Wyland/Godard Art Galleries In The Miracle Mile @ Planet Hollywood

Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 קֹהֶלֶת
US Earthquake Weapon?
UFO Or HAARP Over Haiti Night Before Quake - Vid
'Haiti Full Of Oil' (1-28-08) - US HAARPs Quake & Grabs Oil?
US Army Takes Haiti - US Blocks Some Aid Flights - Vid
Why Is The US Military Occupying Four Airports In Haiti?
Weird Colored Clouds In Sky 30 Mins Before China Quake - Vid
UN Said Haiti Is Full Of Gold Back In The 1970s!
Clincher! - US Says Will Stay In Haiti 'For Long Term'
Chavez Say US 'Weapon' Caused Haiti Quake
So. Command Just Happened To Be Doing Haiti Drill...
Eurasian Minerals May Of Their Holdings In Haiti
Eurasian Minerals 5 Main Projects - Haiti, Etc
Will The American Man Please Stand Up
Posted on 26. Jan, 2010 in Featured Videos
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Birth certificate 'baloney':
'Official' doesn't mean real
You won't believe who could pass
as U.S. citizen with current system
Operation Flood It - Judge Napolitano's Radio Show, Friday Jan. 29, 2010 9am EST
Limbaugh: 'Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen'
Multi-millionaire Herman Rockefeller goes missing in Australia. Car found near abandoned country homestead at Ballan, 75km west of Melbourne. Wife knows nothing.
Rockefeller, a Harvard graduate and property investor, had business interests all over Australia. In New Zealand, he survived three restructurings at Brierley Investments during fourteen years as a senior executive. He vanished without trace on the night of Thursday 21st January 2010.
Endgame disaster for defeated US Rockefeller Illuminati faction. Rats fighting in the sack. Rats dying. Benjamin Fulford discusses the toppling of the US syndicate with David Wilcock (83 minute mp3 audio blog - 29Mb).
The Obama Executive Order 12425 of 17th December 2010 (text here) extended diplomatic immunity to Interpol so that they could come into the US and start arresting Rockefeller faction minions on multiple charges relating to US-based panglobal economic terrorism. USAF Space Command (regular users of covert stargate technology) anticipates collapse of Rockefeller nexus and wants nothing to do with them. Rockefeller collapse brings public UFO/ET disclosures closer. Japanese Emperor signed secret treaty with US Rockefeller faction. Mafia and various Asian underworld elements of organised crime have now broken with the Rockefeller faction, which has thus lost its tame street-level enforcers. Rockefeller faction has also lost control of the Western oil/financial system. Anti-Rockefeller UK MI6 group is now calling the shots in the US. In October 2009, following a Fulford-brokered $2.13 trillion release of bond funds from the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ in Japan, money which was specifically designated for benevolent new technology projects, Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) duplicitously switched the funds to the US Bush syndicate. One consequence of this was a furious release of inside information concerning all sorts of Windsor royal family dirty linen about which the Queen was being blackmailed by US and other operatives. Included in the ongoing blackmail were accurately-sourced stories about the murder of Princess Diana in Paris in 1997, the regular Black Magic human sacrifice rituals held twice a year at Balmoral Castle (Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK), a Windsor family secret deal with the Nazis during World War II, and the fact that Adolph Hitler was Queen Elizabeth II's uncle. Separate from all this, the US Rockefeller faction is said to have been involved in advanced planning for a fake alien invasion using USAF Space Command stargate technology and spacecraft, to act as theatrical media cover for genocide in the US and elsewhere. Fulford-Wilcock interview background and full transcript here (22.01.10). More Queen background here (25.01.10) and here (19.10.09).
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis January 26, 2010, 12:28 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: European Union France
Israel's president, prime minister and foreign minister are visiting Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest this week, apparently impervious to the European Union foreign ministers' decision in Brussels Monday, Jan. 25, to back away from sanctions for Iran's nuclear program outside the UN Security Council.
