The outgoing UN undersecretary general of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, Swedish auditor, Inga Britt Ahlenius, has had a spectacular hissy fit. She does not like UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's attitude towards rooting-out corruption at the United Nations. More here (21.07.10), here (21.07.10), here (20.07.10) and here (14.07.10).
AB comment: The fissiparous situation at the United Nations and the World Court is very difficult to call. Both institutions are fundamentally corrupt, but within each body, powerful and positive reformers are constructing benevolent change. A giveaway came at the end of the second week of July 2010. Patrick Ventrell, a spokesman for the US Mission to the UN said: "The United States has consistently and aggressively pushed for a strong and independent Office of Internal Oversight Services to uncover fraud, waste and mismanagement at the UN, but we are disappointed with the recent performance of its investigations division." This statement may indicate that Inga Britt Ahlenius and her OIOS unit were DC cabal poodles. Their job was to sweep US élite corruption under the carpet and generate distraction. That Ban Ki-moon has sought to circumscribe the OIOS and thus neuter one of the US corporation's last powerbases at the UN, can be read as a positive development.
With regard to the World Court (the legal arm of the UN), things are very muddy. Inside stories, widely circulating on the web from credible sources, indicate that Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) and the London Crown Temple syndicate for whom she is the head signatory, have been putting improper coercive pressures on the United Nations and the World Court. In particular, it is said, the Queen has been trying to get the UN and the World Court onside with the cabal to frustrate the delivery of the Prosperity Fund bank trigger packages, the release of the World Global Settlements and the implementation (from London) of the US Dollar Refunding Project. More details here (19.07.10).
UK's Sir John Chilcot Iraq War Inquiry (in process). UK Blair government massaged Saddam Hussein Weapons of Mass Destruction threat. UK government intentionally and substantially exaggerated the threat from Saddam. Tony Blair issued highly misleading statements about the WMD threat which amounted to lies. Intelligence was massaged into ever more robust and terrifying statements about Saddam's putative WMD capabilities. The process of exaggeration was gradual, proceeding by accretion and editing from document to document, in a way which allowed those UK politicians and officials participating to convince themselves that they were not engaged in blatant dishonesty. This process led to highly misleading statements about the UK assessment of the Iraqi threat which were, in their totality, lies.
A British diplomat to the United Nations, Carne Ross, had major responsibilities connected with the preparation and presentation of the UK's Iraq policy in the run up to the illegal invasion. Speaking on the record at the Chilcot Iraq War Inquiry, Ross said: "I read the available UK and US intelligence on Iraq every working day for the four-and-a-half years of my posting. This daily briefing would often comprise a thick folder of material, both humint and sigint. I also talked often and at length about Iraq's WMD to the international experts who comprised the inspectors of UNSCOM/UNMOVIC, whose views I would report to London. In addition, I was on many occasions asked to offer views in contribution to Cabinet Office assessments, including the (now) famous WMD dossier. During my posting, at no time did HMG (the UK government) assess that Iraq's WMD, or any other capability, posed a threat to the UK or its interests. On the contrary, it was the commonly-held view among officials dealing with Iraq that any threat had been effectively contained. I remember on several occasions the UK team stating this view during our discussions with the US (who agreed). At the same time, we would frequently argue, when the US raised the subject, that régime change was inadvisable, primarily on the grounds that Iraq would collapse into chaos." More here (12.07.10). And more about the UK's Chilcot Iraq War Enquiry here (16.12.09).
German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (C) walks between Chief of Staff (Generalinspekteur) of the German Army, Bundeswehr, Wolfgang Schneiderhan, in Mazar-e-Sharif.November 12, 2009 (Reuters)
Isaiah Chapter 59 יְשַׁעְיָהוּ
(Copyright AP 2007)
Convicted petty criminals being hung in Mashad, Iran in August , 2007.
History of torture and abuse of women in Iranian prisons
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 20, 2010, 9:50 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Hamas missiles Iron Dome
Israel-Egyptian border
Turkey's foreign minister Ahmed Dagutoglu met secretly in Damascus with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal Monday, July 19, as well as getting together with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al Hariri to synchronize their operations against Israel, focusing for now on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.
In Israel, meanwhile, the home-made Iron Dome defense system against short- and medium-range missiles was given a showy press after just-completed successful tests - notwithstanding the admission that it would take months before the new system was able to protect the Israeli communities and towns abutting Gaza.
The Iron Dome proved it could simultaneously intercept volleys of rockets coming in from different directions while computing their trajectories to determine which would hit populated areas.
However,Deputy Defense Minister Mattan Vilnai, who is responsible for homeland security, was enlisted Tuesday for a radio interview to cool the excitement of the 300,000 civilians targeted for Palestinian missile attacks from Gaza for eight years and the communities of northern Israeli who lived in the shadow of Hizballah's rockets up until the 2006 Lebanon war.
The Rafael-produced Iron Dome, while the most advanced of its kind in the world, promises no more than 80 percent effectiveness, Vilnai explained. Furthermore, it would not be permanently deployed at the northern or southern borders - but only as required. Salvation was therefore not yet in sight.
