Sheriffs want lists of patients using painkillers
...................................................................................PREVIEW OF NEW KNIVES BEING PRODUCED
NSA: U.S. Must Secure the Internet
...................................................................................Get out of US stocks. The stockmarket is a machine playground. Indexers, robots and high frequency trading algorithms are front-running the action, rigging prices and stuffing quotes. The US market is no longer a safe place for human beings or genuine retail investors.
The markets have become so badly distorted that their price discovery function and, therefore, the information-content around them no longer has any value. People are afraid to allocate capital because they cannot get good information from the markets. In effect, the US and policy intervention from homebuyer tax credit, cash for clunkers, quantitative easing, and mortgage purchases have destroyed the markets; they no longer give us valuable information. You have indexers and robots. Is anybody else trading the stockmarket? The markets have become self-referential algos playing themselves out. It is almost the way you would run a self-recursive equation on a computer. You get very unpredictable results from very simple equations. The US stockmarket has degenerated into a joke. The market is not reflecting fundamentals, because there are no fundamental traders left. The whole thing is an October 1929-style accident waiting to happen. More here (08.09.10).
Even America's liberal elites concede that Obama's Presidency is crumbling
...................................................................................Generation of nuclear EMP (PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM WIKIPEDIA)
Several major factors control the effectiveness of a nuclear EMP weapon. These are:
- The altitude of the weapon when detonated;
- The yield and construction details of the weapon;
- The distance from the weapon when detonated;
- Geographical depth or intervening geographical features;
- The local strength of the Earth's magnetic field.
Beyond a certain altitude a nuclear weapon will not produce any EMP, as the gamma rays will have had sufficient distance to disperse. In deep space or on worlds with no magnetic field (the moon or Mars for example) there will be little or no EMP. This has implications for certain kinds of nuclear rocket engines, such as Project Orion.
Weapon altitude
According to an internet primer published by the Federation of American Scientists[26]
- A high-altitude nuclear detonation produces an immediate flux of gamma rays from the nuclear reactions within the device. These photons in turn produce high energy free electrons by Compton scattering at altitudes between (roughly) 20 and 40 km. These electrons are then trapped in the Earth's magnetic field, giving rise to an oscillating electric current. This current is asymmetric in general and gives rise to a rapidly rising radiated electromagnetic field called an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Because the electrons are trapped essentially simultaneously, a very large electromagnetic source radiates coherently.
- The pulse can easily span continent-sized areas, and this radiation can affect systems on land, sea, and air. The first recorded EMP incident accompanied a high-altitude nuclear test over the South Pacific and resulted in power system failures as far away as Hawaii. A large device detonated at 400–500 km (250 to 312 miles) over Kansas would affect all of the continental U.S. The signal from such an event extends to the visual horizon as seen from the burst point.
Thus, for equipment to be affected, the weapon needs to be above the visual horizon. Because of the nature of the pulse as a large, long, high powered, noisy spike, it is doubtful that there would be much protection if the explosion were seen in the sky just below the tops of hills or mountains.
The altitude indicated above is greater than that of the International Space Station and many low Earth orbit satellites. Large weapons could have a dramatic impact on satellite operations and communications; smaller weapons have less such potential.
Weapon yield
Typical nuclear weapon yields used during Cold War planning for EMP attacks were in the range of 1 to 10 megatons (4.2 to 42 PJ)[27] This is roughly 50 to 500 times the sizes of the weapons the United States used in Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Physicists have testified at United States Congressional hearings, however, that weapons with yields of 10 kilotons (42 TJ) or less can produce a very large EMP.[28]
The EMP at a fixed distance from a nuclear weapon does not depend directly on the yield but at most only increases as the square root of the yield (see the illustration to the right). This means that although a 10 kiloton weapon has only 0.7% of the total energy release of the 1.44-megaton Starfish Prime test, the EMP will be at least 8% as powerful. Since the E1 component of nuclear EMP depends on the prompt gamma ray output, which was only 0.1% of yield in Starfish Prime but can be 0.5% of yield in pure fission weapons of low yield, a 10 kiloton bomb can easily be 5 x 8% = 40% as powerful as the 1.44 megaton Starfish Prime at producing EMP.[22]
The total prompt gamma ray energy in a fission explosion is 3.5% of the yield, but in a 10 kiloton detonation the high explosive around the bomb core absorbs about 85% of the prompt gamma rays, so the output is only about 0.5% of the yield in kilotons. In the thermonuclear Starfish Prime the fission yield was less than 100% to begin with, and then the thicker outer casing absorbed about 95% of the prompt gamma rays from the pusher around the fusion stage. Thermonuclear weapons are also less efficient at producing EMP because the first stage can pre-ionize the air[22] which becomes conductive and hence rapidly shorts out the electron Compton currents generated by the final, larger yield thermonuclear stage. Hence, small pure fission weapons with thin cases are far more efficient at causing EMP than most megaton bombs.
This analysis, however, only applies to the fast E1 and E2 components of nuclear EMP. The geomagnetic storm-like E3 component of nuclear EMP is more closely proportional to the total energy yield of the weapon.[29]
Weapon distance
A unique and important aspect of nuclear EMP is that all of the components of the electromagnetic pulse are generated outside of the weapon. The important E1 component is generated by interaction with the electrons in the upper atmosphere that are hit by gamma radiation from the weapon — and the subsequent effects upon those electrons by the Earth's magnetic field.[26]
For high-altitude nuclear explosions, this means that much of the EMP is actually generated at a large distance from the detonation (where the gamma radiation from the explosion hits the upper atmosphere). This causes the electric field from the EMP to be remarkably uniform over the large area affected.
Gerald Celente Calls Out General Petraeus On Koran Warning Hypocrisy
...................................................................................US Courts Legalize CIA Abduction, Overseas Detention, Torture Of Innocent American Citizens
...................................................................................AMERICA IS IN A STATE OF DENIAL
Obama Has Added More to National Debt Than Washington Thru Reagan -- COMBINED
Claims of Recovery But Results Nowhere To Be Found
***********************************************************************************Jeremiah Chapter 50 יִרְמְיָהוּ
Mayor Bloomberg Still Wants Ground Zero Mosque Even After Hamas Connection
Iran is secretly moving some of its most sensitive nuclear research facilities and materials from Tehran and the Arak heavy water plant to huge storage areas around the new nuclear reactor at Bushehr, along with advanced missiles from the southern province of Khuzestan, debkafile discloses.
The fueling of the reactor since inaugurated Aug. 21 makes the location safe from air or missile attack for fear of environmental radiation. Tehran is exploiting this advantage.
Read more...................................................................................
Terrorists attacking US troops in Iraq are masterminded, trained and abetted by officers of the Lebanese Hizballah. A US intelligence source told debkafile Monday, Sept. 6: "Hizballah is striking US targets in Iraq as sub-contractor for Iran and Syria."Our sources report Hizballah is spearheading their drive to resuscitate the Eastern Front which threatened Israel in the days of Saddam Hussein. Its contemporary form would be led from Tehran.
Read moreGenesis Chapter 12 בְּרֵאשִׁית
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Shock plan: Palestinians scheduled to govern Jews
Netanyahu secretly proposed
new plot in talks with Obama
The Reckless Mess Created by The Fed
Iran pays $1,000 for each U.S. soldier killed by the Taliban
The Establishment Media Smear Machine Is Officially Dead
CAROLINE KENNEDY is so ticked off at the OBAMAs she coldly snubbed them during the family's recent vacation to Martha's Vineyard, sources tell The ENQUIRER.