(The Australian) NEWS Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch has warned that Barack Obama could worsen the world financial crisis if he is elected US president next week ...
Michelle Obama Tape to Be Released - Finally?****UPDATE: TODAY? Report of Obama Campaign Bribe?
28 Oct
Posted by MacRanger as 2008 Election, Barack Obama, News
**UPDATE: Hearing that this might show today. Via the API site, the Obama Campaign is trying to buy off the release:
” Obama’s campaign manager contacted API by telephone and email offering 3 million US dollars followed with a request to API to cancel the deal with Fox News Network.
Ten days ago API received the first request to accept 2 million US dollars by Mr Ed Hale, President of Plains Radio, Texas - USA, in an effort to suppress the information from reaching the public before the coming US Presidential elections.
API has now taken a decision to contact the American Embassy in Oslo, Norway as soon as possible in order to report the matter and hand over the evidence for investigative purposes.
API’s Canadian lawyer is expected to fly to Oslo shortly in order to assist in the legal matters that arise from the bribery attempt.
API’s Chief editor is expected to travel to New York, together with the Canadian lawyer, where he will appear live in one of the shows that will air the Michelle Obama tape.”
I’ve contacted Fox News and asked them if they in fact had been contacted, they will not comment.
****End of Update*****
***********************************************************************************************Document forensics expert: Obama "birth certificate" a "horrible forgery" |
By Israel Insider staff July 20, 2008 |
The purported Certification of Live Birth published by the Daily Kos left wing blog and claimed as genuine by the Obama campaign features a security border that differs dramatically from security borders on COLB documents before and after the one supposedly printed out for Obama in 2007. |
Barack Obama may be on a world tour surrounded by a fawning media, but Sunday an expert in electronic document forensics released a detailed report on the purported birth certificate -- actually a "Certification of Live Birth" or COLB -- claimed as genuine by his campaign. The expert concludes with 100% certainty that it is a crudely forged fake: "a horribly forgery," according to the analysis published on the popular right-wing Atlas Shrugs blog. |
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Mystery deepens over Barack Obama’s originsHawai’i Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino adds to the confusion over Obama’s birth. Andy Martin’s lawsuit in Hawai’i may yield the truth, or it may not. What is Barack Obama fighting so hard to conceal?
As America Collapses, Gun Sales Are Booming!
Stocks may be up or down another 900 points right now, who knows — but they are very much down in general, like 35% down. And houses, they are worth nine dollars each, in KFC coupons, yet there are no takers. All the car manufacturers are shutting down, forever, and soon gasoline will be 45 cents a gallon again, and nobody will want some. Are Americans buying anything these days? Yes, they are buying millions of guns, for the coming race war.
“Tampa Bay Gun Sales Rise Before Election,” says a Florida paper. “Gun Sales Up In Texas,” reports the teevee news in Brownsville. “Politics and the economy drive gun sales,” says WKYC in Ohio. “Gun Sales Thriving In Uncertain Times,” the Washington Post reports.
So, guns for everyone!
What’s driving this 10% sales increase for the firearms industry when all other forms of business are collapsing? The experts say it’s due to conservative fear that the Obama Administration will toughen national gun laws, in a bizarre attempt to lower the insane violence and nonstop murder that pretty much defines America.
Others are worried about the New Civil War. “Gun purchases have also been climbing because of the worsening economy, which fuels fears of crime and civil disorder, industry sources and specialists said.”
And still others fear that Sarah Palin is going to illegally ride a snowmobile through all of America’s national parks, beginning the night of November 4, on a mission to murder all Obama voters with her moose gun. She will be the Santa Claus from Russian-Socialist Ice Hell, going house to house and leaving nothing but carnage. Her first victim will be John McCain.
But seriously, go buy your guns this weekend. If you don’t end up needing the weapons and 50 boxes of ammo to protect your loved ones from the mobs of meth-crazed hillbillies wandering the suburbs looking for brains to eat, you’ll need them for the enraged blacks who look for revenge after Whitey steals the election from Obama.
