World On Verge Of Economic Collapse As European Leaders Prepare For Greek Default
Billionaire Jim Rogers calls for Obama's resignation over economy
Turkey Might Launch Offensive Against Syria, Report Says: Turkish officials informed several western powers that Ankara might launch a military operation in northern Syria in an attempt to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad’s Baath Party, Kuwaiti newspaper As-Seyassah reported on Monday. “Turkey informed Britain, France, Italy, Germany and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) leadership of the possibility that it would launch an offensive in… Aleppo, Homs, Hama and Latakia,” the daily quoted unnamed British officials as saying. more
WWIII in Libya AND Syria in Days: A trusted Before It's News source, one who told us about Osama bin Laden's death four hours before it was reported in the mainstream media, has alerted Before It's News that big moves are afoot in the Middle East. "The real war is going to start in Libya and Syria in seven days. It might be a few more days than that, but it's definitely coming." Upon first hearing this news, this long term military intelligence officer told me "I'm really shaken, today, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do." He believes this is the start of WWIII. more
Isaiah Chapter 17 יְשַׁעְיָהוּ
א מַשָּׂא, דַּמָּשֶׂק: הִנֵּה דַמֶּשֶׂק מוּסָר מֵעִיר, וְהָיְתָה מְעִי מַפָּלָה. | 1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. |
Final Senate Version of TSA Bill Authorizes Invasive Groping
House Passes Watered Down TSA Groping Bill
Wildfire reaches Los Alamos nuclear facility
Feds Refuse To Cleanup Buried Agent Orange That Is Kiling Gainesville Florida Residents
Mayor Bloomberg Urges Gay Couples to Migrate to New York
Look who's launching anti-tea-party group
And you thought you were through with Van Jones ...
Posted: June 27, 2011
8:38 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WND
Van Jones |
A new movement led by communist revolutionary group founder Van Jones seeks to counter the tea party while petitioning for a progressive agenda that includes "making Wall Street and the super-rich pay their fair share."
The organization, dubbed "The American Dream Movement," is partnered with a slew of radical groups funded by billionaire George Soros.
As WND first reported, the movement was introduced using subversive tactics, particularly a hoax Youtube video in which it appeared the ticker outside News Corporation's Manhattan headquarters had been hacked and reprogrammed with an anti-Fox News script calling for revolution.
Another Step Closer To A One World Religion: 50 U.S. Churches To Read From The Quran On Sunday
Flooding: The worst is yet to come
Flood Breaches U.S. Nuke Plant
Obadiah Chapter 1 עֹבַדְיָה
This eye-witness account is from Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association:
Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill all the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.
Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.
Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.
“The fifth large mob action in about a month.” Wow. This is really outrageous. Why is this neighborhood having to put up with this? “Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors”? Seriously? That’s the best we can do for our fellow citizens’ safety?
This needs to be addressed, and quickly.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALL INFORMATION ON THIS SITE IS FROM PUBLIC SOURCES THAT IS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE
Berm Protecting Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Breaks … Plant Flooded, on Emergency Diesel Generators
World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East
Report: Hugo Chávez in Critical Condition In Cuban Hospital
TSA Plans Screening Americans in their Homes
Ex-MI6 chief altered Iraqi intelligence
Flesh Eating Disease In Cocaine Found In New York, Los Angeles – Cocaine Supply Of Entire Nation May Be Affected
War Counsel: Obama shops for Libya advice that lets him ignore the law
Americans believe Obama destroying their freedoms
'It is hard to see anything president can use to rebuild bond before 2012'
Posted: June 25, 2011
10:55 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
Editor's note: This is another in a series of "Freedom Index" polls conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies.
Barack Obama |
The WND Freedom Index has taken a nosedive, with more than two in three Americans – including significant numbers of Democrats – expressing alarm that Barack Obama's tenure in office is costing them their freedoms, and pollster Fritz Wenzel says it might be too late for him recover in time for the 2012 election.
Noting that the Freedom Index plunged to 45.9, its lowest mark in the two years it's been monitored, Wenzel of Wenzel Strategies said:
"It will be very difficult to dramatically improve these now negative perceptions that Americans hold toward their government because with every downward movement in this index, people lose just a little more trust in their government. It is hard to see anything on the horizon that government leaders – especially President Obama – can use to rebuild that bond, especially before November 2012."