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The 17th African Union Summit
A photograph taken at the Sipopo Conference Centre, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on Thursday 30th June 2011.
53-member African Union refuses to recognise Gaddafi arrest warrant
At its summit meeting in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on Friday 1st July 2011, the 53-member African Union refused to recognise the arrest warrant issued for Muammar Gaddafi by the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
The African Union decided not to execute the Gaddafi’s arrest warrant because it would seriously impede all efforts aimed at a peace settlement to the Libyan conflict. More here (02.07.11) and here (01.07.11).
Members of the African Union include Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Libya, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Mozambique, both Congos and Algeria. These nations, among one hundred and forty across the world, are beneficiaries of the $47 trillion World Court-mandated World Global Settlement Funds.
Just before the opportunistic Western cabal NATO attacks started on Libya in March 2011, Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, was working closely with several major African Union countries to set up a new gold-backed Dinar currency for the whole resources-rich African continent. Following recent decisions by key members of OPEC and the Gulf Cooperation Council, the new African currency system would not accept American and European fiat-paper currencies for settlement of trade.
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Start this as a teenager, do it regularly for ten years, and a brand new malignant brain tumour can be yours for free.
A photograph
Mobile phones cause five-fold increase in brain cancer risk. International Journal of Oncology sounds alarm.
People who started using mobile phones as teenagers and have been doing so for more than a decade are at a five-fold risk of developing brain cancer.
A Swedish study has found a large increased incidence of astrocytoma, the most common form of malignant brain tumour, in those who had been using mobile phones for over ten years. The research was published in the International Journal of Oncology.
Malignant primary brain tumours take more years off the average person’s life than any other cancer. They are the most significant cause of cancer death amongst men under 45 and women under 35. In the UK, five hundred children are diagnosed with a primary brain tumour each year.
More about mobile phone usage and brain cancer can be found here (30.05.11) and here (19.05.11).