Obadiah Chapter 1 עֹבַדְיָה
Do You Now Understand Why You Need To Prepare For Emergencies?
Ron Paul Widens MSNBC/NBC Presidential Poll Lead; Over 205,000 Votes Now Cast
California City Outlaws Gold Sales
ATF Death Watch 75: ATF-Enabled Indiana Guns Went to Chicago Gangs
Major Power Outage Hits California, Arizona, Mexico
Word of the Day: “Civil Unrest” ; It’ Here and It’s Spreading
Denial: In one of the most famous broadcasts ever, President Clinton wagged his finger and sternly told a national audience he 'did not have sex with that woman'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2034697/Lonely-Monica-Lewinsky-trying-play-Bill-Clinton-affair.html#ixzz1XN3t8IcY
Psalms Chapter 101 תְּהִלִּים
Andrea Mitchell Cancer: NBC
Poll Shows Ron Paul Won Debate at Reagan Shrine
About 100,000 told to flee Northeast flooding
3 die, thousands told to evacuate as floods hit East
Over 1,300 Homes Burned in Bastrop, Texas Wildfire

Obama 'star' of Palestinian ad
The NAFTA Of The Pacific Will Soon Allow Millions More American Jobs To Be Shipped Overseas
Documents Suggest New ATF Gun Running Scandal in Indiana
Why the gun industry secretly loves Obama
Gun Running Scandal Threatens to Bring Down Obama
Obama to propose $300 billion to jump-start jobs
Hoffa Threatens GOP At Obama Event: "Take These Son Of Bitches Out"
Ford to build $1 billion plant, create 5,000 jobs in India
Michelle's Insults Drive Hillary to Collapse
Hillary Clinton suffered an alarming secret breakdown after a bitter clash with First Lady Michelle Obama, and now Bill's wife is threatening to quit her Secretary of State post. You can read all about Michelle's bitter insults that have touched off a firestorm behind White House walls. It's all in this week's GLOBE.
Coming soon: The IRS will do your taxes for you
CIA Has Become “One Hell of a Killing Machine”
As wildfires rage across Texas, feds take control and scuttle volunteer firefighters
CIA lawyer says Obama administration backed and continued virtually all Bush-era programs
The Future For Most Americans: Pathetic Jobs, Bad Debts And A Crappy Economy
''Important'' Possible attack 9/11 From Law Enforcement Listener In The Midwest
September 6, 2011
Steve, I just talked to my guy, he said that he is in a meeting right now discussing what to do for security in this country and this state. He went on to say that they DO expect something to happen either before or just after the anniversary of 9/11. His words its almost a certainty. I will keep you posted. He has NEVER said anything like this in the past. In May of 2012 he told me that the G-8 and NATO are meeting in Chicago for just over a week. They are also working on security preparations for that.
CHART SHOCK: The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 22%: The seasonally-adjusted SGS Alternate Unemployment Rate reflects current unemployment reporting methodology adjusted for SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994. That estimate is added to the BLS estimate of U-6 unemployment, which includes short-term discouraged workers. The U-3 unemployment rate is the monthly headline number. The U-6 unemployment rate is the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) broadest unemployment measure, including short-term discouraged and other marginally-attached workers as well as those forced to work part-time because they cannot find full-time employment. more
Economist Calls Entitlements A Massive Ponzi Scheme And Says US Is Actually $211 Trillion In Debt: In an interview with NPR, former Reagan economic adviser Laurence Kotlikoff said the U.S.'s "true indebtedness" amounts to $211 trillion. That's more than 15 times the $14 trillion official figure. "We're focused just on the official debt, so we're trying to balance the wrong books," Kotlikoff said, naming Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for the skyrocketing unofficial figure. more
Earthquake (10,000) Swarm Rattles Germany-Czech Republic Border Region: The Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic says it has recorded 10,000 earthquakes during the last 10 days in Nov? Kostel area of the Cheb District, a region located close to the Czech Republic’s western border with Germany. The earthquake swarm started on Tuesday 23 August and continued Saturday 03 September. While many have gone unnoticed by the local population some of the larger tremors, including more than two dozen quakes exceeding 3 magnitude have been felt in the towns of Chemnitz, Karlovy Vary, Birch, Bukovany and Luby. more
Chaos On The Streets Of America: Should we just expect mass chaos on the streets of America every time a major holiday rolls around? At least 42 people were hit by gunfire in New York City over the Labor Day weekend. The violence got so bad that even the mayor felt compelled to publicly address it. In Chicago, at least 6 people (including a man in a wheelchair) were killed over the Labor Day weekend. Sadly, this is just a continuation of a trend that we have seen build over the past few years. At the beginning of the summer, there was terrible violence all over America during the Memorial Day weekend. We also saw violence break out during 4th of July celebrations. It appears that wherever large groups of young people gather in America today, there is going to be a very good chance that chaos is going to erupt. more go to archives