And what else is quietly going on now that the world's mainstream media have been conveniently distracted in the Russian fog? More here (10.04.10) and here (10.04.10).
Best quote of 2009....
The General is a quick thinker..
President Obama was having that one,
lone brief conversation this year
with General McChrystal about Afghanistan .
Things were obviously not going the way the General had hoped.
Obama could sense this, and told him,
"I bet when I die, you'll piss on my grave."
To which General McChrystal answers,
"No sir, I've always said that when I get out of the Army,
I'll never again wait in another line."
Isaiah Chapter 24 יְשַׁעְיָהוּ
Glenn Beck - "I could give a flying crap about the political process, we're an entertainment company."
Very early on the morning of Friday 9th April 2010, the London Times reported that the Bush administration knowingly connived in the unlawful imprisonment of hundreds of innocent, non-combatant, war-on-terror detainees. Writing from the Times' Washington bureau, Tim Reid reported the words of Lawrence Wilkerson, a top aide to Colin Powell, the former Republican Secretary of State. In a signed declaration to support a lawsuit filed by a Guantánamo detainee, Wilkerson was particularly critical of Cheney and Rumsfeld. The former Vice-President and Defence Secretary knew that the majority of the initial 742 detainees sent to Guantánamo in 2002 were innocent, but believed that it was politically impossible to release them. Subsequent CIA brainwashing and psychotropic drug-rendition produced several false confessions by tortured Guantánamo prisoners. A few hours after the London Times report was published, the Herald Sun ran the Wilkerson story in Australia (here).
GINGRICH: Obama 'most radical president ever'...
LIMBAUGH: Obama 'inflicting untold damage on this great country'...
PALIN: Obama's Nuke Stance Like Kid Who Says 'Punch Me in Face'...
LIZ CHENEY: Obama Putting America on 'Path to Decline'...
HANNITY: Obama 'Is a Socialist'...
SAVAGE: 'Obama The Destroyer'...
Obama spies boost monitoring of Jews
Protesting even home improvements to highest levels of Israeli government
11:30 pm Eastern
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
JERUSALEM – The Obama administration in recent weeks has stepped up its monitoring of Jewish construction projects in eastern Jerusalem and is protesting to the highest levels of the Israeli government even small building or improvement projects, WND has learned.
Obama is calling for Israel to halt all Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem for four months as a confidence-building gesture to start talks with the Palestinian Authority.
Already, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu placed a freeze on building projects in the strategic West Bank, purportedly as a confidence-building gesture as well.
WND previously reported Obama's Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, oversaw the establishment of an enhanced apparatus based in the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem that closely monitors Judea and Samaria – and also known as the West Bank – and eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods, incorporating regular tours of the areas.
Is Israel already done for? Find out in "The Late Great State of Israel"
According to both Israeli and PA sources, the consulate apparatus has stepped up its monitoring of Jewish housing in eastern Jerusalem. The Israeli sources said the U.S. government is protesting to Netanyahu's office any sign of Jewish building, such as the sight of a bulldozer in Maale Adumim, an eastern Jerusalem Jewish neighborhood.
Previously, under the Bush administration, the consulate kept a general eye on Jewish Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria construction, receiving much of its information from nongovernmental organizations.
"Mitchell's apparatus takes things to a whole new level. They are watching very closely," an Israeli official who is aware of the U.S. government's construction-monitoring activities previously told WND.
Jewish leaders in Judea and Samaria previously told WND the consulate makes no effort to hide its activities.
"They come out. They tour our communities. They try to interact with our leadership," David Ha'ivri, spokesmen for the Shomron Regional Council in Judea and Samaria, told WND in August.
Genesis Chapter 12 בְּרֵאשִׁית
...................................................................................The entire 974 generations (Hagiga 14.) which are `Erev Rav which are the souls from the world of chaos, G-d transplants them every generation, and they are the bold-faced of the generation. Our Sages said that in the period of "messiah's footsteps" impudence will become great... and the `erev rav will return to be the shepherds of Israel" - Safra ditz'ni`utha, chapter 1, beginning with the words "They were not watching" (3).
"You should know that there are five kinds of `erev rav. The first kind are argumentative and libelous people; the second kind are those who pursue passion and fornication; the third kind are those who are deceitful, who pretend to be righteous but whose hearts are not whole. The fourth kind are those who pursue honor in order to make a name for themselves; the fifth kind are those who pursue money... and the argumentative kind are the equivalent of all of them: they are called `Amalekim, and the son of Dovid will not come until they have passed out of this world, for it is of them that we recite timche et zekher `Amalek - "You shall erase the memory of Amalek" - Adderet Eliyahu, commentary on Deut. 1:1 (325), his words being based on Zohar 1:25, 27; 3:125: and see the Gaon's commentary on Tikkunei Zohar 97, pp. 86,91.