As a cure-all for Israeli border security, Iron Dome has at least four shortcomings, defined here by debkafile's military sources:
1. Its availability. Iron Dome batteries will not be available in the coming months, should a military showdown flare with Iran, Hizballah or Hamas. Most optimistically, it will take another 10 months for Rafael to manufacture the 16-18 batteries required by the two flashpoint border sectors, deploy them and train crews to operate them. Therefore, even if the $1.25 billion can be found for this numbers, Israel will not have the Iron Dome read for the next foreseeable rocket or missile attack.
2. No combat experience. Although a smash hit in tests, the system has never been tried in combat conditions. No army in the world will deploy or place orders for Iron Dome before its first test of fire against the diverse arsenals of Hizballah and Hamas.
For example, it has never shown its paces against simultaneous Hamas and Hizballah missile attacks from several directions from rapidly-moving launching locations with the attackers using electronic devices for jamming and deception. Four years ago, in the Lebanon War, Hizballah had begun to master electronic devices for tracking, eavesdropping and locking in on IDF targets. There is every reason to suppose that the Lebanese Shiite terrorists have enhanced this capability since then.
3. Distinguishing targets. Publicity handouts present Iron Dome as capable of distinguishing between incoming missiles heading for target civilian areas and those that will explode in unpopulated areas.
This description oversimplifies the challenges: Today's battlefield is not a clearly-marked arena between enemy missile launchers and anti-missile systems for intercepting them. For instance, if the Iron Dome were to track one volley of missiles aimed at its own base and another targeting the city of Ashkelon, how would it choose which volley to intercept?
This dilemma could be sorted out with a large enough number of batteries rising to an unrealistic figure.
4. Expensive. Iron Dome is costly - half a million dollars per battery including its launching mechanism, compared with a Hamas Qassam missile which costs $150 to manufacture.
On the working assumption that Hamas is able to fire an average 500 rockets a day and Hamas 300 missiles, Israel would need to lay out a staggering $40 billion per day to maintain this defensive system in working order, a totally disproportionate cost in military terms.
This spiraling dilemma is the consequence of the Netanyahu-Barak administration's innate lack of resolve.
It does not take a political genius to deduce that the Iron Dome hype was drummed up after the weekly cabinet meeting of Sunday, July 18, laid bare the prime minister and defense minister's ineptness in forging a policy to deal with the massive, uncontrolled influx of up to 1,000 job-seekers per month swarming across the unfenced Egyptian-Israel border - mostly from Eritrea and Sudan.
Around 500 a year in 2008, their numbers have expanded to 8,000 in the first seven months of 2010, with some 50,000 camping in Tel Aviv, 8,000 in Eilat (one-tenth of the population) and thousands in Ashdod and Arad. Police say the situation is out of control.
Five months ago, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ordered frontier fence to be built but nothing was done. Tuesday, July 20, Home Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch touring the long, desert border only to announce that a barrier would take three years to build and it was no substitute for a coherent policy of restrictions
The deputy defense minister's cold reality shower have shocked Israelis into grasping that their government is falling down on the two crucial tasks of controlling the river of illegal migrants and protection against enemy rockets.
No consoling peace hoopla is in sight. When Netanyahu met ailing Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak on Sunday, they went round in circles for the umpteenth time on ways to get direct talks with the Palestinians off the ground and the situation in the Gaza Strip, which Cairo is only too happy to shunt off to Israel. They did not get around to discussing the critical situation along the much-too-open Egyptian-Israeli border.
debkafile's military sources report that some weeks ago, the American and French military engineers building the steel wall along the Philadelphi route for sealing the Gaza Strip arms smuggling tunnels off from their Sinai routes dropped tools and gave up on the project.
The project was abandoned after Hamas used heavy-duty machinery to cut through the steel girders forming the wall.
This did not stop al Qaeda's No. 2 Ayman Zawahiri in a new video released on July 19 from slamming Arab rulers, notably Egypt, of building the steel wall.
Having given up on tactics for controlling the constant buildup of Hamas and Hizballah missile arsenals, Israel has also left itself without a current, effective defense for its southern population or Galilee and laid itself open to an unhampered influx of African migrants, among whom al Qaeda elements can easily mingle.
The ENQUIRER reports in an exclusive bombshell exclusive that police have investigated charges from TWO MORE WOMEN who claimed they were abused by former Vice President AL GORE!
Off-duty Chicago cop shot outside home was set to retire
By Frank Main, Mark Konkol, Fran Spielman, and Kim Janssen
The Chicago Sun Times
Number 1 - The story of my first Hi Power
The Browning Hi Power and the Magazine "Safety"
Corbon 9mm 100-grain "PowRball" +P and Browning Mk III Hi Power
Federal 115-grain JHP (9BP) and the Hi Power
The Hi Power vs. the Javelina!
