
Obama slights our friends, kowtows to our enemies
How many other major strategic buildings across the world are similarly suicidable? What about the Canary Wharf Tower in London (UK), or the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), or the Burj Khalifa in Dubai (UAE)? More here (04.04.10).
BORN IN THE USA? Eligibility challenger:Don't touch my brain!WorldNetDaily Exclusive Flight surgeon questioning Obama rejects Army's suggestion of 'help' --WND |
DEBKAfile Special Report April 5, 2010, 2:10 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Iran powerboat
US warships
After laying hands on the record-breaking 61.5 mph speedboat, built for a British sporting adventurer, the Iranian navy plans to arm it with the reputedly fastest torpedo in the world, the Russian-designed Shkval (Squall), which moves at speeds of 360 kph. debkafile's military sources report
Blogs tracking the international weapons trade and the Financial Times reported Monday, April 5, that after purchasing the Bladerunner 51 powerboat from a Florida boatyard in 2005, the British sailor Neil McGrigor smashed the Italian-held record for the fastest circumnavigation of Britain in 27 hours 10 minutes.
Advertised for sale next year, the British government blocked it its purchase by
In Jan 2009,
The deputy commander of the IRGC, Gen. Ali Fadavi has boasted that no warship can escape from the Shkval torpedo whose speed makes it almost impossible for radar to pick up. This claim has not been tested, but the US Persian Gulf naval command is concerned that the Iranians are outfitting the former Bladerunner 51 to lead the Guards navy's fleet of fast boats in attacks on the big American warships and aircraft carriers deployed in these waters.
It is feared that big warships may prove vulnerable to "swarming tactics by small boats," a hypothesis never yet demonstrated in practice. US naval experts stress that in recent
At the same time, these experts admit that a surprise hit-and-run operation by an armed powerboat able to approach a warship undetected could be extremely damaging.
As one American source pointed out, although the US failure to keep Iran from laying hands on the record-breaking vessel, of which only two have been built, despite a four-year head start, bodes ill for the sanctions Washington is working so hard to get implemented against Iran.
Monday, The Wall Street Journal revealed the entire extent of the US freeze on Iranian assets as no more than $43 m, which is roughly a quarter of Iran's per day oil revenue, scarcely a bump on the road of Tehran's advance towards a nuclear weapon capacity.
The penalties the Obama administration is considering for the next round of sanctions rest heavily on the same old assets freeze rather than measures that really bite.
While US intelligence and the Vienna-based nuclear watchdog claim Iran has encountered problems in running the centrifuges for enriching uranium, Tehran was revealed two days ago as beating former sanctions by cunningly acquiring French-made valves and vacuum gauges for uranium enrichment through a phony Chinese firm.
An unregistered Iranian firm, Javedan Mehr Toos, made the illegal purchase through the unregistered Chinese-based Zheijiang Ouhai Trade Corp from the French maker KD Valves-Descote, which was formerly owned by the
Thursday, April 01, 2010
This statement was sometimes true enough with the classic style Hi Powers predating the Mk II, which debuted in 1982. At that time, FN "throated" the old "humped" feed ramp. This change took the Hi Power pistol from being potentially "picky" about which JHP's it would feed to one that has proven not to be particular at all. In other words, Hi Powers in the Mk II or current Mk III designs are very reliable with expanding ammunition having blunt bullet shapes.
Can there be the individual Hi Power that fails to feed? Probaby so; individual specimens that are not up to snuff occassionally seem to slip past the QC personnel of more than one manufacturer. I have shot more than a few Hi Powers over the past 4 decades. From my very first Mk II to my current Mk III's, I have yet to see a single one that wouldn't feed FMJ or JHP's in bullet weights of about 90 grains to 158 grains (heavy Israeli subsonic loads).
Current 9mm Hi Powers feed reliably and the old saying that they are "jamamatics" with other than FMJ ammunition just is no longer true...and and hasn't been for 28 years!
The Hi Power may or may not be a 9mm pistol that curries your favor, but if weighing factors in making that decision, don't buy into to the outdated "facts" that Hi Powers won't feed other than ball rounds. 9mm Hi Powers made from '82 onward will...and those made before 1982 can be made to without much difficulty! (Having said that, I fully understand that some shooters will simply prefer other designs to the Hi Power; there are many quality 9mm autoloaders to choose from; go with what works for you in my view.)
Psalms Chapter 109 תְּהִלִּים
DEBKAfile Special Report April 3, 2010, 10:35 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Anti-Israel sanctions China
Chinese president Hu Jintao indicated a willingness to consider abstaining on a UN Security Council vote imposing sanctions against Iran - if the United States reciprocated by withholding its vote on sanctions against Israel over its construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. debkafile's sources report that US president Barack Obama did not reject the idea out of hand when it was raised in his hour-long telephone conversation with President Hu Thursday, April 1.
They decided to talk again about a coordinated, tit-for-tat US-Chinese sanctions deal with regard to
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was invited to the conference; Iranian leaders were not.
After the Obama-Hu phone conversation, the foreign ministry in
It would be the first time a
According to our
The two combined US steps add up to a further widening of the Obama administration's distance from Jerusalem, a rift which may even lead at some point to his facilitating parallel condemnatory sanctions against Israel and Iran. He is determined to force the Netanyahu government to bow to
debka file's
CBS is actually taking a poll. Right now Obama's overall job performance is an F with 79.4% voting that way. Please vote...only takes 10 seconds.
Rate the President for CBS News! Here is your chance. Great! Wow!! |
Evidence of the increasing divergence of the United States and Israel continues to emerge. The Trumpet has long pointed to this eventuality, based upon two specific prophecies found in Hosea 5:13 and Zechariah 11:14.
On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden by phone following the fallout from the Israeli announcement of plans to build 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem, which was made during Biden’s visit to Israel last week.
U.S. officials called the timing of the announcement an “insult,” saying the construction plans jeopardized the peace process—which the Obama administration feels it needs to show progress on. The Los Angeles Times reports that “the administration’s decision to strongly challenge the Netanyahu government this time has been driven in part by concerns that it cannot afford the perception that it has been pushed around in the Middle East and elsewhere, say U.S. officials and analysts” (March 17).
Stratfor says that Iran has been the primary cause of the rift growing between Israel and the U.S. “Washington has had to deal with Iran because of U.S. commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran’s rising influence in Iraq after the U.S. invasion has greatly facilitated Iran’s rise to regional prominence, as have the country’s nuclear efforts” (March 17). America’s unwillingness—or inability—to deal effectively with that Iranian nuclear threat has led to friction between the U.S. and Israel, which sees a nuclear-armed Iran as an existential national security threat.
In a column last year, Stephen Flurry wrote about how the U.S. was “renouncing its special relationship with Israel in order to boost its standing in the Muslim world.” Not only are those efforts failing to win kudos from the Muslims, but Washington is finding itself backed into a corner, where it is being forced to kowtow to Iran in particular.
Back in 2008, Stephen Flurry pointed to how the “changes of leadership in both the U.S. and Israel will likely drive these nations further apart.” That is precisely what has happened since then.
Keep watching as this relationship continues to deteriorate—and take note of who Israel will then turn to. •