


WND Exclusive
Experts: Registrar stamps
confirm Obama forgery
Evidence points to cut-and-paste sham,
not actual copy of 1961 birth document

US sovereign default: Wall Street quietly gets ready to exploit the Doomsday scenario
Discreetly and behind the scenes, every moneyman in America knows that the US, like Greece, is down the pan. The problem is beyond the ability of the Washington political class to solve. Rolling, international, US sovereign default could happen before the end of August 2011.
Wall Street financial firms are taking steps to reduce the risk of holding US Treasury bonds. US banks are angling for novel ways to make profits during the expected default upheaval. Hedge funds have changed gear. Many are already invested in heavy de-risking strategies. The Federal Reserve Board is in active default contingency planning mode. Scores of insurance companies, pension funds and mutual funds are coming under boardroom pressure to dump their US Treasury holdings.
In the last month, in the American financial districts, the D-words (default and downgrade) have become dominant in the lingua franca of resigned coffee shop punditry. More here (21.07.11), here (21.07.11), here (21.07.11), here (20.07.11) and here (20.07.11).


Gold Confiscation Act in the Works

(Originally published by JTF.ORG on March 9, 2005) 
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Enda Kenny
A photograph of the Irish Prime Minister
Roman Catholic rape and torture of children demonstrates Vatican élitism, dysfunction, disconnection and narcissism
On Wednesday 20th July 2011, the Irish Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, speaking on the record in the Irish parliament, launched an unprecedented attack on the Roman Catholic Church. Citing the recent Cloyne Report (13.07.11) into how allegations of sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests in County Cork (south west Ireland) had been repeatedly covered up by the Irish Church and the Vatican, Kenny said that change was urgently needed. The historic relationship between church and state in Ireland could never be the same again.
The Taoiseach said that the Cloyne Report exposed the elitism, dysfunction, disconnection and narcissism which dominated the Vatican. The rape and torture of children were downplayed, or managed, to uphold the primacy of the Church institutions, its power, standing and reputation.
More here (20.07.11) and here (13.07.11). And more about the Roman Catholic conspiracy concealed within the upper echelons of the US legal system can be found here.
Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers
..................................................................................Ezekiel Chapter 37 יְחֶזְקֵאל
An Economy Destroyed: The Enemy Is Washington
Layoffs, Layoffs Everywhere You Look There Are Layoffs
WND Exclusive
Experts: Registrar stamps
confirm Obama forgery
Evidence points to cut-and-paste sham,
not actual copy of 1961 birth document
US sovereign default: Wall Street quietly gets ready to exploit the Doomsday scenario
Discreetly and behind the scenes, every moneyman in America knows that the US, like Greece, is down the pan. The problem is beyond the ability of the Washington political class to solve. Rolling, international, US sovereign default could happen before the end of August 2011.
Wall Street financial firms are taking steps to reduce the risk of holding US Treasury bonds. US banks are angling for novel ways to make profits during the expected default upheaval. Hedge funds have changed gear. Many are already invested in heavy de-risking strategies. The Federal Reserve Board is in active default contingency planning mode. Scores of insurance companies, pension funds and mutual funds are coming under boardroom pressure to dump their US Treasury holdings.
In the last month, in the American financial districts, the D-words (default and downgrade) have become dominant in the lingua franca of resigned coffee shop punditry. More here (21.07.11), here (21.07.11), here (21.07.11), here (20.07.11) and here (20.07.11).
DHS Denies “Racial Overtones” In ‘White Middle Class Terrorists’ Video
Report: China Builds Electromagnetic Weapons for use Against U.S. in Future War
UN may switch blue helmets to green, then launch climate change peacekeeping wars
Moody’s Now Threatening Downgrade on 5 U.S. States
‘US might redeploy Bahrain fleet’ following popular revolution
Big Sis Spy Story Goes Viral
Gold Confiscation Act in the Works
It's not about the guns
Anger at government highest in 19 years
ATF Chief Says Justice Department Covering Up Gun Smuggling Scandal To Protect Obama Officials
20 Signs That The Fabric Of American Society Is Coming Apart At The Seams
Madness: 39 Things That Are Driving Ordinary Americans Absolutely Crazy
Borders, 2nd Largest Chain Bookstore, Forced to Close All Stores
An unprecedented 1 in 66 Americans is a diagnosed psychotic
The 2008 Presidential Election Disaster
Iran Invades Iraq
Alcuin Bramerton profile ..... Index of blog contents ..... Home .....#1ab
Enda Kenny
A photograph of the Irish Prime Minister
Roman Catholic rape and torture of children demonstrates Vatican élitism, dysfunction, disconnection and narcissism
On Wednesday 20th July 2011, the Irish Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, speaking on the record in the Irish parliament, launched an unprecedented attack on the Roman Catholic Church. Citing the recent Cloyne Report (13.07.11) into how allegations of sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests in County Cork (south west Ireland) had been repeatedly covered up by the Irish Church and the Vatican, Kenny said that change was urgently needed. The historic relationship between church and state in Ireland could never be the same again.
The Taoiseach said that the Cloyne Report exposed the elitism, dysfunction, disconnection and narcissism which dominated the Vatican. The rape and torture of children were downplayed, or managed, to uphold the primacy of the Church institutions, its power, standing and reputation.
More here (20.07.11) and here (13.07.11). And more about the Roman Catholic conspiracy concealed within the upper echelons of the US legal system can be found here.
Peak heat index forecast Friday, July 22. ( NOAA’s
VIDEO: Giant dust storm swallows Phoenix area