Beretta Original Plastic Grips Cut in Half | |||||||||||||
We have decided to start cutting down the original Beretta plastic grips1/2 thickness for the 92fs model. The cost is $45 dollars with a turn around of one week. Please send both grip panels, 4 screws (to be cut down), and cash or money order made out to Teddy Jacobson. Please do NOT send the screw washers. No prior approval or communication with Teddy is required for grip reduction. We provide free return shipping. |
A number of photos on the net show stacks of large plastic boxes. Many suggest they are for 'mass burials.' As far as we know, no one has contacted the manufacturers and asked what they are for. They are large enough for 3-4 bodies but could also be used for storing grain, etc underground, or for other storage issues. What do you think? -Ed
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Overwhelmingly, Americans see Obama inviting attack
1st scientific survey on WMD response
shows most believe terror more likely
More here (17.04.10).
DEBKAfile Special Report April 21, 2010, 5:41 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Iran nuclear US-Iran
The internal debate in the Obama administration flared openly Wednesday, April 21, when US deputy defense secretary Michele Flournoy said: "The US has ruled out a military strike against Iran's nuclear program any time soon " - only to be contradicted a few hours later by the Pentagon spokesman, who said the United States had never dropped its military option against Iran's nuclear program. She had had clearly told a news conference in Singapore: "Military force is an option of last resort, it's off the table in the near term." Instead, said Flournoy, the
This exchange gave the impression of indecision and confusion at the top of the Obama administration on its
This reversal was first seen in Tehran as a beckoning finger at America's open door for Iran to return to the negotiating table - Monday and Tuesday, April 19-20, Iran's foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced his government is willing to go back to talks with the United States and other powers on a deal for its enriched uranium.
But then, Iranian officialdom decided that the storm of controversy in the Obama administration was a trick to put them to sleep. They claim, mainly on the strength of Russian intelligence sources, that a gradual US military buildup is taking place in Persian Gulf waters that will reach its peak in June and early July. This suspicion dictated the mission set the Revolutionary Guards for its large-scale naval exercise which began Thursday, April 22, of defending Iran from seaborne attack.
But if the Obama administration opts for negotiations, it will find
Fourney's statement that the United States is counting on UN sanctions to deter Iran likewise plays into Tehran's hands, because it removes the second bludgeon hanging over Iran's heads, that of US penalties outside the world body. This is the only remaining option since most of the informed sources quoted by US media in the past week view the administration's hopes of Russia and China coming around to tough UN sanctions as non-starters.
This wholesale US retreat on
However, Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that
What Quality? = There is none in the current production SW revolvers. My opinion only, make your own decision... If you want an SW revolver I suggest you look for an old one from an estate... They are out there and some are "NIB".

Another Ron Brown Type Plane 'Accident'
Polish Crash Video Shows Survivors Murdered
Polish Crash Videographer Assassinated!
How The Army 'Helps' Combat Veterans Adjust After Deployment - ...........................................................................................................................................................
- ********************************************************************************************
The image Microsoft doesn't want you to see: Too tired to stay awake, the Chinese workers earning just 34p an hour
US goes high-tech to redesign the $100 bill
State-sponsored assassinations: A time to KILL
********************************************************************************************President Bill Clinton (US corporation) flew to Tokyo in middle of April 2010 to cash $134.5 billion tranche of Kennedy bonds. Attempt failed. Clinton not allowed to get off plane. Battle for control of Bank of Japan now raging. Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa under pressure to sign lawful documents to release global prosperity funds. Shirakawa, bought and paid for by the US corporation, is resisting on orders from Washington DC. Most futures markets, including gold and silver, are trading money at one hundred plus times nominal value of underlying assets. Global financial system to be reset to 1916 status to correct US Federal Reserve Board's international manipulation and extortion.
The $134.5 billion tranche of Kennedy bonds was seized from two Japanese-connected diplomats on Wednesday 3rd June 2009, in Chiasso, Italy. The US private corporation intended to use the money to finance an “orange revolution” in Iran.
Makarov! Well Worth the Money!
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The Revolver: Obsolete or Enduring?
Comparison: 9x18mm Makarov & .380 Bersa Thunder Duo-Tone
A Comparison of 9x18mm Makarov, .380 ACP, and .38 Special (2" barrel)
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Range Evaluation: Ruger GP100 w/3" Barrel
Have No Faith in Your Defensive Handgun Caliber or Load!
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Making the J-Frame .38 Snub Work
Corbon .38 Special 110-gr. DPX Ammunition
Corbon .45 ACP 185-gr. DPX from SIG-Sauer P220 & 5" 1911
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Corbon .45 ACP "Compact Gun Load" 160-gr. DPX
Range Evaluation: Ruger SP101 w/3 1/16" Barrel
Bersa Thunder .380 with Corbon 80-gr. DPX Ammunition
Handgun Review: Rohrbaugh R9 9mm
9mm vs. 38 Special: The Cartridges & the Guns
.38 Special Expansion Tests (Water)
A Look at Corbon .357 Magnum 125-gr. DPX Ammunition
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Corbon .44 Special 200-gr. DPX
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Single-Action vs. Double-Action Automatics
Personal Choices in .45 ACP Ammunition
Taurus 1911 & Ruger P345 by Aaron Brudenell
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HK P7: A Triumph of Technology over Marketability? (by David Tong)
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Range Report: SIG-Sauer P-220 SAS (DAK)
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Tuff Products: Update on "Pocket-Roo" Snub Revolver Holster
Dan Wesson Patriot: 8 Years Later
Federal .45 ACP 230-gr. Hydrashok Field-Report: Failure to Expand
Shooting the Beretta 9mm PX4 Storm
.................................................................................................................................................................... Tags: spacecraft US Air Force
Blastoff of the unmanned X-37B space plane from Kennedy Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in
The duration and exact nature of the Orbital Test Vehicle's mission have not been disclosed by the US Air Force Capabilities Office which oversees the project. Some space experts are calling its launch the onset of the "weaponization" or militarization" of space. Our military experts describe the X-37B as the first unmanned space craft able to carry out combat missions outside Earth.
The X-37B will be launched Thursday by an Atlas-5 rocket. Originally built by Boeing's Phantom Works Division as NASA X-37, the space agency closed it down when funding ran out and turned the space plane over to the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In 2006, the Air Force took over the prototype.
JTF hopes to build a righteous right-wing Gentile movement!
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