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From within Afghanistan: US weapons are spreading health-threatening uranium radioisotopes. New-born Afghan babies are suffering deformities, mental retardation and leukaemia.In the southern provinces of Afghanistan, the level of uranium isotopes in tested local inhabitants is said to be between 300 and 2000 nanograms. The accepted Health and Safety limit is 10 nanograms. Newly-born Afghan infants are suffering from deformities and abnormal body parts caused by biological weapons. Sperm count infertility in young adult Afghan males is on the increase. In combat areas, local people are said to be dying from invisible injuries with no open wounds.
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Rush on WikiLeaks: Where's Obama's birth certificate?
Limbaugh asking for 'the real good stuff' to be released
Posted: December 06, 2010
2:49 pm Eastern
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
PALM BEACH, Fla. – With global secrets continuing to drip out from WikiLeaks, radio host Rush Limbaugh wondered today where "the real good stuff" is, including President Obama's original, long-form hospital-generated birth certificate, which has still never been released two years into his presidency.
In his irreverent style, Limbaugh said: "Where are the WikiLeaks documents to prove 9/11 was inside job by George Bush and Dick Cheney? Let me ask you liberals, where are these cables?
"Where are the documents to prove Bush intentionally lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in order to invade the country? Where is the WikiLeaks document, the State Department cable, whatever, that [Karl] Rove leaked Valerie Plame's name to the media? Where's all this good stuff? ...
"Where are the WikiLeaks cables proving that the CIA invented AIDS? Where is Obama's birth certificate? Where's the real good stuff? And how about all the hundreds of other left-wing lies we've been hearing about for years? [Is] WikiLeaks covering up for the United States?"
The Obama administration’s glib, nonchalant response to the Wikileaks security breach reinforces the troubling perception that it doesn’t take national security seriously. While the president himself has said virtually nothing about the scandal, the response of his proxies has been even worse. Attorney General Eric Holder assures us that he’s doing something, but won’t go into specifics. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made light of the issue, joking: “I’m writing a cable about it, which I’m sure you’ll find soon on your closest website.” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs downplayed the impact of Wikileaks, telling Fox and Friends: “We should never be afraid of one guy who popped down thirty-five dollars and bought a web address.”
The consequences of the Wikileaks releases are in fact both significant and dangerous — to the United States, to our allies, to Americans serving on the front lines, and to the foreign operatives who provide us with vital intelligence. Attempts by the administration to downplay the danger that Wikileaks represents smacks of the sort of “political considerations first” philosophy that seems to dominate Obama’s approach to governing. By attempting to minimize the importance of the leaks, the administration believes it can avoid much of the fallout. More than two years after an historic election that elevated him to the highest office in the land, Barack Obama still can’t get out of campaign mode.
In the broadest sense, the president is of course responsible for the leaks. As commander in chief, the buck stops squarely in the Oval Office when national security is in play. Just as Harry Truman was ultimately responsible for intelligence shortcomings that failed to foresee North Korea’s attack in 1950, and just as George W. Bush was ultimately responsible for faulty intelligence regarding Saddam Hussein’s stockpile of WMDs, so is Barack Obama ultimately responsible for the lax security procedures that allowed a lowly private like Bradley Manning to access and disseminate sensitive information.
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