************************************************************************************************************************************* ^ | 10/29/08 | By Kim Quintero
Posted on Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:37:31 PM by epow
EUGENE, Ore. -- National polls continue to show Barack Obama leading John McCain -- and those numbers are affecting gun sales.
One south Eugene gun shop manager said business is booming for guns and ammunition. He feels the reason why is out of fear of Congress enacting tougher gun controls.
"I think it's pretty well going to happen if Obama is elected president. There's no question," said Baron's Den and Shooting Range Manager Raye Gunter.
Gunter said he's seen a rise in sales of military-style rifles, concealed carry guns and signups for shooting classes.
"People are buying stuff they feel are going to be banned after he takes office-- if he takes office. It's also being fueled not only by politics but by the cutbacks in law enforcement locally," said Gunter.
Obama on guns
"I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people's lawful right to bare arms," said Obama
Last month, Obama reassured voters in Virginia that he would not take away your constitutional right. But many people just don't believe him, and the National Rifle Association claims it's just rhetoric."I'm in the market for a shotgun, just for home defense, so you know, I've got it if I absolutely had to pull it out," said northern Nevada resident Guy Gordon.
The Vietnam veteran and undecided voter is looking towards protection -- and restriction.
"I can see banning maybe assault weapons and things," said Gordon.**************************************************
Hizballah shops for anti-tank missiles in Moscow
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
November 2, 2008, 10:36 AM (GMT+02:00)
Kornet-E: Russian vehicle-mounted anti-tank missile
A Hizballah mission, which arrived in Moscow Tuesday, Oct. 28, was taken around Russian state of the art anti-tank missile factories, including KBP in the town of Tula southwest of Moscow, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources report. The Lebanese visitors were treated to a live fire demonstration of various types of missile. They then ordered 3,000 missiles of different types and returned home Saturday, Nov. 1.
Tehran is footing the bill.
Our sources disclose that the hardware inspected by the Hizballah officers included 9M133 (Nato-coded Spriggan AT-14) which can be launched by helicopter and Kliver, which is an upgraded Kornet-E mounted on vehicles. The Lebanese Shiite terrorist shoppers also placed a large order for RPG-2 rocket-propelled grenades made by Bazalt. In the 2006 Lebanon war, the older RPG-29 used by Hizballah was responsible for most of the hits suffered by Israeli tanks.
Last month, Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert traveled to Moscow to ask Russian leaders to refrain from selling arms to Syria and Iran, countries at war with Israel. Moscow only promised to reconsider weapons sales capable of upsetting the balance of strength in “sensitive regions” and then went right ahead to sign big arms deals with Damascus and Tehran – and now Hizballah.
Sunday, Nov. 2, defense minister Ehud Barak warned Syria that arming Hizballah with new anti-air weapons would force Israel to “consider its position.”
Several weeks ago, DEBKAfile reported that Syria had supplied the Shiite group with anti-air missiles supported by radar stations. They are already deployed on two Lebanese peaks, Mt. Sannine and Jebel Barukh, which Hizballah controls.
Our military sources stress that Barak’s “warning” will not deter Moscow, Damascus or Hizballah who will taken it to mean that Israel is not preparing to act for now.
Netanyahu Reshapes Likud, Builds Shadow Cabinet
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
November 1, 2008
Moshe Yaalon, a hawk from the kibbutz movement
Former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, energized by more than two years in opposition, is launching his Likud party into Israel’s general election campaign with a new look and a new top echelon.
DEBKAfile’s political sources report he is remolding it into a center-right party with a new leadership made up of the middle generation of Likud stalwarts and an infusion of outsiders from non-political occupations, rival parties, and at least two ex-generals.
Negotiating in person, he is close to deals with a mixed bag of would-be star performers.