Setting Up the Hi Power for Defense
9mm Hi Power and Winchester 127-grain +P+ JHP
"Low Penetration" Ammunition for the 9mm Hi Power
The Browning Hi Power and 9mm +P Ammunition
Field Report: Browning Mk III w/Winchester 127-gr. +P+
Polymer Frame for the Hi Power
The Hi Power and Standard Pressure Ammunition
The Browning Hi Power and 147-gr. Ammunition
The Browning Hi Power at Speed
A Critical Look at the FN Competition Model
Browning Hi Power or 1911 for Defense?
Browning Hi Power Dates of Manufacture
Hakan Browning Hi Power Stocks
Two Ross Holsters for the Browning Hi Power
Why the 9mm Hi Power Remains a Favorite of Mine
Browning Hi Power & Sprinco Recoil System
Garrity Gunleather BHP "Changeling IWB" Holster
IWB Hi Power Holster from HBE Specialty Leatherworks
The Triskel from Garrity's Gunleather
9mm Hi Power Ammo Selection, 2006
Browning/FN Hi Power and CZ-75: Are They Related?
Can the Hi Power Still Make the Cut?
Selected Hi Power Velocity Data
Personalized Hi Powers: A Minimalist Approach
Hi Power Recoil Spring Guide (Correct Installation)
Classic Hi Power "Sport" Model
Mec-Gar 9mm Hi Power Magazines: 13 vs. 15-Round
KRD 17-Shot 9mm Hi Power Magazines
Ammunition Test: Fiocchi Extrema 9mm 124 and 147-gr. XTP
Gone ► Roland Koch (June 2010), Minister-President of the Federal State of Hesse. Gone ► Horst Köhler (June 2010), President of Germany. Gone ► Ole von Beust (July 2010), Mayor of Hamburg, Germany's richest city state. Eurofailure Merkel is losing her major powerbase CDU allies one by one. How long can her fragile governing coalition survive? More here (19.07.10) and here (19.07.10). AB comment: In the background of all this is the corruption cleanout and management takeover of Deutsche Bank in connection with the US Dollar Refunding Programme (more here - 08.07.10).
DEBKAfile DEBKA-Net-Weekly July 19, 2010, 6:07 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Iran nuclear Shahram Amiri
US intelligence
Shahram Amiri's voluntary repatriation to Iran and a second close look at the nuclear data he passed to the CIA are raising grave doubts about its value, debkafile's intelligence sources report. There is mounting suspicion in Washington and Jerusalem that Tehran employed the scientist to strew red herrings in their path, namely, out-of-date material for concealing and misdirecting their attention from the rapid progress taking place secretly in Iran's nuclear program.
A high-ranking intelligence source in Washington remarked Monday, July 19, that he would not be surprised "if we woke up one morning to find the Iranians had conducted an underground nuclear test." This was not to say Iran had a bomb or nuclear warhead ready packed for delivery, he said, "Only that it was a lot closer to this option than the Americans and Israelis had been led to believe."
Therefore, as of now, their forecast of a nuclear test capability has been brought forward to within the five months remaining of 2010.
Our sources report this revised forecast has emerged from US intelligence analysts' examination of two new premises regarding Amirir's input in the years he served as US informant:
1. That he was an Iranian double agent and his apparent defection to the United States just over a year ago was fake, engineered by Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).
2. That Shahram Amiri, the nuclear scientist, was a made-up identity. After he landed to a heroes' welcome in Tehran last Thursday, July 15, Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi said: "Shahram Amiri is not a nuclear scientist and we reject it." Another Iranian official called him a clever spy who had managed to infiltrate US intelligence and deceive them for years.
As DEBKA-Net-Weekly 453 revealed on July 16, Amiri's work with the CIA did not begin in 2007but three years earlier in 2004.
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The following is a short excerpt from that issue:
Many moves made by the administrations under George W. Bush and, since January 2009, Barack Obama, were based on the information and documents that Amiri provided.
If Amiri was a double agent planted by the MOIS, then Tehran had been able to manipulate these policies and anticipate their course.
Even if real nuggets were mixed in with the false data - a common ruse for making false intelligence appear credible - it still meant that Iran's leaders controlled the flow of factual information to the West and were in a position to change it in good time - so that when Amiri was asked by his US handlers to amplify on a piece of real information, it was no longer valid; Iran had moved on and created a new set of facts, unbeknownst to the Americans.
A striking example of this tactic was the secret enrichment plant in a mountain near Qom, which became the subject of a dramatic joint appearance on Sept. 25, 2009 in Pittsburgh by President Obama, French president Nicolas Sarkozy and George Brown, then British prime minister.
The US president's knowledge was based on data Amiri had relayed to the United States.
Throwing down the gauntlet, the US president gave Iran a two-week ultimatum to come clean on its hidden facility.
In fact, the Qom facilities had been dismantled six months earlier and relocated to a spot never revealed to this day. When the IAEA inspectors turned up, they found empty tunnels.
That is why nothing more was ever heard of the US president's ultimatum.
Only in recent months, have US and allied agencies begun to appreciate that this technique of misdirection allowed Iran to pursue its nuclear and missile programs out of sight of spies and monitors. While the West and Israel relied on Amiri to keep them abreast of Iran's activities, nuclear development work went forward at still unknown locations and may have progressed a lot further than is suspected in the West.