German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle signed off on the motion, the day before Israeli president Shimon Peres' Hebrew address to the German parliament in
debkafile: The Netanyahu government clings to the anchor of supposed international sanctions for halting
Well, he had his answer than same afternoon, yet this eloquence vanished on the plane trips to
None of the Israeli travelers have commented on the decision by the European foreign ministers to dump the sanctions option in the laps of
As debkafile has stressed before, the Revolutionary Guards have umpteen mostly criminal ways of beating sanctions: They run a vast network of straw companies worldwide and move money around through international crime, smuggling, terror and drug conduits out of
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi are undoubtedly
No German transaction with
The most realistic European leader is French president Nicolas Sarkozy who Tuesday, Jan. 26, called for new and different steps to be pursued to halt
Hillary Clinton And Suha Arafat
Hillary Clinton Is A Traitor To America
Hillary Clinton Is A Vicious Jew-Hater
Hillary Clinton Is A Pathological Liar
Haiti Needs Emergency Relief, not Military Intervention! - 2010-01-25 |
A Haiti Disaster Relief Scenario Was Envisaged by the US Military One Day Before the Earthquake - by Michel Chossudovsky - 2010-01-21 | |
The holding of pre-disaster simulations pertained to the impacts of a hurricane in Haiti. They were held on January 11. |
The Obama Administration's Cover-up of the Flight 253 Affair - by Tom Burghardt - 2010-01-25 | |
New information reveals that the White House and U.S. security agencies had specific intelligence on accused terrorist, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, far earlier than previously acknowledged. |
Breaking:Chemical Ali executed for Halabja massacre
Doug Casey: Stock Market Set to Crash
Erev Rav: Return to Sender
After Paroah sent the people (ha-umm) away... (Shemos 13:17)
At first glance, the above verse is talking about the Jewish people. But, as the Ohr HaChaim points out, when the Torah refers to "the people," it means the "Mixed Multitude"--the Erev Rav-- that left with the Jewish people.
Who was the Erev Rav? According to the Ohr HaChaim, they were spies sent along by Paroah to sow seeds of dissension among the ranks of Jews. They were the rabble-rousers, and, though, they may not have been successful at making the Jewish people return to Egypt (which, they came close to doing), they were the cause of Moshe's failure to enter Eretz Yisroel, and the delaying of the Final Redemption. To make a long, painful story short, they represent one of the biggest stumbling blocks in the path of the Jewish nation.
That's right, "represent"--present tense.
This is because the Erev Rav did not die off in the desert, at least not spiritually. "Erev Rav" is a concept, and is a title that can be given to any Jew that tries to dissuade other Jews from belief in Sinaitic Torah, and the Final Redemption. That's what the Erev Rav did in the desert, and that is what the Erev Rav has done in every generation.
The Jewish people have had many enemies from within-- we are a nation with as many splinter groups over the millennia as there have been peoples. (Well, at least it seems that way.) However, what makes the Erev Rav stand out is their motto:
"These are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of Egypt!" (Shemos 32:4)
Iran crosses red line, can enrich uranium up to 20pc grade
DEBKAfile Special Report
January 25, 2010, 11:22 AM (GMT+02:00)
Ahmadinejad throws down another gauntlet
Attaining the ability to enrich uranium up to 20 percent grade brings Iran dangerously close to "break-out" point for a nuclear weapon capability, DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad promised the "good news" would be announced during the Feb. 1-11 celebrations of the Islamic Revolution. The "news" also prompted an urgent cabinet meeting in Jerusalem last week.
Ahmadinejad's announcement is a provocative demonstration of contempt for the six world powers and their offer to trade Iran's low-grade uranium for 20 pc enriched product overseas. By going public on the banned process and abandoning concealment, Iran's rulers are throwing down the gauntlet to them and Israel.
DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report that the hawks of the Islamic regime led by Ahmadinejad and spiritual ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have won the day for their tactics of jumping ahead of any possible US-led or Israel steps against their nuclear program with its own aggressive initiatives.
The Iranian president's enrichment announcement at a time that the Obama administration is pondering tough sanctions against the Revolutionary Guards was part of this policy; so were the Syrian and Hizballah declarations of military preparedness for a purported Israeli attack last week, taking advantage of an IDF war game to raise the alarm.
Our political sources predict that Tehran's provocative move will be met with more of the five months of foot-dragging with which Washington and Jerusalem have met Iran's contempt for one deadline after another for ending nuclear enrichment.
Both will continue to dither and pretend that stiff sanctions can scotch the Iranian nuclear threat. Tehran has meanwhile made good use of those five months to go forward and achieve a 20 pc enrichment capability.
The only straight talk from any Western leader has come from French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Saturday, Jan. 23, he told visiting Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri that France has evidence Iran is developing nuclear weapons contrary to its claims. He warned that Israel "would not stand by while Iran develops nuclear weapons."