that of Saddam himself. British and American intelligence organisations knew this. It was also common knowledge in the Tikrit locality of northern Iraq where the remains of the real Saddam were quietly buried in 2003. The lookalike was first seen on Iraqi television on the 4th April 2003. He was filmed by an Iraqi disinformation team. The footage showed him picking up a child and laughing and waving to invited crowds in a safe area of Baghdad. Apart from his different body language, the end of the lookalike's nose was much broader than that of Saddam and he had moles on his temple and forehead, unlike Saddam. This physiognomy was identical to that of the captured person who the Americans were trying to pass off as Saddam. In April 2003, Western media commentators openly questioned the identity of this man as seen on the broadcast video. Benjamin Creme, the Editor-in Chief of Share International Magazine, has privileged access to this information from inside Iraq. He sent a press release about Saddam's death to media and government authorities on Tuesday 8th April 2003. In early 2004, the Russians applied skilful diplomatic pressure on America to allow Sajida Heiralla Tuffah access to the captured "Saddam Hussein". Sajida was Saddam's wife and the mother of his children. The meeting took place in April 2004 at the American military base in Qatar. The Saddam lookalike was flown in aboard a United States Air Force VIP jet. Sajida arrived from Syria with her official escort, Sheikh Hamad Al-Thani, and entered the detention area where the lookalike was being held. She emerged only moments later pink with rage and shouting: "This is not my husband but his double! Where is my husband? Take me to my husband!" American officials rushed forward to shield Mrs Saddam from perplexed Russian observers, trying to insist that Saddam had changed a lot while in custody and she probably didn't recognise him. "You think I do not know my husband?" Sajida shouted furiously, "I was married to the man for more than twenty-five years!" This episode was witnessed by up to twenty individuals from at least five different countries. Pravda (Moscow, Russia) and four other Eastern newspapers reported the event in detail between the 13th and 17th April 2004. The New York Times and other Western news outlets censored the story under pressure from security agencies. In the Question and Answers section of the December 2006 edition of Share International Magazine, Benjamin Creme was asked: "Why would the man who is posing as Saddam Hussein go on so long with the lie? He is putting himself through much grief, for what?" His answer was: "The outrageous and sinister truth is that the poor man who has just been sentenced to hanging no longer realizes that he is not Saddam Hussein but a lookalike cousin. For a year in the hands of the CIA he has been systematically brain-washed by chemicals and hypnosis to forget his own identity and assume that of Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq. These methods have been used by many of the Intelligence agencies in the world for very many years, especially for transforming and using captured spies. It was for this process to be carried out that this stand-in for Saddam Hussein disappeared from public view, after his capture, for so long. More here (15.07.04).
You asked for it! The big-spender scorecard
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