April 9, 2010, - 5:08 am
Party Like It’s 1939: Obama Bans Israeli Nuke Scientists From US, Bans Sale of Radiation Detectors to Israel! Why Netanyahu Canceled @ Obama’s Nuke Summit (EXCLUSIVE Exact Translation of Ma’ariv Article)
Barack Obama is now trying to force his absurd policy of reducing America’s nuclear strength to Israel. He wants to emasculate our only consistent ally in the Middle East’s only true stick against an Iranian nuclear attack. And he’s signaling it in pronounced ways.
Jews, Er . . . Israeli Nuclear Scientists and Radiation Detector Buyers, Not Wanted Here
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu canceled his planned participation at Barack Obama’s nuclear summit. And although most sources report that it’s because Israel would be subject to Arab Muslim scrutiny and attacks on its nuclear program (with Egypt and Turkey likely trying to force Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty). There are other important reasons why Netanyahu canceled. His cancellation is also clearly in response to a ridiculous new policy by the Obama State Department to reject visa requests from all of Israeli nuclear scientists who work on Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona (see my exclusive, exact English language translation, below) Israel (they are seeking to study at U.S. universities). And in addition to rejecting their visa requests, the U.S. is now imposing severe restrictions and even embargoes on Israel with regard to the purchase of nuclear-related products . . . even radiation detectors! (Exclusive, exact English language translation, below).
An article in Ma’ariv, yesterday (see my exclusive exact English language translation, below), reported on these disturbing Obama developments against Israel. Below is my exclusive, word for word English language translation [with some shortening where idioms are used, etc.] of the article which appears on the site only in Hebrew. (Another site claims to have a translation, but it is not a translation, and instead a gobbledygook of a poor Google attempt to translate). As you read it, keep in mind to whom the Obama administration DID grant visas: donors to HAMAS and open supporters of Islamic terrorism and jihad against Americans. Also keep in mind that Obama carried out the Bush plan to give our nuclear secrets to the United Arab Emirates and now wants to do the same for Palestinian-dominated Jordan, as I’ve noted on this site. So, Israel–in Obama’s warped view–should reduce its nuke strength, while we fatten up that of UAE (the key nuclear component shipping point for Iran) and Jordan? Ludicrous.
Obama: Radiation Detectors Not for Sale to Jews, er . . . “Israelis”
Also ludicrous, taking away business and jobs from US nuclear-related product manufacturers, by forcing Israel to buy items, such as radiation detectors from France. Just what we need in a horrible economy, right? And why is it that we continue to expand by the thousands the numbers of student visas for Arab Muslim students–including those who study nukes–to the U.S., and yet we are rejecting the exact same visas for Israelis?
Workers @ the Dimona Reactor: We Are Not Wanted/Welcome in the US
Nuclear Research Center Complains that the US Makes Advanced Study [of Nukes] Difficult; They Argue that also [Israeli Nuclear] Procurement has Problems [Thanks to US], & Israel is Now Forced to Buy French [Nuclear] Components
By Uri Binder
Americans are hardening their attitude regarding the Nuclear Research Center in Dimona. Workers at the atomic reactor argue that contrary to Iran’s nuclear program [regarding which] the Americans compromise and aren’t tough/decisive/resolute, President Obama’s people chose to act in a humiliating manner toward the State friendly to them [Israel].
Netanyahu Cancels Trip to Obama's Nuclear Summit

Iran will strike U.S. troops if attacked: army chief
...................................................................................State No. 6 tells feds to stuff their gun regs
Arizona declares weapons exempt from national firearms paperwork
Posted: April 07, 2010
9:25 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
A sixth state – Arizona – now has declared that guns made and kept inside its borders essentially are free from federal application, registration and ownership regulations in a surging movement among states that one supporter describes as a direct challenge to "a government monopoly on the supply of firearms."
Gov. Jan Brewer this week signed the state's version of a "Firearms Freedom Act," which originated in Montana and now has been adopted by six states, with several dozen more in various stages of their own plans.
Brewer issued a statement that the law is intended to give Washington the message that they should not try to "get between Arizonans and their constitutional rights."
Arizona joins Wyoming, South Dakota, Utah and Tennessee as well as Montana, where Gary Marbut of the Montana Shooting Sports Association was a key proponent.
Marbut has warned that under the current system of federal approval for gun purchases, federal registration requirements, federal restrictions and federal limits, the U.S. essentially has established a monopoly on guns.
...................................................................................DEBKAfile Special Report April 8, 2010, 10:28 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Ehud Olmert Jerusalem
Israeli police want to question at least two prominent Israelis on bribery and corruption charges in the Jerusalem Holyland real estate case, after arresting the lawyer Uri Messer, a longtime partner of ex-prime minister and former Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert, Wednesday, April 7.