They include, according to our exclusive sources, Benny Begin (son of the late prime minister Menahem Begin), Yair Shamir , Dan Meridor , former chief of staff, Lt. Gen. (Res) Moshe Yaalon , NU lawmaker Effie Eyta (a former general, who holds the key to the national religious vote), and former cabinet minister Nathan Sharansky , who is well-connected in Washington.
Likud has also offered incentives to MKs Zeev Elkin and Marina Solodkin for quitting Tzipi Livni’s party and crossing the floor. Both are reputed vote-catchers among the large Russian-born electorate.
Likud’s recast center-right image is directed at drawing the moderate, pragmatic elements of the Israeli right wing, which two years ago voted for Kadima and which have much in common with the traditional base of Labor, the Kibbutz movement.
At the same time, he is offering a home for the Jewish communities of the West Bank (pop: 300,000), their supporters and the security hawks.
Netanyahu calculates that Benny Begin’s name will restore the luster of Likud’s founding fathers and their clean reputations, in contrast to Kadima’s aura of corruption.
Yair Shamir, son of Yitzhak Shamir, another Likud prime minister who was a model of integrity, will add an up-to-date, go-getting business image to the revamped Likud list.
Shamir Jr. after being brought in as chairman, turned the Israeli Aviation Industries round from collapse to profitability. He came from the Air Force, which he left as brigadier after heading its logistics department. Shamir’s inclusion on the list will tell the Israeli voter that better times are ahead for an economy bogged down by a cumbersome, unhealthy bureaucracy and outdated infrastructure.
Dan Meridor, once too moderate for Likud, is invited to rejoin and bring his moderate left-wing connections along.
At the other end of the scale, Effie Eytam is reckoned to be worth two to three Knesset seats at least among the approximately 750,000 national voters, who favor retaining Judea and Samaria and the Golan. Eytam is cast as an insurance policy against the Netanyahu administration tipping over too far to the left. With him aboard, a Likud government would be held back from evacuating Jewish communities from these territories or supporting the broad territorial concessions to the Palestinians and Syria advocated by Kadima and Labor.
Likud leaders hastened to state this week that no government of theirs would honor concessions made to Syria by the transitional prime minister Ehud Olmert, who announced his intention of resuming the indirect dialogue with Damascus before the elections.
Yaalon, designated for the key slot of defense minister, is a critical piece in Netanyahu’s jigsaw puzzle.
A member of Kibbutz Grofit, the former chief of staff may bring Likud its first substantial contribution from the kibbutz movement. It consists of the Labor and Kadima factions, which seriously question the two-state solution of the Israel-Arab dispute propounded by President Bush and embraced by prime minister Ariel Sharon and his leading disciples, foreign minister Tzipi Livni and Ehud Olmert.
Yaalon’s views on security, the dispute with the Palestinians and Iran, are as hawkish as those of Eytam or the Likud right wing – but on the economy, social gap and education, he would lean to the left of Netanyahu’s free market philosophy.
Netanyahu went to work on his dream team after his earlier back-door, power-sharing deal with Labor leader Ehud Barak and talks with Livni’s Kadima rival Shaul Mofaz foundered.
The former has since opted for contesting Livni for the left-wing margin, while Mofaz has been too slow to decide where he belongs.
By February 10, 2006, when Israel votes for a new parliament, government and prime minster, the next US president will have spent 20 days in the White House and Iran will be assembling its first nuclear bomb or warhead. The newly-elected government in Jerusalem will need all its energy and resources to confront the problems which the outgoing administration has long avoided.
