You have been had - its all pre ordained and the very worst is yet to come. Be sure your survival bag is up to date especially your water filter and an extra element or two...Big Berkey Water filter made in England is the best...
and hell descended |
ORIGINAL CAPTION: Apocalyptic: A black column of ash is pictured over the farm of Drangshlid at Eyjafjoll, Iceland |
Tancredo to tea partiers: Send Obama back to Kenya
Gibbs: 'I could probably fill the better part of my afternoons responding to the lunacy'
--The Hill
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Justice Clarence Thomas: We're 'evading' eligibility
Does testimony hint at division behind Supreme Court's doors?
Please God speak to us, lead us and help us to save as many as possibly.
jerry golden
Erev Rav: Return to Sender
After Paroah sent the people (ha-umm) away... (Shemos 13:17)
At first glance, the above verse is talking about the Jewish people. But, as the Ohr HaChaim points out, when the Torah refers to "the people," it means the "Mixed Multitude"--the Erev Rav-- that left with the Jewish people.
Who was the Erev Rav? According to the Ohr HaChaim, they were spies sent along by Paroah to sow seeds of dissension among the ranks of Jews. They were the rabble-rousers, and, though, they may not have been successful at making the Jewish people return to Egypt (which, they came close to doing), they were the cause of Moshe's failure to enter Eretz Yisroel, and the delaying of the Final Redemption. To make a long, painful story short, they represent one of the biggest stumbling blocks in the path of the Jewish nation.
That's right, "represent"--present tense.
This is because the Erev Rav did not die off in the desert, at least not spiritually. "Erev Rav" is a concept, and is a title that can be given to any Jew that tries to dissuade other Jews from belief in Sinaitic Torah, and the Final Redemption. That's what the Erev Rav did in the desert, and that is what the Erev Rav has done in every generation.
The Jewish people have had many enemies from within-- we are a nation with as many splinter groups over the millennia as there have been peoples. (Well, at least it seems that way.) However, what makes the Erev Rav stand out is their motto:
"These are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of Egypt!" (Shemos 32:4)
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Eligibility challenger
to go public today ...
You'll have chance to speak
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WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Look how much money illegals milking you for
Amount expected to rocket
if Democrats grant amnesty
Freedom, Thank a VET!!! Joined: Jan 2010 From: Mid-West Posts: 1,076 | I too will echo the sounds of those who have had problems with P.M.C. ammo! It is also Dirty and leaves a lot of residue on your pistol and in your pistol. No more PMC ammo. |
| #30 |
Joined: Feb 2010 From: So. Illinois Posts: 36 | I can't even begin to estimate the number of rounds of Winchester White Box I've shot, from 9mm, .38sp, .45acp and .357 to .223 and have never had a round not fire. |
| #31 |
Freedom, Thank a VET!!! Joined: Jan 2010 From: Mid-West Posts: 1,076 | We had a lot of problems with HORNADY "Self-Defense" ammo last summer. Calibers being the .380-auto and 9mm Luger. Reported it to Hornady but they just took the information and said thank you. We got NO refund or any new ammo from them. Now at the price we paid for that "self-defense" ammo, I would have thought they would give us a refund or something. NO MORE Hornady ammo for us!!! |
| #32 |
Joined: Jan 2010 From: New Jersey Posts: 35 | There's only one brand that I'll never buy again; PMC Bronze. Outside of being filthy, it turns my P95 into a flame thrower. Funny thing about ammo, what works for me, may not work for another shooter with the same gun. My favorite target ammo is sellier & bellot, which some people hate. |
Israel Declares 'Hizbullah a division of Syrian army'
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 19, 2010, 2:18 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags: Hillary Clinton Israel
President Barack Obama has done away with two key elements of US-Israeli strategic relations: His administration has given up on stiff UN Security Council sanctions on Iran over its nuclear drive, and gone back on the longstanding American commitment assuring Israel of recognized and defensible borders in any future accommodation with its Arab neighbors.
In the administration's message of congratulations to Israel on its 62nd Day of Independence, US Secretary of state Hillary Clinton mentions "recognized borders" while omitting the traditional "defensible."
debka file's Washington sources report that following the talks held by Presidents Obama and Hu Jintao in Washington last week, the Administration is apparently engaged in a debate about whether to push for tough sanctions against Iran at the Security Council and run into opposition from China and other countries - or go for a quick UN General Assembly resolution, which would be non-binding.
The view William Burns, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, offered the House foreign affairs committee last week was that a UN resolution would clear the way for the European Union and other countries to "amplify the impact" of whatever sanctions are agreed on. Burns avoided mentioning the Security Council and indicated that the administration had little hope of any effective action on
It will be recalled that President Obama twice asked
The last deadline was in December, 2009.