Messer is suspected of acting as go-between in obtaining municipal permits in 1999 for the lavish multi-billion
Police are negotiating with the attorneys of the wanted former officials, some of whom are overseas, on conditions for their return, detention and appearance in court. The court has issued a gag order banning publication of their names.
Thursday, April 8, the president of the Jerusalem district court Mussia Arad, is due to hear the Jerusalem district prosecutor's grounds for his application to reverse the order of testimony in the various graft cases outstanding against Olmert and his former secretary Shula Zaken. The prosecutor is expected to link his request to the findings unfolding in the Holyland investigation, which is led by the National Fraud Unit and Lahav 433 and was described one judge as "one of the gravest cases of public corruption in Israeli history and the cause of irreversible damage to the public interest."
Tuesday and Wednesday, police raided the
The Holyland scandal, the most sensational of several cases involving former prime minister Ehud Olmert , finds him travelling overseas. His attorney Eli Zohar said Thursday, he sees no reason why his client should be detained in the Holyland affair, which he said would peter out into nothing like all the other allegations against him.
Notwithstanding the court gag order, the revelations spilling out about the lead characters involved bespeak financial corruption on an unprecedented scale whose ramifications intrude on national politics.
This case presents before a court of justice the long known manifestation of unhealthy interrelations between capitalists and high elected officials, whereby both exploit the latter's public position to pervert the law, cheat the public and steal public funds for their personal enrichment. A nouveau social elite had begun to emerge from the morass of massive personal and political corruption, which many Israelis have come to believe endangers national security no less than any outside peril.
The party affiliation of the suspects in the Holyland affair will no doubt lead voters to ask themselves how so many suspects come from the top ranks of the party which polled the highest number of ballots in the last two elections.
California Democrat proposes mandatory gun registration
A California Democrat is proposing a new law requiring residents to register their shotguns and rifles or go to jail, CBSNews.com has learned.
Assemblyman Mike Feuer, whose district includes Beverly Hill and West Hollywood, this week introduced legislation ordering law enforcement to "permanently keep" records of anyone who buys a gun from a dealer or an individual. California already stores information about handgun purchases.
Feuer is no friend of firearms owners: his previous legislative effort, which Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law, required all new handguns to include "microstamping" technology that can imprint serial numbers on spent ammunition casings. As a Los Angeles city councilman, Feuer proposed limiting city residents to one gun a month.
Feuer spokeswoman Arianna Smith declined to answer questions about the bill on Tuesday afternoon, saying the staff member involved was in a meeting and not immediately available.
The proposal comes as the U.S. Supreme Court is considering a landmark civil rights case, McDonald v. Chicago, which will decide whether Second Amendment rights in the federal constitution trump state anti-gun laws. But California is proposing mandatory registration -- and not a flat ban, as Washington, D.C. once tried and the justices rejected -- and even legal scholars specializing in this area disagree about whether registration is constitutional.
"Even though the constitutionality of such a measure is a close call, it is a horrible public policy choice," says Gene Hoffman, chairman of the CalGuns Foundation. "Just as Canada is about to do away with their long gun registry after squandering $1 billion, California wishes to attack law abiding gun owners for firearms not used in crime."
A CBC News article last month reported that the Canadian parliament is backing away from the nation's gun registry, which was enacted in 1989 and has now come under fire by critics who call it a billion-dollar boondoggle.
Feuer's bill isn't exactly a surprise: He told the Brady Campaign, an anti-gun advocacy group, earlier this year that his forthcoming proposal would give law enforcement another tool to track down people in possession of illegal firearms. "This legislation will close a glaring loophole and ensure that all firearm records, not just handgun records, are maintained for law enforcement purposes," Ellen Boneparth, spokesperson for the California Brady Campaign Chapters, said in a statement at the time.
Feuer appears to have adopted an unusual approach to introducing his mandatory registration bill. He took an existing piece of criminal legislation, AB 1810, that dealt with graffiti and vandalism, and replaced it with a completely new version with the same bill number.
A hearing is scheduled for April 13 in Sacramento before the California State Assembly's Committee on Public Safety.
At the moment, a minority of states including New York, Maryland, California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts require mandatory registration for handguns. Others, like Pennsylvania, require sales of handguns to go through a dealer, who keeps records of the transaction.
No federal firearm registry exists, though some anti-gun types have pushed for one in the past. An unsuccessful 1995 bill, H.R. 169, would have imposed California-style registration of handguns nationwide through a "federal handgun registration system." Violations would have been punished by up to 12 years in prison. The author of the bill, Rep. Cardiss Collins, D-Illinois, told her colleagues at the time that "I still believe the best way to control handguns is to ban them outright."
NATIONAL ENQUIRER bombshell World Exclusive as Tiger Woods had sex with the young daughter of a next-door neighbor right under wife Elin's nose!