Jeremiah Chapter 2 יִרְמְיָהוּ
A REAL Rightwing Movement To Save America Iran, Not Iraq, Is The Threat Why U.S. Economy Is Collapsing We Must Create Alternatives To Oil The Threat Of An Iranian Nuclear Holocaust In America |
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Killer way to slay
the Google beast!
'They're telling us they will
turn data over to the feds'
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Ex-federal prosecutor launches probe of Holder
'It is time, before lasting damage is done to our national security'
'We do not want a birth certificate from Obama, we are past that point. We want a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR to investigate Obama's ineligibility and the conspiracy by the media to lie to the American people about it. Beck, Matthews and the other liars belong in prison' - Steve Cooper
Terry Moron from ABC did a hit piece on Lou Dobbs and I lost count how many times Moron painted Dobbs as 'angry'. Hey Moron, just because we disagree with your left wing extremism, does that mean we are angry? That is like me saying any left winger that disagrees with me is a 'terrorist'. I do say this often, because I do see people like Soros and Obama as terrorists and reporters like Moron are their little Marxist propagandists that smear anyone that opposes the 'regime'.
Then of course Moron went into the birther issue, but he made sure to attack it first by calling it 'fringe and extreme'. Let me tell you what is extreme, Moron. I think it is 'extreme' for the leftists in the media such as yourself to paint anyone as extreme for questioning if Obama is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. Notice that Moron left out the words, Natural Born? Glenn Beck, the Saudi puppet did the same thing on yesterday's show as well. The people see through Moron's lies and Beck's. I am getting flooded with e-mail from people that have sworn never to watch Beck's show again.
Lou Dobbs is the only man with integrity these days? Dobbs refused to let CNN censor him with this issue and he stood up for his principles unlike Beck and Moron. Mention Obama's eligibility issue and get fired? That is what happened to Lou Dobbs. Do not believe the lies that Dobbs got fired for his immigration rants, because he has been doing that for years, but when Dobbs mentioned Obama's eligibility issue, his house was shot at and he was FIRED. Now that is fringe and extreme...Moron.
There are several others that brought up Obama's natural born citizen controversy such as Michael Savage, Jeff Kuhner and Rush Limbaugh. Yes, Rush has mentioned it briefly, just to make the communists like Moron sweat, but he has never done a full show on it...yet. I do believe that Rush was threatened, along with Hannity and Mark Levin.
Then Moron tried to paint Dobbs as a wealthy elitist, since he had a big ranch in New Jersey. Has Moron criticized the fact that Michelle Obama has about 25-30 servants? Has Moron criticized Al Gore for flying around the world on private jets as he tells US little peasants to conserve energy?
Moron is actually a dangerous propagandist for the enemies of freedom and it is time for them to all be investigated for their obsession with attacking anyone that dares to question Obama's natural born citizenship and eligibility issue.
Has Moron reported about the on going cases and news stories that the media is hiding? I think only a reporter on the 'fringe' would hide news from the American people...right Moron? I have a story for Moron, this is a good scoop. Maybe Moron should investigate who Barry Soetoro is? The other name that has come up from Obama's past is Steve Dunham, so maybe Moron can look that up as well. Wow, I must be so extreme to dare to mentions alias's that the President has used and the stooges in the media like Moron have allegedly covered up.
I noticed that congress has time to investigate steroids in baseball, head injuries in football and the global warming scam, but they never got around to investigating Obama's numerous names and social security numbers. Last I heard there were 39 of them, but I guess Moron missed that scoop as well.
I am calling for a special prosecutor to investigate Moron, Beck, Bill O' Pinhead and Chris Matthews just for starters. I want them to testify under oath if they have ever been told to be part of a conspiracy to undermine the movement for Obama to release his school and birth records. Have they been in any meetings regarding the conspiracy to cover up and spread disinformation to 'scare' people from even talking about this issue. I want them testifying under oath so they can be held accountable if they lie.
We are past the point of seeing a birth certificate, Moron. It is time to throw anyone that is part of this conspiracy into jail for treason.
Is that fringe and extreme enough for you? I am just getting warmed up, MORON
Glenn Beck acknowledges Obama is a 'Citizen', NOT a natural born citizen
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;
Physicist claims he was told in 1992 'The USA will have a black, Soviet agent as president soon'
Democrats suddenly interested in Obama birth certificate
Senate campaign director has plan to harm Republicans running for office
Has the American RBS gang now put off its planned mass murder/genocide project until 2011? Is the Bush-Clinton syndicate in retreat? More global background here (25.01.10) and here (18.01.10).
Wyland/Godard Art Galleries In The Miracle Mile @ Planet Hollywood

Party Animal-In-Chief!
President Barack Obama has blown $10 million on drunken White House parties, Washington insiders tell GLOBE. This week's Special Report rips the lid off the Commander-in-chief's outrageous antics, including boozy conga lines and dinners featuring $150-a-pound Japanese beef! It's must reading for every American.
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
States' rights rebellion
over National Guard
Lawmakers fight to keep governors,
not president, in control of troops
US Government in chaos. Department of Homeland Security makes explicit physical threats against President Barack Obama. Senator Jim Bunning (Republican - Kentucky) discloses that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been promising Senators improper inducements to back his reconfirmation for second term at the Fed.
More about internal problems at the US Federal Reserve here (22.01.10).
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report January 27, 2010, 11:42 AM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Iran Libya
Saeed Jalili
Libyan defense minister Younis Jaber arrived in
debkafile's military sources report that
Although a three-way deal for the supply of S-300 missile-air interceptors to
Iranian leaders were further incensed by being beaten to the post by
Regarding additional unfinished business between
Monday, Kiriyenko came out with the bombastic statement: "2010 would be the year of the Bushehr reactor."
But after being burned many times,
The Russian-Libyan military transaction also provides for 15 long-range Su-35 bombers, at least 8 Su-30MK2 fighter-bombers, as well as 50 T-90 tanks and Russian upgrades of
FROM "CNIN" - http://theconservativemonster.com/
John McLame is a fraud, boot his ass from the RINO Party for good...
New tell-all shocker reveals ALL the secrets Oprah doesn't want YOU to know! His other men - her other women -- The Big O reveals all in shocking new book!