********************************************************************************************Syrian 3rd Army moves south from Iraq border to face Lebanon and Israel
DEBKAfile Special Report October 31, 2008, 11:56 AM (GMT+02:00)
Syrian border patrol heads south According to DEBKAfile’s military sources, the removal of Syrian forces is intended to punish the US twice for last Sundays’ commando raid in northern Syria which killed 8 people including Abu Ghadiyah, the Syrian controller of smuggled insurgent fighters and weapons into Iraq. First, the 8th Army’s removal opens the Iraqi border open to the free passage of al Qaeda, Fatah al-Islam and Iraqi insurgents for attacks on US forces in Iraq. Second, Syrian troops are now massed in position to bring military pressure to bear on US allies in South Lebanon and Israel. These developments have set the stage for more US strikes on Syrian soil to hit back at the jumping-off bases used by terrorists and insurgents to attack US targets. US Homeland Security Minister Michael Chertoff said Friday: “A country should have the right to attack another if it is harboring a potential terrorist threat.” The Syrian 3rd army, which is composed of two Border Guard brigades and two more of infantry and assault helicopters, began moving south Wednesday, Oct. 29, evacuating the 600 km stretch of Syrian-Iraqi border they manned for the past year under a US-Syrian agreement. The US embassy in Damascus was shut Thursday over an “increased security risk” as tens of thousands mounted an anti-US protest in the town center. The embassy has warned Americans in Syria to stay on alert.
Obama's aunt living in U.S. illegally 56-year-old residing in Boston slum ignored judge's order 4 years ago
Posted: November 01, 2008
3:40 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Obama's aunt Zeituni Onyango |
Barack Obama's aunt, revealed this week to be dwelling in a Boston slum, is living in the United States illegally, refusing to leave the U.S. for her Kenyan homeland when a judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago, the Associated Press is reporting.
A person familiar with the case told AP that 56-year-old Zeituni Onyango was told to leave America by a U.S. immigration judge in 2004.
Two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcement official, disclosed and confirmed information about the deportation case.
Speaking to a reporter with the London Times, outside her home, Zeituni Onyango, 56, confirmed she was indeed the "Auntie Zeituni" so affectionately described in Obama's best-selling memoir, "Dreams From My Father."
In the memoir, Obama wrote: "If Jane or Zeituni ever felt ill, if their companies ever closed or laid them off, there was no government safety net. There was only family, next of kin, people burdened by similar hardship. Now I was family, I reminded myself. Now I had responsibilities."
Onyango declined to answer most other questions about her relationship with the presidential contender until after the Nov. 4 election.
"I can't talk about it, I just pray for him, that's all," she told the Times, adding: "After the 4th, I can talk to anyone."
Obama campaign spokesman Reid Cherlin confirmed to the Boston Herald yesterday that Onyango, who lives on Flaherty Way in South Boston, is Obama's aunt on his father's side.
The AP could not reach Onyango immediately for comment. It was unclear why her request for asylum was rejected in 2004.
It was not immediately clear how Onyango might have qualified for public housing with a standing deportation order.
Ayers dedicated book to Sirhan Sirhan Obama's colleague saw Robert Kennedy's assassin as 'political prisoner'
Posted: October 31, 2008
1:44 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Bill Ayers, the man with whom Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama worked on Chicago projects, published his own manifesto during his years as an active terrorist and dedicated it to a list of people including Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.
According to Fox News, Ayers – the Weather Underground terrorist who bombed the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon, and stated recently he wished he could have done more – used his book, "Prairie Fire," to announce his intention to "attack from the inside" and "disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody functioning against the people of the world."
When confronted in a debate, Obama described Ayers as "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood." But the campaign of Republican nominee John McCain has made much of of the fact that Ayers hired Obama to work on the Annenberg Challenge in Chicago and shared duties with him on the board of the Woods Fund, charities that distributed millions of dollars to leftist causes.

Bill Ayers worked with Cuba says FBI report
By Judi McLeod Tuesday, October 28, 2008Unrepentant terrorist former leading Weather Underground Organization (WUO) member William Ayers was aided by Fidel Castro’s Cuba in the 1970s, according to a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report.
Posted By: kbcjedi <Send E-Mail>Date: Friday, 31 October 2008, 3:53 a.m.