Yet on Monday, April 19, clearly lagging behind events in
He was answering questions in a radio interview on Israel's annual day of mourning for its fallen servicemen
Neither he nor any other Israeli leader commented on an equally serious setback for Israel in Washington, which emerge from a conspicuous omission in Clinton's message of congratulations for Israel's Independence Day, which is celebrated Monday night and Tuesday:
"I have a deep personal commitment to
By omitting "defensible borders" from her message, she spoke for the first
This key omission led to another worrying question about
Armed with the truth, we can save the Jewish homeland!
There is no "Palestine" (Part 1 of 2) | There is no "Palestine" (Part 2 of 2) | Is Yesha occupied or liberated? (Part 1 of 2) | Is Yesha occupied or liberated? (Part 2 of 2) |
There are no Arab "moderates" (Part 1 of 2) | There are no Arab "moderates" (Part 2 of 2) | Unmasking the real Ariel Sharon | Saving the Gaza District will save Israel |
Sharon's Likud victory proves Feiglin is wrong | "Right-wing" Avigdor Lieberman urges Israeli surrender | Who will lead against Ariel Sharon? | Abbas and PLO continue Arafat's Nazi terror |
The traitors who run the Yesha Council | A Jewish hero named Adir Zik | Sharon's plan: Imprison Yesha Jews | Desecrating and sanctifying Holocaust victims |
What JTF tells its young Jewish listeners | Arab Muslim money controls the Israeli media | Sharon bribes Israeli soldiers to expel Yesha Jews | When Jewish billionaires help Arab Muslim Nazis |
Hilltop Youth's new resistance stuns Israeli army | G-d punishes the traitor Ariel Sharon | G-d gives Hamas terrorists election victory | The heroic Jewish youth of Amona |
Jewish civil war in Israel (Part 1) | Jewish civil war in Israel (Part 2) | Jewish civil war in Israel (Part 3) | Why Jews believe in G-d |
Israel funds Hamas Muslim terrorists | Ben Pesach speech interrupted (Part 1) | Ben Pesach speech interrupted (Part 2) | Ben Pesach speech interrupted (Part 3) |
Why Israel cannot win | As JTF predicted Israel loses Lebanon war | Israel's image damaged by Lebanon defeat | Black Nazi Nelson Mandela |
True Zionists oppose all foreign aid | An Israeli treason story beyond belief | Who was responsible for Rabin's assassination? | Black African Nazi Bishop Desmond Tutu |
Why self-hating Jews want to destroy Israel | Why Jews must oppose gun control | Netanyahu did not learn from history |
Germany’s defense minister has announced plans for a structural reform of the German military that would improve the effectiveness of the country’s armed forces.
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg explained on Monday that the Bundeswehr is currently able to deploy only 7,000 to 9,000 of its 247,000 troops because the lion’s share of them are needed either at domestic posts or as relief for soldiers already on international missions. Under the new framework, the military would be streamlined, and more German soldiers would be freed up for overseas missions.
“The aim is not to reinvent the Bundeswehr,” the minister said. “In particular, it is about optimizing the personal and financial resources at our disposal.”
Since the end of the Cold War, reforms have been put into place that have downsized the German military, but Guttenberg said these modifications have not been entirely successful. He backed his words by appointing a new Bundeswehr commission to improve the efficiency of command lines, procurement and structures of the German armed forces. The commission is to finalize its proposals by the end of the year.
Guttenberg also spoke in favor of constant updates to German weaponry and equipment, particularly for troops based in Afghanistan, according to Germany’s Local. Responding to criticism about insufficient equipment contributing to the April 2 death of three soldiers in Kunduz, Guttenberg said Bundeswehr forces in Afghanistan will receive up to 200 new armored vehicles this year.
“We must always optimize,” Guttenberg said. “It’s a constant process.”
The latest three deaths bring the total number of German soldiers killed in the nato-led mission to 39 since the invasion in 2001.
During a memorial service for the soldiers, Guttenberg violated a political taboo by referring to Germany’s military involvement in Afghanistan as a “war.”
“What we experienced on Good Friday would understandably be called ‘war’ by most people—and me too,” said Guttenberg. He gave a touching testimonial to the soldiers, with language rarely used in postwar Germany: “I was trying to explain my sorrow to my daughter on Good Friday and she asked me if the three young men were ‘courageous heroes’ of our country and whether it was okay to be proud of them,” said Guttenberg, fighting back tears.
“I answered both questions, not politically, but instead simply with ‘yes,’” he said.
Officially, German leaders maintain that “German foreign policy is a peace policy.” But the reality is that, during the last two decades, the Bundeswehr has been propelled into a new era. Its first experiences with large-scale deployment came in the Balkans during the late 1990s. The current Afghanistan conflict represents new challenges and broader opportunities for the German military and the ambitious young defense minister at its helm.
These scheduled reforms, and this bolder language are evidence that Germany is undergoing a rapid and dangerous transformation of its foreign policy. The whole world will be greatly affected by its steadily morphing shape. Expect the military empowerment of Germany and its proxy, the European Union, to continue to make great strides of growth. To understand more about this alarming trend and why it ultimately points to the greatest hope this world could ever know, read Germany and the Holy Roman Empire. •