Isaiah Chapter 24 יְשַׁעְיָהוּ

October 14, 2009
There’s been a lot of hubbub over the newly signed legislation in California that restricts ammunition sales. Governor Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 962 into law on Monday. This law contains many new regulations on ammunition sales. We’ve boiled the new law down to its essence and are presenting it here in a much simplified form.
Under the recently passed Ammo Restriction bill (named “Anti-Gang Neighborhood Protection Act of 2009″), the following changes to the law will occur. These changes will go into effect starting February 1, 2011.
- Registration and finger printing of handgun Ammo Purchasers
- Mandatory Storage & Display Requirements for Ammo Dealers
- Ban on the Sale of Handgun Ammo through the Internet or mail order
- The bill would prohibit supplying or delivering, as specified, handgun ammunition to prohibited persons, as described, by persons or others who know, or by using reasonable care should know, that the recipient is a person prohibited from possessing ammunition or a minor prohibited from possessing ammunition, as specified. Violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor with specified penalties.
- The bill would provide, subject to exceptions, that commencing February 1, 2011, the delivery or transfer of ownership of handgun ammunition may only occur in a face-to-face transaction, with the deliverer or transferor being provided bona fide evidence of identity of the purchaser or other transferee. A violation of these provisions would be a misdemeanor.
NRA is planning the repeal of AB 962: NRA and Assemblyman Hagman have agreed to amend his own already pro-gun AB373 into legislation that would repeal AB962. The newly amended AB373 will be heard in the State Legislature in January of 2010.
Cheaper Than Dirt! will keep you up-to-date with as much information about this situation as we possibly can. Please let us know if you have any questions about any of this.
DEBKAfile Special Report April 1, 2010, 12:08 AM (GMT+02:00)
Sources close to the Indian defense ministry in New Delhi disclosed Wednesday, March 31, that a military purchasing mission was in Israel recently to expedite the purchase of a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) armed with missiles, for deployment on its front lines against Pakistan.
Indian sources did not disclose the size of the order placed with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) - running to hundreds of millions of dollars - but they made no secret of their intention to build up their fleet of reconnaissance and killer drones for a possible duel against US-armed Predators in the hands of Pakistani forces.
Our military sources report that their reconnaissance and targeting features are sought by India for its response should the Americans decide to let Pakistan have drones capable of firing AGM-114 Hellfire missiles.
Together with the drones,
The visiting Indian delegation also discussed the possible introduction of Israeli Harop `killer' UAVs to the Indian Air Force from 2011. These drones can loiter six hours over targets on ground, sea or dense urban areas and strike them from different angles. The visitors checked on the progress of the DRDO unmanned gunship helicopter, a joint Indian-Israeli project on commission for both their air forces, which is under construction at an Israeli aerospace industry plant.
Questions Arise Over Army Bases’ Disposition of Surplus Cartridge Cases |
Thursday, April 01, 2010 |
Last week, NRA-ILA learned that quantities of once-fired small arms cartridge cases recovered from firing ranges on military bases, which by federal law the Department of Defense is prohibited from demilitarizing or destroying, were being sold for scrap. A governing law in this matter, developed with input from NRA-ILA, is a rider to the 2010 Department of Defense Appropriations Act. It stipulates that “None of the funds available to the Department of Defense may be used to demilitarize or dispose of M-1 Carbines, M-1 Garand rifles, M-14 rifles, .22 caliber rifles, .30 caliber rifles, or M-1911 pistols, or to demilitarize or destroy small arms ammunition or ammunition components that are not otherwise prohibited from commercial sale under Federal law, unless the small arms ammunition or ammunition components are certified by the Secretary of the Army or designee as unserviceable or unsafe for further use.” However, military bases are authorized to dispose of a variety of items, including surplus cartridge cases, via the Qualified Recycling Program, in place for more than a decade. NRA members will recall that it was one year ago when a bureaucratic glitch led to the Department of Defense temporarily suspending sales of once-fired cartridge cases, Montana’s U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester quickly conveyed to the Defense Logistics Agency their judgment that “The destruction of fired brass is unwarranted and has far reaching implications,” including its “impact on small businesses who sell reloaded ammunition utilizing these fired casings, and upon individual gun owners who purchase spent military brass at considerable cost savings for their personal use.” A summary of last year’s “demil” controversy can be reviewed here. Last week, NRA-ILA again contacted Senators Baucus and Tester to request that they investigate the current disposition of surplus small arms cartridge cases with a view to determining the best way to assure their continued provision to Americans who buy the cases for resale and reloading use. Jointly, Senators Baucus and Tester have made their concerns known to the Defense Logistics Agency and asked its chief to explain, by April 15, the extent which military installations have contracted with private companies for the scrapping of fired cartridge cases, whether such contracts comply with federal law, and what steps the agency is taking “to ensure that all interested buyers have the opportunity to purchased once-fired small arms cartridge cases.” NRA will continue working with members of Congress and the Pentagon to guarantee that the long-standing practice of making surplus military small arms cartridge cases available for reuse by reloaders continues in perpetuity. NRA members are encouraged to inform their U.S. Senators and Representatives that they expect Army bases to do everything possible to ensure the continued supply of once-fired cartridge cases through channels making them available to the public. You can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121 or use our "Write Your Representatives" tool. Click here to read the letter from Senators Baucus and Tester |
S&W 642 with cracked frame

Obama Muslim Bombshell
Forgotten boyhood photos of President Barack Obama's boyhood in Indonesia prove he was raised as a Muslim, angry critics charge. Now GLOBE has found the surprising pictures - and you can judge for yourself. It's must reading for every American.
Texas Town on High Alert as Mexican Town Across Border Braces for Cartel Gun Battle
- FOXNews.com
At least 30 residents of El Porvenir, located about four miles from the Texas border town of Fort Hancock, have crossed into the U.S. and asked for political asylum, telling authorities that they fear for their lives.
US President Barack Obama fails to sell $42 trillion US Health Care Revenue Anticipation Bond to Swiss banks in Zurich and Basel. Fake documents generated by White House cryptographer used forged signatures of US Senators and Congressmen. Obama attempts to use US Executive Order to prevent Swiss banking authorities from handing over his forged documents to International Court of Justice and other World-level legal regulators. Attempt fails. Copies circulate internationally. Senior Democrats whose signatures were forged agitate for Impeachment proceedings if Obama does not resign immediately.
The rubric of the failed $42 trillion US Health Care Revenue Anticipation Bond stipulated an expiry term of thirty five years. $2 trillion of the forged bond was destined for US Health Care. $40 trillion was earmarked for a personal Obama account. The collateral papers for the Revenue Anticipation Bond did not demonstrate rigorous source of funds coordinates. Forged signatures from forty sequestered Freedom Program accounts were involved. The cryptographer employed by the White House to generate the forged signatures reverse-engineered electronic signatures into graphomimetic images, transposed these into pen-and-ink manuscript signatures and affixed them to paper documents in the Revenue Anticipation Bond bundle. The result was the biggest dog's breakfast since the Schleswig-Holstein Question. There are problems with playing fast-and-loose with electronic signatures. This is especially the case if you are in a hurry and you do not know (or care) what you are doing. Electronic documents may be signed by the use of a mathematical function based on the document's data content, not just on the paw-print of the authorial signatory. An electronic signature is produced by performing a mathematical function on the document, or part of it, which identifies the signatory and authenticates the data content of the document. To be an effective signature, any modified document must be manifestable by the author only. Any attempt to vary the content of the document extra-authorially will automatically invalidate the signature. An electronic document is a string of ones and zeros. The document is secured by performing an encryption algorithm which has two inputs: the number series which represents the plaintext document, and a key, which is itself a number. A ciphertext results which is a series of different numbers. The utility of encryption as a means of signing electronic documents rests on the assumption that it is computationally infeasible to explore and subvert the encryption method, and thus forge the signature, within an expedient timeframe. More Obamagate background here (01.04.10) and here (31.03.10).
Largest fraud case in world history deliberately ignored by Western mainstream media. $3.87 trillion phantom shares lawsuit against US Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Shapiro and others actively suppressed in senior editorial offices. The Bivens action suit was filed on Friday 8th January 2010 by Pasadena attorney Al Hodges on behalf of CMKM Diamonds shareholders.
CMKM Diamonds was used by the US government as part of a covert sting operation – unbeknown to shareholders – to apprehend criminals for their offences. However, instead of prosecuting most of them, restitution deals were cut. CMKM was registered as a publicly traded diamond and gold mining company. By 2005, concrete evidence detailing fraud within the company emerged. CMKM sold hundreds of billions of unregistered shares (naked short selling) to third parties. One official estimate cites two trillion phantom shares and 40,000 shareholders as being involved. Eventually, the US Securities and Exchange Commission moved to delist CMKM stock, whose value never exceeded one penny per share. After several administrative proceedings, CMKM Diamonds stock was ultimately deregistered in October 2005. The legal status of a meeting held in Las Vegas and chaired by Robert A. Maheu is being questioned. In exchange for a US Government promise of no prosecution for phantom share sales in CMKM Diamonds, brokers, dealers, market makers and hedge fund managers promised to pay negotiated amounts to a frozen trust for disbursal at a later time. What happened to these trust monies is not clear. Robert A. Maheu was heart-attacked out in Las Vegas on Monday 4th August 2008, and died aged 90. The Central District of California Court document (08.01.10 - Case Number CV10-00031-JVS [MLGX]) can be viewed here. Deep background here (31.03.10), here (02.03.12), here (29.01.10) and here (09.01.10). And more about Bivens Actions (Constitutional Torts) can be found here.